heel pain - anybody had this?



  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    It sounds like plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. I AM NOT A DOCTOR so that is not a real diagnosis, but I've dealt with it before. You can google it and find some stretches to do that will help release the fascia and loosen muscles in the foot. Basic one is to use a tennis ball to roll out the knots. I've also heard of people using a frozen water bottle. Definitely google it and check out some youtube videos. If it seems to get worse, see a doctor and/or have them refer you to an Airrosti clinic. They are like chiropractors for soft tissue, awesome stuff!!!

    I vote again for this one.
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    thanks for posting info re: "Straussberg Sock" , that gives those of us suffering from PF another option.
  • KeepGood
    KeepGood Posts: 386 Member
    A few weeks ago I had what sounds much the same, after a bit of reading up I came to the conclusion it was most likely plantar fasciitis. I got it from jump around like a looney playing tennis. It's taken two, almost three weeks for the tender feeling to calm down.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Tight calves can lead to PF. Along with many things.

    I personally think it's best to stay away from running for a while.

    All of the suggestions of stretching, deep tissue cross massage, lacrosse ball are very good advice.

    I would like to add icing after any activity that causes inflammation. Also I would highly recommend KT Tape. It will work wonders for dealing with the pain & promote healing. You can youtube vids on how to apply. It is a god send, & has helped all that I have suggested to try.