Can I save my calories for later?



  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited July 2015
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    yep, I eat less Monday - Thursday so I can have more at the weekend if I'm off out

    Thank you! Lobster and white wine is my weakness! I guess I need to figure out ahead of time how much I plan to indulge so I'll know how much to cut this week. I've been under my calorie goal everyday since Sunday so I should be okay I think.

    I always "bank" calorie and I am a big proponent of it. It is much easier for me to stick to my deficit knowing I can eat more when I really want to.

    For your event-keep eating under goal this week (a sensible amount-don't starve!) and try to get some extra exercise. Then on the booze cruise day I would eat to maintenance + your extra calories. This should give you a nice buffer-and you'll still have a deficit for the week-albeit a slightly smaller one. It's a special event-enjoy it!

    Thanks! My daily goal is 1470 with some pretty decent carb restriction. I've been eating between 1000 and 1200 and trying to burn at least 500 of that. I also haven't been eating those calories back. I feel good but MFP likes to tell me I'm not eating enough. Whatever... It's just for this week. B)

    I was going to respond that on the MFP app you have the option to look at your calories over a week's time instead of daily (although I don't think the math is working at the moment), and that your weekend plans sound awesome!

    However, I think you are being pretty aggressive with creating that additional buffer, based on the numbers you posted above. It's really not healthy to net less than 1000 cals, which is what you are doing if you aren't eating back those exercise calories. The last thing you want is to run yourself down so much that you don't enjoy the event, because you are tired, sick, etc.

    If it were me I would try to net 100-200 cals less than your goal in the days leading up to the event, which would give you an extra 500-1000 cals to work with that day. I would also consider that if you are set to lose 1 lb/week, you already have a deficit of 3,500 cals built into your weekly goal so you have a buffer already built in that you can tap into and not gain weight, may see an increase on the scale from water weight after an indulgent night but you should be back on track with weight loss by end of next week.

    So would it be a better idea to add more calories or to cut back on the cardio? (My weight lifting and my yoga are nonnegotiable. I love those almost as much as I love lobster. Haha) I lift 3x/week and go to yoga 2x/week. Both of those are done at night. I added a.m. cardio to those days to hit or surpass 500 cals burned. But if I don't really need to.... Hmm...what do you think?

    Bump it up to 1200. From that alone you would have an extra 1200 calories and still be in a deficit for the week. If you're enjoying the cardio, I would do it. If not, skip it. Again, it's only one day. Bank some calories for a buffer but don't be unhealthy to do so.

    Edited for stupid
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    yep, I eat less Monday - Thursday so I can have more at the weekend if I'm off out

    Thank you! Lobster and white wine is my weakness! I guess I need to figure out ahead of time how much I plan to indulge so I'll know how much to cut this week. I've been under my calorie goal everyday since Sunday so I should be okay I think.

    I always "bank" calorie and I am a big proponent of it. It is much easier for me to stick to my deficit knowing I can eat more when I really want to.

    For your event-keep eating under goal this week (a sensible amount-don't starve!) and try to get some extra exercise. Then on the booze cruise day I would eat to maintenance + your extra calories. This should give you a nice buffer-and you'll still have a deficit for the week-albeit a slightly smaller one. It's a special event-enjoy it!

    Thanks! My daily goal is 1470 with some pretty decent carb restriction. I've been eating between 1000 and 1200 and trying to burn at least 500 of that. I also haven't been eating those calories back. I feel good but MFP likes to tell me I'm not eating enough. Whatever... It's just for this week. B)

    I was going to respond that on the MFP app you have the option to look at your calories over a week's time instead of daily (although I don't think the math is working at the moment), and that your weekend plans sound awesome!

    However, I think you are being pretty aggressive with creating that additional buffer, based on the numbers you posted above. It's really not healthy to net less than 1000 cals, which is what you are doing if you aren't eating back those exercise calories. The last thing you want is to run yourself down so much that you don't enjoy the event, because you are tired, sick, etc.

    If it were me I would try to net 100-200 cals less than your goal in the days leading up to the event, which would give you an extra 500-1000 cals to work with that day. I would also consider that if you are set to lose 1 lb/week, you already have a deficit of 3,500 cals built into your weekly goal so you have a buffer already built in that you can tap into and not gain weight, may see an increase on the scale from water weight after an indulgent night but you should be back on track with weight loss by end of next week.

    So would it be a better idea to add more calories or to cut back on the cardio? (My weight lifting and my yoga are nonnegotiable. I love those almost as much as I love lobster. Haha) I lift 3x/week and go to yoga 2x/week. Both of those are done at night. I added a.m. cardio to those days to hit or surpass 500 cals burned. But if I don't really need to.... Hmm...what do you think?

    I'm not at all saying you shouldn't be exercising. What I'm saying is that MFP is designed so that you should be eating those exercise calories back, at least a portion of them. Many people find the MFP numbers for calorie burn to be inflated, so they eat back maybe 50% of them, to net at their calorie goal.

    If this week you are eating 1000-1200 cals, exercising to burn another 500, then you are netting around 500-700 cals each day which is not healthy.

    I'm saying to continue the exercise but eat more, such that you are netting maybe 1200-1300 cals if you want that buffer for your party.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    yep, I eat less Monday - Thursday so I can have more at the weekend if I'm off out

    Thank you! Lobster and white wine is my weakness! I guess I need to figure out ahead of time how much I plan to indulge so I'll know how much to cut this week. I've been under my calorie goal everyday since Sunday so I should be okay I think.

    I always "bank" calorie and I am a big proponent of it. It is much easier for me to stick to my deficit knowing I can eat more when I really want to.

    For your event-keep eating under goal this week (a sensible amount-don't starve!) and try to get some extra exercise. Then on the booze cruise day I would eat to maintenance + your extra calories. This should give you a nice buffer-and you'll still have a deficit for the week-albeit a slightly smaller one. It's a special event-enjoy it!

    Thanks! My daily goal is 1470 with some pretty decent carb restriction. I've been eating between 1000 and 1200 and trying to burn at least 500 of that. I also haven't been eating those calories back. I feel good but MFP likes to tell me I'm not eating enough. Whatever... It's just for this week. B)

    why would you do that? its not healthy, sustainable, or necessary to lose weight.

    That's just the plan until Friday. After that it's business as usual. ;)

    how much are you planning on eating if you're making a 2000 calorie deficit PER DAY?
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    yep, I eat less Monday - Thursday so I can have more at the weekend if I'm off out

    Thank you! Lobster and white wine is my weakness! I guess I need to figure out ahead of time how much I plan to indulge so I'll know how much to cut this week. I've been under my calorie goal everyday since Sunday so I should be okay I think.

    I always "bank" calorie and I am a big proponent of it. It is much easier for me to stick to my deficit knowing I can eat more when I really want to.

    For your event-keep eating under goal this week (a sensible amount-don't starve!) and try to get some extra exercise. Then on the booze cruise day I would eat to maintenance + your extra calories. This should give you a nice buffer-and you'll still have a deficit for the week-albeit a slightly smaller one. It's a special event-enjoy it!

    Thanks! My daily goal is 1470 with some pretty decent carb restriction. I've been eating between 1000 and 1200 and trying to burn at least 500 of that. I also haven't been eating those calories back. I feel good but MFP likes to tell me I'm not eating enough. Whatever... It's just for this week. B)

    I was going to respond that on the MFP app you have the option to look at your calories over a week's time instead of daily (although I don't think the math is working at the moment), and that your weekend plans sound awesome!

    However, I think you are being pretty aggressive with creating that additional buffer, based on the numbers you posted above. It's really not healthy to net less than 1000 cals, which is what you are doing if you aren't eating back those exercise calories. The last thing you want is to run yourself down so much that you don't enjoy the event, because you are tired, sick, etc.

    If it were me I would try to net 100-200 cals less than your goal in the days leading up to the event, which would give you an extra 500-1000 cals to work with that day. I would also consider that if you are set to lose 1 lb/week, you already have a deficit of 3,500 cals built into your weekly goal so you have a buffer already built in that you can tap into and not gain weight, may see an increase on the scale from water weight after an indulgent night but you should be back on track with weight loss by end of next week.

    So would it be a better idea to add more calories or to cut back on the cardio? (My weight lifting and my yoga are nonnegotiable. I love those almost as much as I love lobster. Haha) I lift 3x/week and go to yoga 2x/week. Both of those are done at night. I added a.m. cardio to those days to hit or surpass 500 cals burned. But if I don't really need to.... Hmm...what do you think?

    I'm not at all saying you shouldn't be exercising. What I'm saying is that MFP is designed so that you should be eating those exercise calories back, at least a portion of them. Many people find the MFP numbers for calorie burn to be inflated, so they eat back maybe 50% of them, to net at their calorie goal.

    If this week you are eating 1000-1200 cals, exercising to burn another 500, then you are netting around 500-700 cals each day which is not healthy.

    I'm saying to continue the exercise but. eat more, such that you are netting maybe 1200-1300 cals if you want that buffer for your party.

    Got it! Thanks! I'm off to go make a protein shake now. I wasn't sure what I was going to put in it today, but after this thread, I think I see a tablespoon of almond butter in my future. Hahaha. Thanks again for the feedback! :p:DB)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    yep, I eat less Monday - Thursday so I can have more at the weekend if I'm off out

    Thank you! Lobster and white wine is my weakness! I guess I need to figure out ahead of time how much I plan to indulge so I'll know how much to cut this week. I've been under my calorie goal everyday since Sunday so I should be okay I think.

    I always "bank" calorie and I am a big proponent of it. It is much easier for me to stick to my deficit knowing I can eat more when I really want to.

    For your event-keep eating under goal this week (a sensible amount-don't starve!) and try to get some extra exercise. Then on the booze cruise day I would eat to maintenance + your extra calories. This should give you a nice buffer-and you'll still have a deficit for the week-albeit a slightly smaller one. It's a special event-enjoy it!

    Thanks! My daily goal is 1470 with some pretty decent carb restriction. I've been eating between 1000 and 1200 and trying to burn at least 500 of that. I also haven't been eating those calories back. I feel good but MFP likes to tell me I'm not eating enough. Whatever... It's just for this week. B)

    I was going to respond that on the MFP app you have the option to look at your calories over a week's time instead of daily (although I don't think the math is working at the moment), and that your weekend plans sound awesome!

    However, I think you are being pretty aggressive with creating that additional buffer, based on the numbers you posted above. It's really not healthy to net less than 1000 cals, which is what you are doing if you aren't eating back those exercise calories. The last thing you want is to run yourself down so much that you don't enjoy the event, because you are tired, sick, etc.

    If it were me I would try to net 100-200 cals less than your goal in the days leading up to the event, which would give you an extra 500-1000 cals to work with that day. I would also consider that if you are set to lose 1 lb/week, you already have a deficit of 3,500 cals built into your weekly goal so you have a buffer already built in that you can tap into and not gain weight, may see an increase on the scale from water weight after an indulgent night but you should be back on track with weight loss by end of next week.

    So would it be a better idea to add more calories or to cut back on the cardio? (My weight lifting and my yoga are nonnegotiable. I love those almost as much as I love lobster. Haha) I lift 3x/week and go to yoga 2x/week. Both of those are done at night. I added a.m. cardio to those days to hit or surpass 500 cals burned. But if I don't really need to.... Hmm...what do you think?

    I'm not at all saying you shouldn't be exercising. What I'm saying is that MFP is designed so that you should be eating those exercise calories back, at least a portion of them. Many people find the MFP numbers for calorie burn to be inflated, so they eat back maybe 50% of them, to net at their calorie goal.

    If this week you are eating 1000-1200 cals, exercising to burn another 500, then you are netting around 500-700 cals each day which is not healthy.

    I'm saying to continue the exercise but. eat more, such that you are netting maybe 1200-1300 cals if you want that buffer for your party.

    Got it! Thanks! I'm off to go make a protein shake now. I wasn't sure what I was going to put in it today, but after this thread, I think I see a tablespoon of almond butter in my future. Hahaha. Thanks again for the feedback! :p:DB)

    Isn't it awesome to be told to eat MORE!!
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Yes, it's perfectly fine but be careful to avoid extremes if it starts resembling a "binge / restrict" kind of thing.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I do it pretty much every week (mine starts on Monday). My weekly average goal is right around 1700 calories, and I often have one 2k day and a 1500 day. Right now, it looks like I'll be going into the weekend with an extra 500 calories and we have a picnic to go to this Sunday so I'm sure I'll destroy it.
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Yes, it's perfectly fine but be careful to avoid extremes if it starts resembling a "binge / restrict" kind of thing.

    Agreed. I've gotten caught up in that cycle before. It wasn't pretty. :(
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
    I do it pretty much every week (mine starts on Monday). My weekly average goal is right around 1700 calories, and I often have one 2k day and a 1500 day. Right now, it looks like I'll be going into the weekend with an extra 500 calories and we have a picnic to go to this Sunday so I'm sure I'll destroy it.

    Yes! #TeamGrub ;)
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I do this a lot, especially given my boyfriend likes us to eat out a lot. Plus, being able to eat what you want means you don't get 'menu envy', nor do you have to become that person who talks about their diet, calories or macros at the dinner table. No one likes that person...
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
    I do this a lot, especially given my boyfriend likes us to eat out a lot. Plus, being able to eat what you want means you don't get 'menu envy', nor do you have to become that person who talks about their diet, calories or macros at the dinner table. No one likes that person...

    Absolutely! I was able to have a good time on Saturday and not even worry about calories because I was so diligent during the week! ;)