
Soon I'm hitting the point where I just wanna say f it and go eat a big juicy bacon cheeseburger. I think I'm losing my motivation. Help!!!!


  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Budget a big juicy cheeseburger into your daily calories. You don't have to deprive yourself of foods you like to lose weight or be healthy.
  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    Make working out fun!!!it's a pedal bike and take it on trails and go off reading, hop in a lake or a pool and swim laps...walk EVERYWHERE...drink a large fruit infuser water bottle..cut up half an orange, a slice of lemon and a slice of lime and put your water bottle put half ice half water... Soooo refreshing...pick fresh Strawberries/raspberries from a local U Pick...not only does fruit help with sugar cravings freshly picked fruit is amazing and picking it gives you excersise.... All these things I've done this summer and I feel and look great
  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    Make working out fun!!!it's a pedal bike and take it on trails and go off reading, hop in a lake or a pool and swim laps...walk EVERYWHERE...drink a large fruit infuser water bottle..cut up half an orange, a slice of lemon and a slice of lime and put your water bottle put half ice half water... Soooo refreshing...pick fresh Strawberries/raspberries from a local U Pick...not only does fruit help with sugar cravings freshly picked fruit is amazing and picking it gives you excersise.... All these things I've done this summer and I feel and look great

    Off roading I meant lol
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    You can do this. You didnt get where you are overnight and you wont get where you want to be overnight either. You are strong enough to do it!
  • icecoe
    icecoe Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks. You guys. I think I will change up the workout routine. Colorado has tons of good hiking spots!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Budget the calories and adjust your other meals around the indulgence.

    Balance your calories for the week as opposed to the day

    Adjust the meal so that it is not as caloric while still allowing the main part of the experience

    Lettuce wrap the burger, skip the mayo, swap the fries for a salad, skip the dressing on the salad and just dip your fork in the dressing on the side before grabbing some salad, or just use balsamic vinegar (or lemon) with no other dressing.

    Have a Mcdonald's or Burger King cone or a skinny cow ice cream at home instead of a milk shake with the burger

    If you are h(a)ngry and having cravings in all probability your deficit is too large for you and you would potentially benefit from taking it a bit slower and operating with a smaller deficit. I seldom find myself having cravings right after a meal ;-)
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    You can always have half the burger also...
    I usually incorporate them into my calorie goal. Can make it a weekly goal too, so you eat the burger then the next few day eat less cals to make up for it. Doing some exercise also helps burn the burger off...hehe
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    Soon I'm hitting the point where I just wanna say f it and go eat a big juicy bacon cheeseburger. I think I'm losing my motivation. Help!!!!

    So do it! Add the calories into MFP and if you go over, you go over. Exercise more. That inspires me more than anything because I don't want to "waste" the calories burned on junk. OR maybe I do! It's my choice! As long as you keep your calories out higher than your calories in, you will lose weight no matter what you eat.
  • icecoe
    icecoe Posts: 12 Member
    I kinda feel like the burger will be the gateway back to my unhealthy eating.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    I kinda feel like the burger will be the gateway back to my unhealthy eating.

    And it will if you look at it that way. If you deny yourself something you love, in moderation, you are going to crave it even more, and kablooey! next thing yanno you are not only eating that, but chili cheese fries, a giant milk shake, etc. Eat the burger and if you can't get it to fit in the day's calories, make sure it fits into the week.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    I kinda feel like the burger will be the gateway back to my unhealthy eating.

    And that's why you have the vocal: don't demonize your food contingent here.

    So.... you will never eat a burger again? Ever?

    Or will you get to goal and say: "f-it, I'm at goal, I'm going to have a burger." And another. And another.... and then you'll be back saying I need to lose 30lbs.

    Maybe you are not ready right now for the burger. Fair enough; but, don't say NEVER.

    The tool to stop your craving is to eat something else so that you're not hungry.
    Most people don't crave things while not hungry.

    HOW MUCH IS YOUR DEFICIT? You will crave less with a smaller deficit.

    But if you've been thinking about a burger for days, you've been given the tools on how to deal with it in the discussion above.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    I kinda feel like the burger will be the gateway back to my unhealthy eating.

    It will only if you let it be. Do you consider burgers unhealthy or just too many calories?
  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    Thanks. You guys. I think I will change up the workout routine. Colorado has tons of good hiking spots!

    Great Idea!!!Hiking gives you fresh air which makes excersise more bearable
  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    I kinda feel like the burger will be the gateway back to my unhealthy eating.

    And it will if you look at it that way. If you deny yourself something you love, in moderation, you are going to crave it even more, and kablooey! next thing yanno you are not only eating that, but chili cheese fries, a giant milk shake, etc. Eat the burger and if you can't get it to fit in the day's calories, make sure it fits into the week.

    I agree with this..If I have a craving it doesn't go away just make up for it the next day
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you want to eat the cheeseburger, eat the cheeseburger.

    You should decide what you want and then go with it and be happy with the choice.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Make room for it in your allotment.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    icecoe wrote: »
    Soon I'm hitting the point where I just wanna say f it and go eat a big juicy bacon cheeseburger. I think I'm losing my motivation. Help!!!!

    So eat the big juicy bacon cheeseburger ... but first ...

    1) Find out how many calories it is.

    2) Determine how much you'll have to do to burn it off ... how much exercise.

    3) Go exercise and burn off that amount of calories + a bit more.

    4) Enjoy the burger.

    I follow that plan to eat lots of yummy things. :)

  • icecoe
    icecoe Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks every one!