Weight is up 1.2 lbs after my lowest cal/highest workout yet.



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    ahoier wrote: »
    to me it sounds like you need to eat a little bit more...more than likely you've gone into 'starvation mode' and your body is holding on to food stores....gotta realize too, if you did a big workout, it sorta puts your body under stress too, esp. if you don't normally do that kind of workout. that's why it's advisable to change up your routine every couple days, don't do the same lifts, the same amount of reps/sets, at the same time, etc...

    also, how's your water intake....?? you should be drinking half your current body weight, in fluid ounces of water, per day.....so say you're 150 lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 fl. oz. of water per day.....my rule, is water is water...coffees, teas, etc. are fine and dandy.....but they do not count towards this 'target'

    Pretty sure starvation mode like your describing isn't real.

    Also I don't think it matters how you get the water. Tea coffee watermelon probably even coke are all things that contain water for your body.

    Now plain old water is probably the best option but it's not the only option.

    I guess I wouldn't count things that aren't just plain water toward my water goal because coffee and tea are diuretics, they'd cause more water loss than hydration if I understand correctly.
    All items including solid food include water. Some people use water as a filler to eat less.

    Your body's water needs do not require umpteen liters of extra water and even for example items such as beer where processing the alcohol results in dehydration, well, till about 10% alcohol content you are probably dealing with net hydration, not dehydration. Of course water will 100% hydrate you, 100%/of the time. But even your steak hydrates you...

    Though it does happen to be true that people who don't regularly drink water sometimes confuse thirst for hunger.

    As to the rest of it I will gladly sit here and wait to see the peer reviewed studies that say you have to drink half your weight in water....

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    1200 is the lowest setting in mfp for a reason isn't it?

    It's the minimum calories a women should eat. Especially on a day someone killed it with work and a work out.

    I can understand being a little under but you said well under, is that like 300 calories under?

    I was like 600 cals under because work popped up and I couldn't have dinner. It's a fine line it seems-the app suggests no more than 1200 calories a day but most people here are saying don't eat less than 1200/day.

    1200 is more a goal rather than a minimum or maximum. But it is more a minimum than a maximum.

    As in it would be better to be slightly over 1200 than slightly under.

    Rare events are fine, but I wouldn't make a habit of being 600 under.
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    It's normal daily fluctuation and most likely water retention from the lifting.

    I think this is what I was looking for. I hear someone else say today that if your muscles are inflamed, your body will retain more water. If this is true it makes a lot of sense about the jump upward, I definitely had too much physical activity vs. calories. I'm not trying to crash diet, work just forced me to miss dinner which had my total calorie intake around 600 (dinner is usually my big meal). Thanks so much!

    Yeah, muscle inflamation definitely happens to me. Usually after a few days of hard work, I take a rest day, and then the day AFTER that I weigh myself. If I weigh myself during those days of hard workouts, the scale will show that I've gained/maintained. I get a pretty accurate reading of my progress after my rest day.

    Also, @sheisolivia, I want to second what people are saying about eating more. Especially if you're a server!! I was in the restaurant industry for years. Can't imagine trying to function doing that job on 1200 calories a day. (I actually started keeping a protein bar in my apron so I wouldn't eat unhealthy restaurant food all the time.)
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    It's a fine line it seems-the app suggests no more than 1200 calories a day but most people here are saying don't eat less than 1200/day.

    Think about adjusting your goals. You probably set them to lose 2 lbs a week? Try changing that to 1 lb a week. You have a very active job (in the food industry!), and if you want to keep working out like you are (which is great!), then you need more calories.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I weigh in daily but only track my weight once a week, I see it fluctuates and don't let it bother me. Like this morning I was up 2 pounds but yesterday for the week I lost 3.6 pounds. the week before another 3 pounds. try eating no less then 1200 calories a day and make sure you are using a food scale to weigh and measure your foods. :)
  • lorim68
    lorim68 Posts: 16 Member
    The scale can be an enemy to women. I have a lot of fluctuations, but I have also noticed that I retain water after a big day of exercise. If you haven't done measurements, make sure you do! You'll see that the tape measure is a much better friend to women than the scale. There's a spot to track measurements on here too. Best wishes!
  • sheisolivia
    sheisolivia Posts: 10 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    1200 is the lowest setting in mfp for a reason isn't it?

    It's the minimum calories a women should eat. Especially on a day someone killed it with work and a work out.

    I can understand being a little under but you said well under, is that like 300 calories under?

    I was like 600 cals under because work popped up and I couldn't have dinner. It's a fine line it seems-the app suggests no more than 1200 calories a day but most people here are saying don't eat less than 1200/day.

    That's really bad. Please don't do that again.

    It's not a fine line at all. It's a bold line. As for 1200, MFP will never give you a caloric goal of less than that because it is not recommended for a healthy diet. MFP picked 1200 because of the info you put in there. I imagine you selected to lose 2 lbs per week. That is too aggressive of a goal to lose weight since you only have 35 lbs to lose. You should look to lose 0.5 to 1 lbs at most per week to do it in a healthy and natural way.

    MFP does give the 1200 cals as a suggested max for me. If I enter food that would put me over, a reminder pops up and says "Your goal is up stay under 1200 calories". See how confusing that is? But on the day that I didn't hit 1000 calories the app also sort of "punished" me with a long pop up about the importance of nutrition and it wouldn't project my 5 week weight loss.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited July 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    1200 is the lowest setting in mfp for a reason isn't it?

    It's the minimum calories a women should eat. Especially on a day someone killed it with work and a work out.

    I can understand being a little under but you said well under, is that like 300 calories under?

    I was like 600 cals under because work popped up and I couldn't have dinner. It's a fine line it seems-the app suggests no more than 1200 calories a day but most people here are saying don't eat less than 1200/day.

    That's really bad. Please don't do that again.

    It's not a fine line at all. It's a bold line. As for 1200, MFP will never give you a caloric goal of less than that because it is not recommended for a healthy diet. MFP picked 1200 because of the info you put in there. I imagine you selected to lose 2 lbs per week. That is too aggressive of a goal to lose weight since you only have 35 lbs to lose. You should look to lose 0.5 to 1 lbs at most per week to do it in a healthy and natural way.

    MFP does give the 1200 cals as a suggested max for me. If I enter food that would put me over, a reminder pops up and says "Your goal is up stay under 1200 calories". See how confusing that is? But on the day that I didn't hit 1000 calories the app also sort of "punished" me with a long pop up about the importance of nutrition and it wouldn't project my 5 week weight loss.

    Do you not add exercise to mfp also I take it you have your activity level at sedentary? Change it to active. Your net should match your goal.

    I have 1450 calorie goal but I get to eat more as I am more active