Help with Carb Cravings...



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    OP...One other thing that I did was I bought a spiralizer to make "zoodles". I use them sometimes as a replacement for pasta. It is not the same but it at least gives me a base for meatballs or some other type of topping that I have made.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Generally, when someone is asking how to curb a craving, it's because whatever they're craving is deemed "bad" or unhealthy when on a "diet". I never need to ask how to curb cravings because I generally satisfy them within my calorie goal. As my overall habits have changed and improved, so have the frequency of my cravings.

    You only have to look on your Facebook feed, Twitter, mainstream press, to see how demonised the dreaded carb is, even worse the dreaded white carb and don't even mention gluten! So people here are just trying to counter some of that false rhetoric by telling people it's okay to eat whatever takes your fancy as long as you limit the portion.

    I don't eat a lot of potatoes or pasta these days, mostly because I prefer to use my calories elsewhere, that's my choice though and not because they're off limits. I do though, eat sugar, dairy, take away food, ice cream, cake etc and guess what, still losing weight!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Potatoes are very filling. I don't understand the potato hate. For pasta I use whole grain (I like it better now) and just less of it... pretty filling as well though.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    kgeyser wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    Nobody reveres carbs, but it is an uphill battle fighting the socially accepted, and erroneous, viewpoint that carbs by their inherent nature are bad.

    The number of people who believe that cutting out one particular macro is the only way to weight loss is astonishing

    I have no issue with anyone finding a path that works for them to achieve their calorie requirement: low-carb, keto, IIFYM, moderation, meal timing, fasting etc etc ....but if an OP is craving something that is a sure sign that there is a behavioural habit that needs to be addressed

    Many have found success by working out how to fit their most desired foods into their overall diet to hit their calorie's about frequency and portion size and balancing everything you eat

    And by doing that cravings diminish, until they are controllable and better behavioural habits take their place

    Others find that they have the constant willpower to completely elimate said foods and then eventually that craving diminishes but I always wonder, as a 15 year ex smoker who can still be tempted to take crafty cigarette, is that just relying on willpower for the rest of your life ...would behavioural modification suit better

    I'm a crash and burn type..tell me I can't have something and it fills my head

    I found my way ...MFP discussions enable people to understand their isn't one true way to achieve your calorie defecit healthily

    I don't see where the OP said she was demonizing carbs, cutting out carbs, or that she thinks she needs to eliminate carbs to lose weight. All she said was that she is always craving pasta and potatoes - perhaps those are two foods that she tends to overeat or views as comfort foods - which I agree could be a behavioral thing. But the reasoning that carbs are bad or need to be cut out isn't coming from the OP, it's coming from the people responding to her and assuming that by saying that she's trying to control this craving, she's labeling carbs as bad. I don't see her saying that she never eats those things, just that she finds herself craving them a lot.

    I know the discussions with false claims about carbs are frustrating, and it's certainly good to correct misinformation. It just seems like there's some projection going on about what the OP's reasoning is for asking this question, and perhaps in this case the uphill battle people are seeing is actually a Sisyphean rock of their own making.

    OP, I'm not a potato or pasta craver, so I have no advice for those directly, but if I find myself having a craving, it's usually related to something emotional, situational, or just stress. I don't know if that's the case for you, but I found that working on figuring out any triggers like that for eating has helped with cravings.

    If you open my quote you will see who I was responding to ..the poster who used the term "people round here revere carbs"

    The rest of my response was general advice to the OP based on how her OP was phrased and incorporating personal advice on the common behavioural response to foods and how she could choose to address that

    I don't understand the relevance of your response based on what I actually said ..if someone is projecting it certainly wasn't me
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited July 2015
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm pretty sure his macronutrients make up 100% of his diet as all foods are a combination of carb, fat and protein ..which is , in fact, exactly the same as everyone else on this planet ...isn't it?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    I don't believe that quote was directed at you. You may have to wait a while...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    I don't believe that quote was directed at you. You may have to wait a while...

    Ummm....the poster quoted me...

    you're a teacher right?
  • GingerLark
    GingerLark Posts: 11 Member
    I've found that it's not the pasta or potato I crave, it's what I pile on top of it... Try making zoodles (zucchini noodles) or spaghetti squash to substitute for pasta. Mock mashed potatoes using cauliflower instead of potatoes. While there is nothing "wrong" with pasta and potatoes, if it is a trigger food for you, it might be best to try to avoid them for a while and the craving will most likely go away.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    According to "Wheat Belly", some people's gut microflora convert one of the compounds in wheat to a mild opiate--people with this situation can actually get addicted to (the trace opiate that forms from) wheat. If that might be the case with you then consider avoiding wheat the way people with celiac disease avoid gluten (basically, anything gluten-free is also wheat-free). It should take you about a week or 10 days, if I recall, to work through the irritability, cravings, etc. of opiate withdrawal at such a low level.

    I haven't ever seen a claim of addictive side-products made by gut-bacteria when people eat potatoes, so those should be okay to continue so long as you stay within your carb target for the day.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    I think if you're craving any particular food then work it into your calorie count or macros (if applicable). Wouldn't that be easier than depriving yourelf and potentially binging on something later on? It's not about giving in. That would imply eating carbs is wrong and that's wholly untrue. It's about eating a well-balanced diet that will help you meet your goals while hopefully working in the types of foods you enjoy. And anyway is eating fried zucchini any healthier than say a baked sweet potato?

    Ah, no. OP asked for help with cravings of certain foods, she is not implying that the population is wrong to eat carbs.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    OP...i found that replacing less nutrient dense carbs with more nutrient dense carbs fixed all of that. your mileage may'll just have to experiment.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Any idea to help with carb cravings other than just eating moderate amounts if fruits and using Stevia? I always crave pasta and potatoes!

    I do ok with pasta if I just eat four ounces of it with plenty of protein and veggies. A meal like pasta and pesto would trigger a response that makes me want to eat and eat and eat.

    For potatoes, have you tried sweet potatoes? They have a lower glycemic load than white potatoes.

    I've found that by eating more protein and veggies in general, and plenty of fat, I want less carbs, and the cravings have pretty much gone away, except for very briefly premenstrually.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    I don't believe that quote was directed at you. You may have to wait a while...

    Ummm....the poster quoted me...

    you're a teacher right?

    But not for your original request that you are waiting for.

    You're an adult, right?
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    It is important in civil discussion to avoid taking words out of context and then making assumptions about intended meaning and responding like the words were spoken to you.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm pretty sure his macronutrients make up 100% of his diet as all foods are a combination of carb, fat and protein ..which is , in fact, exactly the same as everyone else on this planet ...isn't it?

    Protein and fat are essential macronutrients, carbohydrates are not.

    He is a self directing adult and can compose his diet in any manner he prefers.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Any idea to help with carb cravings other than just eating moderate amounts if fruits and using Stevia? I always crave pasta and potatoes!

    I love pasta and potatoes. I would say to eat those in moderate amounts. I weigh all my food and take just a serving or less of the pasta and potatoes and then try to fill my plate up with other foods in the meal, such as meat and veggies. Moderation is key to everything. The only way I know how to help with any craving is to just have some in moderation.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    It is important in civil discussion to avoid taking words out of context and then making assumptions about intended meaning and responding like the words were spoken to you.

    out of what context? you said there are better nutritional choices out there...i provided a bunch of very nutritious examples of carbohydrates and you basically said good for you without providing for why those choices would be unhealthy or for which there would be more nutritious options...

    also, yeah...i eat plenty of protein and fat...lots of fish, chicken, nuts, avocados, etc...

    i find it interesting that an actual well balanced and nutritious diet is so out of favor...good old diet industry...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    OP asked for help with carb cravings. 4/6 said give in and eat the carbs. What is up with the extreme reverence for carbohydrates here?. There are so many healthier foods to chose.

    Carb cravings are the worst for me when hungry so eat something filling and delicious and not what you were craving and then decide. Tonight I had to eat fried zucchina to make them stop, but it worked. Feeling full helps fight them off.

    the foundation of my diet...probably 45-50% is oats, lentils, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, *kitten* loads of veg, and a few servings of fruit daily. those are all carbs, just in case you weren't aware...

    i'd be obliged if you could coherently explain what is so unhealthy about the foundation of my diet...and how can i make it so much healthier.

    i'll wait....

    You can eat any way you want, but should probably be aware that essential macronutrients make up only 50% of your diet composition. Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    I am thrilled you have found a way that suits you. You need to respect the fact that your dietary responses are not at all exactly the same as every one else on this planet.

    I'm still waiting....
    Calories matter, chemicals matter.

    also, no *kitten* sherlock...where did I say it didn't. I am very much a self proclaimed whole foods snob...

    but again...still waiting to here how my diet is so unhealthy...

    I don't believe that quote was directed at you. You may have to wait a while...

    Ummm....the poster quoted me...

    you're a teacher right?

    But not for your original request that you are waiting for.

    You're an adult, right?

    the poster stated there were more nutritious food sources than carbohydrates...i gave an example of some very nutritious carbohydrates and asked what was so inherently unhealthy about those choices and what would be a healthier choice...i said I'd wait...poster came back to basically say good for you...I said I was still waiting...


    also, thought you didn't like conversing with me...are you some kind of secret stalker?