Enlarged Thyroid

Hey everyone. My Names Kristin. I am 24 years old. I am 4'11 and weight 180lbs. Im having trouble losing weight so I went to the Dr to make sure everythings working properly. My heart and kidneys are fine. But my thyroid is enlarged. My primary Dr said I dont need to take medication for it. My T4 is also 14.8 when its suppose to be 13. What should I do? Would a enlarged thyroid make it hard to lose weight? Why am I having all the symptoms of hypothyroid.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Oh Kristin, you stopped tracking. You may or may not be hypothyroid, but find all your enthusiasm again and get back on the wagon. You really CAN do this, I promise! I started at 240.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you WBB55. I get discouraged easily. Since ive stopped tracking I havent gained or lost any weight. Ill start tracking again.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Your fatigue and weight gain may be due to hypothyroid, but also may be due to lifestyle and what you eat. I'm not demonizing pizza, but if I recall last week you ate pizza for 2 days straight, and that's all you ate. If I myself ate only pizza for two days, I'd be fatigued too.

    We're here for you, we really are.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Yeah im not the healthiest. But I was eating alot better then I was. I was eating egg whites for the morning. Chiekn on wheat bread for lunch and whatever my Fiance brought home for dinner and was only drinking water and walking everyday. I lost 5lbs. But the weight loss just stopped after that and I gave up. I havent gained or lost any weight since I stopped tracking.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You're always going to have plateaus. Always. You just have to trust that what you're doing is right and will work if you stick to it. A couple days of no loss or even a couple weeks should not be discouraging.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Get a referral to an endocrinologist. Your doctor really should've referred you immediately. Call the office, ask for a referral.

    You have no idea how much better your life gets when you're healthier. SO MUCH BETTER. Everything is better.

    Get that referral.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I know that now. Im making a appointment to see a thyroid specialist and see what she thinks I need to do for a enlarged thyroid. I also am going to start taking fiber vitamins and a daily vitamin because the dr said d I had a vitamin d defeicny
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Get a referral to an endocrinologist. Your doctor really should've referred you immediately. Call the office, ask for a referral.

    You have no idea how much better your life gets when you're healthier. SO MUCH BETTER. Everything is better.

    Get that referral.

    kristin just went through a whole reeks of tests and doctors ( which she told us)
    And she is trying really hard
    But doesnt weigh all her food loves pizza and junk foods :) ( no offence kristin you can eat it all)

    But the weighing part is hard. She lost some weight and it stopped

    So try to incorporate more and more kristin veggies fruit etc. Really girl you have to start weighing and cooking food.
    Your medical issues can slow you down yes for sure...but it doesn't mean you cant lose.
    I have my medical issues and lost 101 pounds in ( today!!!) 9 months. It is possible but you have to put in a lot of afford.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I do cook thats not the problem. Its what my Fiance and Son like to eat is the problem. Thats why I try to eat more healthy for breakfast and lunch and have whatever they want for dinner.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I do cook thats not the problem. Its what my Fiance and Son like to eat is the problem. Thats why I try to eat more healthy for breakfast and lunch and have whatever they want for dinner.

    than cook two meals....after all it is your health you are talking about

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Yes I know. Im going to start trying to log better and exercise more. I gave up and I shouldnt have.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Yes I know. Im going to start trying to log better and exercise more. I gave up and I shouldnt have.

    indeed just keep going...everytime you stop ...that is misleading your self...that is slowing you down.

    If you want this bad enough you will lose weight
    Dont use your thyroid as an excuse ( it makes it harder yes ) but dont let it stop you. As proven by many users here you can lose weight...slower maybe...but every half pound is one down.

    And you said you love watching tv with your boys...make a game with them to watch some together and move, march on some wifi or youtube video's etc etc...

    What i mean to say is...only YOU can change your life...dont use excuses because it will slow you down or stop it even.
    YOU are the one that has to do it!
    Nobody forces you to eat what you eat!

    And nobody says it is easy or getting easier. But when you dont do anything it will for sure get harder...think of your thyroid...it can become worse...you can gain more you can get diabetic...

    So doing something about it is the only way to avoid as much problems as possible. And YOU are the one that has the key to these changes, nobody else!

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you theowlhouse. Im gonna do this one way or another.
  • katrabbit
    katrabbit Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having this same issue, actually. I had my weight down to what I consider healthy and normal (and happy!) for me, but suddenly it skyrocketed. My thyroid is enlarged so much you can see it visibly just looking at my neck. Did you get an ultrasound? If not, get one. No reason your doctor should not have ordered it. It's non-invasive, and no radiation.

    A year ago I had one done and I have masses in my thyroid. They're too small to tell for certain, or biopsy, but they think it's cysts. I should have another ultrasound later this year to see if they've grown.
    My TSH is within normal limits, but they took a measurement one week where it was 2.6 and about 5 days later again, my TSH was .6
    Obviously the latter is better, but something isn't right with it jumping up and down so drastically. My radiologist believes I have the beginnings of Hashimoto's.
    There isn't much anyone can do about it, and the longer I can stay healthy enough to stay off the medication, the better, but he STRONGLY recommended that I drop weight, and eat healthy. The treatment for later stages of Hashi's is removing your thyroid. I have friends who have had theirs removed, and years later they're still struggling with the medications. They're bad news bears!

    Fast forward to now, I still haven't been able to drop my weight (I am about 20 lbs over what I want to be for "healthy") but I'm giving it another push.

    I was low on Vitamin D as well, apparently a lot of folks are. I take 4k ui a day, plus my multivitamin. Last time I went to the doctor I was at 13. The minimum is 30. With low Vit D you'll be tired, achy, and have muscle issues a lot so be sure to take it.

    Basically - even if it is a thyroid issue? You have to stay healthy anyway. You have to eat really well, you have to exercise, because if you don't it will only get worse and you'll feel worse. Consider it a prescription like any other medication you would take.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    He did a ultrasound of my thyroid. Theres no nodules or anything. He just said it was enlarged. My TSH and T3 levels were fine but my T4 level was 14.8 and he said it should be 13.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    He did a ultrasound of my thyroid. Theres no nodules or anything. He just said it was enlarged. My TSH and T3 levels were fine but my T4 level was 14.8 and he said it should be 13.
    The endo did this? I'm assuming the endo did, since that's usually who does it.

    Did they start you on any pills? If they did, take them and follow the instructions you get on how to take them. :)

    Nodules are almost always non-cancerous. Even when they are cancerous, it's almost always treated by just removing the thing. Bing, bang, boom, done. The odds of deadly thyroid cancer are so very itty-bitty. So, if you get nodules, don't flip out. Lots of people get them. No big whup.

    I could talk for hours about all the many, many ways my life improved when they took mine out and I started on the pills. Being able to lose weight is just one of many wonderful things. I hope yours improves as much as mine.

    Follow the instructions they give you. :)

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    No my endo did not. A family dr did. Im calling a endo 2morow tho and making a appointment.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No my endo did not. A family dr did. Im calling a endo 2morow tho and making a appointment.
    Well, update us afterwards, please.

    Getting thyroids fixed is my favorite thing to hear about. I'm biased because it changed my life and love to hear other success stories, I am confident that you'll have one to tell, too. :)
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited July 2015
    Go to a different doc. Get a second opinion.

    The Family Practice guidelines date from 14 years prior to the latest Endocrinology guidelines which are ~3 years? old now. It's a condition which FP's are notorious for failing to recognize and treat.

    I suggest an internist if not an endocrinologist as your second opinion.