Gym membership vs. working at home



  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    There's no way I can push myself as hard as I do (lifting weights) if I work out at home. I'd have to spend a lot of money to get the equipment I use at the gym. After the initiation fee, my wife & I pay $9.99 a month each & her job reimburses us $20 a month for fitness/health related expenses. During the summer, I go to the gym before work & run 3 times a week & do the stair master twice a week & I lift weights 3 times a week during my lunch hour.

    Plus my kids can't bother me when I'm at the gym.
  • mckatie1980
    I don't have a gym membership but I do Farrell's extreme bodyshaping. Its a Midwest chain if you haven't heard. I love it! We are all a big family and it gives me the accountability I need. And the diet is fairly easy to follow. And with all those people there its easier for me to really push myself and give it my all. I work out at the same time six days a week and its just partof my daily schedule now. I do have a bunch of jillian and various biggest loser Dvds that I use as well. Ive been fighting weight gain from steroids so I have to do everything I can lately. The at home stuff is ok. But definitely harder to force myself to do when I get home. On the plus side I can do a lot with very little equipment. I have a yoga mat a set of 2lb and 5lb weights and a set of resistance bands. I should pick up a medicine ball too. But even with all that it takes very little space. I would say find youtube videos and workouts on pinterest. Keep changing it up and keep it fresh so you don't get bored and definitely set a schedule and make yourself do it. And don't just do cardio. Get some strength training in there. Its easy to find resistance workouts. You just have to make yourself do it. Try different things and keep going with what works for you. Just keep going! That's the most important part.
  • darcyrose_texas
    I have considered joining a gym many times, but my thing is that I enjoy exercising outside! I would rather walk or jog in the fresh air by the lake rather than run on a treadmill. I also have a work out video that I love.
    But on the flip side, I do competitive cheerleading, so I have to pay for "gym" use for practices. There is no work out equipment there... but boy do I get a work out!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've gotten my results all from at home workouts. Why? CONVENIENCE! If something isn't convenient, I just won't do it! I've always been that way!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I have workout DVDs, a treadmill, an elliptical machine, 5 and 8 lb. dumbbells. I can't afford a gym membership, and don't need one, especially since I'd be lucky to find the time once a month to drive into town and go to the gym.
  • rhondaebrock
    While I would love to save the money, I stick with my gym membership because I love the Aqua Zumba class they have! I have never found a workout that I truly looked forward to and enjoyed until I started taking Aqua Zumba. I feel like I am a superstar dancer in the water even though I have two left feet on land. I also find that when I intend to workout at home it doesn't happen because I procrastinate and put it off. Once I am at the gym I am there and just do it.
  • bizzybee72
    bizzybee72 Posts: 14 Member
    I prefer to workout at home, but make sure I mix it up. I do have a mini home gym, but would prefer to be outside swimming, walking, running or cycling. Gotta have variety! After working all day, who wants to leave again after finally making it home plus I'm too cheap to pay the monthly dues.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I do a little of both, but recently took 2 months off without a gym, just to see if I could get by (I didn't want to spend the money renewing my membership).

    However, what I found is that for those 2 months, I still kept up with my running (I love to run), but I did barely any strength training or cross training. I just didn't have the motivation. When I go to a gym I do classes which give me that extra motivation to go. It also helps me get up early in the mornings (having my gym bag packed and ready to go is my motivation to get up at 5am).

    So, I'm all for the gym! I just go to a local rec center though which is nice and low key, and no hidden costs! I was gym shopping for a bit and just couldn't stand all of the "processing fees", "key fees", "enrollment fees" - it drove me crazy!
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I believe there are Zumba DVDs, if you'd rather do that at home.
  • Mseleanor1
    Mseleanor1 Posts: 20 Member
    I love the convenience of my home gym.. I'd rather put the money that I was paying for the membership on the equipment I need at home. I have a gym set up at home with machines. Another positive is I can do it when I want - dressed how I want. I don't have to wait for someone to finish with the machine. Alot of the gyms are crowded at the time I like to workout - right after work because it is the time I am hungry - so the workout eats that time up - without me eating up the food :). And if I want to workout at like 10pm I can just walking into the room - no driving.

    I cancelled my Gym membership - opting for the Home choice - never looked back!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I was going to cancel my gym membership, but so glad I didn't now.

    I just wouldn't be motivated doing it from home, at least at the gym you can work out with your girlfriends, other people motivate you and it's good using a mixture or variety of machines

    My gym also does lots of fun classes......I'm liking body pump at the mo

    I think my gym is £55 a month, and to be fair it's soooo clean and tidy, it is worth every penny .... Especially going on the cross trainer overlooking the golf course...: )
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    Personally, I'd get bored doing videos / going outside for walks all the time. The gym gives me so many more options for cardio, esp since I can't afford to (financially or spatially) purchase multiple pieces of cardio equipment, as I live in a small apartment with my fiancee. :)
  • TeeLiscious
    TeeLiscious Posts: 1 Member
    For me I feel there is little measurable difference between the two. In both cases you are "going it alone". It will be a factor of your intrinsic motivation. I find that I need to have a couple of factors before I can truly be successful. First, I need a solidarity with another group of individuals who are seeking similar changes in their appearance, health and lifestyle. While I have always been the first to poo poo group fitness classes, I have found that the Peak 10 class (any will work if the instructor is good) I took was outstanding. I was motiviated by the instructor, my peers in the class, and my desire to be there for their support as well. My workouts were truly 60 minutes non-stop and the emphasis was as much on non-scalar victories as it was on measurements of the typical parameters we think of with weight loss. When I workout alone, be it the gym or home, I can "cheat" - rest when it gets painful or not do the last rep or two or, worse yet, not show up because no one is 'expecting' me.

    The second thing I need is a goal for my work out. For me it is not enough to lift 'x' weight for 'y' repitions or get on a treadmill for some amount of time. I need to feel as though my workout is accomplishing more than just fitness. I like it to be competitive and/or social. To this end, I play basketball three times a week and I bicycle ride competitively. This is not to say I am particularly good at either but I really enjoy and look forward to both. So my $0.02, if it is a choice between those two options then you should base it on what you enjoy more and the disposable income you have. But for me personally, neither works. I need mentors and motivators beyond my desire to be "better".
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I have a few gyms that I can choose from. I have one that's part of my condo complex, and it's average size. It has a few treadmills, eliptical machines, steppers, bikes, weights...etc. Then we have a very nice gym where I work that has about the same amount of equipment and is more state of the art. Then there's the gym that I have a paid membership, and it's open 24 hrs a day, and they have an extensive amount of machines, weights, zumba...etc classes, swimming, spinning, and indoor track, rowing machines and so on.

    I could obviously cancel my paid membership and just go with the 2 others, but i like that I have the option to go somewhere that has much more of a variety of equipment, and I can step into a class if I want to. Or go take a swim. That's the only reason why I keep my membership, though I usually only go there on the weekends.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I like the atmosphere of a gym filled with people who like me are trying to get fit. Being around others who are exercising motivates me to push myself harder.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I can't fit a power rack in my house, so gym is a must. If all I was doing was cardio I wouldn't bother...I like to be outside when I run and PT.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I used to have a gym membership, but now I work out at home. It just fits into my schedule better and I don't have to wait for equipment. With the money I saved from my gym membership, I was able to buy a treadmill, bench with weights, a Wii with several games (including Zumba Fitness 2 which is my favorite of the Zumba games), and a variety of DVDs. I also occasionally take a Zumba class through my city's parks and rec program. I like it because there's no commitment; I pay per class, and I can go to whatever classes fit my schedule. I'm also lucky enough to have both a community pool and a high school with a pool in my area that offer open swims for very cheap, so if I feel the need to swim, I do that.

    I would suggest checking with the parks and rec department in your city or the surrounding ones (you'll probably have to pay a little more outside your own community) to see if there are any classes you could take that would fit your schedule. It might end up cheaper to go through that.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I have a Y membership. I have a hard time motivating myself to workout at home, but that is partially due to health/pain reasons. I use the pool at the Y and do water aerobic classes.

    I did find some videos on Youtube-BeFit channel that I am going to try on the days I can't get to the Y.
  • flores4life
    flores4life Posts: 6 Member
    Personally, I feel bad if I don't get my "moneys worth" from my gym membership, and that forces me to go even on days when I don't want to. The equipment options are also a lot more than I could ever have at home.

    I feel the same way it is a motovator to go. If i was at home with videos ect, I might just not do them however knowing that Im paying for the things i do use is excelinte motivation to make me go every day even when I realy dont want to or are to tired./
  • stephengle13
    I haven't done a gym membership, but I love working out at home. I constantly go onto pinterest and find new and challenging workouts that fit my needs!