Any 5'4 to 5'5 women with 15-20 lbs to lose able to lose weight eating 15-1600 calories per day?


I met with a nutritionist who said that for my weight and height and activity level, I could lose weight if I ate 1500 calories per day.

So I'm at that calorie level for the last two weeks, but when I hit "finish logging" the notice always tells me how much I'll weigh in 5 weeks ("if everyday were like today") and it's such a small weightloss (according to MFP), that I get discouraged.

Any women out there who moderately active, 38, and have about 15-20 pounds to lose?

How many calories are you at per day?

Thank you!


  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 50 yrs old. I'm eating about 1400 calories on average per day (I let it go between 1200 and 1600 a day over the week depending on what's going on). I have a sedentary job but swim three days a week for an hour each session and don't eat back those calories and I usually spend much of the weekend outside and active. I started at 168 and am down to 157. I want to get to 150. Barring a month where I lost focus, I've been averaging about 1/2 lb a week loss. The nice thing about sticking with the higher calories is that I'm not hungry all the time, like I was when I was trying to eat only 1200. I just couldn't keep it there. I was also more likely to lie to myself, like that ever works, because I didn't want to fail.

    This isn't related but I also stopped hitting the button where it asks if I am finished logging for the day and then tries to predict my future. It doesn't make a difference and I found it discouraging too. I also downloaded an app called Happy Scale, which gives you a more even trend line on weight and some goals and is quite simple to use.

    Good luck!
  • Chanel12169
    Chanel12169 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started 1200 per day and a more rigorous workout and I'm starting to lose. I'm 5'4 1/2 but I'm 46 so it's taken 1 yr to lose anything because age really does slow the metabolism. Alcohol absolutely destroys weight loss. If you are wanting to lose faster up the cardio and decrease calories to 1200 per day. In a perfect world give up alcohol for 2 mos. probably won't happen here.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2015
    Your nutritionist probably assumes 1500-1600 without eating back calories, whereas MFP assumes you are not exercising (unless you log it or put yourself in as active). That's the difference.

    I'm 45 and 5'3, 125, and can definitely lose on 1500-1600, but that's with exercise. It would be my maintenance (or close to it) if I were completely sedentary.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    sarahmbm wrote: »

    I met with a nutritionist who said that for my weight and height and activity level, I could lose weight if I ate 1500 calories per day.

    So I'm at that calorie level for the last two weeks, but when I hit "finish logging" the notice always tells me how much I'll weigh in 5 weeks ("if everyday were like today") and it's such a small weightloss (according to MFP), that I get discouraged.

    Any women out there who moderately active, 38, and have about 15-20 pounds to lose?

    How many calories are you at per day?

    Thank you!

    How much do you realistically expect to lose in 2 weeks?? Honestly, with weight loss you need to have realistic expectations and lots of patience. If you're already turned off because MFP's weight projections are too low (which they aren't at all) then you're going to be discouraged ALL.THE.TIME.

    I'm 5'5, 44 years old and want to lose about 15 lbs. I'm losing weight eating between 1600-1700 a day with exercise.

    My plan is to lose weight in a sustainable way because for me its about a lifestyle change.

  • lifeisbueno
    lifeisbueno Posts: 16 Member
    im 5'5 138lbs and 34 years old and usually eat 1800-2000 a day... i don't work at a desk job, but am not running around crazy at work either. i lift heavy weights 4/5 days a week and rarely do cardio. Im with everyone else... keep eating- you are close to maintenance so losses will be slower and need to be realistic.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    I'm 5'4", 133ish, moderately active. I can lose .5 lbs per week (but not in a linear fashion!) if I eat about 1600. I don't do enough cardio to be able to eat any exercise calories back. My TDEE is between 1800-1900. With a 250 calorie deficit I need to be EXTREMELY accurate. Every morsel goes on the food scale. I eat lower than 1600 during the week so that I can eat above maintenance one day. It's slow going but that's fine. Want to hold on to some LBM and not be miserable eating too little.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm 5'4.5", 25 yrs old, and currently fluctuating between 132-134 lbs. I have been losing weight eating an average of 2182 calories for the past 30 days. Usually my average falls between 1800-2000, but this past month I've let myself eat to maintenance more often then normal. For the past 30 days, my average weekly trend loss has been about 0.6 lbs per week. When I stick to 1800-2000, it's typically 1-1.3 lbs per week. I'm only looking to lose another 2-10 lbs though.

    I weigh pretty much everything I eat. The exceptions to this are if I'm eating at a restaurant or someone else's house. Everything I eat at home gets weighed (bread slices, single serve snack packs, condiments, etc).

    I lift 3 times a week (ICF 5x5) and do cardio 2-3 times a week. I also try to hit 10,000+ steps everyday (this sometimes has me walking circles around my apartment).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 38, 5'5", and I went down to 133 pounds never eating less than 1650 calories. I do some type of exercise every day though, even if it's just walking 3.5 miles.

    I do weigh everything I eat though, so that can make a difference. I maintain at 2200 and trying to stick to 1800 now to lose the 2 pounds I gained back in vacation.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I'm 5'4" and when I'm near goal (I've been in maintenance for a while), I can't lose on 1500/day unless I'm exercising fairly vigorously every day. I have an office job and if I all I do is the hour walk roundtrip to work, 1500-1600 is approximately maintenance for me, so I need to add in a decent chunk of daily exercise to eat that much and still lose.
  • jmac4263
    jmac4263 Posts: 245 Member
    I am also 5'4 at 1500 calories, I dont track my exercise but I do gym 5 days a week. When she tells you that you will lose you probably will just not fast like it seems you are wanting. I tried doing the whole 1200 calorie thing and its just not easy for me. I lift weights and do cardio and my work outs suffered eating that low but thats just me. Everyone is different but I would take her advice and try it for a while. I am going to try going down to 1400 calories if i dont notice a change and even lower on my rest days.

    Good luck dont be discouraged it took me like 3 years to lose 40 pounds! but i also wasnt a strict addict with food and exercise either I did it slow
  • Su_ziq
    Su_ziq Posts: 21 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race :) No reason to get discouraged. And yes, I lost eating 1440 - 1500 cals. I think a bigger part of my weight loss came from limiting sugar to no more than 40 and carbs to 120. Especially since I have a sedentary job and just get walking in. I found that days that I ate over my cal limit but still kept sugar and carbs in check I still managed a progressive weight loss.
  • acoustophoresis
    acoustophoresis Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I eat 1200-1500 and exercise 5 times a week. I've lost around 30lb so far :)
  • sarahmbm
    sarahmbm Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks so much for your thoughts, everyone. I don't expect to lose quickly, and I am willing to be patient; there's just so much different information out there that it can get confusing. It's very helpful to hear about everyone's experiences. I may just start weighing myself every two weeks (or so) to keep my spirits up re: my slow (but steady) losses. :wink: