Are you hitting your fiber macros and how important is it?



  • chriskangell
    chriskangell Posts: 29 Member
    I would also recommend eating more nutrient dense, calorically sparse foods. For example, for lunch today I'm having this ridiculously huge kale salad that will likely give me all of the fiber I need for today and then some, all in 500 calories.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm usually over my fiber goal. I oatmeal or multigrain cereal for breakfast (high protein, too!) about 4 days a week, and then most days I take a "pick salad" of celery and carrot sticks in my lunch. I can really feel the difference on those days when my fiber is low!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I've been quite far under lately but it hasn't affected my bathroom habits. Perhaps the meats and oils are keeping things moving smoothly. No issues with satiety either.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    Thanks for all the tips, you are giving me some great ideas. I think my daily diet has come a long way, I was living off a couple of biscuits and a bite of chocolate a few months ago, so I have made huge progress in eating a lot fresher and on most days I hit my protein and fat targets, which I view as a minimum.

    A little while back I logged about being hungry a lot and got the advice to try to eat more protein, fats and veggies which I have been doing and it really has helped. I started to wonder about my fiber, which is why I am now focusing on that.

    For those interested, yeah, I eat at 1200 and have done so for 4 months, with only 4 days when I went over that (two of them significantly, but planned on both occasions). I do exercise, but seldom log it and view those calories as a bonus deficit. I ride a stationary bike most days.

    I lose on average 0.5kg a week - hardly racing along and I am not very overweight (71kgs presently and 1.7m tall), so I wouldn't want to slow down much more than this by upping my calories. I weigh everything I consume to the gram and create my own recipes.

    I know the chia seeds are not for everyone, but I find them easy to handle as you just toss them into food. At 1200 calories, when you add something, you have to take something away, so beans are difficult to add in on my plan and wholewheat pasta is a huge challenge because of the calories required although I find both items delicious.

    The problem is not that I am a veggie hater - I am a veggie lover that still needs variety in her life. I am leaning into the fruit and veggies, but I don't just want to eat fruit and veggies all day, I feel pretty sorry for myself if I don't keep my beloved coffee and the few carbs I do have, I also need to save a fair amount of calories for protein, to maintain the balance I am after. For example, I would have happily added a whole lot of other veggies to my dinner today (pumpkin, some green beans perhaps), but that would have meant cutting back on the pork.. or something. I already skipped my dinner coffee.

  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I think the foods on your diary are wrong. How does "Woolworths - Fresh Cauliflowet & Gruyere Soup, 305 g" have 0g fiber but "Woolworths - Smoked pork fillet with mozzarella and spring onion, 250 g" have 9g of fiber? Surely the "Cauliflowet" (sic) soup should have *some* fiber.

    I'd add more chia seeds; 5g/20 calories a pop isn't going to cut it (though I see sometimes you do that multiple times a day, which seems good).

    As for myself, I blow through my fiber goal every day (I don't even need to pay attention to it) by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and by not eating much meat (sometimes I eat fish). It's going to be harder for you because your goal is 1200 calories a day (mine is 1900, and I'll eat 2500+ if I burn 1000+ calories working out).

    Yeah, you have made me wonder about the soup - I scanned the barcode but that does not guarantee it is right I suppose and I don't always pick up problems. I think I already threw away the pouch it came in. I will check next time I am at the store. Woolworths in South Africa makes great veggie soups with loads of fresh ingredients and they are a great stand-by for me when I don't feel like doing my own prep.

    I pretty much lived off Woolworths food until I found the courage recently to start making my own stuff.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    Update - I found the soup on the site and apparently it has 01g of fiber per 100g and 0.3 in the serving I had, so I suppose too little to show up on MFP.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Snow3y wrote: »
    well Fibre is a micro, not a macro.. But one thing's for certain, if I don't have enough, my body and my toilet sure know it.
    If I have enough, and actually have 'too much' I don't really have issues though. So I try stick to having all my fibre rich foods I can throughout the day.

    The only thing that I noticed was when I first started paying attention and eating more fiber. I had a couple of days "adjustment". I also have some effects if I eat more than one Quest bar in a day.

    I actually wish there was less fiber in quest bars. I've been eating them for a while and had no idea they had so much. I get plenty of fiber in my diet and don't need an extra 34 grams if I eat an extra couple for the protein.

    Most quality protein bars are much less in fiber but still high in protein. I eat Quest because of both, but have been tempted by some other brands. Just can't get over the difference in fiber: 15-20 g instead of the 3-6 g. in other brands.

  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    Oh lord I almost double my fiber requirement most days. Gonna echo what people have said about quest bars and veggies! Also, if you make protein shakes, try switching to hemp protein powder. It's got a bunch of fiber. Have some fruit with your breakfast. Try things like tempeh. Rice noodles are also delicious. There are a bunch of options.
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    A little while back I logged about being hungry a lot and got the advice to try to eat more protein, fats and veggies which I have been doing and it really has helped. I started to wonder about my fiber, which is why I am now focusing on that.

    One of my first posts here was about how filling I found a high-protein diet - I was going to bed most nights feeling someone had inflated a balloon in my belly! Then someone pointed out how high my daily fiber intake was, and since then I've been trying not to go over so much. It's done WONDERS for my appetite. So! I think upping your fiber intake along with your protein intake will also help you with hunger.

    My all-time favorite dinner is stir-fried tempeh and vegetables in General Tso's sauce over rice noodles. YUUUM. And loaded with protein and fiber. B)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Here's the list I made for myself of foods I enjoy, but also with more than their share of fiber:

    WW spaghetti
    Bran flakes
    Rye bread
    Split peas
    Black beans
    Sunflower seeds
    Turnip greens
    Brussels sprouts
    Sweet corn
    Potato with skin
    Tomato paste

    I can make a lentil salad with carrots, celery and sunflower seeds and dressing for not a lot of calories, but 15g of fiber. EASILY under 400 calories for a lunch (depending on the dressing, and what else you put on it).
  • chriskangell
    chriskangell Posts: 29 Member
    Soopatt, I think you're doing great so far! Change is incremental, and you're getting better every day.

    I assumed the cauliflower soup had more fiber, though I bet the fiber content is lower because the cauliflower is blended or otherwise pulverized, destroying some of the fiber in the process. I'm not positive about this, but it's something to think about.
  • chriskangell
    chriskangell Posts: 29 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Here's the list I made for myself of foods I enjoy, but also with more than their share of fiber:

    WW spaghetti
    Bran flakes
    Rye bread
    Split peas
    Black beans
    Sunflower seeds
    Turnip greens
    Brussels sprouts
    Sweet corn
    Potato with skin
    Tomato paste

    I can make a lentil salad with carrots, celery and sunflower seeds and dressing for not a lot of calories, but 15g of fiber. EASILY under 400 calories for a lunch (depending on the dressing, and what else you put on it).

    100% agree with this!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Fruits and veggies, whole grains. Lots of fiber there. :)

    When you eat 1200, you have to make some tough choices about the content of your diet. Getting all the good stuff in doesn't leave much room for treats.

    Fiber One bars give you that treat taste with some fiber. They're not really low-cal, though. I used to eat those and really liked the lemon and strawberry ones.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Quest has some competitors worth mentioning:

    MusclePharm Combat Crunch
    Oh Yeah Victory Bars
    ANSI cheesecake bars

    All of these, like Quest, have approximately the same numbers of ~ 200 calories, 20g protein, 15-20g fiber.

    I find most all of them to be "ok", except for the Combat Crunch cinnamon one which is actually quite tasty.

    If you have one of these it's almost impossible to not hit your fiber target for the day.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I was surprised when I joined how high avocado is in fiber. It can be hard to fit in--as you said, you often have to lose something--but I still try at least once/week because I LOVE them, and they're so nutrient-dense. I find myself being a little too high in carbs and low in fat most days, but avocado and cooking in a little bit of olive oil help solve that.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    MFP goal is too low in my opinion and that of many Doctors. Fiber is very important to me and I aim for 30 grams a day. Why? Because constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and colon cancer are literally a pain in the ***.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Yes I am! Super important, it is. - Yoda
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Snow3y wrote: »
    well Fibre is a micro, not a macro.. But one thing's for certain, if I don't have enough, my body and my toilet sure know it.
    If I have enough, and actually have 'too much' I don't really have issues though. So I try stick to having all my fibre rich foods I can throughout the day.

    The only thing that I noticed was when I first started paying attention and eating more fiber. I had a couple of days "adjustment". I also have some effects if I eat more than one Quest bar in a day.

    I actually wish there was less fiber in quest bars. I've been eating them for a while and had no idea they had so much. I get plenty of fiber in my diet and don't need an extra 34 grams if I eat an extra couple for the protein.

    Most quality protein bars are much less in fiber but still high in protein. I eat Quest because of both, but have been tempted by some other brands. Just can't get over the difference in fiber: 15-20 g instead of the 3-6 g. in other brands.

    I second quest bars!! They are full of fiber and almost all are delicious!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I hit 103g of fibre yesterday. I don't usually get that high, but I'm usually above 30g. My diary is open.
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    edited July 2015
    In addition to the other great options you have received:

    Arnold Sandwich Thins for your sandwiches - 5g fiber
    Triscuits (I really like the Roasted Coconut & Sea Salt flavor for a treat - 28g has 3g fiber (and 3g protein)
    2 tsp Benefiber stirred into morning coffee (don't even know it is there!) - 3g fiber
    Blueberry Vitatop for breakfast - 8g fiber

    It all adds up, a little here and a there along with fresh veggies and you should be good to go!