AMA: Obesity is a disease

JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
Apparently, the AMA (American medical association) has now declared obesity to be a disease.

I'm not really a fan of the medicalization of things like this.

And I tend to think that a little bit of stigma is probably a good thing...

"A reason often given for making the declaration is that it would help remove the stigma that obesity is a result of eating too much or exercising too little."

But what do you think about this decision?


  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    The definition of a disease is too lax, thus being easily manipulated you can make it cover any unsavory condition connected to humanity. After all even Merriam-Webster is non specific essentially saying it is 2) a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms, Essentially one could argue that because over eating leads to health conditions that affect the human body, it is a disease.

    Personally I think it's just another way to charge more money to people with health plans, which is now going to be everybody in the USA, therefore promoting more income. Smokers and obese people, I am sure us people that are alcoholics (determined by drinks a week) will be next. :D Follow the money. ^_^
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Declaring it a disease might help some people. Those that are depressed and feeling worthless might find some solace in the disease classification. It could actually help them tackle it, if they view diseases as being something they can overcome. It makes it almost tangible rather than, "oh, I'm just a worthless blah blah blah that can't stop eating. I might as well give up and go eat an entire cake."

    I've known more women to think that way. So as a guy, Juddd, it could be a foreign way of thinking for you.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Personally I think it's just another way to charge more money to people with health plans, which is now going to be everybody in the USA, therefore promoting more income. Smokers and obese people, I am sure us people that are alcoholics (determined by drinks a week) will be next. :D Follow the money. ^_^

    Pretty much. If you have X disease, it's easier for insurance to charge higher rates. I don't know if they can still deny coverage, but if they can... this gives them another way to do so.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Good I hope that's true now maybe we can start looking at preventative measures and actual solid treatment to treat a disease with such high recidivism and mortality.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Personally I think it's just another way to charge more money to people with health plans, which is now going to be everybody in the USA, therefore promoting more income. Smokers and obese people, I am sure us people that are alcoholics (determined by drinks a week) will be next. :D Follow the money. ^_^

    Pretty much. If you have X disease, it's easier for insurance to charge higher rates. I don't know if they can still deny coverage, but if they can... this gives them another way to do so.

    They already do that without the "diagnosis." Many insurance providers offer increased rates for people with BMI > 30

    My opinion is that this is nonsense. Obesity is a SYMPTOM of a problem not a disease in and of itself. Also, I think citing it as a disease is a copout. In most cases, it's preventable and treatable with lifestyle changes. If it's not, then it's an indicator of some other problem that requires medical treatment. I can see how some would make this yet another excuse for their poor condition. Why admit that you ate yourself obese when you can just say, "Oh, I'm diseased! It's not my fault."
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    ^What she said. Obesity in 99.9999999% of cases is preventable through parents educating their children and living a healthy lifestyle.
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    Personally I think it's just another way to charge more money to people with health plans, which is now going to be everybody in the USA, therefore promoting more income. Smokers and obese people, I am sure us people that are alcoholics (determined by drinks a week) will be next. :D Follow the money. ^_^

    Pretty much. If you have X disease, it's easier for insurance to charge higher rates. I don't know if they can still deny coverage, but if they can... this gives them another way to do so.

    They already do that without the "diagnosis." Many insurance providers offer increased rates for people with BMI > 30

    My opinion is that this is nonsense. Obesity is a SYMPTOM of a problem not a disease in and of itself. Also, I think citing it as a disease is a copout. In most cases, it's preventable and treatable with lifestyle changes. If it's not, then it's an indicator of some other problem that requires medical treatment. I can see how some would make this yet another excuse for their poor condition. Why admit that you ate yourself obese when you can just say, "Oh, I'm diseased! It's not my fault."

    Agreed! Obesity can be a sign that something is severely wrong with your body, especially the endocrine system. Hypothyroidism has unexpected, and rapid weight gain/obesity as one of it's symptoms. Classifying obesity as a disease can be a problem because now some doctors will only look to treat the obesity and not look for the true, underlying cause of the obesity.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    So I can get disability for not exercising? :drinker:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Oh good. Another excuse for why someone can't help him/herself . . .

    We continue to build a society in which it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone else for every one of our failings, and any voicing of an observation of those failings can be labeled as bullying or hate. Here's to the burning of Rome. :drinker:

    Okay, yea, that was melodramatic but it's not that far off.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    nope. You cant pop pills and make obesity go away. Its not a disease.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    There isn't one condition of life the APA/AMA refuses to diagnose. Blarg.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Lol@ obesity not being caused by overeating.
  • gino715
    gino715 Posts: 169 Member
    I agree that obesity is a disease. A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body. Its abnormal to punish your body. Do we want to punish our body ? No we don't, but we do. I myself believe, and some will agree, eating right and exercise works to battle the problem for awhile and then you get burned out and gain a lot back. You know what's right but you just can't help it. That's where I believe the abnormality sets in. The cure is you, life style change and someone to help support your fight.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I agree that obesity is a disease. A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body. Its abnormal to punish your body. Do we want to punish our body ? No we don't, but we do. I myself believe, and some will agree, eating right and exercise works to battle the problem for awhile and then you get burned out and gain a lot back. You know what's right but you just can't help it. That's where I believe the abnormality sets in. The cure is you, life style change and someone to help support your fight.

    It is not an abnormal condition. It is your body storing energy from overeating. Obesity is a behavioral problem.
  • tammys_changing
    I agree weird! And the baldness looks good on you :)
  • meandmyface
    meandmyface Posts: 328
    This is just sad. I certainly agree that obesity is an epidemic, but classifying it as a disease will probably hinder more than help.

    I personally think that it will reinforce the redirection of blame and lack of responsibility being taken by those who are obese, for example it's easier to say "I have a disease", than "I eat too much, don't exercise enough and that's why I have this issue". Being able to lay blame with something other than your own attitude and poor habits makes it easier to not do anything to fix the issue, because it's not your fault right? It's a disease!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I agree that obesity is a disease. A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body. Its abnormal to punish your body. Do we want to punish our body ? No we don't, but we do. I myself believe, and some will agree, eating right and exercise works to battle the problem for awhile and then you get burned out and gain a lot back. You know what's right but you just can't help it. That's where I believe the abnormality sets in. The cure is you, life style change and someone to help support your fight.

    So, because someone doesn't have willpower, we should call obesity a disease.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nope. You cant pop pills and make obesity go away. Its not a disease.

    Just like you can't pop a pill and make HIV go away, so that is not a disease either?

    Not sure how I feel about this subject actually, just that line literally made me LOL
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I agree that obesity is a disease. A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body. Its abnormal to punish your body. Do we want to punish our body ? No we don't, but we do. I myself believe, and some will agree, eating right and exercise works to battle the problem for awhile and then you get burned out and gain a lot back. You know what's right but you just can't help it. That's where I believe the abnormality sets in. The cure is you, life style change and someone to help support your fight.

    So, because someone doesn't have willpower, we should call obesity a disease.

    By this thought any habit forming drug, or life style can be called a disease. NascAr drivers could be classified as having a disease for driving to fast and constantly putting themselves in harms way. (Going by the idea that it is abnormal to punish the body).

    As for the reply that they already charge for obesity, yes, and now they can charge more and those that do not charge have a reason. Imagine the coat of insurance when you have a "disease" As opposed to just being "overweight".

    Perhaps I am just paranoid, after all people would never do something simply for financial gain. :/

    Edit. Typing on cell and keep having typos haha.
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    Oh good. Another excuse for why someone can't help him/herself . . .

    We continue to build a society in which it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone else for every one of our failings, and any voicing of an observation of those failings can be labeled as bullying or hate. Here's to the burning of Rome. :drinker:

    Okay, yea, that was melodramatic but it's not that far off.

    ^^ This.