
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif The dog show yesterday was great. We stayed for only about 90 minutes. I don't want to think about my life without Brandy and Sasha, the frisky poodles, but Jake likes to talk about what dog we might have next. After watching the judging of the 12 Golden Retrievers he was finally able to agree that they are too big a dog for us to have in our 70's as much as we would love to have one again. We saw several smaller breeds that we thought would be great but discussion with people at the show and research online discouraged us (health problems, energy levels, and high purchase price were among the factors). I just love being in the company of dogs.......in fact, that's what I'm going to do now, is go off for two hours in the company of first one dog and then the other. I'm listening to a great audio book, the weather is cool and dry....who could ask for anything more.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, mutts tend not to have the health problems that purebreds do. Your local animal shelter will have a nice choice. And they are just as easy to train and are very loving.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @barbiecat - my DOS has a lab; who has just gotten out of her puppy stage (2 years old) where she does not chew up everything in sight. Last summer she took 40 sprinkler heads out of my garden to take up and chew up like bones. I think smaller dogs have a shorter puppy stage (insofar as chewing up and having accidents).

    @JanetMMc - so far we have not heard about the job; not going to ask either. She either got it and will tell us; or not and won't or will. She's going to be miserable if she didn't. She took middle DGD to get color put in her hair to get ready for school starting in another 3+ weeks.

    - thanks for letting me know where to find the recipe.
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thank you all for the warm welcome and kind words.

    I have to break some bad habits-namely that I do well through the week and blow it on the weekend. And that is how the pounds creeped up 1-2 lbs a week. I did very well this weekend until last night. I are well all day, then we went to a Ribfest where some bands where playing. I didn't plan to eat much there, but before we'd left, DH had bought 2 servings of ribs, cookies, ice cream and Margaritas. He lost 1 lb and I gained 2 lbs. So, I am off to the gym this morning and we're going to have to chat later about how he can better support me on the weekends. Let you know how that goes.

    I am envious of the gardeners on this group. I can't grow a thing!

    I also do a bit of painting, but haven't done that for awhile. I have some other goals to pursue first, but maybe it's time to get back to it.

    For the other writers in the group, what are you working on?

    For those of you who have the Fitbit, how do you like it? How do you use it?

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @tinithewriter - I think weekends are probably the hardest on most of us. Seems like the day is slow insofar as meals come; but, still goes fast when you are in the middle of one - like it is hard to think it is already Sunday, just a little while ago we were wondering how DGD was going to do, driving home from school in a storm. (Friday evening).
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    And this week it is worse..... gain of 2 lbs..... 179.4 this morning!!

    And the ultimate worse..... the neighbours told us last night they seen wolf and bear tracks .... I always walk outside, that is my stress relief... a mile up to the lake with my dog and a mile back. I do carry bear bells but I am not sure what my dog would do if he seen either animal, he might want to play with it.

    Did some yard work on Friday before the hectic weekend started and while I was weeding in the green house I got stung by bees. Just lovely!! it still hurts, there is a spot on my thigh the size of my hand that is swollen and red.

    I have two sour cherry trees in my garden and because I have cherries and juice in my deep freeze from last year yet, I offered my cherries to my neighbour. She gladly came over and picked them. And for that she brought a Saskatoon pie with her... she has a tame Saskatoon berry orchard. Now hubby is pretty happy about the pie..... :(

    Do I have any more happy things this weekend??? Sure, company leaving today and more company arriving!!

    I best go and have more coffee before DH's niece and her boyfriend get up. And then I think it is off to the beach again - all the kids, DGK's, nieces ...everybody!!!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Morning peeps--
    Damnit- funny thing is I am not trying to loose weight
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    miriam-DS counselor likes the book feeling good- which has a focus on cognitive therapy - so it does have some behavior mod, faulty thinking components, I am on chapter three. now to get him to read it would be nice. He is also on meds.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    The traditional pic taken before we head for home. Floyd isn't sitting up straight so don't let that fool u into thinking yogi has caught up 3tvcrleme9e5.jpg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce: Your cone shaped evergreens look like Dwarf Alberta Spruce trees. They're very hardy. I use a little one as my Christmas Tree these days because it can survive a few weeks stay the house in December and then move back outside without getting sick. :bigsmile: They are very slow growers & I see that Miriam thinks something different. This may help you figure it out. Yours are quite large. They would be quite old if they're dwarf. (The dwarfs are slow growing but can eventually get quite large.) www.garden.org/plantguide/?q=show&id...

    Janet: I wish you could be my personal shopper! I have to face this today, and I'm having a little pity party. I don't enjoy shopping. :grumble:

    Rori: I am delighted that you're getting some much needed rest. I hope you'll post pictures when you meet Michele and Carol. :bigsmile:

    Lisa: Taking on a restaurant is a very big challenge. You are doing it the right way. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Hooray that your hips have stopped hurting! :heart:

    Barbiecat: I'm glad you enjoyed the dog show. Looking at dogs, talking about dogs and thinking about dogs are great ways to spend a day. We love our Keeshond and hope he lives a good, long life. He's 8 now, and the vet raves about his good health and physical condition. He is our second Kees, and we'd be very likely to get another in the future. It is the luck of the draw whether or not mutts have health problems. Some are healthy and others are a medical mess. Medical messes are heartbreaking but lovable. DD has a rescue dog who is now diabetic and blind. :broken_heart: She gives him insulin every day and she loves him. :heart:

    Toni: If you have a calorie splurge you can compensate with exercise. I've burned off more than a few splurges by riding a stationary bike in my garage. :bigsmile:

    I have to go back and shop again for DGN's bridal shower gifts. :ohwell: I'll do my best to make this shopping trip fun. I'm looking forward to going to Cathlamet, WA on Monday to meet our sailing club and share an event with them. Chores to do plus something nice to look forward to helps me enjoy a good attitude. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! We got up early and went out in the canoe for an hour. We haven't done that in a very, very long time. My life jacket was do big that even adjusted all the way down it was too big. And hubby complained that his has shrunk. I suggested we switch but he thinks we should just get new ones. These are at least 10 years old. I forgot how much of a workout it is to paddle. My shoulders were pretty tired by the time we got back. It was cloudy and there was a nice breeze, so it was a wonderful morning to go out. We saw a few fishermen but no big motor boats, so that was great. We saw about a dozen great blue herons and one green heron. We heard several kingfishers but couldn't see them in the thick leaves.

    I'm terrified of turning over in the canoe. We had a bad spill once on a river in Missouri and I nearly drowned. I got caught on a submerged tree and was underwater for about three minutes, according to a guy camping on the bank. It was scary, so since then it has been a struggle to force myself yo get in the boat, but I always enjoy it afterwards. This morning was just wonderful.

    Then I made French toast for hubby's breakfast, then went walking for three miles. So, I think I've had a pretty good morning.

    This afternoon I have a clay club meeting over in Joplin, so we are getting ready to leave the lake and head home.

    I hope you all have a great day.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Whippet- sounds like a great morning
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! It sounds like everybody is up and at it already. Just checking in and then off to the garage to bring in more containers to unpack. We are trying to put away as we bring in so not to have such a mess in the house. This afternoon we will be getting company. Two of my sisters are up with their family at my DSnL house. They are going to stop by here later this afternoon to see my new place.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! It sounds like everybody is up and at it already. Just checking in and then off to the garage to bring in more containers to unpack. We are trying to put away as we bring in so not to have such a mess in the house. This afternoon we will be getting company. Two of my sisters are up with their family at my DSnL house. They are going to stop by here later this afternoon to see my new place.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    Did u show pics? And sounds like a good idea on putting stuff away as u bring it in
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Just a quick note or two : grew up in NJ where it is illegal to pump gas. A common bumper sticker is Jersey Girls don't Pump Gas and even though I have been gone since the seventies I still have only done it a few times. Self-serve does not save any money and plus people can still get jobs pumping gas-- win win. Oregon and New Jersey are very enlightened about this. I cajole my DH to do it for me.
    So I got me one of those tankinis. Overall I like it, but nobody told me about one disadvantage, which is pulling that darn top off when it is soaking wet! Not the contortionist I was when I was younger!
    Hope I don't wrench my shoulder out of joint.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Lisa – Wow, sounds like you certainly know your “stuff” and are getting things shaped up in record time. Very impressive on the inches lost. Nothing is better than people noticing on commenting on how we are looking. Glad you are about to see the light at the end of the tunnel in the restaurant shape up. So wonderful your family could all come and help and be together too. Don't work too hard, take care of you too in this process.

    @Heather – You have no idea how immensely I enjoy your posts. Its like reading a novel and learning of new and interesting places and foods. I would love to be able to visit the places you describe to vividly for us and to be able to taste the different foods. Told hubby about the great cheeses you were telling us about a few days ago. He was almost ready to board a plane and head that way. For his birthday last year I signed him up for “Cheese of the Month Club” so he got some cheeses from other countries too. He was in heaven. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Rest up and recuperate.

    @Barbie – Sounds heavenly, cool and dry, I'm not wanting to stick my nose out the door. It's like a sauna out there :( I too would be lost without out dogs. We have the Boston terrier and a Chihuahua. The little one doesn't yap and carry on like most cuz hubby has trained her from the beginning that it was not acceptable. Boston terrier is about half again the size of most, people always asks “what kind of dog” he is. He is so lovable and wants to be friends with everyone. He very rarely barks but when he does I jump out of my skin, its a big bark.

    @Grits – Labs are notorious chewers, but very loyal and loving.

    @Toni – I just got a Fitbit Flex a few weeks ago. I got a waterproof one that I can use in water aerobics because that is my main exercise. I love it. It syncs with MFP to put in your actual calories burned so shows on MFP how many net calories you have eaten for the day. Tracks your steps, converts the exercise to steps and calories burned. The Flex does not have any type of readout on the actual device. Some of the other Fitbit models have a watch, and heart monitor, shows number of steps, etc. Just depends on what you want.

    @Lillian – I have never heard of Saskatoon berries. What are they like. Yikes, that's scary about the bears and wolf. Be careful with the bee sting on your thigh, that sounds pretty big to me. Wish I had a beach close :)

    @Pip, the pups are all so cute. They look like they love hugs.

    @Katla – I have never been on a sail boat in my life. Having lived most of my life in the Colorado and now in Oklahoma there is not much sailing :) It always sounds so romantic.

    @Sylvia – I have never been in a canoe, I'm too scared of water to get in one. Hubby has been looking at them for a year. He wants one to use for fishing. I told him count me out. I wish I were not so frightened of water. Your morning paddle sounded so peaceful. I'm not sure I could paddle at all lol

    Well my youngest daughter and her family left for home (7 hr drive) about an hour and a half ago. I always get teary when they leave cuz I know it will be too long before I get to see them again. We had a wonderful weekend but the time always goes too quickly. Today is my oldest daughter's 41st birthday. She lives in Denver area, where we are from originally. She keeps telling me how “old” she is, yeah right. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend y'all. I have no plans and feel a little at loose ends, exactly when I start snacking on anything and everything. Guess I'd better just get on the stationary bike for a while until the feeling passes.

    Janetr - OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - I can't show pics from my phone. When I have time I will download some to the computer. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! Even loosing a little that's nice to have that extra cushion beyond your goal weight.

    Toni - I love the Rib Fest. It is hard to go there and not enjoy the food. You still have to live and enjoy your life. We will have to get together. Come up to Walker for a visit. I do go to the cities every 4-6 weeks.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, Ladies!

    Hope all the aches and pains are better.

    Sounds like many of you had some adventures yesterday.

    I’m 51, and have lived in Virginia for 25 years now. First in Va. Beach, then near Harrisonburg. I’m down in Norfolk for a while now for my job.

    I’ve got three rescue dogs, one of which I adopted through a program where inmates train pound puppies before they go up for adoption. My little prison beagle has been a comfort to me.

    Horses have been an important part of my life recently as part of an equine therapy program. I got to interact with horses on the ground for a while before actually getting up on one. My horse buddy is named Blondie. She’s the one I’m kissing in my profile pic. :*

    Animals can reach parts of us that people can’t. I don’t know how. I just know that they do. And I’m better for it.
    Have a fantastic and healthy day!

    Colleen in Virginia
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Joyce ~ This is what I meant about low growing azaleas.
