What triggered your desire to lose weight ?



  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    A bout with A-Fib. Weight isnt necessarily a cause but Id like to try everything before surgery. It wont hurt to lose weight Im sure of that.
  • Thinking about my future. Im engaged now so not wanting to look like a beached whale in my wedding dress. Thinking about wanting kids and knowing that if I don't lose weight now 1. I will be high risk, 2. I won't be able to keep up with them, 3. I want to see the baby bump!. Knowing that I lost my entire childhood and teenage/highschool years being ashamed of what I look like and being bullied for it. I want to set a good example for my sisters and kids. There is so much to lose in life being overweight. So much to miss out on but I am only 22 and I still have a chance to have a great life and never miss out on anything again. I just need to drop 200 pounds.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    The first time, it was for a guy. Clearly... the weight loss didn't stick and I got sick of the guy. This time, I'm just so unhappy with myself for letting myself go this far. My clothes are tight. I'm tired all the time. I can't do some of the things that I want/need to do. Plus, now I have a man that loves me for my sarcastic, sassy self and want to be my best self for him and for our future. He's known me thin and he's known me fat and he could care less. As long as I'm happy, he's happy.
  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    edited July 2015
    Paranoia when I got chest pain and not fitting into the clothes that I liked anymore
  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    To get off the BP meds... be around longer for my wife and children.. to get back to where I can run a mile without having to walk..
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    1. how i look in pictures compared to the rest of my family
    2. how i feel (i have fibro and while i know that taking the weight off won't stop the pain, it will make it easier to deal with)
    3. my kiddos... i have always been the "fat mom" and I am sick of it. I want to be able to do things with my daughter and son and not be embarrassed. (i.e. Going to the beach, Going rock climbing with my daughter, going on roller coasters with my kids...well roller coasters with my daughter and water park with my son)..when my daughter turns 18 taking her sky diving!
    4. I hate being the "Fat friend"...
  • dennshah01
    dennshah01 Posts: 34 Member
    edited July 2015
    The usual suspects... High BP, my "fat" clothes were getting tight on me, increasing joint pain, headaches, general unhappiness with how I looked, and how I was treated, realizing I never have photos taken, fear of an unhealthy pregnancy.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    Seeing pictures of me from our vacation in California we took last month. I didn't realize just how bad I looked. Also seeing a number on the scale that was higher than I'd ever seen. I was 8lbs heavier than I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my 2nd child.
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    Learning that in addition to my high cholesterol and hypothyroidism, that I was also prediabetic and headed on the crazy train straight to Type II. My last straw, I suppose.
  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    edited July 2015
    My mom is a type 2 diabetic and has been over over a decade. She just went on insulin. I decided that I don't want to one day face diabetes. I decided that I should take the steps needed to, hopefully, prevent type 2 diabetes before I wished I had done something.
    also, I have started sewing my own clothing which is great. Not so great is the fact that garment sewing forces you to be realistic about your measurements. you can't hide behind well I am a size 12 in that brand of jeans because of vanity sizing.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    The mirror.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    A few reasons. The #1 thing that got me to seriously do this, was $$$$$$ with an on-going contest at work. I want that pool money. Another is that I'm getting married in September, my daughter deserves a mom that can run after her and not watch from the sidelines at water events, because I don't want people to see my jello ambrosia body, and finally, my Granny takes the absolute WORST photos of me, that I have ever seen. She is a little paparazzi, and every photo of me, I look like Jabba the Butt. I don't want to look like Jabba no mo.
  • Centipede007
    Centipede007 Posts: 19 Member
    At the start, both of my parents being obese and a desire to avoid obesity related conditions that they go through. I also want to feel sexy and powerful and in control for the first time in my life.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    My son was feeling a bit mopey about life, the universe and the meaning of everything, and I gave him this great speech about making the changes he needed for his own happiness. No one was responsible for his situation but himself and no one else had the power to change it. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. He could wallow in it or he could make it better - it was up to him.

    Hey, That was really good advice. I think I'll take it.

    He started running to combat his nascent depression and I joined MFP.
  • roselemonade
    roselemonade Posts: 53 Member
    Being treated like absolute garbage by basically everyone and everything for a decade, and not really wanting to deal with that anymore.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    Absolutely tired of feeling like crap all the time. Stress, frustration, bad eating habits, etc. It all caught up and I felt disgusting.
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    My doctor told me years back I needed a lifestyle change and I had gotten to the prediabetic zone - that was motivation enough, I try to remember when I start to slide on things.
  • rosiebulldog
    rosiebulldog Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to say it was for medical reasons...but the truth is, it was vanity and avoiding the camera at all cost.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Because this used to be me just three years ago:


    Now I'm 100 lbs heavier with Crohn's disease, hyperinsulinemia, hypoglycemia, supra-ventricular tachycardia, PCOS, endometriosis, and acid reflux. Maybe I missed one? I can't keep count anymore.

    Everyone in my family is thin and active. I don't look like I "fit in" anymore. Despite being thin and healthy, my family has a poor history of various heart conditions and cancer. My maternal grandma is a colon and breast cancer survivor. She has MVP and had open heart surgery to replace her mitral valve. My Papa had kidney cancer and was diagnosed with advanced stage pancreatic cancer. He died within 6 months from the beast. My paternal grandma is a breast cancer survivor. My aunt is a three-time breast cancer survivor. Another aunt has MVP and had a stroke in her 30s. My paternal grandpa died after a long fight with multiple sclerosis. I am now displaying symptoms of MS and am awaiting an appointment with my neurologist.

    I want to do everything I can to avoid having a heart attack, stroke, or being diagnosed with cancer.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    My son was feeling a bit mopey about life, the universe and the meaning of everything, and I gave him this great speech about making the changes he needed for his own happiness. No one was responsible for his situation but himself and no one else had the power to change it. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. He could wallow in it or he could make it better - it was up to him.

    Hey, That was really good advice. I think I'll take it.

    He started running to combat his nascent depression and I joined MFP.

    Good advice!