

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member


    Have a great Monday!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    @miriamwithcats - no, I've never read any of her books. Sometimes reading about how others have dealt with being with being bipolar can sometimes make me feel worse about myself, sometime much better. It is a life-long test for being 'sane' when the world is so 'insane'. I think one of the things that made me 'feel' better is looking up 'famous people with Bipolar Disorder' on Google and realizing I am just one of many people who has survived it - and many so much more famous than I will ever be - but knowing that they had something that helped me deal with the ups and downs of this disorder. Thankfully, I am no longer employed; but, I do miss the people I met.

    @exermom - My BF makes pimento cheese with 2 types of cheese (sharp yellow) and (mild yellow) and she grates it herself rather than using the pre-grated cheese and uses cream cheese and sour cream in it. It is delicious - but rather 'fattening' that way. For me, it is difficult to find it already mixed at the store, mainly because my Mother made it from scratch and she'd add a little 'hot pepper' to it as well. Publix usually has a good pimento cheese spread, I just don't like the creamy texture to it - although it is not always 'creamy'.

    On Saturdays she'd have the maid fry up extra chicken and then on Sundays she'd make the pimento cheese sandwiches we would eat at the 'falls' up at High Falls, until they dammed it up and made the area into a lake. That is also a good combination - cold fried chicken and pimento sandwiches. I like my slaw a bit on the 'dry' side as well. My grandmother used to make slaw that was basically 'pickled' - it was made with vinegar.

    Well, don't know if the weather will permit me to get into the pool - it is forecast that we'll have rain all week; but, that might mean afternoon thunder bumpers. Never can tell. It was supposed to be sunny yesterday and then about 6PM the bottom fell out and the lightening was striking close to the house.

    Whoa ... what about that close call with a shark attack on the guy that was surfing in competition; I don't think I would be getting back in the water either after that. He was a very lucky young man. I can't imagine what was going through his mother' head at that moment. Yeah, for his completion surfer who went to his aid and the quick response of the guys on the ski jets. He was shaking when they interviewed him afterwards.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Tina- darling dogs. So glad they are going to homes!

    Joyce- I pluck the stiff hairs (whiskers). I also have profuse blond downy hair along my cheeks which I shave off occasionally since it gets really long which makes it more visible. Shaving it does NOT make it more thick or anything. Just cuts off the length.

    crazy dog lady- You look gorgeous! LOVE that dress! (From the crazy cat lady)

    Lenora- if you like looking up the famous people with BP disorder you will LOVE Touched with Fire. Kay goes in to the family trees of many famous artists and writers. She does a full chapter on Lord Byron. She talks about how our brains are different from other people and how that makes us creative. In a nutshell, people with mood disorders, and their family members, tend to look outward to solve problems, bringing in ideas from various areas not commonly associated with the "problem". "Normal" people tend to focus in on a solution. Kind of a thinking outside the bo>< versus thinking inside the bo><. Normals narrow in while we widen the search. Great book with some helpful ideas too.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Just have a minute before I need to go get Daysie Dog out for a run... But thought I'd share with you how the back of house looks at the restaurant where I'm consulting. These are just three of the pics, I've taken more than a dozen. I will not eat food out of the kitchen, so I'm on a fruit and protein bar lunch and dinner regimen--and I buy the fruit and bring it with me, and keep it in my computer bag. Was going to shut it down this Weds./Thurs. for a deep clean, but they've asked me to postpone until Monday/Tuesday, so they can get repair people in, as there are a dozen of those to do as well.

    *sigh* But I'm home, the worst run of it is over. And, since this is a weight-loss support group, if you'd like to completely lose your appetite, check out the pictures carefully. Ick. Unfortunately, I STILL haven't gotten off that buggerty stall. While I've only been able to absorb a thousand or so calories a day because I'm so busy, I haven't been able to run, there's just been no time.

    Am walking the GM through on Wednesday (surprise to everyone but me, not mentioning it to anyone) and have already sent these photos as well as the rest. I've got one great candidate that I'm grooming to become at least assistant manager, as my report also said the manager needs to be fired. Essentially, the neglect of the place has put the company at risk, as well as the customers, and is near criminal. He's also neglected the people who work for him, who've never had an evaluation, and morale is essentially zero. So far the only thing he HASN'T done is stolen from the company. At least as far as I know.

    You cannot expect people who are only making minimum wage or a little better to adhere to standards that are never enforced, and where good work is never rewarded. The GM has asked me to be interim manager while I'm training the assistant manager into that place, and I'm still considering it. First, it has to be clean! Gah.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all!

    Second sleepless night with panic attacks and IBS for DH. :cry: He has decided to go back on his meds, which he weaned himself off this spring. He can't really identify why it should be now, but he has these episodes periodically and thinks the trigger might be his coming birthday party in October. It will be a big, whole weekend affair and he finds that sort of thing a strain, though it was entirely his choice to go for this. :ohwell: It seems early to be worrying about this, but the reality may only just have hit him. He has 12 pills left from before so took one this morning. We couldn't get through to the doctor this morning, so he has put in a repeat prescription request and will try to make an appointment asap. Hope it all works out. He is at cricket today. He feels very frustrated and doesn't like the side effects of the meds, but he doesn't want to get as bad as a couple of years ago which was totally disabling and distressing.
    It's not surprising he is nervous about the party as it's a bit out of character for him. He is an adopted child who was separated from his twin sister after birth and never felt entirely part of his family. He has ambivalent feelings about them all. This 70th party weekend is his way of claiming them as his, though his brother in Australia isn't coming. :cry:

    I feel for him. DH is my best friend. We have been married 10 years and it has been the best time of my life. One strange side effect of him not feeling good is that he becomes very loving, almost clingy, which I do quite enjoy. He always says he is so grateful to have me. I hope we can nip this in the bud before it gets bad enough to really affect our lives again.

    Otherwise, all good. Just had my favourite prawn laksa. Yummo! When he's not around I can eat my "funny" food.

    By the way, those of you who like seafood, but don't buy it because it is too expensive, I mostly buy frozen stuff. Not always, but even when I buy fresh I usually freeze it for later. Today's king prawns were frozen. I like to have things in the freezer so each morning I can plan a meal with what I have in there plus fresh veg. I tend to go - meat, fish, veggy, seafood, chicken, fish etc. Dessert is nearly always DH's stewed fruit with homemade yoghourt. Tonight it's apricots and I have a new quart of yoghourt brewing. :bigsmile:
    Generally my day comes out at around 1600 calories and I have a few in hand for cheese. My 600 cals exercise gives me 1800.
    At the moment I am still a pound under my goal weight. :bigsmile:

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lozinit, welcome! Jump right in and tell us a little about yourself.

    Joyce, yes, apparently I do talk to myself. Nobody else seems to hear me. I can tell hubby something and it's like he never heard a word of it.

    Pip, I'm so sorry to hear you are hurting. If you hurt enough to change your activity plans it must be serious. Take care of yourself!

    Crazydoglady, WOW! You look amazing! Good job sticking to it!

    Well, I finally did it. This morning was my very first attempt at using the couch to 5k app. It went really well, I thought. My knees and feet felt fine, and my hip only hurt where it was bruised from falling. Just from the bruise shaking up and down. I'm using the Runtastic app and it seems to be very easy to use. It tells me when to walk and when to run and afterward I could look at an interesting graph that showed my activity level. I could even see on the graph the exact point where I had to stop and pet three neighbor dogs. I'm really eager to do it again, but they tell you only to do it 3 days a week or something. Pooh.

    I want to be one of those people who they talk about and say...she started jogging at 60! Next week is my BD, so it's time to get started.

    I think I have some very heavy panties. Or possibly my bathroom scales are on the blink. This morning I weighed in my underwear and it said 174.2. I removed the underwear and it said 173.0. 1.2 pounds for underwear. Maybe I should switch to nylon instead of cotton.

    Hubby and I drove my son up to Fort Scott to pick up the kids yesterday. I was very well behaved when I came face to face with the evil ex-wife. Didn't say one word. The kids were happy and sunburned and said they had a good time, but they were glad to go home, too.

    Gotta go. Time for swim lessons. Take care!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    well went to see DFIL , he was a bad boy last night. he went down to the kitchen and was banging on the door at like 2 in the morning because he had to get to work.. cut the top of his hand pretty good...
    then he was sort of nasty this morning.. but at least he ate..
    then ol Allie went over to a new gym in the next town over and boy am I impressed.. very clean,lots and lots of machines.. and a freakin movie theater with ellipticals and treadmills .amazing
    then they have 2 chair massagers and a water table massager. the locker rooms and bathrooms are spotless..
    compared to where I went before ,night and day..
    well I have a free week, and will check it out, if I like it, my 300.00 debit card that I got will buy my membership for the year...
  • 3dtammy
    3dtammy Posts: 6 Member
    Happy Monday all,

    Going for an hour walk with some downhill running. I have the day off today as DH is out of the house for three days and I can get some much needed alone time. Since he's retired I rarely get the house to myself.

    JanetMMcC thanks for friending me! Your amazing and very inspirational!

    Cheri Great goal graph. Is that an app? Can you share where you got it?

    Crazydoglady Your so beautiful! Six mile runs! Wow very inspiring!

    Kayla I'm in Oregon too. Grew up in Portland but have lived in The Dalles for 25 years. Where are you?

    Exermom I am no good to you on how to make the pattern rectangular. Obviously stop increasing on one side, sounds so simple, but I ALWAYS need a pattern. Been crocheting since I was 10 but not good at design. Good luck!

    Sadly I did not get my PEANUT BUTTER PICKLE BURGER! They were closed so we ate mediocre pizza across the street. Very disappointing. Not worth the calories. Maybe I'll make one at home where I can control the content. I was only going to have half by splitting it with DH. Probably better that way.

    Have a great day all!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    3dtammy wrote: »
    Happy Monday all,

    Cheri Great goal graph. Is that an app? Can you share where you got it?

    Exermom I am no good to you on how to make the pattern rectangular. Obviously stop increasing on one side, sounds so simple, but I ALWAYS need a pattern. Been crocheting since I was 10 but not good at design. Good luck!
    Have a great day all!

    The graph is an Excel spreadsheet. I have a little knowledge enough to make a simple graph like this. It helpful in keeping me on track and see my monthly goal trends are each week.

    I am like you in that I always need a pattern to follow when crocheting. I will figure out the "rectagular" issue on the c2c pattern when I get it to the appropriate width for a nice sized afghan.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning my friends,

    Sylvia, I’m so glad you weren’t too sore this morning. Gosh, everyone on here is going to be walking or running but me. smiley-sad052.gif But I’m happy for all of you, even though I am a lazy slob. Glad your blue tooth is working good.

    Linda, at least if someone was going to order something on your charge card, it’s nice they were shipping to you. I mean what’s with that??? It’s like a kid ordering a pizza for a house that didn’t order it.

    NMMargaret, what a bummer with no internet!!! I appreciate you going out so you can check in with us. You are so right that if Lillian or anyone here slips up, we are here to catch them. I like that one.

    Tammy, I can’t say that a Peanut Butter Pickle Burger even sounds good to me, but if it’s your thing I just hope you savor every bite. So how many calories does that bad boy have? I do have a plain burger every once in a while and it’s bad enough that I can’t imagine adding peanut butter. I am not a walker but worry about some of the ladies on here in this terrible heat.

    Pip, I just am not used to you being less than 100% and it disturbs me. smiley-sad052.gif I understand about the shoulder injury but worry about your head. Have Kirby peek in one ear and see what he can see.

    Heather, OMG that looks so yummy. Send me one, ok? Not that I’m too lazy to cook my own or anything. Great idea for square pan and cut in small squares as canapés. It’s good that I don’t cook like you do or I’d probably eat more than I do now, although it would possibly be healthier.

    Meg, your family day sounds great. Kudos for that early bike ride!!!! bike2.gif I am so proud of you. If your knees feel okay now, hopefully they won’t give you any trouble. You’ll have to do it again.

    CarolNC, I know I’d be proud if that were my son speaking in church. Your daughter sounds like she got her “tude” from the same place as my DD. Sometimes it can really get my goat and how sad for them that they can’t enjoy life more than criticize it. Sorry you are still tiring so easily but your body needs it’s energy for healing. Take care.

    Lori, a BIG CONGRATS on your loss. Don’t ya just love being a looser!!! Keep up the good work, girl. For sure you can do this.

    Lambocj, welcome to a great group of ladies for support and information. You will find that logging food really gives you a great picture of what you are eating and helps you plan for a healthy diet. It is recommended to weigh and measure everything so you know you are accurately logging your food. We ask that you end each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often and join right in.

    Sylvia, I’m glad you didn’t buy a place in that building, too. I wonder what all is in that display case. That’s funny.

    Rosie, I’m doing a rain dance with you for you to get more wet stuff. Glad you at least got what you did.

    Terri, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that DH decides to get serious about the weight loss. As we know, if he just treats it like a diet and goes back to his old way of eating it won’t stay off. Wouldn’t it be nice if he asked you for your help.

    Miriam, I hope tossing that coffee will help straighten you out. toilet.gif It’s not funny but I did have to giggle when I read, “I somehow got glutened”. Not too many years back, no one would have had an idea of what that meant. Get better soon.

    Crazydoglady, Holy Moly, I’ll say you did it!!! Wonderful, Fantastic, Great Job. wow.gif You look absolutely wonderful!!!!! When is the last time you were a size 4? (I never was) Thank for sharing the pictures and Congratulations.

    Barbie, enjoy your last day of the Lavender Festival. How nice that you get to share it with different friends on different days.

    Katla,it’s so nice of you to not only loan them your boat but then to assist with other logistics of their trip. I don’t care what they say, I think you are a good mom and MIL. Lol

    Cheri, your afghan is looking great. I’m sure you will figure out how to do it the way you want. I love the colors, too.

    MicheleNC, I’m sure you know that cold slaw on a burger is a Carolina thing. I thought it sounded arful but it’s actually quite good on BBQ. Of course, growing up in Texas, I don’t find Carolina BBQ as good as they think it is. LOL If Vince’s skin turns blue, he could join the Blue Men as a backup. Or not?

    Lozinit, you are most welcome. Please tell us about yourself so we can start to get to know you. We also ask that you end each post with the name you want to be called and a general location. Come often and join right in.

    Joyce, ok, I admit I don’t mind giving a swift kick every now and again. smiley-devil01.gif But only cause I love you. I agree that I would feel better if Pip would call the doctor about her head. I like the young up and coming golfers too. They are having a hard time getting this one in. The one’s that my DD calls “man hairs” I get with tweezers.

    Kate, I already miss eating cheese since I started this lifestyle. If I lived there, with all the great and different cheeses, I’d have a really hard time resisting.

    Tina, belated Happy Anniversary and Congrats on your loss. Yep, that work is not healthy for any one. That Cocker mix is adorable. You sure don’t see Cocker Spaniels like you did when I was young. How does a breed just disappear?

    Lisa, isn’t it sad how many restaurants overlook cleaning as a regular part of the job. Glad you are going to get it all taken care of.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’ve gotten close to caught up but simply run out of time, so I’ll finish later. I have got to get nails done today, check out one sale and tonight have a Moose meeting. DH has gone to the grocery store and getting what I need to make the Spinach and Feta Pie. I sure hope it’s as good as it looks and sounds.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day. rose.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Good morning ladies! Really busy here painting cleaning unpacking. Not able to keep up and post trying to skim all. Off to shop for needed supplies.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    morning peep-o-riffers -

    this weekend ESPECIALLY sunday was a drag. i did get me a scopolamine patch (used for seasickness) to see if that helps w/my dizziness. can't wait for my followup app. to see whats shakin. i am still working out 30minutes and haven't run at all because i'm afraid the bouncing will hurt my shoulder more. right now spinning is the best thing because it allows my upper body to stay still while my legs are working.

    janetr - thanks for the positive thoughts.. you mean you don't have a magic want? bummer ;0/

    exermom - i know i know..this weekend felt like 2 steps back instead of forward.

    jmkmomm- after googling, it is really based on the severity of the head trauma. however, technically, i'm not driving.lololol. i have my followup appointement on thursday.... my husband is a hoosier. he was born in indiana. we lived in syracuse indiana by lake wawasee (biggest natural lake in indiana) for 3 years. closest place that is known i would say is ft wayne or south bend.

    grandmallie - if the boss is the one that's mean to you, then i don't care that they had a kid and when it grows up, i hope that kid gives them grief. if the boss is nice to you then, AWWWWWWWWWW CONGRATS!!

    KAYAK - CONCUSSIONS can last a loonnnggg time, unfortunately...

    type to ya later.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    damnit - i'm not used to seeing me at 100% either.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Or is that an oxymoron? Anyway, I am wondering if anyone has worked out a successful way to help an adult child lose weight for medical reasons. Do not want to be too momly about it, only supportive and give out correct and helpful information. Turns out she may have PCOS and feels it will be too hard to lose weight but wants to try anyway. Trying to convince her of the benefits of logging. Does anyone have experience with PCOS?
    Betty WNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited July 2015
    Betty - I think there may be a PCOS group on MFP. Put it in the search.
    Yes, it will be harder, but lots have done it. Most people do just roll their eyes when I talk about logging. They can't even IMAGINE it, let alone do it. As I mostly do Quick Add Calories it takes me just a few minutes a day. That's with many years of calorie counting behind me though. I had a lot of food searched for in the beginning, but I've been doing counting since uni. That's why I like everything in lbs and oz and not grms and kgs. :laugh:
    I think you have to go VERY gently when trying to encourage someone else, especially family. Make a suggestion, then back away unless they ask for help. Then try not to pile in. Lead by example. When they can see grest results on you they might, just might, take notice.
    Most people I know ask me how I've done it, then look horrified. Some might try calorie counting for a week or two, then give up. It has to come from them so nowadays I keep my mouth firmly shut. I don't want people resenting me. Some of them resent me anyway because I've done it and they can't. :laugh: Everyone thinks I'm crazy for being in this group and giving you all so much credit for my success, but it is true. :flowerforyou: I think they think I'm slightly insane.
    Maybe WW would work for your daughter?

    Lisa - Yuk! Yuk! YUK! You are one brave woman! :flowerforyou:

    Katla - your trip sounds great! I love to be helpful to my children. They don't often give me the chance! They will be very grateful, I'm sure. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the new ladies! :drinker: Just join in and help us get to know you. This is the best thread ever! :love:

    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    Heather prayers for you and DH. I am reading a book titled Boundaries by Henry Cloud that I am finding helpful as I am working with my DS. It does have a Christian focus. Some of his ideas are easier said than done but I like how he explains how not respecting boundaries in yourself or in others is the root of many a conflict. He also gives suggestions if others are not respecting your boundaries. It is o.k. to have boundaries. The irony it is often much easier to get on in the world when your boundaries are clear. It has been quite the week for me, so I may have already mentioned this book.

    Cheri your poster says it so well. Love the afghan.

    Pip good job listening to your body's needs.

    Betty try to encourage her to find the help that is right for her to make these changes. That is wonderful she wants to try. Her asking others is also a great place to start. Sorry I do not have any experience with PCOS.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Betty, maybe if you just offer to walk with her? help her get started with more activity? I had a friend who would come over to get me to walk or bike and it really helped with motivation.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Joyce - Praying is definitely being done! I did talk to my son last summer (he spoke several times at church) and he told me that, "we live together; you understand my grunts!" He did talk a little last night about his experiences. I'm waiting until he's a little more rested (and his sister isn't around) and he will talk for probably a couple of hours. I get my chin and mustache waxed every three weeks and tweeze in between.

    Janet - Thanks! My daughter is very much like her father and sometimes his genes win out!

    I had another round of torture, err, PT, this morning. I asked about coming out of the sling at the end of next week and my concern that I wasn't ready for that--my arm is still too "fragile." She said they would be contacting the doctor next week to talk about the sling. I may be in it for an additional two weeks. I can't imagine having an arm that I have lift and move with my right hand being allowed to dangle and be exposed to knocks and bumps. I still won't be allowed to pick up anything with it. She reiterated that it had been a very complex surgery. We'll see.

    I will probably try to pop back in later.

    Carol in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Great idea Miriam.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member