Embarrassing injuries.



  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    A) Dislocated my left lumbar-sacral joint being body-checked by a female who had already attacked me once. She came out of her office as I was coming out of my cube, and she thought she'd be cute and threw her whole weight into me. I went sideways over the workshelf of my cube and couldn't walk right for 2 1/2 years. (it was going to take surgery to fix it, an option I did not have as a sole-earner) And even though it was on camera, I couldn't claim assault or worker's comp because... well, she was protected status given her boytoy - looooong story.

    B) Said injury was fixed 2 1/2 years later when I was crossing a freeway onramp with the walk sign, and was hit by a car that ran the red light. He hit me on the same side, I bounced 15' and somehow still managed to jump up and find my glasses before they got run over, based on sound. A nurse saw the wreck and sat my butt back on the ground until the ambulance got there because I had hit my head on the asphalt. I had a concussion and a body-length bruise that took 3 months to heal, but I could walk normally again, and boy did I.

    C) Last year, I bought a pair of amazing 7" BCBG stilettos. I went out dancing with my girlfriends and got a little overzealous and wasn't used to the shoes yet. I tipped over a little far, and put my hands out to catch my fall on the seating area... spraining my right wrist bad enough to require a brace. :\ And I don't drink...
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I was changing a door knob. In my defense, I was young and not handy. I couldn't get the latch part out of the door, so I used the flat head screwdriver to try to pry it loose. It wouldn't come out, so I hit the screwdriver with a hammer, from below, and shot the screwdriver right off the door, upwards where it hit my nose and broke it. The flat end also scraped my nose, so I had swelling, bruising, and scabbing. Beautiful.

    When I was six, my parents bought me a bicycle for my birthday. I was doing really well, so they went inside and let me ride by myself. I got overconfident and didn't pay attention. I ran straight into the curb and flew over the handlebars. I hit my girl parts on the way over and ended up needing stitches. That's right, stitches in the hoo-ha at age 6. THAT was embarrassing. To add insult to injury, I couldn't pee without my mom holding my hand for a week because it hurt so badly. :blushing:
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have a few embarrassing injuries.
    1) Broke my ankle while walking one a flat sidewalk. No idea how it happened. One minute walking, I must have rolled it, next minute down on the ground in pain. My friends were trying to figure out what the heck had happened.
    2) A year or two ago I managed to sprain my ankle while standing still. The doc kept asking me, "No, really, what were you doing?" "Nothing, just standing there....." Yup, on crutches for awhile with that one.

    And, not me, but a friend of mine broke her leg while streaking a final exam during college. Imagine that trip to the ER. I was the one she called to bring her clothes to the hospital. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I broke my brother's solid oak coffee table. With my face.

    He'd made his own apple wine, and I was one of the first to sample it. It was powerful stuff. :drinker:
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I wish I could say this is a shorter list.

    I will preface this by saying I am actually generally very coordinated, was a hardcore athlete from the age of 4-20 (swimming, gymnastics, trampoline, baseball, diving, rugby etc etc)

    and I never had much mroe than repetitive motion injuries from all of the sports BUT I seem to have a tendency to get major injuries in very stupid ways...

    I broke my nose with my own knee when I was 15 tubing behind a boat

    I fractured my ankle because I missed a step running down the stairs

    I broke my ankle in 3 place and dislocated it .... walking down the street

    I tore my right shoulder labrum over 180 degrees, detached a ligament and dented the ball part of the shoulder but grabbing a wall to stop myself from falling down the stairs

    I herniated a disc (and have had chronic low back issues ever since) cleaning the litter box
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Slid into third base and didn't lift my foot over the base. Ya, my foot stopped on the edge but my body kept sliding. It would have been better to have broke it than what happened! Dumb. Dumb. Dumb!
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    splits on the monkey bars when i was still really little. hips were all sorts of messed up and if i dont get into a chiropractor at least once a month im an inch shorter as well as my hips start to ache something fierce.
    so the embarrassing part was i had also bruised my pelvis very badly at this incident and i had a male doctor.
    i was still really young and the look i gave my mother when the doctor was asking me to take my panties off so he could look, must have been priceless. she was mortified at the whole thing.
    cant say ive ever wanted to have a male doctor again after that < <
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    I've never had an embarrassing injury...or any serious injury in general
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    When I was eight, my sister and I were playing cops and robbers. I was the robber. She "caught" me and tied up my hands and feet. Then I was supposed to escape and she was supposed to catch me. Well, as I was hopping(remember my feet are tied together) away, I was trailing a piece of rope behind me. She stepped on it and I went down. Since my hands were tied up as well, my nose broke my fall. She was freaking out b/c she didn't want us to get into trouble. So I went into the bathroom, wiggled it a little (it never bled), and went back to playing. It wasn't until Mom called me to help with dishes, that she realized something was wrong. They took me to the ER, where the doc looked at me and said, "Well, it's broke, but she's already popped it back into place!"
  • CEThornton
    CEThornton Posts: 45
    I was mostly a witness on this one, but.... always check to make sure the treadmill is OFF before you try to use it.

    I went to work out with my mom (quality family time, lol) after work and we were talking and walking over to the treadmills to warm up. I saw hers was on a quarter second too late to warn her! She tried to step on as i was hollering at her and she ended up scraping up her shin and her pride pretty badly. treadmills have a lot in common with belt sanders. I helped her up as a couple of the trainers came running over. i knew she was fine because she was cussing like a sailor and i dissolved into a massive case of the giggles.

    Mom hasn't quite forgiven me for laughing... :laugh:
  • michellechawner
    I broke my arm when I was 5 - falling on a pillow. Try having your mom explain that to the ER nurse who happens to be my aunt... and my aunt was laughing. To this day, I still get asked "so how did you break your arm since you fell on a pillow?" (Note - i landed with all my weight on top of my arm...)

    When I was a teen I broke 3 toes running into a dining room chair. They were purple and blue for DAYS.

    Then in college when studying for pre-nursing school finals (I ended up changing my major anyways) I cracked a bone in my foot while going down the stairs... I twisted it funny and the side of my foot was blue and yellow for about a week. I couldn't wear my boots to work, so they put me on dispatch for about 3 weeks because I couldn't be in the field without shoes (I was an EMT). The minute I tried to put shoes on I would SCREAM in pain.

    And this was NOT me, but a kid I went to high school with was playing with his friends and they lived next door to each other and were hopping fences goofing off when he jumped over the fence and landed in a bush awkwardly and he tore his *kitten*. It needed like 3 stitches if I remember. I figured after that he's never jump a fence again without seeing what was on the other side...
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    this past Saturday, I got headbutted by a friends dog. As i was bending down to pet the dog, my sunglasses slipt off of the top of my head onto my face, and the dog decided to still be bouncy into my face. I have a nice gash on the birdge of my nose healing currrently. Numerous ankle and knee injuries doing to rolling ankles, slipping and falling on ice etc. sprained wrist the first time I went roller skating. Went to get out my mom's van, slipped somehow and cut my ear on the door latch. Most of my injuries are because I'm a clutz and don't have a good story.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    When I was substantially larger, I slipped off my shoe (1 inch heel) and broke my foot.

    My husband was fixing his parents' roof, crouched down and impaled his high upper thigh on a lightning rod (lucky miss).
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    Was at the gym...did an epic workout...weights, cardio the whole shebang. Left the gym, stepped off a curb wrong...tore a ligament in my ankle. Womp.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    I was having a little bit of rough sex and my (now ex) boyfriend ripped me a little.... level 1, 2 stitches and butt pillow.... yowch

    the most embarrassing part was telling the er doc why....

    Wondering how many FR you will receive asking if he's seeing anyone yet...
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I was dancing around and singing in the shower on and slipping and hit head.... I knocked myself out.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Tried shaving the hair off my toes the other day in the shower, and the razor slipped. I somehow managed to slice off a bit of my pinky toe. :( Worked out in sandals and a band-aid that day.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    A few years back my husband and I went on a camping/canoe trip. The first night a the site my friend and I stayed up drinking longer than the rest of our friends. We were having a great time by the fire hanging out. I ended up standing with my back to the fire and got too close...as in the back of my knee rested against the fire ring. I was feeling no pain a the time (thank you Corona) and wiped my hand on the back of my leg and felt my skin peal off:( The next day it hurt like crazy...we had no bandages and I was lucky I didn't get an infection in the river. I have a very nasty scar still.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Not really an injury but how about cramps (muscle cramps) while doing the deed. Cramps bad enough that things have to come to a screeching halt.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Not really an injury but how about cramps (muscle cramps) while doing the deed. Cramps bad enough that things have to come to a screeching halt.

    I get bad muscle cramps in my hip flexors, often - I just try to get him to switch positions lol no need to stop :P