The database is ridiculous



  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I have got so much quicker at logging since my frequent foods selection has built up, but I am continually refining it. I have discovered that some of the entries I have trusted before are not reliable, and other random ones are. It is a bit of an art more than a science and you sometimes need to be prepared to google things yourself as well as develop an instinct about what looks right and wrong.

    The most annoying thing for me is when a barcode scan results in an entry without grams as I am normally relying on those when I am on the move. My tortillas are an example of this. I am only given the calories for one tortilla or a whole pack of tortillas. Not accurate enough for me.
  • Thoramann
    Thoramann Posts: 2 Member
    It seems the most reliable thing one can do is prepare his own food most of the time and save personal recipes with exact quantities and calories per each ingredient separate. You can't do this all of the time sadly but better than nothing. Personally i'm tired of dragging around with the pack of food homemade so I can eat it at work and actually know what i'm eating :)

    There are moments and moments, sometimes I just get frustrated :) like today. Spent one hour on the net trying to get a plausible number of calories for a Spinach Lasagna (200g portion) , in the end got frustrated and approximated from one entry I found and well that's it ... Since being at work means I actually need to work not spend all day researching calories for one meal :P
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    ohmscheeks wrote: »
    You do know you can add things to the database yourself right? If its in the database wrong why do you care? Just dont use it. Create a new food item, log it, and move on.
    Agreed, if you don't like it. Do the work yourself.

    Defeats the point of having a "database" if you have to look up everything you enter just to verify that it's correct.

    This website gets paid from advertising and is now charging for premium memberships... I can't imagine paying money to a site that expects me to do all their research for them.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    You do know you can add things to the database yourself right? If its in the database wrong why do you care? Just dont use it. Create a new food item, log it, and move on.

    The problem with this is that other users can modify your entries. So, you even need to verify what you entered every time.

    Yeah unless you don't share it.

    I didn't know you could do that. Thanks! I will have to check that out.