High Blood Sugar Rant



  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Sorry you were blind sided by your diagnosis. If you are dealing with a chronic disease, you may want to consider finding a Doctor that asks for more information before delivering treatment recommendations.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Can you see a dietician or nutritionist for further guidance?

    I was thinking endocrinologist. They're the specialists. It's kind of scary your doc just wants to treat what really is a symptom without considering what it means in the grand scheme of your health.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    So fun stuff you learn about your family, when something like this happens. I didn't think I had a family history but it turns out my maternal grandmother, grandfather and great grandmother were all insulin dependent diabetics. I only ever knew one of them and she lived 1000 miles away. I think I may need to go track down a more detailed medical history on them. :-) Thanks for all the advise!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have the same condition. My doctor told me that first of all I should limit carbs, which you are already doing, then that I should never eat a carb without pairing it with a protein. It's hard to do sometimes, but it does work. Always pair carbs with proteins, don't eat them by themselves, and see how that goes at your next bloodwork check.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Life is not fair.