Skipped 2 menstrual periods



  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    You don't need to lose anymore weight. You look great. Eat more than 1200 calories. I'm a short, 56 year old woman, and that's what I need, but it's not appropriate for a young, active, 5'7" woman.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    steeheart wrote: »
    Here's a before/now picture. 60 pounds lost in a year. I can't believe it. I just hope I can figure this out and be healthy.

    I WANT your puppy !
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Skipping periods is pretty normal. When I still had a period it wasn't uncommon for stress to make me skip a cycle. If your doctor isn't concerned I wouldn't be too worried. Lots of condescending internet MDs giving their opinions here...
  • jenaphile
    jenaphile Posts: 15 Member
    If your doctor isn't concerned about about it....I'd be concerned about the doctor, to be honest. To echo everyone else, 1200 calories is far too little to maintain a healthy adult body.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited August 2015
    Another consideration is that some hormones are stored in fat. Hormones are released as you burn fat. Some women experience heightened PMS like symptoms while dieting perhaps these are messing with your cycle. I was never regular so it was not uncommon for me to skip and not be pregnant. The longest I ever went without and not being pregnant was six months. Then when it came it lasted forever, I went in for a shot, and everything went back to my normal. I never tested after a missed period, the onset of morning sickness was my first sure sign of pregnancy.
    ETA: The upside is my iron levels were always really good.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Why are you eating so little?
  • hiddenorchestra
    hiddenorchestra Posts: 14 Member
    I had a similar experience, and I didn't get a period for a year. Only came back when I ate at maintenance and now I can't lose weight without losing my periods even though I am overweight and I don't train vigorously.
    It's your hormones, you might not be starving but your body is unfortunately. Read more on "energy availability".
  • marcae70
    marcae70 Posts: 72 Member
    Estrogen is stored in fat so as you lose fat, those extra hormones flood your bloodstream causing wacky periods. You might get your period for a month or skip it for two months like you just did. I would recalculate your calories though just to make sure. If you are really worried then take a trip to the doctor just to check everything out.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I haven't had one in months...since I started my current tri training actually. My doctor wasn't concerned and said it was due to the training. I've been thinking about going back in for a checkup. I eat way more than 1200 calories (average about 2200 when cutting, 2500 when at maintenance).
  • Asherberry
    Asherberry Posts: 30 Member
    I had a similar issue. I went without mine for three month. Actually, I went on an anti-anxiety medicine and immediately got it. Doctor said it was most likely stress. Good luck
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I don't know that you'd be getting enough nutrients to support your exercise if you keep up the 1200 or so and the amount of exercise you do at your current weight? It's hard to get enough nutrients at 1200, I think, although it can be planned for. But you'd be healthier overall if you added some nice nutritious calories to your diet and lose slower now, imho. Your period stopping, in your case, might be a clue that you are doing too much to your body without enough fuel (and vitamins, etc).

    But I think the exercise is great! It's not like you are overtraining. Just eat more :)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I'm your height, 23, and I was still losing eating 1760 calories, plus 65% of the calories Fitbit added.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I stopped my period for about 10 months and my doctor wasn't concerned. She said that longtime birth control usage can sometimes cause it. I'm more overweight than I'd like to be, but certainly not starving or dangerously underweight.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    You think you are not starving your self...but your body tells has not enough nutrition's to keep up your periods...( when you are sure of no other medical issues like you said)

    So even if you think its all oke in your mind ...your body says its not oke with me.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'd say this is common - not sure about 'normal' though. Anything to do with periods and skipping them I'd take straight to a doctor and let him/her decide if there is anything untoward going on.

    I've noticed in the last month, I've had TWO periods and I am seeing lots of black 'floaters' and 'cobwebs' in my vision. The floaters and cobwebs could be a contact lens issue but I'm still a little worried. I'm not pregnant and I'm not on a restrictive plan (I'm eating quite near to maintenance - I only have 7 lbs to go) so if I was to guess, I'd say it's related to my 30 lb weight loss. Having said that, it could be anything and I SHOULD really be making a doctors appointment some day soon. Always best to get things checked out!