

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    to say I cant move is an understatement :
    was over to the nursing home at 7:30 Tom fed his father.. and FIL was telling his son he gets an A for effort.. when Tom is there on weekends if my FIL doesn't feed himself, I let the hubby do it so he thinks he is helping his dad which he is. I do it the rest of the week..
    from there came home picked up my grocery list and coupons and off I went..got home a little after 11. and am just sitting down now....
    made DH, bread pudding,cheeseburger pie, american chop suey, and cheddar bacon chicken breasts,
    bought a small rotisserie chicken and had left over rice and that was dinner,
    cut up watermelon, and bagged individual size bags of grapes, bought cherries ,will do those in individual bags once I get room in the fridge. bagged his cookies and snacks , so when I go to make his lunches I go to the freezer and and fridge and get the things together.,
    I did buy a boston cream cake, as it was on sale.. but I froze it, and hope it will stay for a couple of weeks,will be having friends over for hubbys birthday and will take that out then..
    DSIL still in hospital, dont know when they are going to spring her, but she is looking for surgeons down at Yale New Haven which is one of the top hospitals in the country..she is in the medical field so she will get only the best, and the hospital she works for is affiliated with Yale.
    My feet are killing me, if I haven't gotten 10,000 steps by now I will hop off the house :/
    Tom got alot done around the house today too. but we are both pooped.. so will get in my jammies in a bit and read and hit the hay early.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret- The pictures of the wedding are beautiful! It makes me miss being down in the cities where I grew up.

    Miriamwithcats- I think I killed my hostas! I am the only one that can! The ones that I transplanted from my old house to my new house are not doing very well! I do have them in full direct sunlight. I wonder if that is too harsh for them.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mary, probably. Hostas prefer shade. The more yellow varieties can take some sun but not full sun. The blue varieties cannot take any direct sun at all or they fry. I have dug hostas up (lanciflora ones that grow like weeds), piled them in a heap on the driveway, and a month later they were going strong! But it was shaded. There is lots of information out on the web about sun/ shade requirements for plants, and also about whether they are hardy for your area. Most local nurseries (not Walmart, etc.) will only have plants that do well in your area but you can look up their "hardiness" to cold, and the zone you live on, on the web too. From back in the pre-internet days I have two full shelves of gardening books, which I use with the web for research.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DYS has a Mountain Feise (sometimes called a Mountain Cur). Lily is really smart; Will has taken up a lot of time training her. It's a hunting breed; but, smallish, like a terrier - it's in the Terrier family. Our DOS's lab is our 'big' Devil Dog . . . she comes down twice a day and still whatever cat food that TuxterMuxter doesn't eat. She loves our oldest DGD and will do just about anything for her. Taylor is only 5'-nothing (as she says) and when the dog jumps up and puts her front paws on her shoulders she is about the same height. When she comes home, she ignores my DOS and minds Taylor. She still barks at us when we drive into the driveway. She hates our bug spray man with a passion and I have to call and make sure the girls have her in the kennel. We'd like a small dog that will be housetrained. When Shorty was still alive, nothing came into our yard - she was afraid of nothing. One night she was barking out front and when Louis opened the dog to shush her, there were 16 pair of coyote eyes glaring in the light. He told her 'they're gonna eat you if you don't get in your bed'. She got in it; but, still barked until we heard them baying up on the ridge behind our house. I once thought they had gotten her; but, she was crouched down and shaking on the steps; Louis say they probably got a deer. It made the sound of a baby crying. It was awful.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Miriam- thanks for the info on hostas. I guess I didn't realize it but for the last 18 years they were planted in the shade. I just heard that they were so hardy that I thought that they would do well anywhere. I will have to move them.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Becca, yes, I was talking about Googling the Coconut oil teeth pulling if you weren’t familiar with it. Mary, are you the one that was doing that??? Whoever it was, I wonder if they still do it? Haven’t heard about it in a while. Doing all that concoction mixing first thing in the morning sounds dangerous if you aren’t fully awake. No telling what you might accidentally grab to pour in the mix. You don’t keep vodka in the bathroom, I hope. no.gif

    Michele, I just think there comes a time that we get old enough to have to hire some things done. My DH still mows the yard but I know he can’t keep doing it for too many more years. It is one of the few things he does for real exercise. Another problem for us is that Miss Maggie (black lab) has the run of the back yard, so we would have to be home to contain her while someone was working back there. I sure hope you heel is better today. Be careful with that funny walking while the wart spot heals. I had a similar situation once and ended up with a stress fracture in my shin….just from walking funny for a few days. wheelchair.gif

    Katla, you know we will happily come to your pity party. Everyone deserves a good one every now and then. I’m not a shopper like I was in my younger years. I think partly because my back got so bad that I couldn’t shop. Buying gifts is just so much fun if you happen to know the perfect gift that they will love. Otherwise it’s become a drudgery to me. Good luck!

    Patsy, glad to have you aboard. I totally agree that humor can make life way more enjoyable and sometime even bearable. And there ain’t nothin’ wrong with not traveling. How wonderful to live in a place you most want to be.

    Joyce, when we go to the beach we normally go to the far south end of Myrtle Beach, mainly because it’s one of the closest to our house. Maybe about a 10 minute drive. There are a number of nice, uncrowded spots on the north side of town but none of them have lifeguards, if that’s of interest. The main thing we do is stay away from the large hotels and resorts because that is where it gets really crowded. I don’t like the really isolated areas because my main entertainment is people watching. I was never good at golf but do enjoy watching the pros. I’ve been to a few tourney over the years and always enjoy that. Most golf courses are just so pretty.

    Rori, so good to hear from you again. How wonderful that you have started the paddle boarding. At the beach today I was watching some people out paddling and wondered how hard it would be to get back on that board. LOL Enjoy that stop in Charlotte and getting together with the NC gals.

    Sharon, it sounds like you did plenty and had a good visit in the process. I do hate not being near any family so never getting to visit with any of them.

    Lisa, a big congrats on those lost inches!!! Woozer!! It sounds like you have everything going your way and I wish you luck on the cleaning.

    Heather, so glad your hips stopped hurting. You can just imagine me giving you a swift kick, any time you need it. You know I’m willing. whip.gif

    Barbie, glad you enjoyed the dog show.

    Lillian, no no no. We are supposed to get the weight to go down, not up. That’s a bummer about the animal tracks around your house. Just be careful out walking. Hopefully they are more afraid of you than you are them.

    Katla, do you have someone that would go shopping with you? I always find it more enjoyable with a friend.

    Sylvia what fun to go canoeing this morning. Good for you both.

    NMMargaret, thanks for sharing the pictures. Those two little ones in the wagon are adorable.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    There were so many posts that I didn’t have time to finish reading this morning before we went to the beach. Thus, the long post now. It was an absolutely glorious day at the beach. DH doesn’t care much for sitting in the sun so it took him a while to get the umbrella situated so the wind would not pick it up. I slept late this morning, which I rarely do, so we didn’t get out of here until 10:00 or a bit after. I took some fruit and cheese sticks, so didn’t starve before we left there around 2:30. I saw so many tannins I wanted to take pictures of, for those of you who weren’t sure, but I can’t post pictures from my phone.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Miriam - Looking at Janet’s flowering house plant it looks like a coleus to me… I thought pilea cadierrei did not flower….hmmmm….

    Miriam and Michele - hosta’s are a favorite of California slugs, so while they are not easy to kill, the slugs will eat them and that’s the end!!! I am not sure if NC has slugs and how you feel about the options to “kill” them, but that could be a concern.

    Right on for the shade suggestion to Mary! I had some hostas with fuchsias in a shady spot in my yard but decided that the quantity of chemicals to keep the snails at bay was not worth it.

    I love plants and gardening, it is a peaceful thing for me… but it is so much harder in CA now as our water is so limited! And unluckly I really don’t care for cactus and succulents. But lavender, rosemary, sage/salvias, seem to be doing ok, as new(er) plants, and established things are hanging on with such limited water.

    Made an amazing dish that I wanted to share as it was super easy! So tomato and yellow or green zucchini…

    Take a fry pan and spray with spray oil or wipe it with just a little oil, cover the bottom of the pan with whole cherry tomatoes, dump on a teaspoon of garlic and a few sun dried tomatoes (not the ones with oil), then on the top of the tomatoes add zucchini, but cut the zucchini with a spirlizer OR in ¼ inch thick planks and then cut the planks about ¼ inch wide so you are making fettuccini shaped “noodles” out of zucchini. Put a lid on the pan and cook on low for a while until the zucchini is about ½ cooked – 5minutes ? then take the lid off and stir, and continue to cook until the liquid is cooked off. You did not add any liquid, it is the tomato juice from the cherry tomatoes.

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles 7/25 - 131miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 9
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!
    W2 – a new smart phone, my business paid off, a visit from an out of state friend
    W3 – final week of camp
    W4 – summer starts (for me) 3 days with my “boys” , a trip to SF,
    Kim from N. California
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had some zuchini from our garden and came across a recipe for blueberry Zuchinni muffins,made for hubby,he loved them
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet R that is a pilea cadierrei commonly called an aluminum plant or a watermelon plant. Bright indirect light, water thoroughly but let dry between waterings. If you want a full bushy plant, it needs to be pinched back (you pinch off the tips to encourage lateral, side, growth.).

    Thanks, Miriam. Do they always have the little pink blooms?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2015
    DJ - yes, my DH and I still do the coconut oil pulling for our teeth. Our teeth are whiter our mouth is cleaner, our breath is fresh, our tongue is back to being pink, and we don't have morning breath. I don't Think that we will ever have to go to the dentist again. I can tell that my teeth are clean between them. No need to floss ever again.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Kim - thanks, that's exactly what I'm saying too. I have never had one flower before. At first I thot it was s a fluke and would be short lived, but it flowers continuously. I have it in what I call the "morning" room. At some time some one closed in and finished what used to be the front porch. I painted it orange to make it bright and sunny and have wicker furniture out there and the plant loves the morning sun (it faces East).
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Miriam- thanks for the info on hostas. I guess I didn't realize it but for the last 18 years they were planted in the shade. I just heard that they were so hardy that I thought that they would do well anywhere. I will have to move them.

    Mary from Minnesota

    True about hostas, shade to some sun. The problem with too much shade will be slugs, if you see the grossest thing sprinkle with salt. I have used beer in a bowl , all I found was evidence of a slug party!! There is a new hosta for full sun, very nice called waterfalls. Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    738795i947kw2p7x.gif We had a meeting today at our house to plan an event that's coming up....the attendees agreed to buying pizza and sharing it. I ate my lunch before anyone arrived having made the decision to not eat pizza. A few times during the meeting I seriously considered eating pizza and then remembered that eating a piece of pizza always makes me want to eat another piece and then all the sodium makes me uncomfortable, thirsty, and bloated so I returned to sanity and didn't have any.

    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif I made an announcement first thing this morning that I'd need the area where I do my weight training for an hour and didn't want to be bothered. It worked great....except for dodging the vacuum cleaner, being asked several questions about the TV show I was watching, and being asked to come spread medicated lotion on hubby's back...but I completed my whole routine.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Three hours of dog walking including some of it in the rain....there has been such a drought here that I don't take any forecast of rain seriously so we were quite surprised when the rain started and we got very wet in the ten minute walk back to the house---hubby met us in the laundry room with dry towels and hugs.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gayle- thanks, I will have to move them to the other side of the house. We should get together sometime.

    Does anyone know what plants survive full sun and harsh winters? My irises don't seem to like the sun either but they don't always look good after a move until the next year. Any advice???

    Barbie - your hubby wants all your attention! Kinda cute! I'm glad you got your weight session in! I still love doing the strong lift 5x5. I'm loving the muscle definition.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Gayle- thanks, I will have to move them to the other side of the house. We should get together sometime.

    Does anyone know what plants survive full sun and harsh winters? My irises don't seem to like the sun either but they don't always look good after a move until the next year. Any advice???

    Barbie - your hubby wants all your attention! Kinda cute! I'm glad you got your weight session in! I still love doing the strong lift 5x5. I'm loving the muscle definition.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Irises like ps and as they age should have babies to bloom. Then it time to separate. For mn painted daisy, black eye Susan's,Russian sage, lilies, phloxes, poppies, ornamental grasses, peonies, salvia,and many more!!!! Big sale at the state fair grounds mother day weekend, they have plants for Minnesota. Gayle Minneapolis. Yes let's get together
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    edited July 2015
    Did an hour of a total body cardio flow DVD. I wasn't very impressed with it and probably won't keep it. Tomorrow's plan is to do the last segment of the 10 Minute Butt Lift DVD that I forgot to do last week, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    katla - what kind of idea did your daughter give you for the shower?

    Joyce - we had a weeping willow tree at our first house. While it's really pretty to look at, it is also very very messy. Always branches falling off

    janetr - I'm hoping that going in the pool will help my heel. I know that it's just because I'm putting most of my weight on my heel since the ball is where the wart was removed from, but it's just such a pain Thanks for your healing thoughts -- got them

    kim - so glad you had such a great time with your nephew and godson

    Rori - I'm very very impressed that you took the stand up paddling board lesson.

    Lisa - big congrats on your NSV. I agree, taking measurements is the best indicator of all. "Amen" for the previous I always liked when my boss would work with me, not just boss me. Gives you a different appreciation of the job

    Toni - I look at a plant and it dies. The only thing I can't seem to be able to kill is a weed.

    Lillian - enjoy your company!

    Sylvia - yea for that life jacket being too big. But being too big, is it still safe to use? I remember when Bryan first started taking kayak lessons, he had to learn how to (I think it's called) roll, where the kayak is upside down and you have to get out. I would think that a canoe would be the same way. Is there any canoe place around where you might inquire?

    bkrimpet - I grew up in NJ, too. After we moved, sometimes when I'd go back to visit my father I'd unconsciously get out and start pumping my own gas. Never had a problem, tho

    Looks like we need a Sweden flag, too!!!!

    Margaret turk - loved the pics. What a neat thing to do the red wagon!

    Miriam - the slope is in full sun -- all day long. It gets hot here, not humid, tho. You say you canoot kill hostas. Don't get them near me!!! Thanks so much for your suggestions of plants to put in on the slope. I don't know if we would be able to put in any type of retaining wall since it's REAL close to the easement for the power lines. We just might not bother. I remember when we were building the detached garage the power company came by and hovered real low making sure we weren't over the easement. I would think that hostas would be good for under a tree, so you don't have to mow it but there is lots of shade.

    DJ - the heel is a little better. I've been putting polysporin on the area where he doc dug out the wart and then a bandage over that. Wasn't today such a nice day? I went in the pool

    Alison - happy birthday to your hubby. When is his birthday?

    Got up, exercised, then made some chocolate bran muffins to freeze, had breakfast then made petite turkey meatloafs for later in the week. Then went in the pool, then went to Hancocok fabrics. If I put velcro on the backs of the playing pieces for the Rumikub game, they will stick to felt. Vince says that felt isn't meant to get wet. Well, I'm just planning to use it the one time and we shall see what happens. If necessary, the next time I can just put rows of the other velcro (the flatter side). Lynette stopped by to bring me my cake carrier. Why, I'm not really sure. It's not that I absolutely needed it. Had dinner, worked on crochet, now here

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    barbiecat - good job resisting the pizza. i personally don't care for it so it isn't a problem for me.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm not from Sweden but my DH is a full blooded Swede. His family still visits regularly with relatives in Sweden. I will find out some of the last names.

    Mary from Minnesota