plastic surgery...



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Shannon my boys are 22 months old so I feel your tiredness. They luckily sleep from 7-7 and take a mid day nap.

    And I'm jealous! I would be ecstatic if mine went to bed at 7. I could clean, workout, take a shower, and still get to bed at a decent time. My husband stays home with my girls so they usually sleep in a little later, and are up a little later. Which is ok too. It lets me hang out with them longer than the 2 hours if they went to bed at 7. Just so much to do I is busy.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have boobs and botox. I love my boobs. They are the best thing I ever bought. They werent for anyone else but me. And I am sooooo happy with the results. I say go for it! You deserve it. Just make sure you find a good doctor and that you do your homework. Research research research. I looked into my boobs for 6 years before I took the leap. I kind of wish I did it sooner, but I'm so happy that I found the right doctor and knew so much about it before I went under the knife. Hope this helps!

    Botox at age 24? That seems odd, I can't imagine anything wrinkling on you! I am NOT judging by any means just surprised. I thought I had a wrinkle when I was 21 but it’s just a dimple on side. I kind of stock pile free anti-wrinkle creams but don’t need any yet. I don’t want to start b/c your skin will have the “lipstick effect”. That’s when your skin gets used to something so now you can’t live without it like lip balm or lipstick for moisture. Sunscreen, moisturizer and lots of water daily are ok preventative measures in my books though.

    I would definitely get a tummy tuck if I ever had kids. I'd be sure to save for it along with their tuition. I don't want to hate my body for the next 50 years after having children and so many moms on this site do. Way to go for all the mom's who have done it so far and the ones saving, you are worth it! If you feel you look good the way you are au-natural high-five to those moms as well. To those who have done it like most of the moms in the Turbo Jam videos, go bounce a quarter off those abs when you are healed baby, I would! ;)