Anyone already lost a significant amount of weight? Help

I'm 18, I've struggled with my weight since I can remember... but I am ready to make changes and become healthier, as I recently discovered I have heart problems on top of my Asthma. My weight has held me back from so much and I'm ready to better myself...
I've attempted to lose weight before but failed.. I think hearing from some people who have already lost a significant amount of weight will help to motivate me and help me along this journey. . Any tips or advice is appreciated!


  • keriannhb
    keriannhb Posts: 6 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose. I have been logging in and tracking my foods now for 20 days. In that 20 days I have lost 13 lbs!
    So yes, I think if you are really conscious about what you are eating and stick to it, you will lose weight.
    Good luck!!
  • Thanks so much for your reply, good luck to you.
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    I've lost 71 on MFP and 77 altogether since a little before joining MFP. I used WW as well to kick start everything and my key to success is tracking everything I eat. I track here and in a notebook. When you're tracking you'll be more aware of all the good and bad you're eating. My biggest weakness was quantity not as much quality. I also have a food scale I use so that helps. Another thing I did was got rid of everything in big clothes as I lost weight. Sounds expensive to get a new wardrobe. It actually wasn't too bad because I bought everything at a second hand store that sells all their shirts for $3 and pants for $4.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I have lost a significant amount of weight. And still have a significant amount to lose!

    My advice would be, stick to your calorie goal (get as close to it as possible), drink plenty of water, and allow yourself some treats amongst healthy eating most of the time! This is a lifestyle choice, not a diet, so try not to deny yourself everything you enjoy!!

    I don't know how much you can exercise with your health issues, but I lost the first 40 pounds sitting in a wheelchair, not being able to walk at all so you don't need to. However, exercise is good for the mind and body so any little you can do is great!

    You can do this too! :flowerforyou:
  • g1lmour
    g1lmour Posts: 19
    Yeah, I'm 20 and decided I need to do something about it. It's taking its time, but I've lost over 9kg in 7 weeks. (Around 21lbs) As long as you are honest with yourself, and track everything you do (even the bad days) you will learn what is good for you, and where you can improve. Just make it a habit, every time you eat something, log it. At the end of each week, weigh yourself and assess whether it's been a good week or a bad one, then try to improve.

    Good luck, it's all about sticking to the calories and not going drastically over all the time. It's very hard to fail when you've got the motivation.

    Feel free to add me guys for motivation etc and help me out too!
  • I highly rec spending time each morning and throughout the day feeding your brain success stories and before/after pictures on these boards. It helps keep it in the forefront of your mind that THIS WORKS! You'll see how many people are succeeding and accomplishing amazing changes. You will realize you can do it too.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    i didnt read any of the other comments but the first thing you need to do is check the excuses at the door. the next thing you should do is change the way you eat. The final thing you should do is begin to exercise around your physical condition. If your body only allows you to walk on the treadmill or around your neighborhood for 10 or 15 minutes than do that. after a few weeks of that 10 -15 minutes your body will become stronger and then you will be able to go a little longer and then a little longer and before you know it you will be jogging and doing things you probably never thought you could do.

    The most important thing you must first do though is stop making excuses for yourself. After that it becomes easier day by day.

    Good luck.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Weigh and measure all your intake in the beginnng. It took me awhile realize a 1/2 cup of something did not fill my plate. :) Log into MFP and be honest with yourself.

    Best to you and your journey,
    Shirley in Oregon
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    You have made the first step, You are at the right place to lose weight and be healthy. Follow MFP suggestions and make sure you eat enough(yes that is a big problem) move as much as you can, not neccesarily exercise but move. Once you start to lose weight then work in some exercise and start slowly, work up to big workouts. You can do it. There are hundreds if not thousands of people on this site who have lost 75+ pounds. Good luck
  • taitmamly
    taitmamly Posts: 19
    I lost five and a half stone last year if that counts as significant lol

    My best tool was my phone, I kept an eye out for really good apps to keep me motivated in healthy eating and weight loss. Some of my favourites are Zombies! Run!, BeFoodSmart, Daily Cardio workout and (of course!) MyFitnessPal. I try to vary the exercise regularly to keep the calorie burn up so I didn't plateau but I do tend to return to 'pop pilates' from Blogilates (you can find her videos on youtube) because you get results so quickly from her workouts.

    I also recommend keeping on track but allow yourself little treats every now and then - if you don't you won't stick to it. Also, in my head I never once called it a diet because diets fail - especially when you finish them and go back to your previous habits! I made lifestyle changes and stuck to them so I wouldn't gain back.

    If the appetite is being a real problem, I recommend Amanda Stanhope's 'I can make you slim' hypnosis cd/ app - I found ti useful for curbing the excesses in the first few months
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    You can do this. My advice is to think about what changes you can make, maybe even start with small ones, that lead to a healthier lifestyle than what you've had up to this point. I think that being super strict and trying to change everything about yourself that you've ever disliked all at once can lead to failure. And feel free to add me, I've lost quite a bit, but I still have a long way to go. I'm in it for the long haul, and I hope you will be, too.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself for starting. When I was 18 I weighed in the 270s. My best advice is now to never give up! Even when you have set backs, just acknowledge it, put it behind you, and move on. Also, I found keeping a journal was really helpful.
  • Thank you!
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    I've lost 62 lbs so far, 48 on my own and 14 since being on MFP (4 weeks).
    I work out 6 days per week and I try to eat at the caloric goal set up on MFP. I log EVERYTHING. I log it as I'm eating it, and in your case, that's probably the best thing you can do. I do pretty strenuous workouts (Insanity, P90X, Turbofire, lots of kickboxing cardio etc) so I don't recommend you do that because of your health issues... so my best advice is to log everything you eat and make sure you are eating at a caloric deficit. It's something to get used to, but I promise that it becomes second nature. Try yo stay positive and don't give up!
  • Congrats on your weight loss &thanks SO much:-)
  • Hopefully, me chiming in can also help inspire you. i was in the same boat for years and years. I've lost 119 since December 6th 2012 and continue to strive for that last 30-40 pounds. You're younger than I am, by about 6 years, so take it from me; the best time to start is now [before some serious health risks become a factor that you'll regret not avoiding].
  • My health issues weren't my excuse but one of my motivations for starting to get healthy. Thanks so much for your reply!
  • aaa888bbb
    aaa888bbb Posts: 2
    I have lost 120 lbs. I lost the first bit down about 30 lbs and stayed there for about 2 years, then I had a really stressful period and suddenly changed from a stress eater to not feeling at all like eating and got down to a size 8-10 (175) last year. I weigh about 122 today and am a size 0-2. I eat very low fat, no dairy, calorie count and jog every single day and its taking me that much just to maintain so it's still a lot of work. I was overweight very overweight, about 200 lbs for almost all of my 30's and I can tell you that it changed me in ways I didn't realize how much my weight affected my mindset and I thought of myself as pretty confident in spite of it, I know now that I wasn't. Good luck and keep at it, it really is worth it.
  • Definitely inspiring, thanks so much for the motivation:-)
  • I have lost 120 lbs. I lost the first bit down about 30 lbs and stayed there for about 2 years, then I had a really stressful period and suddenly changed from a stress eater to not feeling at all like eating and got down to a size 8-10 (175) last year. I weigh about 122 today and am a size 0-2. I eat very low fat, no dairy, calorie count and jog every single day and its taking me that much just to maintain so it's still a lot of work. I was overweight very overweight, about 200 lbs for almost all of my 30's and I can tell you that it changed me in ways I didn't realize how much my weight affected my mindset and I thought of myself as pretty confident in spite of it, I know now that I wasn't. Good luck and keep at it, it really is worth it.

    Thanks, I can't wait to start seeing results. .