Struggling to give up.....

I'm struggling to give up anything sweet.....I was fine for a little while but then I went and bought cake yesterday and sweets today. I bought fruit and I love what I bought, I just can't seem to stop :(


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Why bother cutting out things you will go insane without? Learn to eat in moderation.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Lilith5 wrote: »
    I'm struggling to give up anything sweet.....I was fine for a little while but then I went and bought cake yesterday and sweets today. I bought fruit and I love what I bought, I just can't seem to stop :(

    Yep, and neither can most people. Fit the sweets into your calorie goal and you'll have much more success. Completely restricting or giving up specific foods is a great way to lose weight and then gain it all back. Find something that works for you-for life
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    Don't cut them out. Find a version that will fit in your calorie goal - whether that's a serving of regular ice cream, dark chocolate squares, or a half a doughnut.

    The easiest way for me to fail at eating better and losing weight is to tell me that I can't have something. Nothing is off-limits, it's just a matter of eating a correct or reduced portion of the foods I love. I have a Skinny Cow ice cream bar almost every day. Some days, I have regular full-calorie/full-fat ice cream if I have room for it. I *love* my ice cream. I'm going to find a way to fit it into my day and still lose.
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I have a glass of wine pretty much every day. I just know that I need to move enough to burn those 100 calories. I make it fit my day.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    I have started preparing easy "sweet" recipes to replace similar things I love, healthier with no added sugar. I keep almond butter "fudge" in my freezer all the time (ridiculously easy to make!) It makes me crave the really bad stuff less.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Iron_Mommy wrote: »
    I have started preparing easy "sweet" recipes to replace similar things I love, healthier with no added sugar. I keep almond butter "fudge" in my freezer all the time (ridiculously easy to make!) It makes me crave the really bad stuff less.

    define "really bad stuff" @Iron_Mommy I eat a chocolate bar every night and lose/lost consistently.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I have a self control issue. I know this. So I get it. There are certain things I can't keep in the house. But everyone is right, you can have everything if you fit it in.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Why give up things you enjoy?
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am a sweet lover too & it does take patience and I agree that cutting what you love out completely is just asking for disaster because when you think "oh, I can have a little" turns into a whole cake. I've started adding in plain vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries after dinner when I get the craving. It's amazing to me how 1/2 c. of vanilla ice cream and raspberries is filling and it gives me the sweet treat that I need. So, you can still eat them, just watch your portion sizes.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    Well, @SezxyStef , really bad stuff is I guess different for everyone. I don't think chocolate bars are bad at all in moderation. But for me, "bad stuff" is ice cream, candy (for me it's snickers!), and other sweets with lots of additives. That's the kind of stuff that makes me just want more and more when I eat it. But when I have slightly healthier alternatives, I don't usually crave more afterwards. But everyone is different. Was just offering my advice to keep somewhat healthier sweets on hand.
  • Xo_c_e_b_xo
    Xo_c_e_b_xo Posts: 70 Member
    I've lost 41 pounds and I feel like sometimes I only eat sweet stuff , as a lot of people have said as long as it's in your calorie goals then you'll be fine x
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    I've learned there's nothing that is off limits in moderation, but for me personally I know I have to stay away or find a way to portion control certain foods. There are some things that I just have to know I can't trust myself around because just having 1 taste can open the floodgates for me. There was a great chocolate easter bunny massacre at my house one year where I devoured a box in 5 mins without thinking...the next year the box went to my parents so I wouldn't have it tempt me and I could alllow myself 2 a week. There are other sweets that I can have in my house and I can have 1 and walk away.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Unless you are prepared to give those foods up for life you need to figure out how to fit them into your calorie goal.
    It may take time to learn that but you can do it.
    Take smaller portions. Log before you eat to see if it is worth that amount of calories. Eat the item slowly.
  • LC932017
    LC932017 Posts: 94 Member
    Iron_Mommy wrote: »
    Well, @SezxyStef , really bad stuff is I guess different for everyone. I don't think chocolate bars are bad at all in moderation. But for me, "bad stuff" is ice cream, candy (for me it's snickers!), and other sweets with lots of additives. That's the kind of stuff that makes me just want more and more when I eat it. But when I have slightly healthier alternatives, I don't usually crave more afterwards. But everyone is different. Was just offering my advice to keep somewhat healthier sweets on hand.
    Totally agree!! I do the same @Iron_Mommy . Bottom line- do what works for you :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Diabetics have to give up a lot of sugar, but over time I've found that things like fruit suit very well, while foods like rice did NOT. Instead of seeing sugary foods as being NEVER, it might help to see them as something to be CONTROLLED. Then you will not be fighting insane cravings while trying to lose weight too.
  • LC932017
    LC932017 Posts: 94 Member
    @Iron_Mommy can you share the almond butter fudge recipe? Sounds yummy!!
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    @lana0715 Sure! Here is the link,

    You might also like this recipe for chocolate peanut butter bites, it's actually a MFP recipe.

    And if you're on pinterest you can follow my food board, lots more yummy recipes on there!

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Iron_Mommy wrote: »
    @lana0715 Sure! Here is the link,

    You might also like this recipe for chocolate peanut butter bites, it's actually a MFP recipe.

    And if you're on pinterest you can follow my food board, lots more yummy recipes on there!


    Thanks! I'm going to try with peanut butter and baking cocoa instead of almond butter and cacao.

    I make and like - I use a 1/4 C scoop and get 9 instead of 12.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Lilith5 wrote: »
    I'm struggling to give up anything sweet.....I was fine for a little while but then I went and bought cake yesterday and sweets today. I bought fruit and I love what I bought, I just can't seem to stop :(

    Are you eating enough protein and fat? This can help reduce sugar cravings.

    I plan for a small amount of treats and don't get bingy anymore. Being overly restrictive can be dangerous for some people. Others need to do it for medical reasons and others can do this without issues.