Am I The Only Eating 1200 Cals A Day?



  • MFP sets a lot of people at 1200 because that's the lowest it will go. Most people want to lose weight a lot faster than they should, 2 pounds a week and many are hardly overweight which is why it ends up being set at 1200. 1200 should really be limited to those who are very sedentary and therefore have a low BMR.

    When I first signed up for MFP it set me at 1200 however I ate around 1650 and still lost the 2 pounds a week I was going for. This was because I was obese. I then dropped down to 1450 once I became overweight.

    I'd recommend upping your calories because once you lose weight you're going to have to lower them to continue to lose weight. You really shouldn't go much lower than 1200 to stay healthy so how are you going to keep losing? Just my two cents though.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It Absolutely Does Work For Me.And My Body Is Not Complaining.Im Not Starving Myself Any Ways Just Eating Less As Instructed And It Feels Good.

    What do you plan on doing when you hit a weight loss plateau?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm not sure I could do 1,200 every day. On days I work my TDEE is over 3,000. Eating 1,200 would give me a 1,800 calorie deficit. That's a bit much! On days I don't work, and I'm more sedentary, I typically eat about 1,500
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    1200 calories are for small framed people who are sedentary.

    I have a small frame and am 5'2. I used to be sedentary, but the more I worked out, the more 1200 did not work. Just keep that in mind, OP and make sure that you up your MFP activity level when you start working out more (if you do). I now eat 1450, get a lot of crap for it, but it works for me.

    Always remember: MFP knows it's statistics, but it doesn't know you. Neither does anyone else on this board.
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    im 1250.. i always go over unless i excersie :|
    keep in mind i smoke alot of
  • SkeletonWishes
    SkeletonWishes Posts: 18 Member
    I don't recommend going any lower but it is perfectly fine to eat 1200 calories a day. It is still healthy to eat that amount and i've even been told that by numerous doctors and personal trainers. Of course though i'd make sure ur not burning 2000 calories and only eating 1200. Everyone's body is different though so just make sure you eat enough to make sure you're body can still function properly and healthfully, you might have to work your way down slowly to 1200 if you're getting overly hungry.
    good luck :)
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    It Absolutely Does Work For Me.And My Body Is Not Complaining.Im Not Starving Myself Any Ways Just Eating Less As Instructed And It Feels Good.

    What do you plan on doing when you hit a weight loss plateau?

    Usually a cheat day or two (which isn't hard on 1200 calories every day) takes care of this. That is actually a suggestion in the link you posted.
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Its really what works for you. I am on 1200 calories a day with a 25 carb restriction. So you need to figure out if eaying back your exercise calories works or do you need a deficet. You wikl work it out.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It Absolutely Does Work For Me.And My Body Is Not Complaining.Im Not Starving Myself Any Ways Just Eating Less As Instructed And It Feels Good.

    What do you plan on doing when you hit a weight loss plateau?

    Usually a cheat day or two (which isn't hard on 1200 calories every day) takes care of this. That is actually a suggestion in the link you posted.

    I know. I wrote it :smile:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I set it to 1250 so I can be "around" 1200. I also don't eat back many of my exercise calories. It worked for me the first time around (lost 17 pounds last year, gained back 10 when stress/life/lack of exercise time hit during he school year)

    I Also Dont Eat Calories Burnt Back, But When I Dont MFB Says Im Undereating **sigh**

    That's because with the way MFP is set up you're meant to eat your exercise calories back, otherwise you are not netting your 1200 calories. The deficit to lose .5, 1, or 2 lbs is already built in with just your job activity. Any outside exercise is logged and the calories eaten back to keep your deficit at a reasonable level.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Netting below 1200 calories is advocating a Pro-Ana lifestyle. Your body physically can't run on under has the potential to damage your blood glucose levels, hair, nails, skin and metabolism. ESPECIALLY if you're incorporating strenuous exercise.

    That said, even 1200 is pushing it for most.

    If you exercise and burn the goal of, say, 350 calories and you eat the calories BACK, you would be netting 1550 and depending on your activity level, that's fairly acceptable. That is MFP's general guideline.

    But let's get something straight. If you're are NOT sedentary. Period. It doesn't matter if you work in an office chair all day. If you're busting your behind for an hour a day, it at least garners you the ability to bump it to Lightly Active.

    Everyone that says that 1200/under 1200 is working for them may see initial loss, but it's not just fat. That's water weight and lean muscle mass you are potentially burning away. This isn't bro science.

    Let's not forget 'starvation mode.' Though I don't believe it works quite the same way others believe it does, on such a LCD you may find your weight loss stall if you create more of a deficit than you're already creating.

    From personal experience, I made the EXACT same mistakes. I was working the 1200 calorie limit, incorporating strenuous exercise and netting well below my goal. I FELT LIKE CRAP! Then, I discovered the In Place Of A Road Map thread in the forums and it completely turned my life around. Now I eat at a 586 calorie deficit from my total daily energy expenditure (TDEE -20%), I don't eat exercise calories (as they are already incorporated into my calorie limit) and don't even have to log my exercise calories anymore. I eat anywhere from 19-2,100 calories a day and I feel so much better. Been steadily losing fat and changing body composition ever since, which is exactly the intention your bodies have for weight loss. Everyone always wanted a quick fix. Unfortunately, there ISN'T one.

    If you want more info about the method that's working for all the other men and women touting a 2000+ calorie diet, look into it!

    Try out the nifty spreadsheets included as well. ^_^
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    1200 is never a good idea IMO. It seems like the default MFP estimate for most women who want to lose 2lbs a week only because its simply not healthy or medically approved without supervision to eat anything lower that. At the very least go by your BMI, even better your TDEE then create a deceit from that with exercise.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    Always remember: MFP knows it's statistics, but it doesn't know you. Neither does anyone else on this board.

    So true. So very true!. I have mine set at a low activity level for my TDEE. If I don't work out I should be eating 1222 but if I do at least 3 times a week then it bumps up. It is all about you, your size, age, gender etc..etc... etc...

    Good luck!
  • kelleynbrown
    kelleynbrown Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'2, and active. My MFP is also at 1200, but because I exercise hard-core a lot of times, I eat more. Don't be too strict, especially if you're active. It's impossible to build healthy muscle and stay healthy on that few calories!
  • I'm 5'9. With a weight loss goal of 0.5lb per week MFP gives me a net calorie allowance of 1770. So you can set realistic goals via MFP. Even this is too low for me and I almost always go over especially if I don't exercise for the day.

    Psychologically I would never be able to stay human at 1200 a day (I'm usually well over that by lunchtime!) I tried 1500 for a limited time a few years ago, lost 35 pounds rather quickly which I have mostly kept off, but my abiding memory of the period was constant, all-consuming hunger and tiredness. Would rather lose weight slowly or not at all!

    Having said that I am not overweight, just chasing a few vanity pounds and my body probably knows this. When I keep to the 1770 I end up losing more actually (closer to 1lb a week) but in the past few months I've gotten tired of the whole 'dieting' mindset and I'm pretty much eating at maintenance.
  • tizmi
    tizmi Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on 1200 too, though I earn between 350-800 extra calories a day through exercise which I try to eat. I'm a titch (5') who sits on her bum all day at work and at home, unless I'm at Curves or out walking to get my 10k steps a day. My work *and* hobbies are sedentary, so I that's what I set my activity level as.

    In practice I eat around 1600-1900 calories a day and I can't say that it's hard to stay under the red line unless I eat something especially naughty (like suet dumplings last week). I sometimes have a hard time stuffing my diary with enough calories actually! There's no way I'm anorexic or starving myself. I like my food too much!

    Beware, because a lot of people on here may freak out at you for mentioning '1200 calories', forgetting that not everyone is the same height, age, weight and activity level as they are. If you are female, short and inactive during the day it's mostly likely fine as long as you try to net 1200 after MFP has subtracted what you burnt doing exercise. Eat those extra calories, you've earned them! it also means you can have treats and 'pay' for them with some extra exercise. As others have said though, you may need to adjust things slightly to suit yourself because not everyone's body works the same.
  • rebeccabrennan90
    rebeccabrennan90 Posts: 2 Member
    Doctors say that you should never eat less than 1200 calories as that is the minimum that you need for your body to function properly. Personally I try to eat around 1200. Also, if you switch up your calorie count everyday, like 1300 one day and then 1200 the next, it keeps your body guessing and your metabolism higher.
  • soonergirl03
    soonergirl03 Posts: 47 Member
    I lost 60 pounds on a 1200 calorie diet for 6 months then I hit a plateau and I haven't lossed any weight at all since Feb, everybody keeps telling me its because my calories was too low and now my body needs to adjust I have increased my calories and still can't lose.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I lost 60 pounds on a 1200 calorie diet for 6 months then I hit a plateau and I haven't lossed any weight at all since Feb, everybody keeps telling me its because my calories was too low and now my body needs to adjust I have increased my calories and still can't lose.

    It takes time to restore your metabolism. You cannot lose weight while you do that.