Why am I not losing any weight or body fat?

I think i have reached a road block.

I haven't lost a single kg, i haven't lost a single % of body fat, nor has my BMI reduced.
I work hard, I work really hard. I have a personal trainer who advices me on my nutrition, but nothing. nada. zero. To the point I feel that my partner is so embarrassed of being out with me.

i push myself really hard sometimes i just want to break down and cry in the gym. i feel good after each work out, but i struggle i feel the pain. but no pain, no gain.

- Run intervals for 30-45 minutes: alternating between high speed and slow.
- 30 ab crunch x2
- 30 cross crunches x2
- 20 leg raises x2
- 20 cycling cross crunches x2
- 30 flutter kicks x2
- 20 heel touches x2
- 60 sec plank x2
- arms training x8 reps x3 times
- (this week: trying to restart Kayla Itsines)

- Run 5km (some days treadmill some days out)
- 30 ab crunch x2
- 30 cross crunches x2
- 20 leg raises x2
- 20 cycling cross crunches x2
- 30 flutter kicks x2
- 20 heel touches x2
- 60 sec plank x2
- GYM: alternate week KICKBOXIGN
- GYM: Every week HiiT class called Power me On (in my gym) --> high intensity circuit training for 1 hour

- Run intervals for 30-45 minutes
- 30 ab crunch x2
- 30 cross crunches x2
- 20 leg raises x2
- 20 cycling cross crunches x2
- 30 flutter kicks x2
- 20 heel touches x2
- 60 sec plank x2
- arms training x8 x3times

- Personal training for 1 hour --> circuit, high intensity, interval fat burning training
- 30 ab crunch x2
- 30 cross crunches x2
- 20 leg raises x2
- 20 cycling cross crunches x2
- 30 flutter kicks x2
- 20 heel touches x2
- 60 sec plank x2
- GYM: KICKBOXING 1 hour + Interval training class called Ultimate Interval (in my gym) 1 hour

- Run 5km
- 30 ab crunches x2
- 20 leg raises x2
- 20 cycling cross crunches x2
- 30 flutter kicks x2
- 20 heel touches x2
- 60 sec plank x2
- arms training x8 x3 times

- 1 hour pilates basic (a new thing i'm trying)
- alternate weeks: long distance cycling with my partner

- Rest day

ON TOP OF THAT, i am a regular 10km race runner - just completed 3 10km races in the month of July.

- I avoid carbs except breakfast - have either oats or wholemeal bread
- 1 hard boil egg
- 1 kiwi
- 1 banana
- 1 cup organic honey + warm water and lemon
- -> I generally have to take a bit more in the breakfast like these because i have problem with low blood sugar levels and low blood pressure. i get dizzy very very easily - to the point i can faint

- some days i'll have salad - hoping to make it 3 times a week
- i avoid carbs - just have lightly stirfried vegetables with minimal oil and pinch of salt (i'm not big on salt)
- either Chicken breast OR i'll usually have fish - i'm a fish lover

- apple
- i am troubled by snacks because i have severe gastric problems and i'm advised to eat as often as i can and sometimes apples just make me feel so awful in the stomach
- so sometimes i'll have a bowl of soup and a small bread bun wholemeal

- i'll usually dine out with my partner - but i'll avoid carbs
- e.g. last night i had grilled fish with salad and mash potatoes (sometimes i reward myself a little when i have worked hard for the day)
- or Chinese dishes
- Sushi - my biggest weakness is sushi - raw fish

Weekends vary, and i know there must be cheat days - and i do allow myself to let go VERY little - because i'm way too worried about the calories and oil and salt.

I'm Asian, so having communal dishes, or having rice is a big part of my culture though i have learnt to control my portions.

I take at least 3 litres of water every single day - no sugared drinks unless freshly squeezed juice like watermelon occasionally once a week, or apple-beetroot-carrot which is my favourite juice.

I'm losing hair, i'm breaking out in acne, my body doesn't seem to be cooperating.

i love food. i must declare that. I cook a lot, i experiment a lot with food, with cooking, heck, my favourite show is the Masterchef. But it has come to a point whereby i'm too afraid to even eat. i miss my hawker food, but i try to banish those thoughts out of my head. i don't take any sugared things anymore for a long time - at most a little at each time which i will allow myself.

So, what gives? I'm gaining more weight - my body analysis just doesn't seem to improve just constantly gets worse - i have about 40% body fat which is so alarming to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm gaining weight, fats, i can't fit into my dresses, i'm fighting with my partner every single day about this - he wants me to be healthy and not overweight, and i need to try harder but i am trying so hard so hard.

i'm never skinny, to be honest. BUT i am NEVER overweight my whole life. Until i started dating about 8 years ago. i agreed, back then, i let myself go a little - but i was never big BIG if you get what i mean. i've been trying to go back on track and lose now, but i'm failing miserably. I'm so sick and tired of doctors making assumptions that i am sitting away in a room snacking on donuts and sugared drinks or eating lots of carbs. I'M NOT.



  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    How long have you been working with a trainer and are you logging your food?

    Chinese food and sushi are notoriously high in calories.... my guess would be you are overestimating the calories you're burning and underestimating the calories you're consuming.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    oh wow, thats a lot of exercise. how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
    are you in a position were you can weight your foods so you know exactly how much you are eating
    also you need to stop stressing, you will make yourself sick.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Gaining more weight = eating too much. You just are. Stop focusing on how sure you are that you're doing it right. You are caught in the "I eat healthily / I'm watching carbs" trap of reasons and have no idea how many calories you're consuming

    Weigh and log your food. Everything.

    Weigh...on a scale

    Log with care and double checking entries

    Hit your calorie defecit across the week


    Do it for 4 weeks ...I guarantee your scale will move
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    You never say if you're actually counting calories, and all weight loss comes down to is calories. Do you accurately count calories? Do you use a food scale to weigh as much as you can? Also, how long have you been doing this without losing weight?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    open your diary
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm sure this has been said by multiple others whilst I'm writing this post.....

    The first thing I suggest you do is buy yourself a food scale, and weigh and log all of your food, and measure all your liquids, as accurately as you can. No serves of '1 banana' and 'a salad' and '1 bread roll'; you need to weigh it all.

    In the end, weight loss comes down to Calories in < Calories out. Unless you truly feel you need to, you don't need to cut out carbs (or anything else for that matter). Just don't go over your Cals each day, and it should slowly happen. Not overnight, but slowly.

    That also begs the question: how long have you been following this current eating/exercise regime?
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Are you weighing all your food?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    i really enjoyed that. especially when she said she loves cream cake.
    had a good laugh watching my fellow brit. thanks
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    Her eating habits, if you listen, are so telling. She probably reads a label and 'it has to be accurate' in order for her brain to accept what her intake is versus. . . . 20% up or down from the label, so eat less labeled food. She reminds me of so many people when they arrive here. It has to be "X" because I am doing everything else right. I like when the doctor tells her 'it is your metabolic rate, which is good' and then she dismisses it in the end. Great link.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Also, sorry OP for the minor meandering in your thread, I thought it was interesting how the doctors plainly said a calorie is a calorie and it's down to how many you're eating and yet her take-out was different.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP, how long have you been exercising like this? Do you know your BMR? How tall are you?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited July 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Also, sorry OP for the minor meandering in your thread, I thought it was interesting how the doctors plainly said a calorie is a calorie and it's down to how many you're eating and yet her take-out was different.

    I think your videos fit the post, and will hopefully help others who might open this thread up.
    I did laugh at the video just because she kinda reminded me of me. I blamed it on the type of foods i ate not the amounts. then i joined mfp and i realised just how much i ate.
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    Totally agree with everything above.

    My guess is, reading your general diet, that your dinners are what's putting you over a calorie goal (if you had / have one).

    "I usually dine out with my parents", eating out meals generally contain a lot more calories than when you make it yourself (no scientific fact, just something I noticed through logging). Point is, when you eat out you have no idea how much of anything you're eating.

    "I know there must be cheat days", acccording to what? Cheat days aren't a necessesity at all. I eat more than my goal some days, but I know that that will either slow down my weight loss, or I need to make up for it on another day. If you feel you need them, that's different, but they're not in any way vital, if not detrimental to weight loss.

    Your post is filled with explanations, excuses almost. (Sometimes I reward myself.. I know I should eat apple but they make me sick so I have soup.. Explanations on why you have a big breakfast..) The point is, it doesn't matter when you eat, or what you eat, only how many calories you eat.

    I love the videos, they say it all. Accurately log your food and you will see you're eating more than you think. Even without knowing your weight / height. Have MFP set you a calorie goal based on current weight, desired weight and deficit and stick to it. You will lose weight.

    Sorry if my post in any way seems harsh, I did not mean for it to be, I just know that I used to do similar things. For every time you say 'I know I'm better off eating an apple than a wheat bun', 'I know I am better off eating a lean salad than a chunk of salmon' (not necessarily true, but calorie wise, yes), or in the extreme 'I know I should eat carrots instead of french fries, I just don't like carrots'. Well, you don't need our advise, it's just about actually doing it.
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    Oh and on a warmer note.. please don't stress so much over it, if you lose sleep over it, it won't help your weight loss.

    As for pushing yourself so hard in the gym.. it will earn you some extra calories to eat, and it will give you a great overall condition, but weight loss is for like 70% diet and 30% exercise. So if you like.. don't push yourself so hard in the gym and focus a bit more on eating right.. you may feel better. Pain is not necessary for weight loss.
  • Thank you very much for your responses.

    I do not take more than 1,200 calories a day, i only take sushi without rice hence sashimis on my once a week cheat day. I load up on a lot of apples and bananas and kiwis. when I know a certain food is too much, I'll be mindful n limit that. it's not that I don't know what I'm eating or just focused on that. I know exactly how many calories I eat a day, n never let myself go over. even on days I have events or activities that require me to gather socially n eat, I'll compensate back the next 2 days.

    I have been doing this for the past 4 months and nothing. zero.

    on a side note, the doctor who made that remark is my gynaecologist. I have pcos, and my consistent weight gain is a concern on my future for having a child.

    I'm 86.2kg, 40% body fat, 165cm tall.
    I'm always around 65kg which is acceptable n I'm happy hovering there.

    I don't want to be skinny, please don't get me wrong. I want to be healthy again and I'm doing more than what I used to. I was bulimic when I was 17, and it was found out when I fainted at a gym one day. that is why I m mindful very mindful of the kind of food I eat n how much each time I take. I'm not giving excuses that what I'm doing is perfect. no. I'm trying to find out where I can be better at.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    Working out like that with no carbs. Where do you get an idea like that? Intense exercise with no carbs is causing so much stress on your metabolism and hormones. Breaking out could be related to this. Your brain and your muscles do not like to run on only burning fat and protien.

    Don't get down on yourself it is hard to get this right. You might benefit from a little research. Matt fitzgerald's book race weight might help describe the hormone and stress component of weight loss for athletes.n
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I do not take more than 1,200 calories a day, i only take sushi without rice hence sashimis on my once a week cheat day. I load up on a lot of apples and bananas and kiwis. when I know a certain food is too much, I'll be mindful n limit that. it's not that I don't know what I'm eating or just focused on that. I know exactly how many calories I eat a day, n never let myself go over. even on days I have events or activities that require me to gather socially n eat, I'll compensate back the next 2 days.

    But do you weigh your food? you still haven't said if you do or not, and if not, how can you be so sure you're not going over 1200?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thank you very much for your responses.

    I do not take more than 1,200 calories a day, i only take sushi without rice hence sashimis on my once a week cheat day. I load up on a lot of apples and bananas and kiwis. when I know a certain food is too much, I'll be mindful n limit that. it's not that I don't know what I'm eating or just focused on that. I know exactly how many calories I eat a day, n never let myself go over. even on days I have events or activities that require me to gather socially n eat, I'll compensate back the next 2 days.

    I have been doing this for the past 4 months and nothing. zero.

    on a side note, the doctor who made that remark is my gynaecologist. I have pcos, and my consistent weight gain is a concern on my future for having a child.

    I'm 86.2kg, 40% body fat, 165cm tall.
    I'm always around 65kg which is acceptable n I'm happy hovering there.

    I don't want to be skinny, please don't get me wrong. I want to be healthy again and I'm doing more than what I used to. I was bulimic when I was 17, and it was found out when I fainted at a gym one day. that is why I m mindful very mindful of the kind of food I eat n how much each time I take. I'm not giving excuses that what I'm doing is perfect. no. I'm trying to find out where I can be better at.

    You are lying to yourself but you don't realise ...sorry

    Apples are around 75 to 110 calories
    Bananas 100-150
    You load up on them?
    How many calories in your favourite juice?
    You eat out most nights ....you think you choose well, how big is the chicken or fish, how is it cooked, how much butter, milk, cream in those mashed potatoes? How big a portion ...mash can be highly calorific

    How are you measuring your food? Weighing everything?

    Your OP says you have an apple...but sometimes soup and a bun ..that could be a difference of 300 calories easily