Help with Carb Cravings...

DeeDeeC541 Posts: 6 Member
edited July 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Any idea to help with carb cravings other than just eating moderate amounts if fruits and using Stevia? I always crave pasta and potatoes!


  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Is there a reason why you dont eat pasta and potatoes?
    A medical reason

    Otherwise just fit them in ones in a while
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    How long have you been fighting cravings? I've noticed that if I give it a few weeks the cravings go away.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I've never had a problem with potatoes, but white breads and pastas drove me mad. Those cravings are annoying! I swapped them out for whole grains and haven't had a problem since. :)

    Are sweet potatoes maybe better than white/red ones?

    I feel very lucky that I don't have a potato issue. Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings. :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Is there a reason why you dont eat pasta and potatoes?
    A medical reason

    Otherwise just fit them in ones in a while


    I find that best way to avoid cravings is to make a point to work the foods I typically crave (for me it's peanut butter all the way down) into my diet on occasion. Just knowing the fact that I can do that will sometimes get me past a craving.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    yes me too...nobody takes away my pasta with shrimps lol

    I just know i cant eat too much calories of everything
    So i fit them in..or make it fit >:)

    But maybe OP has a very good reason ;) to not eat them.
    Which will result in the only option with something else :)
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Any idea to help with carb cravings other than just eating moderate amounts if fruits and using Stevia? I always crave pasta and potatoes!

    Work them in, then, unless you're medically unable. I frequently eat potatoes and pasta is a rare treat. (Not really worth it to me--makes me hungrier at night.)

    I find that if I really want pasta, I have to preplan the day. Maybe log what you want for dinner and work your way backwards.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Make them fit into your allotment.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    edited July 2015
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.
  • pineapple_pizza
    pineapple_pizza Posts: 34 Member
    If you want to work them in, eat a smaller amount of pasta/potatoes with a high fiber, low carb vegetable. I like to eat whole wheat pasta with lots of broccoli and eat zucchini with my linguine. I also eat roasted sweet potato/carrots in portioned amounts if I'm craving more richness.

    However, meeting my protein and fat goals made the biggest difference in my carb cravings and intake so far. I just feel more full in general so it's hard to shovel more food like carbs in my mouth.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    And here another one 327 calories total

    Cabbage, red, raw, 50 g
    Carrots - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 100 g(s)
    Spices - Black Pepper (Ground), 1 g
    Spices - Garlic powder, 1 g
    Spices - Onion powder, 1 g(s)
    Dreamfields Healthy Carb Living (Net Carbs - Angel Hair Pasta, 1 oz (56g / 1/2" circle)
    Zuchini - Usda Data Raw Fresh, 100 gram
    Kroger - Olive Oil Cooking Spray, 1/4 sec spray
    kroger - wild caught pink salmon , 2 onces
    Walmart - Shrimp - Cooked, Deveined, Tail-off (Extra Small), 3 oz. (85g)
    Parsley, fresh, 8 g(s)
    Usda - Celery, 31 g
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member

    However, meeting my protein and fat goals made the biggest difference in my carb cravings and intake so far. I just feel more full in general so it's hard to shovel more food like carbs in my mouth.


  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    I think if you're craving any particular food then work it into your calorie count or macros (if applicable). Wouldn't that be easier than depriving yourelf and potentially binging on something later on? It's not about giving in. That would imply eating carbs is wrong and that's wholly untrue. It's about eating a well-balanced diet that will help you meet your goals while hopefully working in the types of foods you enjoy. And anyway is eating fried zucchini any healthier than say a baked sweet potato?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    I think if you're craving any particular food then work it into your calorie count or macros (if applicable). Wouldn't that be easier than depriving yourelf and potentially binging on something later on? It's not about giving in. That would imply eating carbs is wrong and that's wholly untrue. It's about eating a well-balanced diet that will help you meet your goals while hopefully working in the types of foods you enjoy. And anyway is eating fried zucchini any healthier than say a baked sweet potato?

    Of course it depends if you can practice moderation
    I i eat pasta lol

    But with some willpower a lot of people can.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    What's unhealthy about pasta and potatoes? The OP may think removing these foods is the only way to lose weight, and if there's not an actual medical sensitivity issue to do this, it's worth it to quickly let her know. I did beans and baked (well, microwaved) potatoes for lunch for a good while there. Very healthy, helped me stay within my calories, etc etc. Potatoes in particular tend to have a reputation for being calorie bombs, but it usually has more to do with what we add to it like butter, sour cream, bacon and such.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    Nobody reveres carbs, but it is an uphill battle fighting the socially accepted, and erroneous, viewpoint that carbs by their inherent nature are bad.

    The number of people who believe that cutting out one particular macro is the only way to weight loss is astonishing

    I have no issue with anyone finding a path that works for them to achieve their calorie requirement: low-carb, keto, IIFYM, moderation, meal timing, fasting etc etc ....but if an OP is craving something that is a sure sign that there is a behavioural habit that needs to be addressed

    Many have found success by working out how to fit their most desired foods into their overall diet to hit their calorie's about frequency and portion size and balancing everything you eat

    And by doing that cravings diminish, until they are controllable and better behavioural habits take their place

    Others find that they have the constant willpower to completely elimate said foods and then eventually that craving diminishes but I always wonder, as a 15 year ex smoker who can still be tempted to take crafty cigarette, is that just relying on willpower for the rest of your life ...would behavioural modification suit better

    I'm a crash and burn type..tell me I can't have something and it fills my head

    I found my way ...MFP discussions enable people to understand their isn't one true way to achieve your calorie defecit healthily
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    Nobody reveres carbs, but it is an uphill battle fighting the socially accepted, and erroneous, viewpoint that carbs by their inherent nature are bad.

    So very much this!

    It's reductionist nonsense to focus solely on the three macros and cut out one completely. Nutrition is much more complex than that.

  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    i like mixed beans and chickpeas. delicious, hearty and not too much carbs.
  • Blondiez73
    Blondiez73 Posts: 33 Member
    Any idea to help with carb cravings other than just eating moderate amounts if fruits and using Stevia? I always crave pasta and potatoes!

    Why are you eliminating carbs from your diet?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    Nobody reveres carbs, but it is an uphill battle fighting the socially accepted, and erroneous, viewpoint that carbs by their inherent nature are bad.

    The number of people who believe that cutting out one particular macro is the only way to weight loss is astonishing

    I have no issue with anyone finding a path that works for them to achieve their calorie requirement: low-carb, keto, IIFYM, moderation, meal timing, fasting etc etc ....but if an OP is craving something that is a sure sign that there is a behavioural habit that needs to be addressed

    Many have found success by working out how to fit their most desired foods into their overall diet to hit their calorie's about frequency and portion size and balancing everything you eat

    And by doing that cravings diminish, until they are controllable and better behavioural habits take their place

    Others find that they have the constant willpower to completely elimate said foods and then eventually that craving diminishes but I always wonder, as a 15 year ex smoker who can still be tempted to take crafty cigarette, is that just relying on willpower for the rest of your life ...would behavioural modification suit better

    I'm a crash and burn type..tell me I can't have something and it fills my head

    I found my way ...MFP discussions enable people to understand their isn't one true way to achieve your calorie defecit healthily

    I don't see where the OP said she was demonizing carbs, cutting out carbs, or that she thinks she needs to eliminate carbs to lose weight. All she said was that she is always craving pasta and potatoes - perhaps those are two foods that she tends to overeat or views as comfort foods - which I agree could be a behavioral thing. But the reasoning that carbs are bad or need to be cut out isn't coming from the OP, it's coming from the people responding to her and assuming that by saying that she's trying to control this craving, she's labeling carbs as bad. I don't see her saying that she never eats those things, just that she finds herself craving them a lot.

    I know the discussions with false claims about carbs are frustrating, and it's certainly good to correct misinformation. It just seems like there's some projection going on about what the OP's reasoning is for asking this question, and perhaps in this case the uphill battle people are seeing is actually a Sisyphean rock of their own making.

    OP, I'm not a potato or pasta craver, so I have no advice for those directly, but if I find myself having a craving, it's usually related to something emotional, situational, or just stress. I don't know if that's the case for you, but I found that working on figuring out any triggers like that for eating has helped with cravings.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I love pasta and potatoes. Pasta showed up on my menu several times a week. I only limit it now because of serving size vs calorie count. Just not enough bang for my buck on a regular basis.

    I only have either one of those once a week now. It took me a while to change my mindset but after a few weeks I found that I rarely wanted either. I also found a recipe for pasta that helped bulk up the pasta so that it at least appears as if I get more than a small serving.

    This worked for me but I definitely had to have a plan.