Food Addict



  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    Also appreciate the comment about having the right calories. That's a good point.
  • Dandelie
    Dandelie Posts: 153 Member
    I have a serious problem. When I am around certain foods I feel like I can't control myself. I can't stop thinking about some foods when they are around no matter how hard I try. Eventually I always give in. For example, my boyfriend bought a package of white chocolate flips recently. He left it at my apartment. At first I resolved not to eat it. After awhile of resisting I decided just to eat a few.... which turned into a few more.... and before I knew it the package was empty. I always feel depressed and ashamed after this happens. Can anyone else identify with this struggle?

    I have found that I am a binge eater as well. It's a horrible word isn't it? But, 43 days into my lifestyle change...I have found that I can enjoy things in moderation. If I want a candy bar, I put it on my list and either a) plan around it, or b) exercise to burn off the calories. If you are determined to accomplish your goals, you have to be prepared to be faced with those things you want.

    Another way I have found to help myself out is by pre-portioning every snack. If I buy cookies, I put them in serving sizes. If I buy chips, I weigh them out. I do that with just about everything even fruit. It's already in my fridge/table for when I want something to snack on. I don't have to think about it and just grab "one." Then I slow down and enjoy it.
  • KHS86
    KHS86 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know, there is a difference between a weak spine and a real addiction, if you guys really are addicted, then perhaps therapy would be helpful? If not, then man the *kitten* up and stop making excuses for yourself, cook up 2 kilo of broccoli, put 200 gram of sour cream, or fat free greek yoghurt on top and eat until you can't eat another bite... At least now you'll be full for half the day instead of spending 500 calories (And still being hungry) on chocolate.

  • Yep - I feel like the food controls me, I don't control my food.

    Knowing that I have this, I try to take pre-emptive action to stop myself from coming into / giving into temptation. The other day we ordered some meat from the take-away and they sent us free naan bread and papadoms. I knew for a fact that I would eat them so I ran them under the tap and put them in the bin before I could give in to temptation. Just not having temptation foods in the house makes it so much easier. If I know the food is there, it will play over and over in my mind. We have no bread, no crisps, no frozen meals, no cookies. It's a bit like quitting smoking. In the long run, it won't even bother me for in the short term, while I'm still struggling, it's best just to avoid it altogether.

    If I'm struggling with wanting to snack, I find a hot drink gives me a sense of having something and takes the edge off thinking about food. Know yourself, know your weaknesses, come up with strategies that work for you.
  • KHS86
    KHS86 Posts: 29 Member
    edited July 2015
    If I'm struggling with wanting to snack, I find a hot drink gives me a sense of having something and takes the edge off thinking about food.

    This is good advice... A cup of your favorite tea will take your mind off of food, it does for me at least :)
  • sandiegomommy
    sandiegomommy Posts: 16 Member
    I have a serious problem. When I am around certain foods I feel like I can't control myself. I can't stop thinking about some foods when they are around no matter how hard I try. Eventually I always give in. For example, my boyfriend bought a package of white chocolate flips recently. He left it at my apartment. At first I resolved not to eat it. After awhile of resisting I decided just to eat a few.... which turned into a few more.... and before I knew it the package was empty. I always feel depressed and ashamed after this happens. Can anyone else identify with this struggle?

  • sandiegomommy
    sandiegomommy Posts: 16 Member
    Omgosh! Where has tho site been. I'm in the exact same boat! Will eat just to eat, when I'm full, sad, mad, bored. There's no balance with me, I have to go hard core with eating healthy and exercising or not at all. I'm a total closet eater and always have been. I've just never been honest about it before, feels so good to bare all.
  • maxoverdrv69
    maxoverdrv69 Posts: 9 Member
    wordbetsy wrote: »
    Yikes ! Finally found somebody that has the same problem as me i downloaded this app today hoping that this would be enough motivation for me lol . but i myself could definetly identify with you about an hour ago i said to my self im not eating anything else tonight and. Do you know what i go do take some pringles make a sandwhich...

    I know I have such a problem with late night cravings too! Drives me crazy. Have you found any methods to help curb those cravings?

    Gluten is the issue related to your cravings. The Gluten protein affects areas of your Brain that controls opiate receptors which give you the cravings. Look at your symptoms they are similar to a drug user. What happens when a drug user stops using they break the chain of addiction. Keep in mind drugs cause harmful side effects. Try it there is nothing to lose, if you see what I mentioned then you will understand. Also read Grain Brain the book.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member

    Dandelie wrote: »

    I have found that I am a binge eater as well. It's a horrible word isn't it? But, 43 days into my lifestyle change...I have found that I can enjoy things in moderation. If I want a candy bar, I put it on my list and either a) plan around it, or b) exercise to burn off the calories. If you are determined to accomplish your goals, you have to be prepared to be faced with those things you want.

    Another way I have found to help myself out is by pre-portioning every snack. If I buy cookies, I put them in serving sizes. If I buy chips, I weigh them out. I do that with just about everything even fruit. It's already in my fridge/table for when I want something to snack on. I don't have to think about it and just grab "one." Then I slow down and enjoy it.

    Thanks, those are good ideas.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    KHS86 wrote: »
    I don't know, there is a difference between a weak spine and a real addiction, if you guys really are addicted, then perhaps therapy would be helpful? If not, then man the *kitten* up and stop making excuses for yourself, cook up 2 kilo of broccoli, put 200 gram of sour cream, or fat free greek yoghurt on top and eat until you can't eat another bite... At least now you'll be full for half the day instead of spending 500 calories (And still being hungry) on chocolate.

    That's true, I've actually been to an eating disorder clinic. It's been years and I am doing a lot better, but it's still a daily struggle for me. I do love broccoli though, even without sour cream and other additives. But eating broccoli doesn't help. The binge eating has less to do with hunger and more to do with the overwhelming need to eat certain foods at times when I feel like I'm out of control, so to speak.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    I have a serious problem. When I am around certain foods I feel like I can't control myself. I can't stop thinking about some foods when they are around no matter how hard I try. Eventually I always give in. For example, my boyfriend bought a package of white chocolate flips recently. He left it at my apartment. At first I resolved not to eat it. After awhile of resisting I decided just to eat a few.... which turned into a few more.... and before I knew it the package was empty. I always feel depressed and ashamed after this happens. Can anyone else identify with this struggle?
    This is kind of a girl's thing, but....I have this friend...OK, it's me...

    I DO THIS >:)

    My solution has been to just remove junk foods from the home and keep only whole foods like lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains, beans and raw, whole dairy stuff.

    Also, once a week, I allow myself a "cheat meal".
    At day's end, I lost 100 pounds and have maintained for years. Maybe this will help you.

  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    KHS86 wrote: »
    If I'm struggling with wanting to snack, I find a hot drink gives me a sense of having something and takes the edge off thinking about food.

    This is good advice... A cup of your favorite tea will take your mind off of food, it does for me at least :)

    Yep, even drinking water helps sometimes. I discovered sometimes I think I'm hungry when I'm actually just thirsty. Crazy, I know.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    Omgosh! Where has tho site been. I'm in the exact same boat! Will eat just to eat, when I'm full, sad, mad, bored. There's no balance with me, I have to go hard core with eating healthy and exercising or not at all. I'm a total closet eater and always have been. I've just never been honest about it before, feels so good to bare all.

    Yep, I know how u feel.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member

    Gluten is the issue related to your cravings. The Gluten protein affects areas of your Brain that controls opiate receptors which give you the cravings. Look at your symptoms they are similar to a drug user. What happens when a drug user stops using they break the chain of addiction. Keep in mind drugs cause harmful side effects. Try it there is nothing to lose, if you see what I mentioned then you will understand. Also read Grain Brain the book.

    Thanks I never knew the benefit of gluten free food. I will try to incorporate the into my diet more.
  • AshleyCMoody
    AshleyCMoody Posts: 144 Member
    [/quote]This is kind of a girl's thing, but....I have this friend...OK, it's me...

    I DO THIS >:)

    My solution has been to just remove junk foods from the home and keep only whole foods like lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains, beans and raw, whole dairy stuff.

    Also, once a week, I allow myself a "cheat meal".
    At day's end, I lost 100 pounds and have maintained for years. Maybe this will help you.


    Congrats on your success! I don't buy junk food myself, but my boyfriend leaves junk over making it really difficult to avoid temptation.