Am I The Only Eating 1200 Cals A Day?



  • 8mommylove8
    8mommylove8 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I'm on a 1200 calorie diet. I do exercise a lot so I eat back some of the earned calories; definitely "not all of them." I'm 5'8". I would be starving if I didn't. I also need to have that little bit of chocolate every day.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Doctors say that you should never eat less than 1200 calories as that is the minimum that you need for your body to function properly. Personally I try to eat around 1200. Also, if you switch up your calorie count everyday, like 1300 one day and then 1200 the next, it keeps your body guessing and your metabolism higher.

    "Doctors say" no such thing. It depends on the needs of the individual patient.
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Doctors say that you should never eat less than 1200 calories as that is the minimum that you need for your body to function properly. Personally I try to eat around 1200. Also, if you switch up your calorie count everyday, like 1300 one day and then 1200 the next, it keeps your body guessing and your metabolism higher.

    Not entirely true, but I would assume MOST doctors would request that their patient eat more than 1,200 calories.

    My doctor has also never told me to switch up my calorie count... but that's only one doctors opinion. I find that interesting... I wonder if there is information out there as to it's effectiveness.
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Always remember: MFP knows it's statistics, but it doesn't know you. Neither does anyone else on this board.

    YES! YES! YES! YES! Some MFP members need this SMACKED on their forehead. With a hammer. Specifically all the "nutritionists" on here. I don't care if you have 4,000+ posts, that doesn't make you a health genius. My body is DIFFERENT than your body.

    Sorry, done whining. :)
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Nope, you're not the only one. I was doing 1400, but I recently set my MFP to take off 1.5 pounds per week, so it set me back to 1200 and stepped my exercise goals up by quite a bit. I'm glad, because I found it hard to eat 1400, even without exercise. Sometimes I eat back my calories, sometimes I don't. I always end up with a deficit at the end of the day, sometimes bigger than others.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I did the TDEE thing when I started back doing weight training and regular work outs and I lost 2 lbs in 2 months. I talked to my trainer and she basically put me on the diet she eats when she's traininer for a fit competition and once I'm at goal she'll help me slowly get back to a maintenance way of eating. My diet says NOTHING about how many calories I need to take in, she's more focused on the amount of protein, carbs and fat. When I enter it into MFP it comes out to must over 1200. BUT I lost 4 lbs the first week and so far another 3 this week. It was just the jump start that I needed. I know this isn't sustainable but I don't intend for it to be. I'm excellent at maintenance... it's the losing I needed help with.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I did the TDEE thing when I started back doing weight training and regular work outs and I lost 2 lbs in 2 months. I talked to my trainer and she basically put me on the diet she eats when she's traininer for a fit competition and once I'm at goal she'll help me slowly get back to a maintenance way of eating. My diet says NOTHING about how many calories I need to take in, she's more focused on the amount of protein, carbs and fat. When I enter it into MFP it comes out to must over 1200. BUT I lost 4 lbs the first week and so far another 3 this week. It was just the jump start that I needed. I know this isn't sustainable but I don't intend for it to be. I'm excellent at maintenance... it's the losing I needed help with.

    So your trainer put you on her cookie cutter diet that is suited to her? I'm going to take a wild guess here that you weigh more than her? (hence you losing a lot of weight at her calorie intake)

    ((C+P)*4) +(F*9) = Calories
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    Yes me, sometimes it is difficult to manage 3 meals a day with this deficit but I usually eat more and either burn it off or just accept it.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    yes 1200 doesnt work for anyone..................
    unless u ar e under 1 20 pounds
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Hey There..

    I've been Reading Posts And It Seems Like Everyone Is Eating 2000+ Calories.And They Think 1200 Is Too Low.But Then MFP set me for 1.2 A Day.Is There Anyone Else On 1200?

    I am on 1200 calories per day, there are loads of people on MFP doing the same, however, many never post on these forums because of the anti-1200 calories brigade.
  • sydknits
    sydknits Posts: 2
    I was wondering the same thing. Most days I'm having trouble getting in 1200, but that's what my dietician recommended. No way I could consistently do much more than that and still eat healthy foods. I think both myfitnesspal and sparkpeople defaulted to between 1200 and 1500 for me.
  • littlelady2b
    littlelady2b Posts: 104
    Always remember: MFP knows it's statistics, but it doesn't know you. Neither does anyone else on this board.

    YES! YES! YES! YES! Some MFP members need this SMACKED on their forehead. With a hammer. Specifically all the "nutritionists" on here. I don't care if you have 4,000+ posts, that doesn't make you a health genius. My body is DIFFERENT than your body.

    Sorry, done whining. :)

    Exactly everyone is different that's the point I always argued in my kinesiology classes. Everyone has been raised differently, are a different height, age, weight, build, have different tastes etc etc and their environment and schedules are different. No one is exactly the same a lifestyle change has to be adapted to the individual. Suggestions are always good but counting calories works because every one can adjust their personal situation to this type of weight loss and maintaining. It also allows people to take control of their weight loss and lifestyle change and take responsibility for their choices. We are not herd animals we can't be all lumped together in one category in weight loss it doesn't work.
  • JenofaP
    JenofaP Posts: 4
    I am on 1200 calories as well. Unless I
    Adds 200 addtl calories. Jennifer
  • rianne04
    rianne04 Posts: 51
    MFP has set mine too at 1200cal. At first, I've been losing consistently without exercise. then I upped it a bit to 1300 and I still lose a pound a week. This week I started working out ~30mins everyday but not eating all of my calories back.. I just need to see how it works out when I weigh in on the weekend.
  • MFP put me at 1210. I don't eat over that and I don't eat back my exercise calories!

    I'm 5'4" and 188lbs.

    Do what feels right. Personally, I'm not hungry at this amount so I'm fine, but if you're hungry, eat :)
  • Mines set me for 1400 calories a day and after I exercise I usually end up at only taking in maybe 900 calories a day. I eat 5 times a day so I am never hungry. I am also on the Insanity workout and menu plan and I have lost 37 lbs since January. My husband has lost 57 lbs.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    I personally eat at 1800 based on my TDEE. I also personally believe no one should eat at 1200 calories as for most people that's the amount they need to perform all bodily functions in a coma. I would encourage you to do some research about your TDEE. You'll have bigger short term weight losses at 1200 but I think you'dd find it's not a sustainable diet for the rest of your life. This should be a life long journey, not a 2 month sprint you give up on because you're hungry all the time!

    Good luck!
  • TurquoisWater
    TurquoisWater Posts: 26 Member
    I'm at 1200. It depends on your height and the weight you start at. I'm a really small person 5ft so 1200 should be fine. I'm not walking around hungry all day or anything like that. I do usually go over as I always have something sweet or a glass of wine, but unless I eat out it stays under 1500.

    BEST of luck!
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Netting below 1200 calories is advocating a Pro-Ana lifestyle.

    Simply not true for everyone, especially for short women with super petite frames such as myself. These blanket statements are the one thing that annoys me on MFP.

    Everything else is amazing though. :flowerforyou: