Eat what you want but stick to the calories?

I just wonder is that really truth? What about the insulin levels and how it spikes after high in sugar snacks? It's one of the reasons why body stores fat. Can I really have a chocolate bar with no consequences as long as I will stick to the calories and macros?


  • mitchelsimps
    mitchelsimps Posts: 151 Member
    You should hit your micronutrients as well (vitamins and minerals) as they help with your metabolism. So get those veggies down you!
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    I eat healthy. I just wonder what if I'll allow myslef to have for example magnum ice cream somewhere during the day between my healthy meals and snacks once it will still stick into my calories goal? I train hard at the gym, trying to do recomposition, wonder will high sugar snacks are gonna destroy my hard work?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    edited July 2015
    I eat healthy. I just wonder what if I'll allow myslef to have for example magnum ice cream somewhere during the day between my healthy meals and snacks once it will still stick into my calories goal? I train hard at the gym, trying to do recomposition, wonder will high sugar snacks are gonna destroy my hard work?

    No - it won't destroy your hard work.

    If you eat to your calories and macros and micros, a small high sugar snack will do nothing except make you feel less deprived.

    You can't store fat unless you are in an excess of calories - no matter what you eat.
  • mitchelsimps
    mitchelsimps Posts: 151 Member
    Agreed^^ :)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Incorporating high sugar snacks will not hurt your goal. The sugar content has little to no influence on your body composition. I am happy to say I have personally gotten a 6-pack in the past while eating sub sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies almost every day.

    Hit your macros
    Hit your fiber and micronutrient goals
    Keep lifting
    Beast that magnum
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I just wonder is that really truth? What about the insulin levels and how it spikes after high in sugar snacks? It's one of the reasons why body stores fat. Can I really have a chocolate bar with no consequences as long as I will stick to the calories and macros?

  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yes, for weight loss, as long as you stick to your daily calories, you can eat whatever you want. It is possible to stick chips, ice cream, candy, etc... into your day. It's all about balancing your foods. There is no need to restrict foods. It's totally helped me with sticking to losing weight this time around. :smile:
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Recomposition isn't the same as weight loss.

    If you have medical issues, those are your primary concern. Comply with any medical requirements that you have.

    For weight loss, you can eat what you like in moderation. Moderation might be a little chocolate and/or ice cream every day, pizza occasionally, etc. Try for 80% of calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treats. Hit your calorie goal and try to get close on your macros.

    For recomposition, your macro balance is more important because you are trying to stay the same weight but have less fat and more muscle.
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    That's great, there is so many articles about insulin levels,food which spikes it up is forbidden ,and when u do recomposition u suppose to check glycemic index of nearly everything! It would drive me crazy ro be fair....I spend enough of time on preparing meals every day and weighting everything. I'm female, 130 lb, 5.6 ft, with less and less fat wrinkles on my body lol
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Unless you have extenuating medical things or a serious body recomp going on....

    Eat a variety and enjoy things you like

    It is fitness and nutrition not food jail time

  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    Recomposition isn't the same as weight loss.

    If you have medical issues, those are your primary concern. Comply with any medical requirements that you have.

    For weight loss, you can eat what you like in moderation. Moderation might be a little chocolate and/or ice cream every day, pizza occasionally, etc. Try for 80% of calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treats. Hit your calorie goal and try to get close on your macros.

    For recomposition, your macro balance is more important because you are trying to stay the same weight but have less fat and more muscle.

    True that macros are more important if we're talking body composition. But chocolate and ice cream still contain macros-primarily carbs and fat. You can recomp, bulk or cut and still eat chocolate-it's really just the amount that changes.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    That's great, there is so many articles about insulin levels,food which spikes it up is forbidden ,and when u do recomposition u suppose to check glycemic index of nearly everything! It would drive me crazy ro be fair....I spend enough of time on preparing meals every day and weighting everything. I'm female, 130 lb, 5.6 ft, with less and less fat wrinkles on my body lol

    I don't overthink it anymore. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there-most of it *kitten*.

    For the most part, it seems that someone does a study. Then 500,000 people use one line of said study to make ridiculously broad generalizations. Or attempt to micro-manage from every possible angle. The minutia is much less important than the big picture, but tends to get all of the attention. At least that's my take on it.

    Recomp is basically maintaining weight while slowly losing fat and putting on some muscle. I'm sure you can fit treats into your calories. Eat your ice cream!!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    I think one of the problems is trying to equate bleeding edge science, that may be of concern to the 0.001% of the population who are ultra high competitors in their field with general weight loss advice for the masses.

    The internet is chock full of it, as interesting as it may be for an enquiring mind, little has any baring on the majority of the population when it comes to achieving long term goals.

    Barring medical conditions, the average Joe has no concern in regards to their insulin levels and how it effects their weight loss.

    Eat at a calorie deficit. Do this however you see fit.

    Keep it simple.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Personally, I started out with the only daily goal to be near my calorie goal. Over time I made better food choices and added more and varied exercise. I couldn't go, all in one step from my old ways to where I am today. Maybe you will get better at choices over time, and with patience in your life change.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I just wonder is that really truth? What about the insulin levels and how it spikes after high in sugar snacks? It's one of the reasons why body stores fat. Can I really have a chocolate bar with no consequences as long as I will stick to the calories and macros?

    Assuming no health issues, the answer to your final question is yes.

    There seems to be misinformation or a misunderstanding as to the first bit. Your body is using and storing fat all the time. You will not store more fat than you use unless you eat more calories than you need (i.e., eat above maintenance). This idea that you can trick the system by not eating sugar or, on the other hand, that your body will store as fat energy it needs to run it it's sugar is just pseudoscience put out to confuse people into thinking it's much more complicated than it is.

    Also, spiking insulin is only bad if you are insulin resistant. There are actually positive things about spiking insulin too, like building muscle and the use of insulin to do all kinds of useful functions. As for that feeling of spike and then crash, not everyone gets that and most who do can avoid it simply by being sensible in how much they eat and how they eat it. When I was fat and less active (though not anymore), eating something sugary on its own would do that to me. But if I ate it after or before exercise or with other foods (for example, a bit of dessert after a meal), it would not.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Weight loss is all about the calories. You can eat all junk food and still lose weight. A HoHo for breakfast, Nutty Bars for lunch and McDonald's for dinner...still lose weight, if the calories are right.

    Health is another story. You need your vitamins and minerals. You don't need piles of sugar. Trans fats are bad for you.

    Everyone has to make their own choices on what type of diet they want to eat! But calories are all that matter for weight loss.
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    I disagree with most people here, I don't think you can just go and have whatever you want, health wise that is, weight wise.. I guess the calorie thing is right but ,I prefer quality over quantity,so if 50 grams of fat are gonna go in,they better be avocado or nuts, not hmm -random greasy stuff- I stay away from trans fats as well, but depends on what you want i guess.
    I train hard,eat okish ,i will have a cheat meal but it's not gonna be a pile of sugary stuff, it's gonna be either more of what i already eat or something nice i wouldn't eat on a weekday but not something i would run away from. Like a pre made soup,for example,so much sodium yucks
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    if you're in an energy deficit, you can't store fat...well, you can, but it's going to get burned right up...because math.

    that said, I advocate a well balanced and healthful diet.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes, technically you could get your daily caloric allowance in ice cream, candy, and Doritos and if you are at a deficit you will lose weight. But will you be healthy. I doubt it. But yes, it's actually a very simple formula. Weight loss equals less calories going in than calories being burned. I'd just rather be healthy than thin.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes, technically you could get your daily caloric allowance in ice cream, candy, and Doritos and if you are at a deficit you will lose weight. But will you be healthy. I doubt it. But yes, it's actually a very simple formula. Weight loss equals less calories going in than calories being burned. I'd just rather be healthy than thin.

    That's not what she is asking and no one is advising you get all your calories In That food only.

    She's asking if she can fit in A chocolate bar into her day and still be healthy and reach her goals - to that the answer is yes.

    It's not all or nothing. It's moderation.