
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @ DJ - "Janetr, sorry for your disappointment at the doctors. How many calories do you eat a day? Are you having to eat a bunch of small meals? Don’t give up! Even with the surgery, I’m sure they never told you it would be easy. We are all behind you."

    Thanks, DJ. It was SO EASY and fast for the weight I've lost. Then the holidays came last year and I discovered I could eat Christmas cookies and not get sick, also ice cream. I wish had I not tried them, :) Anyway I'm staying around 1100 cal. a day. I eat three meals a day with a snack in the evening. I told the doctor that I only drink a protein shake when going to water aerobics and I'm hungry when I get home and will eat a protein bar. He said that was ok. So I'm kind of eating breakfast in two stages. The protein shake is only 100 cal. I'm supposed to eat 50% protein, 30% fat and only 20% carbs. I keep it as close to that as I can but I never can get in enough protein to make it up to 50%. And you are right they told us over and over it wouldn't be EASY!!! Thanks for the encouragement, I think it will come off if I continue eating right and getting in the exercise.


  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful words!! At Emily we weren't suppose to count calories, no diets. We r to listen to hunger n full cues, not easy. Now that I have found some of my eating emotions should be easier, it's not! It's a work in progress, everyday. Just finished reading eating in the light of the moon, very good. I wish for you loving kindness. I wish for you good health. I wish for you peace. I wish for you love!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I will never weigh myself with my panties on again!! I am not going to risk the extra weight!!!!!


    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Mia: I got a huge kick out of Gramma Lil. It's so great that you got to know her. I can't believe I've never counted the birthdays's before...good thing I only mentioned the relatives that I'm close to! :smile:

    Vicki: I hope everything works out ok with DGD. Those computer guys should know better than to erase a machine before they've confirmed transfer of all data!

    Meg: Congrats on the 5 hours 45 minutes! That's almost an hour a day.. WTG!

    Sylvia: You are fantastic grandma...those grandkids are pretty dog gone lucky. Glad you enjoyed the chocolate. Get rid of all of them panties!

    Carol in NC: Hope you have a good night's rest and tomorrow is a better day.

    DJ: Wishing you great lab results and fun at that line dance class!

    Gayle Minneapolis: Thank you for the wonderful wishes. I'm holding up a mirror so here they come right back at you!

    I managed to get 45 minutes on the recumbent bike today! Yay, that's a long way from the 5 minutes I started with. Tai Chi in the plan for tomorrow. Here's a link to some of the pictures taken of our Tai Chi in the park. taoist3-px.rtrk.ca/galleries/edm_stalbert2015.htm

    Well, I better shut down my computer...huge lightening storm starting not good for electronics.

    Have a good evening all,


    July Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for July - Increasing protein to 130g per day. Do one week at a time so that can adjust as I go.

    2. Log all meals - try to pre-log to get a better handle on calories for the day

    3.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Family reunion - 3 days of fun and hard work
    • W2: Tai Chi with friend who will start beginners and needs some company. Hot Stone Massage
    • W3: Lunch with Tai Chi ladies, surprise Dad for his birthday, swimming with boys
    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    17,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    55 minutes on the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
    got my hair cut and took a nap

    smiley-sleep012.gif Jake and the dogs and cat are already in bed so I'm just checking in and then finishing my lengthy tooth care routine and heading for bed, too.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


    July Resolutions (with mid-month comments
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day so far)
    * drink at least nine glasses of water a day (every day so far)
    *answer two long overdue e mails (not even started)
    *strength training twice a week (three times in two weeks)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good Tuesday morning to you all!

    Kate. thanks for the explanation of the cheeses. I guess if I ever get my dream trip to Ireland or Switzerland I will have to indulge. But for now I will stick to my American

    Allison, could the stress of becoming a new dad be what is causing your boss to come down on you so hard? I sure hope you like your week at the new gym and use your debit card for a whole year membership. Is that a chain of gyms or locally owned. I would love to check something like that out.

    Tina, that Cocker spaniel mix can come right over to my house! Congrats on your anniversary.

    Lenora, you have my mouth watering with cold fried chicken and pimento cheese sandwiches. We always had pimento cheese with tomato soup. I haven't had any since my Mom died. We have one grocery store here that is a Mom and Pop type place and they had their own recipe. Mom lived close to that store and got it all the time. When she could no longer drive I took over her grocery shopping. I could get all of her groceries at my store except the pimento cheese. When I was still in nursing, my favorite people to take care of were the old people. And I mean older than us. I still don't consider myself old yet. I mean the 85 to 90 year olds. Oh the stories they could tell.

    Miriam, I try to pluck those darn things out and they are so hard to get.

    Lisa, do you not have a board that does routing health inspections? We do and the health inspections are published in the paper, internet and every local TV stations web sites for everyone to see and read.

    Sylvia, what a relief the kids were gone with you when that awful woman pulled a trick like that. So osrry about your heavy undies. But think of all the laughter you gave all of us over it. Glad they came home safe and sound from visiting their mom

    Pip, technically you weren't driving??????? So glad you are having a follow up appointment.

    Carol, it's good that you and your son can talk. It's just that if he is going to talk the talk in church, he also has to walk the walk. You get some rest dear friend. My sister had two children and she has always said that she had 2 separate 'only child'. They are only 8 years apart but she says that since they are that many years apart what could they have anything to relate to the other one. HUH???She says that her son was almost in high school when his sister was born. Well in my book, 8 isn't almost in high school. She is almost 10 years older than our first brother and they are very close. But those two sure don't like each other. Neither one went to the other's wedding, they see each other in my house for a few hours on Christmas and that is it. I feel so sorry for you.

    Margaretturk, those blue herons are so graceful and beautiful. It did take me awhile to see the rabbit in that creation.

    Gayle, explain what is iop and the Emily house? There sure are lots of anniversaries this month!

    terri, so can buy thins waxing stuff and do it at home?. My youngest daughter would sure love to help with this. Maybe a little to much but we would have fun with it. I think she has more than me and she is only 35. I do think a heavier chin has a tendency to be more hairy. We love the '60s and '70s music. That is waht my husband does most at Karaoke.

    Meg, thanks for the idea of electrolysis but that's quite a bit out of my budget.

    Well Charlie was all prepared to make some phone calls today to find out exactly how much this Remicade infusions will cost him. We talked about where the best place to start was, what he would say, he knew he was to be prepared to be put on hold or put in a quee and have to wait for his place. Well the first call he made, he went through all the phone prompts and had to be put on hold and he got all upset and hung up on them. He said a few choice words and said that he would just die with this disease since he wasn't going to go through all this stuff to get it. I told him that I would make the calls for him but that I needed respect for it. Not just for making the calls but as his wife. I needed respect. I didn't want to be called a f***ing b***h and stupid every time he gets angry at me. Nothing, silence. So I just tore up the paper we had worked on as to who we needed to call. He left to take his walk. I couldn't stand it and I think he knew that in the end I would make the calls and I did. He did thank me for that but I know that he has a very short temper. I found the cost of Remicade for a 10 mg vial and when I called the doctor's office they said he would need 90mg. YIKES. His 33% co-pay of that plus the infusion center and what it costs just to give an IV. And this is every 8 weeks. So the doctor's office gave me numbers to try tomorrow to see what the bottom line is as far as cost. I'm afraid that this is going to make him so stressed he won't do it. Yet he knows that that puts an end to traveling, no Disney World. So we calmly talked about other non medical ways to try to control this. And he was agreeable to that. so I looked up diet and other things that trigger flares. Stress, heavy meals, spicy things, caffeine, carbonated beverages. He said no way was he going to stop those things. I suggested cutting out one or two. Negative on that also.

    Did I mention I have a huge headache tonight????

    Nite, nite girls, love you all, Joyce, Indiana

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Stats for today-
    Steps- 15,270
    Miles- 6.27

    It's late here so I'm off to bed. Just wanted to share a few pictures for our hike to the Ramona Dam today. Weather was great and we caught a beautiful sunset.

    <3 Rosie

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce - I really feel for you. As we say over here, "Men, eh! ? ? ! ! "

    This morning at 5.30 DH went into full out panic attack mode. He actually had a small fit with snorting breathing and blacked out completely for a few seconds. It was as if he had just died. I kept rubbing and gently slapping him and he came round and said "What happened?" It was hard for him to shake the memory of that happening as it was so scary. He tried to get up a bit later and couldn't stand up.
    He is ok now and has done some exercising on the machines. This kind of thing happened the last time he got bad, so it isn't as worrying this time. I don't remember him just stopping breathing though. He has had a minor fit a couple of times when his blood pressure drops suddenly. He will be fine eventually when the meds kick in, but this patch is scary for him. :cry: I hope he will be well enough to get to cricket today. He felt fine yesterday right up until bedtime. :ohwell:

    I'm off to yoga and a coffee in the pub afterwards as it's the end of term. I won't stay on for lunch as I don't like their food. My yoga teacher, who lent me the dresses, has a daughter I am close to who is getting married next month, so my friend and I are giving her a store token. This very young woman has three children, one of whom is diabetic and has to wear a pump at the age of two. Another child is a baby.
    I am lending my teacher a shrug for the wedding. :)

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,985 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I woke up at 3:15 am with every intention of going over to the gym, and now think better of it..
    I have a case of the dizzies. very wobbly.. dont know from what but not feeling well at all, I have a cup of lemon ginger tea, and we shall see how that works.
    I do have a load of laundry in too.
    Joyce~I don"t know if it was you asking if it was a chain gym the name of the gym is club24 and it has been in this location for about 6 months..I would say it is less than 5 miles from me.
    the guy behind the counter just handed me a card to use for a pass, so I can go anytime..but right now don't think it would be a good idea,with my head feeling the way it does its making my stomach woozy
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    Arachnophobia!!! - You can keep that damn spider! I would not get close enough to have taken the picture.

    Actually my mouth is also wanting cold fried chicken and pimento cheese sandwich; but, I'd blow my diet plan to do that. I really blew it this weekend when my children had a cookout (for a late 4th of July) celebration; but, I am hoping that the 3 1/2 hours spent walking in the pool took care of all those extra calories.

    Please pray for my DDnL (and the rest of us) . . . she had a 'phone interview' with a MD's office that offers health benefits and retirement. Hopefully, they will hire her - she is sooooooooooo miserable at her present job. DOS told her that even if they only offered to pay her less than what she is making now - she had to factor in the benefits which she does not have now and to take the damn job if they offered it to her. She is a quick study and they'll train her on how to do the medical coding and such. She might have to work the front desk; but, she'll have 1/2 of Friday's off and no weekend work. Her present boss is verbally abusive and she comes home crying and sick with migraine. She said the interview went well. Next step will be a face-to-face interview. She is a 'big' girl and I hope they won't mind that. Maybe then she can get the help she needs (losing weight and such). Maybe with the benefits she can have a breast reduction. She has to be in a "F" or "G" cup and sagging shoulders, too; although she says that DOS like them big. I think that is a 'cop out' - they have to weight a good 15-20 lbs. each. She is what I would call 'morbidly' obese @ 250+ on a 5'6" frame (or more).
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Rosie - such gorgeous pics... nice lift for my morning, even with the tarantula. :) I run over a few every day on the way on/off the ranch. If there are that many on the road, can only imagine how many are out there in the bushes! :dizzy:

    Joyce in Indiana - Yes, there is a health inspector. I asked what happened on the last health inspection, which was months ago. The answer from a lady who actually does tell the truth was that he walked in, looked at one thing (the vent fans above the cooking surfaces, which are cleaned by an outside firm), told them he was in a hurry and had to be somewhere else, and fudged the rest of the inspection, giving them a passing grade. The restaurant lucked out. The customers, not so much.

    For the rest of the questions/observations:

    Operations has been my concentration business-wise for a long time, from a number of different angles, and military food service experience, even a long time ago, helps a lot. But the manager has not been... cooperative. As soon as I post this, I have to jump in the shower and head in--technically on my day off, but the GM is back in town after being away for doctor's appointments up near Lubbock.

    The GM, the manager, the GM's assistant and I will meet at the restaurant an hour prior to arrival of any personnel and do an intense walk-through inspection. Which also hasn't happened in months, and should have. The GM's taking personal responsibility, and probably should. He trusted someone who simply couldn't be trusted--and needs to take to heart the rest of the saying. Trust, but verify. And document.

    I want to shut the place down NOW as, every day risks a food-borne illness, or server-transferred germ that begins an epidemic. Servers have only had one day training, and NO training in sanitation. Back of house personnel were utterly scandalized when I told them they had to label every bit of food that came off of the delivery truck with a date it came in. They've never actually done that. NEVER. There is nothing in the walk-in or in the freezer that has a label telling me when it got to the building.

    That someone who actually knows food service health code (the manager ran a small restaurant/bar in the entertainment center for the four years prior to taking over the restaurant) allowed this place to get in this state makes me very nearly physically ill. And his macho, testosterone-poisoned reaction to being told that things must change by a tiny little irate woman is pretty intense. He also thinks all his people are loyal to him, when in reality, he's treated them badly, promised them things and never followed through, lied to them repeatedly, and they're ready to see the back of him. With a couple minor exceptions, they've all told me as much.

    Gotta fly. Every day brings more to light, and hopefully there is something good coming out of all this. I'm certainly driving as hard as I know how to make it right. And I'm better at this kind of thing than your average bear.

    Sending my first invoice this morning for my time made me feel somewhat better! :blush:

    Love y'all.
    Lisa from West Texas.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,985 Member
    well, I went back to bed for an hour and a half, and fell right back asleep..
    still not feeling great ,finishing up the lemon ginger tea even if its cold..
    not going to see DFIL today either ,dont know if I have a tough of something and dont want to pass it along.
    I dont have to go to work until 10 so will just lay low until then
    It is not my boss that is giving me grief,it is the office manager,I dont know what either her problem or the front office managers problem is, but they have nothing better than to pick on me..
    Right now I will take it while I can, and get my resume updated and then start looking for something..
    Lisa in Texas~ do the customer's know how nasty it is? I have waitressed and cooked alot in my life, and would never work in an unsanitary place...good luck .. go get em tiger!!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,201 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce I think that headache has a DH attached to it. Hopefully when the cost of that treatment comes out he will change his tune about the other options. I agree with DJ the person with the problem has to decide for himself to take steps towards their own recovery. Sounds like he has three choices an expensive treatment program that will cost him a trip he badly wants, a healthier lifestyle change that could make him feel better, or continue his poor habits and feel miserable. I know which one I would choose, but I am not him. Like DJ said he has to make the choice. He is lucky to have you to encourage him. Proud of you for making it clear you will be treated with respect.

    Rosie thank you for sharing your breathtaking hike with us.

    Heather has DH gone to a sleep clinic. It might be sleep apnea. Prayers.

    Leanora prayers!

    Lisa I like that trust but verify. Document.

    Lisa aren't customers voting with their feet as in out the door. I would. Doesn't sound like a pleasant place to eat. If he cleaned up his act and restaurant his business might improve. Have you watched the show Restaurant Impossible? Sounds like he needs a dose of Robert Irvine or the Health Department.

    Alison as a teacher I have unfortunately witnessed students picking on other students. My job as the teacher is to step in and set boundaries. To those who are picking on someone this behavior is unacceptable there will be a consequence if this does not stop. To the one being picked on I will say do not let that person have your power they are getting pleasure out of getting to you and of course one of my favorite quotes "Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite."

    In your situation ideally your managers should be setting this example and expectations of office protocol that abuse will not be tolerated. Some managements do a great job at this, and they are a great place to work. Other not so well.

    As you look for another job that to me is a great question to ask. What are you office expectations and how are they implemented? I would not mention how you felt you were badly treated at your last job. Talk to employees if you can and find out how office disagreements are handled. Every office has disagreements. How they are handled or in some cases not handled makes all the difference. As you know from your current situation.

    :heart: MMMargaret

  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    I do not know how anyone in the food industry does not know you need to label everything. I label my food at home never mind in a restaurant. They obviously have never had customers leave due to food poisoning, although how they have not I would not know. We went to this mexican restaurant in florida that had only just opened and the food was so bad we just left and never went back. The meat tasted rancid.
    I wonder what happened to it, I bet it closed after a year if that long. There is something to be said about health and safety inspections. At least we know how bad the restaurant is, it can only get better with better hygiene practices.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    The picture of the tarantula reminds me of when I went camping, years ago, at the very southern border of Oklahoma. Woke up in the morning, opened the tent to go to the bathroom, and the ground was a carpet of tarantulas! I guess they are nocturnal and it was just after dawn. Anyway, going to the bathroom definitely waited that morning! I am not afraid of spiders, but I can imagine what a torture that morning would have been to someone who was! I was surprised that there were no warning signs.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning my friends,

    Janetr, I feel so sorry for all of you ladies that have a hard time getting enough protein. I could have a meal with nothing but meat and be happy. You are doing great so just keep doing what you are doing.

    Gayle, I never ever, ever wanted to count calories. I thought that sounded like way too much work. In so many ways, I have found this journey easier than I expected. It is not easy at all but it is doable and something I can do for the rest of my life. If I ever let myself get anywhere near 200 lbs again I’m going to knock myself up side of the head!!! I do have to say that it has all been made easier and doable because of this wonderful group of ladies. I can’t say it enough, but Thank You, Thank You, Thank you. thanks.gif

    Lillian is going Commando on the scales, so don’t look, you guys!!! headache.gif

    Carey, congrats on the 45 minutes on the bike. That is outstanding!!! I can’t do any one exercise for that long without stopping some. Keep up the great work.

    Joyce, on waxing for hair removal, Sally Hansen makes a product sold in a box that has strips you use and they work quite well. You just hold one between your two hands to heat it, then peel off one side and put the other one with the wax on it on your chin (or where ever). After a minute or so, just rip it off with the hair. You and your DD could have fun with it. It is called Hair Remover Wax Strip Kit. I don’t remember the price but I doubt that it costed as much as one trip to the salon. And it has 21 strips in the package. OH, Joyce, my heart goes out to you in dealing with Charlie. Why do they have to be so ornery sometimes? Does he really call you a f#$$g b&^%h when he gets upset? Maybe you should threaten a vacation without him if he is unable to go? Anyway, I’ll keep you both in my prayers and hope that something will give. ((((Hugs))))

    Rosie, great pictures, well except for that Texas size spider. Eeewwww And that was a gorgeous sunset. Thanks for sharing.

    Heather, that had to be scary for DH and you, even though it has happened before. How nice that you can lend your Yoga teacher a shrug since she loaned you the dresses.

    Allison, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Take care of yourself.

    , keep up the good work. You will have that place whipped into shape in no time at all.

    , I normally agree with you, but not this time. Lol I don’t think that restaurant needs Robert Irvine because they have Lisa. She is going to whip them into shape. I do agree with your advice to Allison.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I forgot to tell you that last night at the Moose meeting I won $81 at a drawing. Woo Hoo I’m off to my doctor’s appointment.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Okay, so I read the boards from the bottom up and boy am I glad I do because it gave me fair warning that there is a picture of a SPIDER lurking in this place. I have a deathly fear of spiders and cannot get the image of seeing one out of my head for a long time after. So I will just wait till this page cycles over and not return.

    Cheri (spider paranoia in NE Ohio)
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cheri, you would fit right in with my three sons! I had to kill all the spiders in the house because they run screaming from the room! LOL My middle son is over 6 feet! Still afraid of spiders so when I visit him I still have to kill them. When he is alone he manages with a HUGE wad of paper towel!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    morning peeps -

    megblair - lololol.. sthanks for the alert :0)

    mccarolb - don't worry bout it, vent your brains out.

    lilymay - woah, heavy bloomers? wowzers, go commando next time.

    ssc1958 - congrats on the 45min time on the recumbent!!

    jmkmomm - technically, i am not driving a car, i'm riding a bike :0)

    itally - PURDY pics!

    well...... so I got this dizzy thing goin on..... last night I got up and the room was spinning so hard that I couldn't stand straight up, I couldn't stop myself from moving forward... so what happened? My head went STRAIGHT TO THE WALL! It hurt so much. when I got back to bed, I forgot what I got up for to begin with. i'm glad the dogs weren't sleeping there. I fell face down on one of the dog beds, so it was a cushion landing, this morning I looked at my head and it's red. and I hit it just about where I hit it when I fell in LV.. it is funny but then it's not....that was my night... how was yours...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, I'm so sorry that you are having so much trouble. It sounds awful. Big hugs!

    I have a question for the runners out there...I started the c25k program yesterday and it went great. I thought all my joints were fine afterwards and was so proud of myself. But this morning I found that my hips hurt something awful. It's ok to stand and walking is bearable, but lifting my feet, like to put on my pants, get in and out of the car, etc, hurts like heck. I can't quite tell if it's muscle pain or joint pain. I do have a little arthritis in one hip but it's never felt like this. I've tried to remember if I did something else yesterday, but can't think of anything that impacted my hips except trying to run. So, my question is, is this something to be expected and worked through? Of do you think I did some serious damage that needs to be checked out?

    As far as all your sweet comments about me being such a good grandma...this morning I discovered that I missed taking the DGD to gymnastics. I completely forgot what day it was, and I was so exhausted mentally and physically, I just blew it off, I guess. And it's written on my calendar, too. I feel just awful about it. So much for being grandmother of the year.

    Where HAS Penny from the North Pole been lately? Hope she's ok.

    Gotta go. Have a great day!
