Waking up early to exercise!??! HOWWW!?



  • ariesbaby615
    ariesbaby615 Posts: 2 Member
    When I first started early mornings it was rough. With just a little prep work it will be just like everything else routine in your day.

    - Sit your alarm somewhere that you have to actually walk and get it. I use to just drag my phone cord into my bed and hit snooze so I moved it on the other side of the room lol.
    - Put what you need to wear by the alarm. Anything you take with you to the gym put it by the door or in your car the night before. I usually put out a weeks worth of full outfits after I finish laundry.
    - If you use pre workout I sit mine beside my alarm also so I can drink it while im standing there clueless.
    - I also set my favorite song that I know will make me dance as my alarm.
    - Another thing I do is put a quote or whatever I'm working towards where I can see it every morning. That motivates me to not want to go back to bed and keep pushing.

    It's a struggle at first but, it will be second nature like brushing your teeth after a week or two. Hope this helps
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I prefer to hit the gym after work...it's a good way to put the stresses of the day away. I don't do mornings unless I have to.


    For me, it just feels good to go for a decent bicycle ride after work ... burn off the stresses of the day. :)

  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I find a way to work out later in the day. Sometimes I take a (short) walk in the morning to help me wake up.
  • violet_sphinx
    violet_sphinx Posts: 26 Member
    I get my clothes and gear ready every night before bed. My running shoes and pup's leash are waiting for me at the door. I'm usually about 1km into my run before I'm truly "awake" but over the months it has become routine. It starts with a choice, every damn day. Either you want it or you don't. I feel less stress at work and feel like I have more time to have fun with the family in the evenings.

    I completely agree with this! The best way to get me to do anything I lack motivation for is to remove obstacles. I got a membership to a gym that is right between home and work, I make sure all my stuff is packed and ready the night before, and actually to begin with I'm seeing a personal trainer even though it's a bit too expensive for me because having the appointment makes me get out of bed. Now that I'm in the habit, though, I'm waking up earlier on days when I don't go to the gym as well!

    For me it's all about making it as easy as possible to do whatever it is I struggle to do.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    easy... how bad do you want to reach your goals?
  • sarahmichelef
    sarahmichelef Posts: 127 Member
    Another vote for "it just becomes habit". I still don't love it but I do it (2x/week). I'm SO MUCH more productive after a workout, so much more awake. I make sure I have everything laid out before I go to bed, gym bag packed, etc. And I remember how irritated I am with The Spouse when he sets his alarm to go out early and then doesn't get up so that motivates me, too. ;)
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I agree with a lot of others that said if you're really not a morning person and you have time later in the day, just do it later in the day. No reason to make it a more miserable experience than it already is.

    If you do want to do mornings, I'd take care of everything possible the night before and cut down your morning routine as much as possible. I only wake up 10 minutes earlier on mornings I go to the gym before work and still get in a 45 minute workout because I do my makeup in the car after, eat breakfast when I get to work, etc. It makes it somewhat tolerable at least!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    My #1 technique for getting up early for a workout ( Run or Swim ) --- Go to Bed Early!

    I'm in bed shortly after 9. Up at 4:15. In the pool at 5:05. Out of the pool by 7:30. On my way to work by about 7:45.
  • Cambria76
    Cambria76 Posts: 245 Member
    I get up at 2:45am 5 days a week to go to the gym. I do this since I start work at 6am. I am in bed every night by 9pm. Everyone asks me how I do it and I just tell them I have no excuses at this time of the day. Sleeping is not an excuse. Once I am up I am good to go! Also, the gym is empty at this time and love that everyone there at that time is there to actually work out. Where I live if I went to the gym any later it turns into an LA club scene and hate it!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    1. Set alarm
    2. Open eyes . . . Resist the snooze button
    3. Get out of bed
    4. Everything else follows
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I go to my gym every second day. Honestly for me it just became habit, I get up at 4.15 I'm at the gym on the treadmill for my warm up by 4.30...
    Finished and in the gym showers by 5.20

    Dressed for work and in the car by 5 30.
    Start work at 6.

    There's no better feeling than knowing that you don't have to go to the gym after work
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    My #1 technique for getting up early for a workout ( Run or Swim ) --- Go to Bed Early!

  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Cambria76 wrote: »
    I get up at 2:45am 5 days a week to go to the gym. I do this since I start work at 6am. I am in bed every night by 9pm. Everyone asks me how I do it and I just tell them I have no excuses at this time of the day. Sleeping is not an excuse. Once I am up I am good to go! Also, the gym is empty at this time and love that everyone there at that time is there to actually work out. Where I live if I went to the gym any later it turns into an LA club scene and hate it!

    That is dedication. Good on you, Miss Cambria. :)
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    I enjoy getting up and working out first thing in the morning, even though I am a night person. Once the alarm goes off, I am up and ready to rock the day.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    scottb81 wrote: »
    1. Set alarm
    2. Open eyes . . . Resist the snooze button
    3. Get out of bed
    4. Everything else follows

    This is the most basic advice that truly works. Alarm. Feet. Floor. It just has to become routine and gets easier after a few days.

    Coincidentally, the following article on MSN recently echos many of the suggestions offered in this thread:

  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    I used to wake up early to start running by 5:30am. what helped me was:

    1. Getting enough sleep or else you'll feel drained and go right back to sleep.
    2. You have to enjoy whatever it is you wake up early to do
    3. Motivation- If you really want it then you'll make it happen.