"exercise" for 250+ lbs people (100+ to lose)



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    So clearly, at 290 I can not, and probably shouldn't even attempt, many of the "recommended workouts.". Yes, there's walking... And I've gotten on the bicycle (it's so fun to have people call you a fatass as they drive by), but what are y'all doing? I'm looking for some variety... Thanks!

    "Walk Away the Pounds".....indoor "walking" workouts. These are really low impact aerobics without choreography. The nice thing about zero choreography is you can go at your own pace if you need to. The nice thing about indoor is it doesn't matter if it's 90° + degrees out, or rainy, etc.

    There are tons of videos on YouTube....many newer DVDs (Walk At Home or Just Walk) have a music only option, and are chaptered so you can pick your "miles."

    Leslie Sansone

    Jessica Smith
  • KellyKat09
    KellyKat09 Posts: 33 Member
    I am going to the gym to swim, but I can swim laps for about 15 minutes before I can't barely catch a breath! At home I am doing some treadmill maybe 1.5-1.8 mph around 15-20 mins. I learned the hard way that you can't push yourself to death or you quit and feel worse.
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,657 Member
    Not sure is this was said, but do you enjoy dancing? Put on your favorite music and dance away. You can make it as easy or as hard as you want :)
  • Nursevb
    Nursevb Posts: 5 Member
    You tube videos! Also if there is a Planet Fitness near you go in there and get on the bike and ride everyday for twenty minutes! It was working for me before my surgery on my foot.
  • Methynks
    Methynks Posts: 32 Member
    Such a good and important thread, thank you for posting it! Am currently restarting diet/exercise regime after a huge gain in the last year, getting me to my top weight of 285 :( I guess a twisted ankle with broken ligaments did not help - am currently trying to walk as much as possible, most phones have a pedometer on it (I guess that's what Fitbit is?) so try and reach a certain number of steps per week and raise that goal each week by a little bit.. Every little helps :)
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in the 290s. I've been doing Leslie Sansone Aerobic videos lately. I've signed up for a 5K in Sept. I'll be able to do that. Might not run it, but I can definitely walk it. You can pick anything that interests you and modify it for you. If you are on Facebook or go to YouTube much, check out Coach Tulin. She's an amazing motivator and has tons of ideas for workout modification for plus size individuals.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited July 2015
    I was 267 at my heaviest. I started running...actually I started walking 4 minutes and jogging one minute and repeating and gradually reducing the walking and increasing running. However, walking by itself is perfectly good exercise and low impact. There is no need to run. Walking and biking are more than enough if you try to at least do it a few times a week.

    With the walking, over time try to pick up the pace or add in some hills. You can even try walking up and down a hill repeatedly.

    Your squats idea is a good one. You can add in various other body weight exercises at home to supplement that. A set of crunches, some inclined pushups (I started using the kitchen counter...much easier than the type on the floor on your knees but still challenging enough to have an impact).

    Also, on days you want something gentler and do nothing else, try a very thorough stretching routine. It feels amazing, and often seems to encourage me to eat better and exercise more. Plus, I feel like I've at least done something healthy even if it doesn't burn a ton of calories.

    Also, online you can find a lot of pilates routines. Many are aimed at beginners. You don't have to do everything. Do as much as you can and you will soon notice the progress you are making. Pilates is great for getting stronger without adding bulk, and it does burn a good number of calories as well. Pilates is very low impact.

    Just try to gradually get more active over time. You don't have to do it all at once. It does work. I've lost 100 pounds, and while not at my final goal yet I am finally in the normal BMI range.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm sorry you had an encounter with a sorry douchcanoe when you tried riding, but don't let it get to you. Don't let someone who obviously isn't getting enough attention in his real life and wants to take it out on strangers, affect what choices you make with your life. Just imagine stomping him flat when you get thin and super hot and he suddenly wants a different kind of attention from you!

    Anyway, having said that, of course walking is great. You might also look into a elliptical. Burns tons of calories and super low-impact. Also, see if your local gym has an indoor pool. Also burns tons of calories and super easy on joints.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    Gym, and pool, are out. Too expensive for this job-seeker! I do have a fitbit. Sometimes it's more frustrating than motivating (an hour bike ride shows up as like 1,200 steps) but I'm on it. :)

    I did just see a simple idea i might try; committing to x squats every time I take a bathroom break... Though I loathe squats.

    Walking and biking are fine but if you do want to join a gym, places like the Y have scholarships.

    I share this concern about squatting and knees, and proper form in general:
    Careful with squats at your weight. I was almost the same when I started and they caused some knee pain. Not saying don't do them - just get educated about the proper form, stop if your knees start having issues, and/or think about doing ball squats against a wall.

    As for exercise, I think you're doing great with walking and biking. I would recommend adding some weights in there too. Free weights usually cost about $1/lb, so they're not too bad. Once again though, make sure you google the proper form for any exercises you choose to add. Getting an injury would definitely put a damper on things.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Ways I get variety while walking:

    1. Different locations.
    2. Different playlists on my MP3 player.
    3. I walk on trails in the woods and maintain them. Sometimes I pick up stuff from the ground and toss it off the trail, sometimes I bring my little clippers, and sometimes I bring my big clippers.
  • thegreatmd
    thegreatmd Posts: 30 Member
    Ohhhhhh... Such good suggestions. Gracias!!
    New music!! I haven't even been using music, Duh!
    Also, thanks to everyone who listed specific videos to look for on YouTube! Lord knows I don't want to waste 3 hours finding decent videos!!!
    So... Music suggestions? Do you walk to the beat, or just listen for motivation?
  • thegreatmd
    thegreatmd Posts: 30 Member
    Also, has anyone tried the Plus Size Yoga? Or know where to get it free?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    Swimming is best. The fat doesn't work against you in the pool like it does in just about all other exercise efforts. It's very low-impact, so fewer joint issues. It burns more calories than anything, so you get more weight loss for your exercise minute, lol. If you don't want to wear a suit, get over yourself. Don't let that stop you from getting your exercise and getting healthier.

    The only stuff I'd did when I was 250 was swimming and walking. I tried other things, but couldn't do them. Tried yoga, tipped over. Tried all kinds of stuff that I just was NOT ready for.

    If you haven't seen a doctor about your weight loss journey to get cleared for exercise and all that, do it. Have a physical. Do that first. It's the smart way to begin.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    Ohhhhhh... Such good suggestions. Gracias!!
    New music!! I haven't even been using music, Duh!
    Also, thanks to everyone who listed specific videos to look for on YouTube! Lord knows I don't want to waste 3 hours finding decent videos!!!
    So... Music suggestions? Do you walk to the beat, or just listen for motivation?

    I like Leslie Sansone walking videos, those are generally 3.5 - 4 miles per hour. All her moves are set to the pace of the music. So yes, I do like to walk to the beat of the music.

    As a newbie you might look at Jog FM.com - it will give you ideas.

    Jog FM lets you plug in your walking pace .....let's say you are starting at 2.5 MPH (1 mile in 24 minutes). The song pace is around 120 beats per minute. See if you have any of the songs listed and try walking to the beat. However you do it, upbeat music is motivating to me.


    For Plus Size Yoga, Mega Yoga, Heavy Weight Yoga, Big Yoga....check your local library. I would look for Peggy Cappy videos too (PBS series). For YouTube look for Abby Lentz, Sally Pugh, Megan Garcia, Lynne Robinson, or Meera Kerr.

    Hulu.com has tons of yoga. Look for the most beginner video you can find. You will be able to start with some things.
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I'm at 260, and I typically go to the gym and spend some time on the treadmill and some time lifting weights. I stick to the weight machines right now instead of using free weights, because I'm really weak and feel a little more secure when using the machines. I do hope to switch to free weights someday though.

    I've been slacking on my routine this last week, but what I try to do is three weight days and two cardio days.
    Mondays I work on my arms, and do 20 minutes of cardio.
    Tuesday I do 45 minutes of cardio.
    Wednesday I do my chest and back, and 20 minutes of cardio.
    Thursday I do another 45 minutes of cardio.
    Friday I do legs and 20 minutes of cardio.

    As for people calling you a fatass when you're out exercising, I know that feeling. I recommend investing in a nice pair of headphones, and just try to drown it out. I feel a lot less insecure when I've got music blasting in my ears and I get lost in my own little world.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited July 2015
    Eve53 wrote: »
    I started with swimming at 300 pounds.

    Then I added more walking, then weight lifting, then more intense cardio.

    By 250, I was doing Zumba and keeping up just fine.

    I have a question about your swimming. What Did you do? Just laps? I'm getting to a point where I can't do my speed walking because of a problem with my leg so I need to spend more time in the pool. All I do so far is laps, but is that enough?

    Yes, I swim laps. I had been sedentary for a couple of years due to a serious illness--a disease with symptoms which include muscle wasting. I wanted to slowing rebuild muscle in an environment where I was unlikely to get injured.

    When I first started, it took me an hour to swim a quarter of a mile. I slowly added distance and speed. Now I swim a mile (mostly backstroke) in about 30 minutes.

    Is only swimming laps enough? It isn't for me now, but it was a very good place to start.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    When I first started working out I was 265 and almost everything was hard...I basically just walked outside, walked on the treadmill and did the elliptical, sometimes very simple yoga as well. I progressed in going faster and longer during those workouts, and then after about 4 and a half months and some weight loss, then i started trying new things.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Just wanted to encourage you to get out more. I think its great that you are looking at finding new ways to exercise and not using weight as an excuse not to.

    The other thing I wanted to say was, no matter your size, you will have jerks who will yell mean things at you when exercising outside. I was just on a run the other day (I'm in the 130's which is a BMI in the 23's) and had people yell something along the lines of "run cow run". Those people are always going to be there. You can't control them. But you can control you. Don't let it get to you and keep on pushing yourself!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    Ohhhhhh... Such good suggestions. Gracias!!
    New music!! I haven't even been using music, Duh!
    Also, thanks to everyone who listed specific videos to look for on YouTube! Lord knows I don't want to waste 3 hours finding decent videos!!!
    So... Music suggestions? Do you walk to the beat, or just listen for motivation?

    ...For Plus Size Yoga, Mega Yoga, Heavy Weight Yoga, Big Yoga....check your local library. I would look for Peggy Cappy videos too (PBS series). For YouTube look for Abby Lentz, Sally Pugh, Megan Garcia, Lynne Robinson, or Meera Kerr.

    Hulu.com has tons of yoga. Look for the most beginner video you can find. You will be able to start with some things.

    Great idea to check your library system for yoga DVDs. If you can't find any of those titles or titles specific to Plus size, try anything that says beginner, gentle or senior. Avoid Power Yoga/Vinyasa/Ashtanga/Jiva Mukti styles for now.

    Slower yoga doesn't burn a lot of calories, but has many other benefits.

    How Yoga Can Help End Binge Eating

    One breath at a time, end the suffering of binge-eating

    ...According to Juliano, yoga gives people the skills to stay with what they are feeling, rather than turning to food to escape. People who are obese or suffering from eating disorders have a tendency to dissociate from their bodies -- to choose not to feel what they are feeling when they are angry, anxious, or sad. Often, they turn to food to numb themselves. "There's this sense that I have to feel better right now, " Juliano says. "There is a complete intolerance of what is happening right now." This need to escape unpleasant feelings triggers a binge.

    When you eat to escape what you are feeling, you lose touch with the experience of eating, as well. This is one reason binges can spiral out of control. "You have no understanding that you are full, way past full, into uncomfortable, because you're so out of it," Juliano explains. "You have no connection to what you're eating. You're eating a pint of ice cream and can't even taste it. Or you go to make yourself some toast and before you know it, half the loaf is gone."

    Mindful yoga directly challenges the habit of dissociating from your body and your present-moment experience. "The whole point of yoga is to stay connected to your body. You learn it through practice, through breathing, and through breathing through the sensations."

    Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-willpower/201007/how-yoga-can-help-end-binge-eating

  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Go to the any gym with a treadmill, put it on max incline and walk for 40 minutes or so (not fast). I do it for my cardio and in 40 minutes you can burn about 500 calories just by walking.

    So if I understand this correctly you're trying to kill her, correct? Do you see yourself? You're ripped and fit to the max. Of course YOU can do the treadmill on full incline for 40 minutes, but that would give OP a heart issue.
    I was 250 and had been working out regularly for over a year before I was able to go on full incline for ANY amount of minutes. Please don't give advice to the newly active if you don't remember what it's like to be where we are now. Anyone uneducated enough to listen to you will seriously injure themselves.