Cardio vs Lifting for beginners?



  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    So does the nerd fitness routine fit into this category?

    I would eventually love to do the stronglifts 5x5, but until then would the above work?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »
    So does the nerd fitness routine fit into this category?

    I would eventually love to do the stronglifts 5x5, but until then would the above work?

    Body weight routines are good for helping to maintain LBM as well. Just make sure it is getting progressively more difficult for you. The nerdfitness one is good. It's been awhile since I read over it but I remember it being VERY beginner. As long as it challenging for you, it's a good start.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    There is a big focus on weightlifting as it applies to how people look and body fat percentages and that's all great, but it really is good for you, too. When you lift something heavy (and "heavy" is subjective, a person who is new can derive the same benefit using 30 pounds as someone else gets lifting 100 pounds), all kinds of good things happen.

    Your muscles aren't really separate from your bones. Bone turns into fascia, which turns into muscle. It's all connected. One long string with different makeup. Some people actually argue that it should be referred to as one system (not me, I don't argue that) because you cannot really say, "Here is where one ends and the other begins."

    You lift something heavy and the muscle tugs on the bones and it stimulates the bones to make themselves stronger. If you want strong bones, pick up heavy things. Do body weight exercise. Work your body.

    When they find a skeleton, they can tell how muscular the person had been, just by looking at the bones. The bones will be more solid of have little bumpies on them that indicate how much they got tugged on.

    That's not the only health benefit, but it's a huge one.

    I think that weight lifting gets a bad rap. It's not just for people who want big muscles. You don't have to care about your body-fat percentage to derive benefit from it. It is good for us all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    as a matter of general fitness, pretty much everyone should be doing some combination of cardiovascular work and resistance doesn't necessarily have to be weight training, but you should be doing something 2-3x per week that works all of your muscles.
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Yes, LIFT. Lifting helps retain muscle mass while losing. Cardio is for health and to help with the deficit.
    Awesome. I have been doing workouts with my trainer for almost a year and he has worked wonders with my body. I feel great, my clothes are getting loose, and when I "suck it in" I really feel some power in my core. NOW... I never really got into lifting per say, so can you give me an idea of some lifting activities to add to my program? I don't want to be a Schwartzenegress, so please just give me a starting point and I will take it from there. I do have 2 3lb. weights I use at home when I am watching the tube at night.

    I don't understand why you wouldn't ask your trainer about this?


    Arnold Schwarzenegger: I encourage everyone to lift weights, it is good for everyone.

    Reporter: But I don't want to get big like you.

    Arnold: Don't worry, you never will.

    I will talk with him this morning about a lifting program.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »
    So does the nerd fitness routine fit into this category?

    I would eventually love to do the stronglifts 5x5, but until then would the above work?

    That's a good routine

    Yes it is worth following
  • mystgrl1604
    mystgrl1604 Posts: 117 Member
    Lift! If not for the sculpting, lift for the exhilaration you'd feel when you manage to life something you thought was too heavy at first. Yeeeebah!!! I love lifting! And i still got 100+lbs to lose.