Home lifters...



  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited August 2015
    bubaluboo wrote: »
    Just curious..,
    a) What gear do you have?
    b) Which room do you use?
    c) How do you store it? Is it out all the time?
    d) What would you like to have that you don't already?

    a) Bench with squat rack and preachers curl, standard bar with 240lb of plates (maybe more), a handful of dumbbells ranging from 2lb to 30lb, and a pull up bar. I also have dumbbells that take plates, but rarely use them.
    b) The basement
    c) it is always out
    d) I want a full cage and Olympic weights to essentially replace what I have now. Tonight I'm going to squat 220lb (so 205lb of plates) and the bar can't handle much more weight. That, and I can't push myself to failure without having spotters.
    bubaluboo wrote:
    e) what could you lose from your kit?
    f) do you follow a prescribed routine (if so what) or devise your own?
    e) the things my wife has bought that no one uses (ankle weights, body weights), that I didn't think about until I saw this question
    f) Strong Lifts 5x5 for now. I'm getting back into weight lifting after ~11 years of not lifting. I was never super strong, but I was stronger than any of the other teens I knew. Had I followed a proper program I would have been in much better shape back then.
  • lemmie177
    lemmie177 Posts: 479 Member
    edited August 2015
    a) FID bench, squat stands, olympic barbell set (300lb? of plates), 2 sets of 40lb adjustable dumbbells (which was how I progressed before the barbell) + some other random dumbbells, couple hand weights, pullup bar, spin bike, ab roller, foam roller, foam flooring

    b) basement/laundry room. its a tiny space, 6' high (luckily, I'm only 5'3") and I can't pivot my barbell in any direction without hitting either the water heater, the dryer, or the window!

    c) I opted for squat stands (instead of a cage or rack) and a light bench because I'm constantly moving everything to make room, but they're always out, just smooshed into the corner sometimes. It was also a LOT cheaper than finding some specialty rack that would fit a 6' ceiling.

    d) Not much room for anything else, but a speed bag would be awesome

    e) I use everything every week, but the spin bike has the worst usefulness:floor space ratio. Plus, spin bike HIIT is a pain. The ab roller seems silly, but its a pretty good exercise!

    f) I follow a routine of my own derived mostly from Michael Matthews' "Bigger Leaner Stronger"/"Thinner Leaner Stronger" books