

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, what a hoot!

    Pip, take care of yourself!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pip going to the ER is never fun. Double when you are on vacation. Take care. Thanks for keeping us informed we were worried about you.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Selena ~ All of our hearts go out to you and you DH. You've both had to deal with way too much. I read your article and can empathize how you felt.

    JanetM ~ You look like a different person with the new haircut. Fabulous change!

    Chris ~ I've been there with you on the birthday sadness. One year no one in my immediate family remembered and I felt sad all day hoping someone would. Didn't need a party, just wanted someone to note.

    Sylvia ~ So glad you got the sofa up to your son. Also, in a post that went Poof, I said how nice it was that your husband enjoys taking walks with you on your vacation.

    Michelle ~ Born and raised in Georgia and had so many unusual to most people sayings.

    Well, I am selling my mom's clothes on eBay. Opened a store and already listed quite a few.

    Carol ~ GA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ooooooo Pip, that's not fun! Has to have one good result - no weight gain! :bigsmile:

    Selena - just want to add my hugs to all the others. Wish we could put old heads on all these shoulders, but we can't. Hope your DD is coping. Good luck with the book tour and publicity. :flowerforyou:

    Phew! Just got in from the garden. Planted our broccoli, then guess what I saw? Yes, a cabbage white butterfly. Before I had even planted the things it had laid eggs on a leaf. Grrrrrrrr! We put up a bamboo cage like Penny's and draped our old nets over while we sre waiting for the fine ones to arrive from Amazon.
    The runner beans have lots of flowers and we harvested a magnificent crop of huge garlic bulbs. The blackcurrant is still delivering. Happy me!
    So burnt quite a few calories out there on top of my yoga. :D

    No call yet from the restaurant, but there's time.
    Lisa - sounds like a HUGE job. Will you be able to keep on with the book, or will you shelve it for a bit? The warehouse sounds tremendous value! ! ! ! !

    Got to think about my nails for Thursday. :laugh: Will file and condition today. Tomorrow I commit to finishing them off and firing up my laptop to download photos and documents that have been languishing too long. :ohwell: I will also creste a document for my memoir. Yeah! :drinker:

    Duck legs tonight with stir fried cabbage, onion, garlic and tomatoes with cumin, fennel and onion seeds. :bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Ooooooo Pip, that's not fun! Has to have one good result - no weight gain! :bigsmile:

    Heather UK

    my first laugh, thanks - lololol
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Dang, Pip... SO glad you're back, and glad you're headed for OK, if not there yet. Take care.

    Heather ... if I take the job on, I will shelve it, but cling to my writer's workshop meetings for some sanity. It took 12 years for me to publish PIG, I guess Flak Be Nimble can hang on for 12 weeks... I just do NOT multitask at that level very well. It's why my business life was quite successful--focus is my forte.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Michele: I never thought about glue melting styrofoam...let me know what your expert thinks. The idea with the noodle and covers sounds great.

    Carol NB:Do you need to go back to work or do you have some financial support for medical leave?

    Joyce: Yep, the water tastes salty, sort of like gargling with salt water. :smile: Can't say I know what water from the ocean tastes like to make a comparison.

    JanetM: I think the hair cut suits you and it certainly makes you look years younger. Thank you for sharing those pics!

    Pip: I'm so glad that you are OK. Take care of yourself!

    Katla:I'd be wearing those bike shorts while I was spinning too... :smile:

    Tai Chi and laundry are on the agenda today. My get up and go has got up and went! I want it back!

    Thought for the day:“A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


    July Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for July - Increasing protein to 130g per day. Do one week at a time so that can adjust as I go.

    2. Log all meals - try to pre-log to get a better handle on calories for the day

    3.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Family reunion - 3 days of fun and hard work
    • W2: Tai Chi with friend who will start beginners and needs some company. Hot Stone Massage
    • W3: Lunch with cousins, surprise Dad for his birthday
    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Pip....welcome back! Take care of that noggin of yours! We need you and your humor here! :)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbie, that is interesting about Sasha. Glad you got it taken care of. My biggest boy rubs his ears in the grass often so I could see that happening to him. I agree that rest and proper nutrition help stress but feel like it’s a Catch 22. When we are stressed it’s often hard to get good sleep and we aren’t as likely to eat right. Got to do the best we can.

    Michele, we can’t wait to see the turtle!!! smiley-laughing018.gif Again, I think you are a good friend to take your friend for her surgery and to take some food for her for after. Gosh, If I still lived in Charlotte we could get together. Sorry about Bryan, but at least you didn’t expect a call.

    Janetr, I’m thinking about Pip also. It’s strange to not hear from her, so I sure hope all is okay.

    Julie, welcome. This is a wonderful place for support and information. The one thing I have learned is that I will have to stay on this journey and logging my food for the rest of my life. I know if I don’t, I’d gain back also. I am type II diabetic, like a number of the ladies here, and since I’ve been on this journey I’ve been able to cut my metformin in half. My goal is to get off it totally when I lose enough weight. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want us to call you and a location, general or specific. You can do this, so good luck.

    JanetM, congrats on the baggy size 14s! Don’t ya love it??? OMG, I love your hair cut! It might be just me but I think it makes you look younger. You look fantastic and skinny. I wanna get skinny. humpie.gif

    Joyce, you are so right that Charlie doesn’t need to be eating Pizza often. I agree with being so thankful for the life I have. I too have been somewhat sheltered as to all the problems going on right under my nose. And my heart goes out to those here that are suffering all sorts of issues.

    Allison, at least now you know what’s been going on with Tom. When it is something like that I think the lack of control over our bodies is what scares us the most. I do hope it turns out to be minor and glad he’s getting it checked.

    Kate, glad for the improved mood and that the damage wasn’t what you thought. You are right that you can do this. Just be aware and when you notice a binge, stop it in its tracks.

    Heather, I agree that if you plan your own BD Celebration it will be what you want. For many years I celebrated for the entire week of my birthday. Now, It’s only a few days. Lol I hope your DH has the time of his life at his party.

    Penny, hang in there with the crowd and just try to enjoy.

    Lisa, sounds like some exciting possibilities in your future. The job sounds interesting for sure. Tell us more about the property. What would ya’ll do with the warehouse? How big is the apartment? Etc. Sending good thought for all your possibilities.

    MJ, welcome and glad to have you. You can join us at any time and there is just a new room opened each month. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. Please post your name that you want to be called and your location at the end of each post. Come often and you’ll find great support.

    Sylvia, that picture is hilarious! smiley-laughing001.gif Molly doesn’t look like she cared one way or the other.

    Pip, so glad to hear from you!!! tooth.gif Do you know the cause of the black out?? Please take care of yourself and keep up posted. ((((Hugs))))

    Carol, good for you on selling your mom’s clothes. You are doing the right thing.

    Chris, bday.gif Make it a good one for yourself if no one else does.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Went to Doctors office to have blood work this morning. Will get results next week. This afternoon is my second line dance class. It is great exercise so I’m looking forward to it. Just hope I can stay on my feet and not trip anybody. yes.gif

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, I'm so glad you are back among us. Four pages with no Pip makes for a sad thread. I'm sorry to hear you had an accident. Hope you feel tip-top very soon.

    This morning I went walking with my friend, and my son called upset. His wife(?) called him drunk at 6:30 am and told him she is ready to ask for in-patient rehab. So, he is going to try to help her. Just when he thinks he done with her she pulls him back in. So now he is having a devil of a time trying to get her into rehab. They are legally separated so nobody will talk to him about her or let him schedule appointments for her. What a mess.

    I got home from walking and was just about to jump in the shower when hubby called. His car battery was dead in the parking lot of the Y. So, off I run with the jumper cables. We got it started and I followed him up to Autozone to get a new battery. By that time, I was running late to pick up the kids for swimming. Got there and the kids couldn't find their flip flops, so we were about 10 minutes late for swim lessons.

    I dropped them off at the door and told them to go on in and I would park and bring in the towels. When I got inside I saw the sweetest thing! My little grandson was struggling to carry a chair over to the sliding doors where I like to sit. (It's easier for me to breathe by the doors where there is some fresh air). It brought tears to my eyes.

    Now, I'm sitting in this precious chair by the door, wearing the sweaty clothes from yesterday that I was power-walking in this morning, no breakfast, no shower, no morning meds. But somehow I couldn't be happier.

    Well, that's enough about me for one day. Later, ladies.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your support and love. I think that I wouldn't mind so much about my birthday if things had gone better for me with the other situation. Who knows, the birthday isn't until tomorrow and people may have great surprises up their sleeves.

    Janet...I agree with everyone, the haircut is fabulous! It frames your face so nicely. I'm sure in time you'll learn to love it.
    Becca...love the wiggle dress!! That's a style that I would look good in also. Can't wait for you to model it.Be sure to show it a good time.
    PoopyPip...you just had to make a scene in LV! Poor Kirby, he must have been so frightened for you, no fair doing that the night before his birthday...shame! But seriously, it must have been awful for the both of you and I'm glad to hear you are on the mend. Take care of yourself and get better soon.
    Heather...when I turned 50 I didn't have anyone in my life so I decided to throw myself a big birthday bash. It was awesome and people are still talking about it. I usually don't wallow in single self pity but I'm feeling a bit vunerable right now.

    Woke up this morning feeling much better and ready to take on the world. OK, this may be TMI, feel free to skip. I am laughing about it now but at the time was pretty distressed. When I got to work I felt an urgent need to use the restroom. Had an unexpected bout of the runs. When I was getting ready to pull my shorts back on I noticed that I had "leaked" on my underwear and WHITE SHORTS! Going home to change wasn't an option because I live too far away and there aren't stores in the area to buy replacements. I decided to wash out my shorts and panties and go "commando". My panties are drying in the ladies room and I have been sitting with a damp crotch all morning. Fortunately the shorts are cotton and almost dry. No Benefiber for me tomorrow!

    I certainly hope that it is smooth sailing for the rest of the week.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Lisa - "JanetR, and Joyce in Indiana, if you strap your fitbit around your ankle while you're doing something like a stationary bike, it should catch the movements and give you a better idea. The pocket doesn't move correctly for it to register on its perception axes... I just roll up the whole thing, bracelet and all, in a bandana, which gives the bandana a natural curve, and will easily tie around your ankle. It will, however, base your calorie burn on a walking/running stride. You can edit it to show the activity for the time afterward by finding the correct burn rate elsewhere. Keep a note of the time when you began the exercise, and that will help you edit it correctly."

    Just to clarify, my new waterproof Flex works great for both water aerobics and stationary bike while on my wrist.

    Best of luck on getting the opportunity you told us about. What a great challenge that would be for you. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I drove 3 hours to get my hair done. I don't have a new hair dresser where I live. I don't think I ever will! Mine is worth the 6 hours round trip! We are still waiting to hear about our house. We are just glad to be at the new one even if it is as a renter. We need to get moved in as much as possible because this is Moondance weekend. A huge rock concert that we help with. Expecting my two kids and their spouses but conflict between my DD and DDnL might prevent my DS and DDnL from coming. Why can't we all just have fun and choose to be happy????

    Katla- I'm glad that you were able to ride pain free!

    Pip- (((hugs))) I'm sorry to hear about your accident! Praying for a quick recovery.

    Carol NC - I am glad you went home! Take care of yourself!

    Lisa- I am hoping things work out for you with the job!

    Sylvia - what a precious DGS! You are Loved!!!

    DJ - have fun at the line dancing class!

    Carey- great thought for the day. Thanks for posting them.

    Heather- I am curious about 60+ years being a short lease. How does that affect the sale of a property? We don't have leases on property we own. My DH said that the lease is probably on the land?

    Carol/Peach- good luck on your sale on eBay.

    Grits- we were just talking about how in Minnesota we really do talk like the people do in the movie Fargo. Yeah, you betcha...

    Selena- I hope all goes well for you and your family! (((hugs)))

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Woo Hoo! I’m on page 35. Sending this out now and will continue reading later.

    Sylvia – That park you walked in yesterday near your hotel sounds magical. I really enjoyed reading about it. Oh! Guess it was day before yesterday. Still sounded like a lovely interlude. How great that you were home in time to help your son. Not being able to breathe well is such a scary feeling.

    Lisa – The pictures of the ranch are fabulous.

    I’m feeling jealous of all of you who have high temps and are too warm. Temp here is warmest it has been for a week – 75 F. But it feels cooler because it is raining. It is Summer dang nab it! I’m supposed to be bitching about how hot I am. Instead I wear a sweater all day at work because it is too cold in the building and if I wear sandals my toes are cold. Half the time I am still wearing my sweater or a light jacket when I go outside because I am cold. There have been a lot of people in our building complaining about how cold it is so I know it is not all me. However, I wonder if some of my chilliness is due to the insulation (fat) I have lost.

    A co-worker just told me that she tried something new for lunch and doesn’t like it. She has decided to throw a half package away and log it as ½ eaten on MFP because I looked her in the eye and said “You are not a garbage can. If you don’t like it why are you throwing it away into your stomach?” Why oh why can I do this for other people and not myself?

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited July 2015
    Mary - when I was in a mini van on a tour of Peru with some people from Minnesota they were most annoyed about Fargo and hated that people thought they all spoke like that! ! ! ! !
    The rental is a leasehold apartment. The freehold of the land and building is normally owned by a freeholder. They grant leases to the people who buy the apartments. They are often for 99 years or 120 years. Mine was a 99 year lease in March 1986. It is difficult for a buyer to get a mortgage much under 75 years left. I can buy an extension to the lease for a considerable fee, agreed between two appointed valuers and estimated as the "marriage" value between its value with or value without the longer lease. So can any buyer after two years. I wanted to avoid all the hassle, time and expense of doing that. :ohwell:

    Well ladies! I have had a "coup". :drinker: The restaurant rang me and we had a feedback discussion. She then offered me a free lunch at a time of my choosing. She will arrange it if I email her. Success! So off to Rick Stein's it is and I expect she will prewarn the staff and make sure all goes perfectly! :laugh:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Happy news on the scale! I am down slightly below 160. Met my first MFP mini-goal and have set a new one for losing 10 more pounds! It took several weeks to get off that darn plateau.
    Glad to see Pip is back -- was worried that "wanking" on the escalator had had a bad result. I do wonder how many calories that would have burned though. Get better soon! :)
    Betty in WNY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    mikesmom - I did that ON his birthday :0(
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Pip - wow no fun. Glad is was relatively close to the end of you vacation. At least you had your Cabana Day. Man we were beginning to have the jitters and cold sweats, Pip withdrawal you know. You keep all of us laughing and working harder. Take care of you!

    janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Sylvia -"I dropped them off at the door and told them to go on in and I would park and bring in the towels. When I got inside I saw the sweetest thing! My little grandson was struggling to carry a chair over to the sliding doors where I like to sit. (It's easier for me to breathe by the doors where there is some fresh air). It brought tears to my eyes."

    "Now, I'm sitting in this precious chair by the door, wearing the sweaty clothes from yesterday that I was power-walking in this morning, no breakfast, no shower, no morning meds. But somehow I couldn't be happier."

    That made me teary just reading it. How very thoughtful. I saw a tee shirt the other day that said "Grandchildren are God's reward for getting old". Ain't it the truth!! :)

    Thanks for sharing your story. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Chris in MA – So sorry to read that things did not go as you had hoped. Holding you in my heart as you recover from this disappointment.

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the Lavender Festival will be this weekend – Take a deep sniff for me. I adore the scent of real lavender.

    PoopyPip - Oh my! So Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you are OK now. Hope Kirby had a great birthday even with such a nerve wracking incident.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude