What do you like to eat for breakfast?



  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    I like pancakes with made egg and banana batter instead of flour, or wholewheat bread with peanut butter and banana, or a two-egg omelet with a few slices of avocado.
  • lindsey0724
    lindsey0724 Posts: 12 Member
    Overnight oats have been my favorite lately. 1/2 cup oats mixed with banana, protein powder, chia seeds, and whatever else you want - it's delicious with no cooking involved.

    Peanut butter banana toast is also good, greek yogurt with granola/flaxseed/chia, egg scramble with veggies and turkey bacon...anything with protein and fiber will keep you full until lunch, versus things like sugar-filled cereals that'll leave you hungry after an hour or so.
  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    My favorites are: whole grain toast with either a boiled egg or some avocado and a bit of cheese (whatever I have on hand), and some bacon. With the ingredients I use, it usually comes out to approximately 200 cals and keeps me pretty full. Lately I've been getting a bit sick of that, so I've been having peanut butter sandwiches (one slice of bread and one tbsp of peanut butter) with a glass of 2% milk. I was SUPER hungry today, but that was because I ran two miles this morning and skipped my milk before going to work.

    I've discovered that I simply CANNOT have sugary breakfasts anymore, unless I have plenty of protein with them. If I'm gonna have waffles or something like that, I have them for dinner now because having all that sugar in the morning throws my blood sugar off for the whole day and I feel AWFUL all day long every time I do it.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Yogurt with fruit
    scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, fruit (or sausage instead of bacon)
    Yogurt and a granola bar

    just depends
  • DarlaX1973
    DarlaX1973 Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2015
    I use egg beaters to make a low calorie omelet, 1/2 cup egg beaters, 1 tbsp cottage cheese lowfat, 1/2 cup sauteed mushrooms in olive oil = 128 calories. Sometimes I add broccoli, it depends on what's available. No cholesterol either! Usually I'll have yogurt with this or a bagel thin.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    I like bacon and eggs, cause I'm American, baby.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Eggs (usually whites)
    Raisin Bran
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I like bacon and eggs, cause I'm American, baby.

    OK - now I want to change my answer.
  • mcmorrow33
    mcmorrow33 Posts: 34 Member
    Weetabix (UK cereal)
    Chopped banana
    Crushed hazelnuts
    Low fat milk

    This keeps me going til midday!
  • sprice20152015
    sprice20152015 Posts: 17 Member
    1 egg 4 ounces of egg whites and one slice of bacon Monday-Friday
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Everyday I pretty much eat 30g (.33 c) of large flake oats with 5g psyllium husk ground, add in some cinnamon, touch of brown sugar and I eat most of my fruit in this part of the day (for no particular reason). I have been having homemade stewed rhubarb and sliced strawberries or blueberries mixed in, or berries and a half banana.

    Today for lunch I made a fantastic omelet that came in under 200 cals! 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 15g feta, 2g of fresh dill, 2g fresh basil, 25g spinach quickly stirfried, and a small whole tomato with it. It was so good! About 30g protein I think. I might even have for breakie one of these days.
  • PattiWalling
    PattiWalling Posts: 25 Member
    My breakfast is 326 calories though that could easily be cut down. I make my own Pumpkin Protein Pancakes (original recipe was for waffles but it's just easier for me to throw the batter on the grill for pancakes. Recipe
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein
    2 TBSP quinoa flour
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1 rounded tsp cinnamon
    1/4 cup pumpkin puree
    3 TBSP egg beaters
    1 TBSP skim milk

    Just the pancakes are 186 calories 1F/15C/27P

    I make 2 nice sized pancakes then top with the following
    16 g Almond Butter 95 calories (8.5F/3C/3.5P)
    147 g sliced strawberries 45 calories (11C/1p)
    1/4 cup Walden Farms pancake syrup 0 calories

    I'm not crazy about pumpkin but I don't feel like I really taste it in this recipe. My daughter likes it
    with 1/4 cup of mashed banana better but I prefer the pumpkin. Super easy to make, super delicious and extremely filling!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,761 Member
    Two things alternate for most breakfasts:

    #1 - Coco Lite Whole Wheat Pop Cake with 2Tbsp peanut butter, plus 3/4 C skim milk. (under 300 calories total). (Pop cake is a 20-calorie rice/wheat flour thing about 6" in diameter, crunchy - like a rice cake with a less annoying texture.)

    #2 - Thick-cut oatmeal (1/4C), Greek yogurt (1/2C), 1/2 oz walnuts, 3/4 frozen mixed berries (thawed), 1T all-fruit spread, 3/4C hot skim milk in my coffee (a bit over 400 calories total).

    #1 is for when I'm running out the door to an exercise class or rowing. #2 is if I have more time at home. But #2 will hold me pretty well for a good share of the day if necessary.

    Gotta have protein and fat to satiate, and I minimize carbs that don't come with either fiber or a healthy dose of antioxidants/vitamins. Oh, and I'm vegetarian.
  • rachelbouc
    rachelbouc Posts: 65 Member
    Lately it has been egg and cheese on some type of carb. Last week it was on waffles and this week it has been on half of a croissant. I may go back to oatmeal a little next week. Normally it's a mix of oatmeal with fruit or egg sandwiches. I don't eat cold cereal that often. Maybe once a month if any. It just doesn't fill be up.
  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    Oatmeal with a few teaspoons of brown sugar. I love oatmeal. I could live off that stuff.
  • stephakneeeee
    stephakneeeee Posts: 10 Member
    eggs or oatmeal keep me full. but, try a protein shake or protein bar. i like quest's stuff. they have 20g protein, are low in carbs/sugar, and keep you full.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Pre morning workout I have yogurt and a banana. Post morning workout I have Frosted Mini-Wheats.
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    edited August 2015
    Two Eggo waffles (plain and only 2g sugar) and coffee - or a Pumpkin Muffin (from the Crabby Chef cookbook) - and some berries.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt, I add Splenda and vanilla. And a boiled egg. Lots of coffee.
  • flower19932015
    flower19932015 Posts: 3 Member
    Love 2/3 scrambled eggs (no butter or oil) with half a grated courgette. Lightly cook the courgette then mix in the eggs. I do have a piece of fruit around 3 hours later at work but other than that keeps me full til lunch (5.5 hours later). Personally work better having a small brekkie and a bigger dinner when i get home