Think beyond the gym



  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Instead of taking a leisurely 3 mile walk inside the grocery store, why not get a bicycle and a trailer and ride to and from the grocery store? Want a better workout, that is actually a workout? Pick out all of the hills in the area and ride up them on your way back from the grocery store.

    That one ride would be the equivalence of going for a walk in the grocery store every weekend for a year.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Instead of taking a leisurely 3 mile walk inside the grocery store, why not get a bicycle and a trailer and ride to and from the grocery store? Want a better workout, that is actually a workout? Pick out all of the hills in the area and ride up them on your way back from the grocery store.

    That one ride would be the equivalence of going for a walk in the grocery store every weekend for a year.

    Can we get an Amen?!? Congregation. . . . . .A-M-E-N

  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You know what annoys me about posts like this
    okay- well let me tell you: and yes- I realized no one asked- but since we are giving out unsolicited opinions about stuff - I'm going to throw mine out.
    Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it. For me I found ways to burn calories doing things I liked.

    This- this is what is chronically wrong with these types of posts. It implies those of us who go to the gym do so because "tis' the way it's done sire!" and that's it- like it's something to be frowned up on.

    I LOVE going to the gym- and I LOVE lifting weights. It's great you want to be outside getting splinters and getting cancer from the sun and getting burnt- go right ahead but don't piss on my gym time as something I'm forced to do. I REALLY TRULY LOVE DOING IT.

    I'm all about finding extra movement- I personally don't push a cart at the grocery store- I ONLY carry a hand basket- it's part of my budgeting system AND it means I farmers walk all my groceries to the car- win win. But that doesn't mean I neglect my focused dedicated work. Because no matter how much "extra" you move- it's not the same as a training plan- no matter what direction you chose to take that.

    This post wasn't bashing gym attendees i said if you like the gym please go. I would never frown upon someones personal fitness program! the results in the end are all that matter. It's not about money for the membership. I could build a gym right here at my house if i wanted it. It's about what YOU like to do. Not what i like or your friends or what everyone tells you what you should do...
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    br3adman wrote: »
    Eire228 wrote: »
    I love the grocery store idea! I don't love grocery shopping, but what an easy way to get in some extra movement. Thanks!

    Yeah I like it! Usually can do 6000-7000 steps per shopping trip via this method. If you got a lowes or another store nearby try it out there. Them stores are huge after an hour lapping around in it you will need a breather trust me.

    I don't get this. I lap the store twice and get around 1500 steps. I even verified yesterday because of post you made in another thread.

    I second Hornsby's post about muscle retention. He's not talking about building muscle, he's talking about preserving the muscle you already have. It's something you should be thinking about now, not later.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    br3adman wrote: »
    Here are a few other things i do on the weekends,afternoons ect. Washing your car,power wash your home and driveway,push the lawn when mowing vs riding. If i was giving the option of buying a new bowflex or push mower i would pick the mower.

    No, you have not washed my car, power washed my home and driveway. Please let me know when you do. Maybe you can do these things for me while I'm at the gym.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    I prefer the gym. Love the smell of a barbell and bumper plates in the morning.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I also prefer going to the gym, mainly because I somehow feel more motivated when surrounded by other people who are motivated too.

    As for a few little ways to get extra exercise into your day, I do something during the 2mins I clean my teeth (I have one of those electric brushes with a timer in it) such as lunges, a wall sit or some squats. I also do the same when I'm waiting for the kettle to boil for my morning cuppa.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm one of those who love the gym, as well. I do a lot of things outside the gym, too. Taiko drumming and karate, mostly (because I'm unable to split myself into the approximately 8 clones I need to get to every possible activity I'd like to try).

    But I like everything I do - including my gym time.

    I also think @Hornsby is right. Yes, you can lose weight by just eating less than you burn. But you risk losing muscle mass as well. By doing regular and intense strength training (occasionally lifting a log for a few hours once a year does not count as "regular" or "intense"), you'll be able to preserve your existing muscle mass. Meaning when you do decide to build muscle, you start with a decent foundation. Not to mention learning how to lift properly has many other benefits than making one look swole - learn proper technique now so you can enjoy proper lifting later.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You know what annoys me about posts like this
    okay- well let me tell you: and yes- I realized no one asked- but since we are giving out unsolicited opinions about stuff - I'm going to throw mine out.
    Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it. For me I found ways to burn calories doing things I liked.

    This- this is what is chronically wrong with these types of posts. It implies those of us who go to the gym do so because "tis' the way it's done sire!" and that's it- like it's something to be frowned up on.

    I LOVE going to the gym- and I LOVE lifting weights. It's great you want to be outside getting splinters and getting cancer from the sun and getting burnt- go right ahead but don't piss on my gym time as something I'm forced to do. I REALLY TRULY LOVE DOING IT.

    I'm all about finding extra movement- I personally don't push a cart at the grocery store- I ONLY carry a hand basket- it's part of my budgeting system AND it means I farmers walk all my groceries to the car- win win. But that doesn't mean I neglect my focused dedicated work. Because no matter how much "extra" you move- it's not the same as a training plan- no matter what direction you chose to take that.

    except that the OP's post specifically says: "Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it"
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I like my track time, tennis court time, and love being in the gym lifting too. That is my routine and it works for me and my goals. However, I always add little challenges to my days when I can. All those simple things like taking stairs, increasing the speed I walk anywhere and everywhere, parking in further parking spaces to get more steps in, and making sure I do things manually that might be done physically easier some other way - sometimes instead of taking 3 pairs of shoes upstairs at once at the house I choose to make it three trips. Of course, all depends on time and such. but much of that I can do regularly for a little extra boost in the day.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited July 2015
    While I suspect the core intent of @br3adman was to describe his no-cost approach to being more active, his way of going about it inevitably leads to the my-way vs gym-way discussion this has predictably deteriorated to.

    If he'd just wrote what's in bold and not the rest, this discussion might be more constructive:
    The point is pick things you genuinely like to do. If you like walking your dog go walk him vs going to the gym it's a good free burn.

    Or from his profile page:
    I also just started a small blackberry orchard last fall, Rather spend time exerciseing during the summer picking berries and earning extra money than in a gym spending money.

    Instead of titling this thread "Beyond the gym" he could have avoided controversy instead by titling it "Burning Calories Doing Stuff That Costs Nothing".

    Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up!
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I hate the gym, so I'm geting weightlifting stuff at home. :)
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Last year I dropped my rarely used gym membership figuring I could get all the exercise I needed doing the exercise i liked outdoors (walks, bike rides, hikes, skiing). But it just wasn't enough to be consistent, and weather factors could really get in the way. I've now renewed my gym membership to get the intentional exercise (and strength training) 3-4times a week, plus the extra activity such as walking on my lunch break, cycling, swimming with my kids, gardening etc. I hope that the more strategies I have to be active, the more successful I can be in the long term.
    My gym is a Family YMCA and they have tons of programming for my kids- so its helped all of us be more active.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I think the OP's suggestions for NEAT are awesome for him. For me, I have other ultimate goals in mind. I like incorporating more movement in my daily life too, but I like that stuff in conjunction with my time in the gym. Those extra steps won't do anything to train you or preserve muscle mass.

  • LiveLoveLift48
    LiveLoveLift48 Posts: 379 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You know what annoys me about posts like this
    okay- well let me tell you: and yes- I realized no one asked- but since we are giving out unsolicited opinions about stuff - I'm going to throw mine out.
    Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it. For me I found ways to burn calories doing things I liked.

    This- this is what is chronically wrong with these types of posts. It implies those of us who go to the gym do so because "tis' the way it's done sire!" and that's it- like it's something to be frowned up on.

    I LOVE going to the gym- and I LOVE lifting weights. It's great you want to be outside getting splinters and getting cancer from the sun and getting burnt- go right ahead but don't piss on my gym time as something I'm forced to do. I REALLY TRULY LOVE DOING IT.

    I'm all about finding extra movement- I personally don't push a cart at the grocery store- I ONLY carry a hand basket- it's part of my budgeting system AND it means I farmers walk all my groceries to the car- win win. But that doesn't mean I neglect my focused dedicated work. Because no matter how much "extra" you move- it's not the same as a training plan- no matter what direction you chose to take that.

    For some people its about being fit or a way that makes them happy. Alot of people dont enjoy lifting weights. Its not their agenda. There is NOTHING wrong with this type of post...Everyone has a different way of doing this journey. Putting someone down ( which you did) for the way they choose to do it in my opinion is bullying. You really took his post out of context.

    For me, weight lifting is the way i do it....i love it more than any other activity...thats just me....but, what ever works for someone else has NOTHING to do with me. It sure as heck doesent make me feel like someone is pissing on how i choose to do it. Doing something is better than nothing.

    Original poster.....Great job on the weight loss to date.....and getting your movement in. Keep on keeping on my friend!!! You got this!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited July 2015
    I agree with you. I don't do cardio or running. I do play a lot of tennis and dodgeball. I've never been fitter.

    I still do spend time in the gym as it's easier for building strength. (I include calisthenics/gymnastics as gym time.)

    For people who love the gym, they forget that some people hate the gym but endure it because they think it's the only thing that counts for weight loss and so they end up failing to achieve their goals as they are doing something they think should do rather than want to do.
    br3adman wrote: »
    Your post reminds me of this... Sent it to my husband (totally joking) when he text me that he was going to the gym. He didn't think it was funny. Lol


    Ha if i could find some neighbors with square bales i would do it.

    All I'm hearing is excuses. :D
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited July 2015

    For some people its about being fit or a way that makes them happy. Alot of people dont enjoy lifting weights. Its not their agenda. There is NOTHING wrong with this type of post...Everyone has a different way of doing this journey. Putting someone down ( which you did) for the way they choose to do it in my opinion is bullying. You really took his post out of context.

    For me, weight lifting is the way i do it....i love it more than any other activity...thats just me....but, what ever works for someone else has NOTHING to do with me. It sure as heck doesent make me feel like someone is pissing on how i choose to do it. Doing something is better than nothing.

    Original poster.....Great job on the weight loss to date.....and getting your movement in. Keep on keeping on my friend!!! You got this!

    Amen to this! For those that love going to the gym; power to them. However I loath it with a vengeance and as a result it would be a huge waste of money for me. It would result in me giving up on excersise completely (and it has done in the past)

    As far as not getting that far without it. Well I am planning on crossing the UK on foot for the second time in two years (long distance hiking). All my hikes over the last year added up would add up to me crossing Europe from north to south. I am in a better shape than I have been for a long time doing what I love doing.
    Seriously there is no one true way to go on this journey we are all taking, A journey hopefully in a way that makes us happy as well as healthier.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You know what annoys me about posts like this
    okay- well let me tell you: and yes- I realized no one asked- but since we are giving out unsolicited opinions about stuff - I'm going to throw mine out.
    Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it. For me I found ways to burn calories doing things I liked.

    This- this is what is chronically wrong with these types of posts. It implies those of us who go to the gym do so because "tis' the way it's done sire!" and that's it- like it's something to be frowned up on.

    I LOVE going to the gym- and I LOVE lifting weights. It's great you want to be outside getting splinters and getting cancer from the sun and getting burnt- go right ahead but don't piss on my gym time as something I'm forced to do. I REALLY TRULY LOVE DOING IT.

    I'm all about finding extra movement- I personally don't push a cart at the grocery store- I ONLY carry a hand basket- it's part of my budgeting system AND it means I farmers walk all my groceries to the car- win win. But that doesn't mean I neglect my focused dedicated work. Because no matter how much "extra" you move- it's not the same as a training plan- no matter what direction you chose to take that.

    For some people its about being fit or a way that makes them happy. Alot of people dont enjoy lifting weights. Its not their agenda. There is NOTHING wrong with this type of post...Everyone has a different way of doing this journey. Putting someone down ( which you did) for the way they choose to do it in my opinion is bullying. You really took his post out of context.

    For me, weight lifting is the way i do it....i love it more than any other activity...thats just me....but, what ever works for someone else has NOTHING to do with me. It sure as heck doesent make me feel like someone is pissing on how i choose to do it. Doing something is better than nothing.

    Original poster.....Great job on the weight loss to date.....and getting your movement in. Keep on keeping on my friend!!! You got this!

    I'm not bullying anyone. That's absurd.

    Goals matter. It's important. Sure- if you're goal is to just not sit around- then yes- doing this is fine- but the inherent "I don't go to the gym I just do what I like"... which comes up frequently- is implying that the rest of us aren't actually doing what we like. Secondly - just being slightly more active doesn't get you any dedicated movement toward being fit quiet honestly. It just means you're more active than doing nothing. and as I've said- doing something is significantly better than doing nothing. But magic 8 ball says "something" isn't get you to specific goals of fitness.

    Can you imagine what kind of reception we would get if I posted a "You can walk around your garden all you want... good for you... but for me I prefer to do what I like- going to the gym."

    do you know what kind of back lash I would get? It's the understated implication. He's more than welcome to do whatever he wants- just like I can do whatever I want. Its' a big fat "so what" kind of subject.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Just comparing gardening and taking steps to going to the gym leads the reader to believe that he is comparing the two implying one is better than the other in my opinion. Even the title, "Beyond the gym" leads a reader to think the OP is saying his plan is so much more forward thinking than just lifting heavy things at the gym. As someone stated, he may not have meant to do that (I have my doubts), but there was no reason to mention the gym at all really. Especially since his workout versus a dedicated gym routine aren't even on the same spectrum on the results that can be yielded.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited July 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You know what annoys me about posts like this
    okay- well let me tell you: and yes- I realized no one asked- but since we are giving out unsolicited opinions about stuff - I'm going to throw mine out.
    Do what you like to do if thats the gym keep doing it. For me I found ways to burn calories doing things I liked.

    This- this is what is chronically wrong with these types of posts. It implies those of us who go to the gym do so because "tis' the way it's done sire!" and that's it- like it's something to be frowned up on.

    I LOVE going to the gym- and I LOVE lifting weights. It's great you want to be outside getting splinters and getting cancer from the sun and getting burnt- go right ahead but don't piss on my gym time as something I'm forced to do. I REALLY TRULY LOVE DOING IT.

    I'm all about finding extra movement- I personally don't push a cart at the grocery store- I ONLY carry a hand basket- it's part of my budgeting system AND it means I farmers walk all my groceries to the car- win win. But that doesn't mean I neglect my focused dedicated work. Because no matter how much "extra" you move- it's not the same as a training plan- no matter what direction you chose to take that.

    For some people its about being fit or a way that makes them happy. Alot of people dont enjoy lifting weights. Its not their agenda. There is NOTHING wrong with this type of post...Everyone has a different way of doing this journey. Putting someone down ( which you did) for the way they choose to do it in my opinion is bullying. You really took his post out of context.

    For me, weight lifting is the way i do it....i love it more than any other activity...thats just me....but, what ever works for someone else has NOTHING to do with me. It sure as heck doesent make me feel like someone is pissing on how i choose to do it. Doing something is better than nothing.

    Original poster.....Great job on the weight loss to date.....and getting your movement in. Keep on keeping on my friend!!! You got this!

    I'm not bullying anyone. That's absurd.

    Goals matter. It's important. Sure- if you're goal is to just not sit around- then yes- doing this is fine- but the inherent "I don't go to the gym I just do what I like"... which comes up frequently- is implying that the rest of us aren't actually doing what we like. Secondly - just being slightly more active doesn't get you any dedicated movement toward being fit quiet honestly. It just means you're more active than doing nothing. and as I've said- doing something is significantly better than doing nothing. But magic 8 ball says "something" isn't get you to specific goals of fitness.

    Can you imagine what kind of reception we would get if I posted a "You can walk around your garden all you want... good for you... but for me I prefer to do what I like- going to the gym."

    do you know what kind of back lash I would get? It's the understated implication. He's more than welcome to do whatever he wants- just like I can do whatever I want. Its' a big fat "so what" kind of subject.


    Here's the thing that's missing also in this discussion. Part of this whole game is developing healthy lifestyle habits, and that's all the original post is talking about. It's an increase in activity over a sedentary lifestyle for sure, but it's not a goal-focused fitness plan.

    Now? Does everyone have to be goal focused? No. But to imply that the two are comparable is just silly.