
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi everyone! B)

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
    I am 69 years old, have 3 grown kids that have given us 3 in-law kids and 8 adorable grandchildren.
    I am married to the best of the best hubbies for 49 years.
    We live in Kansas - about the center of the USA.
    I love mountains and the oceans - and yep I live in flat, dry Kansas.
    I also love to read fiction - mysteries and always have one that I am reading and one that I am listening to as we drive everywhere.
    I love to travel and wish we could more.
    We farm and DH sells Pioneer seed - the type farmers plant - corn, soybeans, milo and etc.
    We both started our professional careers as teachers. DH quit when the opportunity to sell Pioneer was offered. I taught for 20 years.

    I am following the Paleo eating plan as I was diagnosed with a rare stomach disease a year ago. The Paleo diet has helped my symptoms, which is fantastic!!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    DJ, yes, you have hit the nail on the head. DS's job is right off the interstate in a rural area, about 15 minutes from our house. Most of the rental property is either full size houses which are way out of his price range or apartment complexes that are totally for low-income, gov't subsidized, or for senior citizens. He had the perfect place that he lived in for 18 months, but he moved to Athens to help out a friend who was going through a divorce. Athens has plenty of affordable rentals catering to the college students, but even the north side of Athens is a 45 minute commute. If he had to go through any traffic, it would put him to an hour. The small one and two bedroom older houses tend to rent quickly and by word of mouth. The owners don't even usually advertise them. A one bedroom duplex in our town popped up in the online version of the newspaper on Monday. By the time he got off work and called, it had already rented. Most people his age are either married and have bought a place, or live with their parents.

    He did not like the guest house at all - way too close to the landlord. we figured that before he went to check it out, but it was worth a shot. Something will come up, although it may have to be for a September move in date. He may also have to compromise a bit on the commute. We are heavily networking!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    Allison - I am currently only on page 3, but I am praying for you to have a happy life. Update: that's pretty deep of Tom to realize, and to feel bad about it, too. Have you read "Men are from Mars"? I haven't read it is ages, but it might help. Otherwise, still more prayers coming your way. // At a party ? Good for you for trying, but you can't force yourself to feel any particular way. You have permission to allow yourself to have a good time, but you can't force it. Regardless of the ending to this story, it is stressful. Take care of yourself ! ! !

    Pip - I agree, let Kirby stay honest and keep his job. However, my sister's dog passed before using all the tramadol given to him for his cancer pain, so if your ever in Cascade Wisconsin . . . . But I also agree that if it were me I would have the surgery. Who wants those bones just floating around and staying broken? I worry about what could happen a few years down the road.

    Ina - There are "chair aerobics" that can be done with or without hand weights. Just move as much as you can. I even take squishy-balls when I donate blood, so I can exercise both hands at the same time. Keep coming back, and we will all help each other.

    Mary - so envious of you getting to see Jay Leno. Super-glad you are having a great time.

    Heather - I broke down and bought Merlot Cheddar cheese today. Because of you, I will take it to work, to weigh a serving so I can log it properly. And because of DJ I will savor every bit and bite.

    Mame (and everyone else new) - Welcome, and take your time. Take from us what you need, and leave the rest. Some people stick to the basics, and others (me included) dump their entire lives and hearts. There really is no wrong way to post (except anything too terribly offensive or politically divisive).

    Katla - You Go Girl !!! What an open-minded suggestion for Pip . You just made my day.

    Kibbly - Congrats on exceeding your steps!

    Wing - Welcome. There are numerous Diabetic Websites and magazines. You can do this, we can all do it, because we are together.

    I'm only on page 4, but my laptop battery is getting low, so I'm going to post quick, before it goes black without my saving.

    DH and I bought LOTS of produce today, plus boneless skinless chicken breasts that I have already cooked on the Foreman grill and put into ziplocs in approx. 4 oz servings. I should be set for the next week of healthy eating.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have pondered what my August resolutions should be and have settled on the following:

    August Resolutions 8/2/15

    *I want to see at least a 5 lb decrease on my scale on Aug 31st!
    *Drink 13 glasses of water / day
    *Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me
    *Follow Paleo totally everyday
    *Plan menu's on Fridays
    *Declutter the office - completely
    *Upper body strength training every other day

    I am not doing anything that uses legs b/c I was diagnosed with a blood clot a month ago, and then recently found I have a torn meniscus in the same leg. I will see a specialist the 11th so until then I am just doing normal walking.

    I hope each of you have a fabulous Sunday! :)

    Reba in Kansas

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mame, you are so right, skin folds can lead to serious infections. And welcome by the way. Are you a nurse? Doctor? other health professional?

    Barbie, I wish you could have as many cats as you would like! I can since I am divorced! Make my own rules now!

    Reba, ouch. I have gone through a torn meniscus. It hurt to walk from the couch to the kitchen. The first doc I went to didn't want to do the repair because I have bone on bone arthritis and so would still have pain. I tried to tell him that the pain from the torn meniscus was totally different and much more intense. He said no, so I tried to live with it and there was no way I could function. I went to an orthopedic clinic and he had me in surgery in three days. I told the doc afterwards that it felt like he had removed a giant splinter from my knee, the relief was so wonderful. I was once again able to do so much more. So I know what you are going through and completely understand not doing any leg!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    I've not been able to check in with you all lately ... Will try to read the beginning of August but giving up on July!

    July was a bust ... :(

    I'm here for August .... Will give it my best effort ... :)

    Did not meet July goals ... Am not making any specific numbered goals for August.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    I finally made the spinach feta pie from skinny taste.com. It is FABULOUS! Thanks, heather, got the suggestion.

    Re skin folds, there is chafing cream made by monostat that works pretty well.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening!!

    (Alison))))))))))))))) I'm glad Tom realizes he needs some introspective time. I have lots of thoughts on the matter but will keep them to myself unless you ask me to share. Except for this: Protect yourself for however this ends up!!!

    I can't remember what/if I posted yesterday. The kids got the house reasonably cleaned which was a huge goal. Katherine had to work until 8 PM and Andrew went to a race with some of his school friends so I had a coupe of hours of quiet time. Unfortunately, my very minor contributions to the clean up process wiped me out and put me in a lot of pain so I had a rough night. By the time I finished my shower, I was nauseated and ready to cry. This is getting old!

    On the other side if the thought process...After I finish the active part of my PT session, I sit with ice on my shoulder before leaving the facility. This lets me watch the other patients do their exercises. I sat there Friday and gave thanks that I was NOT the woman on oxygen who had just received her prosthetic leg, nor the man in the wheelchair who is learning to live sitting down, nor the stroke victims who was re-learning EVERYTHING. It's hard for me to be grateful all of the time, but I keep trying.

    I'm in a bit of a funk today so I'm going to sign off for the night.

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    e are lucky that the hail is small but I'm ready for the thunder to take a break. It has been non-stop for over 20 minutes.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Michelle Dozios Shape Up (Low Impact) DVD. Actually, the DVD is only 30 minutes, but I did it twice. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the 10 Minute Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class

    Joyce - I think you probably can freeze Greek yogurt. I make these "pops" which is basicaly Greek yogurt (32oz) and orange juice concentrate (12oz). Mix the two together and pour into a pop mold. Then I freeze it. This is the first time I used Greek yogurt and it honestly isn't bad, doesn't separate or anything.

    janetr - thanks for understanding that I didn't mean that you stink. Like I said, Beth might have been overly-conscious. Maybe in reality she didn't stink but she was afraid that she did. And who knows? She might have had loads and loads of skin. I suppose everyone is different. she didn't have WLS, she lost the weight by cutting portion sizes mainly. I would guess she was in her late 40's when she had it done. But I can still remember the scars. At first she didn't want to teach any classes, not because she couldn't lift weights, but because she was afraid that all the scarring would scare some of the participants.

    JanetMMc - doesn't it feel so good to get a "new" wordrobe of clothes that you previously couldn't wear? Way to go girl! Way cool. We do need large ceramic characters out by the pool so that they can be seen. My MIL made a small turtle and bought a small (probably 3-4") squirrel and you can barely see them. There is no way you would be able to see them very well if I'd put them on top, so they're down close to the pool. But even then, that squirrel gets lost. I haven't found anyone who had a mermaid or an octopus or shark or manatee or bumblebee, so I'd even be willing to pay the shipping. Someone down in FL when we go down there has a flamingo, I'd have to see it. They said something about having a seahorse. Personally, I would like to get two seahorses, they don't have to be as large, but hang them on the ends of the pergola on the upper patio facing each other. I'm thinking that'd be cool. I did find one set on Amazon, but it was something like $35 and that was before shipping. Plus, I couldn't have given it that "personal" touch.

    Off goes the housecoat now -- told you this would happen!

    Mary from MN - so glad you're having such a wonderful time!

    One of the things that I love about this place is that it's open 24/7. Like right now I can't sleep (due to the Sudafed), so here I am. I'm also in my winter housecoat. I told you I would have bouts of cold and then hot. Never fails.

    Made a coffee cake to take to the gal who is making my elf costume and is going to give me some extra material for the "bag" for the Rummikub game. Then I made a vegetable salad to take to Mexican Train. Oh, earlier I went to WalMart and ordered a big decorated cookie to take to Mexican Train. See, it's one gal's birthday so I thought I'd bring something for her. Also, we shall see how it is by Tuesday, but I have so many cherries that I just might take some of them with me, too.

    Lisa - you are such a good manager

    Carol/peach - Jessica and Bryan were in daycare and Denise REALLY wanted to go. In reality, they would have taken her in diapers. But it also would have been more expensive. I told her "you can go when you're potty trained". Literally, it was like she turned off a faucet. She trained herself. Had the motivation, I guess

    Welcome everyone new!

    toni - too cute pic.

    miriam - you know, all the times I've taken Sudafed, I don't recall ever being much hungrier after the medication wears off.

    DJ - Vince laughs at me because I'm constantly wearing something on my feet, even in a hotel. See, I tend to get plantar warts. When I take the water classes at the Y, I have my towel on the floor, take off my shoes and immediately put my water shoes on. So I never even touch the floor. But I still get them. The MD said there's no rhyme or reason, just that some people are susceptible (lucky me!). I have flip flops that I wear in the shower. If I prelog much of my food, the problem I have is that I forget what it is I logged! And then sometimes I change my mind. I echo Heather's sentiment, also. A pic would be great

    Heather - so glad you had such a good time. I volunteer to go to Paris with you, too.

    Just came in from the pool, now to take a small shower.

    That's our pip -- trying to rush the healing! You'll get there

    mame - you joined this thread by starting to post! It's always good to know what COULD happen. Like someone on here told me that when Vince goes for the EP study, it may be 1 hr, it may be 8 hrs. Now I know and will not get real worried if it takes 5 hrs. Yes, I work out just about every day. Many times it's a DVD at home because the times of the classes at the gym just don't work into my schedule or they don't have a piece of equipment that I need. I try to do 3 days of some sort of cardio, 3 days of some sort of strength training, and on the 7th day that is my "active recovery" day so I usually do something less strenuous like yoga or pilates or games on the Wii. I usually will go to the gym for the use of their large pieces of equiment that I don't have (like a treadmill or elliptical). I do like to change things up. I admit -- I have a short attention span and can get bored easily if I have to do the same thing over and over, even if I have to do it 3 times/week. I have to workout first thing in the a.m. or else I have a REALLY hard time convincing myself that I should do it. I look for every excuse in the book not to do it. So if it gets done first thing in the a.m., I'm fine. I usually will have some fruit or something before I go exercise just to have something on my stomach. I like that chin up machine in that you not only can do chin ups but you can also do pull ups.

    terri - I like how you portion out the meat so it's all ready. I do that a lot, too.

    Well, Vince didn't like the baked vanilla doughnuts. Next time instead of whole wheat flour I'll use white flour. Personally, I thought they were good

    Reba - Vince got a blood clot about 25 years ago in one of his legs and since then has been taking coumadin.

    Michele in NC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    For those that asked how long it took to lose the 40 lbs...I began on September 8 of last year. I've averaged a little more than 1/2 lb/week, some weeks nothing at all. When I began I had a goal to lose 43 lbs, because it would put me at 150 and I thought that would be a nice even number. I wanted to fit in a size 10 jeans. I did not set a goal date because I didn't want the added pressure. I honestly didn't think I would get to 170 because I had failed miserably at losing weight for 2 decades. But I decided to give it a good effort and I'm so glad that I did not wait a single day to begin. I've had many days where I was frustrated and weeks where the scale moved in the wrong direction. I've eaten whole bags of M&M's and cartons of ice cream in a frenzied fit. But I forgave myself and continued on the plan the next day. Yes, this does work.

    After I hit 150 , my next goal will be 146 which will put me in the normal and not overweight range and a healthy BMI.

    Frankly I am a bit nervous about maintenance. I take comfort knowing that I have the support here of successful maintainers if/when I encounter difficulties.

    Everyone have a great week.
    Chris in MA
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Topathemorning and Rebamae, welcome to you both. We always ask that you tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. You join by simply posting. This is a great place for support and information. Please sign each post with the name you want us to call you and a location, general or specific. Come often and post when you like.

    Wings651, welcome. (read the post above, so I don’t repeat myself) lolabove.gif We’re glad to have you.

    Heather, that first class upgrade was a nice treat for your trip home. ??? Did hear you “chanting” your mantra? LOL

    Pip, that is just so bizarre to be pushing the bone back where it belongs. *shakin head* You are a stronger woman than I am. We’re all rooting for you.

    Mary, you paint that town red!!! I’d love to eat there, myself. Have a ball..

    Dr.Katie, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your son. Hopefully something will come available soon.

    Beth, if July was a bust then I’m glad it’s behind you. Just do what you can each day and improve when you can. We are with you.

    CarolNC, I know you are tired of not being able to do things for yourself and I’m sure I’d have a good cry every once in a while, but hang in there. Your thoughts on those with much worse problems, is a good reminder to all of us. I know when I stop and think about it, I feel so blessed. You will heal before you know it, so keep trying to be patient. ((((Hugs))))

    MicheleNC, I had planters warts for a while and thought I’d never get rid of them. I don’t even remember what all the doctor did, but thankfully they haven’t returned in 40 years. Now my nemisis is cold sores. I have to be very careful in the sun to keep sunscreen on my lips. Sometimes I just get one for no reason, like now. And ohwee does this one hurt. I’ll see what I can do about a pic.

    Chris, you have done a fantastic job and I can’t imagine how exciting it must be to get there. Just hang in here when you go on maintenance and you know you’ll get the support you need. Great job!!!

    We were going to the beach in the morning as part of our anniversary celebration but the weather people are calling for rain, so we scratched that. DH like to go out for breakfast so I told him I'd take him out if he wants. We'll see. After 47 years, its not like we have to do something special but it's always fun. We will go to my favorite Steak Place Tuesday night.

    I hope each of you has a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Duh! I kept wondering why nobody was posting today, then realized I was reading July!

    Michele, I don't use molds. Only wheel thrown or hand built clay. Sorry. I don't know anything about them.

    We paddled the canoe for an hour, then I walked almost 7 miles. So I'm pooped. I'll try to read all 6 pages tomorrow.

    Good night.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Chris in MA: Several of us are here to maintain. I reached my goals and worried that I would backslide if I didn't have continued support so I'm here for the long haul. I've dieted successfully before, but after the diet I went back to my old lifestyle. I'm no longer surprised that I gained all the weight back and then some. Old habits lead to old results. The added bonus for sticking around is that I get to be part of this wonderful group of women. :heart:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ - Happy Anniversary! Have Fun Celebrating!

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Just got home from taking 3 of our 4 DGDs to "St. Augustine" . . . did not stay w/i my caloric intake; but, knew I wasn't probably going to anyway. Just hope I have not 'gained' weight when I go for my 'weigh-in' on Tuesday. I'll try to do better starting tomorrow. But, then going to Louisiana to visit with DYS and his 'new' family and all that good old Cajun cooking will probably make me slip again then; but, after that will work to get back to my daily caloric intake. Back to walking in the pool starting tomorrow. Walked so much my calves are screaming (for my exercise) walking up and down the beach looking for sharks' teeth. Then when walking to the bay, did not see the change in elevation and fell - embarrassed more than hurt. Just a scraped knee - might be sore tomorrow. Embarrassed to 'again' fall in public. I don't know why I seem to not pick my left foot up as much as I do my right. Every fall has been on the final step before the fall due to stumbled on my left foot. Don't know if having a seizure disorder is cause of this. I'm going to a 'new' Neurologist, who at my last visit told me to make an appointment in a year. I'd 'think' that he would want me to come back sooner for a Dilantin level and I guess to make sure that I have enough 'seizure meds' in my system; but, what do I know? Thankfully I have not had a seizure in a year (this month). Knock on my 'wooden' head.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Love reading this thread!!! You all are such amazing women!! You give me hope, thank you for sharing story! Gayle Minneapolis

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    Annr-someone sent me this and I thought of you, hope you get a chuckle out of it!


    This is cute!