

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Cd_va – Hugs for your colonoscopy results, and for the painful biopsy after your first mammogram. My colonoscopy is in September, and most of the food items on the “acceptable to eat” list I am not supposed to eat because of my RA, so I’m planning on being really hungry. And when the Doc did my post-mammogram biopsy he numbed everything really well, so I felt nothing during, and went right back to work after. I’m so sorry you had so much pain. But Thanks for being nice to the nurses. You will stay in my prayers while waiting for these results.

    Michele – I ordered the mouthpiece from a Website called Tanga. https://www.tanga.com/deals/b8864acb56c0/snore-relief-mouthpiece?internal_campaign=search I will let you know what I think after it arrives. But my un-educated guess it that my tooth issue is caused by grinding in my sleep, so hopefully I will be “killing 2 birds with 1 stone”.

    Miriam – Super cute house. I can imagine myself allowing for some drawbacks in exchange for the beauty and other comforts.

    Allison – I figured you’d get a kick out of my attitude toward this stupid tooth. I would much prefer to rinse with salt water over Listerine, thanks for the suggestion. I was also able to get a sample of diclofenac from work, and that was the miracle I was looking for. Now, to just not grind; my magic wand might actually work, and I will avoid that root canal. // Hugs for your relationship. I hope you can keep taking care of yourself, and hopefully what you really want will find you !

    Chris in MA – I am so envious of your trip to CT. Enjoy ! ! !

    DJ, JanetM, etc – I also like to get a “to go” box at the same time as my food. I can use protein bars/shakes for when I am time-crunched, or for just a few weeks, but I personally could not do that long-term. I keep protein bars/shakes in the house also for DS when he lifts weights.

    Sylvia – I hope you are able to relax, and I hope you get a positive report back when DGD gets home from school. If there are already some of her friends at this school, I’m sure she will be fine. About her hair: I remember seeing a video of a man who keeps clean the hose attachment of his vacuum cleaner. He then puts a hair binder around the end of the hose, sucks up the hair into the hose, and releases the binder onto the base of the ponytail. Unless her hair is super curly or unruly, this may work. Here are some I found on youtube http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=vacuum+cleaner+ponytail&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=604EA60F4B6066EE7950604EA60F4B6066EE7950 . You are a Wonderful Grandma, and your DS is doing his best. Worrying now won’t help, you need to trust that everyone did a wonderful job up to this point, and she will flourish. I hope that is the slap you needed ! ! !

    Last night’s trip to Big Lots was exactly what I needed. I found new flavors of water enhancers that I didn’t know existed. I bought some coconut chips, a skein of pink yarn at JoAnn’s next door, and thoroughly enjoyed the walk. The only question I have is: What part of the Martian language takes the statement “I am walking to Big Lots” and makes DH keep trying to give me the car keys? My phone registered 8 flights of stairs climbed (only 4 actually, so the rest must have been the slight hills on the walk), with over 10,000 steps equaling more than 5 miles for the day. I know for most of you this is not a big deal, but for me it is a victory. My legs (knees, ankles, hips) are only a little stiff today, and my back is fine. And when I returned to the bowling alley, DH said “wow, you need a shower”, so I also worked up a little sweat. Bonus ! The temp was around 64 degrees, so next time I might bring gloves so my RA doesn’t bother my hands quite so bad.

    I can’t wait to stock up at my favorite Mexican grocery store. They have greek yogurt 68 cents, green peppers 58 cents/pound, roma tomato 78 cents/pound, and chicken fajita meat $1.68 /pound. Plus, it seems like whenever I get there, they have lots of other great deals that are not advertised.

    Wisconsin also does not allow certain medications to be mail-ordered. Something like Percocet (level 2) cannot have the order faxed or called, either. It must be signed by the doctor on special paper and taken to the Pharmacist.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Yvonne in TX -
    ydailey wrote: »
    I've worn out all my jeans, so it's time to re-stock. Since I'm working on my weight, I buy them for $8 a pair at Goodwill. The sizes are definitely all over the map but I know which brands tend to fit me well.

    Yup. Salvation Army in my area has been a true blessing. It has saved me a small fortune while I have blown through clothing sizes. I’ve resigned myself to shopping there for at least another year until my size finally settles down into whatever it is ultimately going to be. I’m looking forward to buying something that is brand new. At the same time, I’ll probably just keep shopping at SA because I have found some really nice things for a very reasonable price.

    Terri in Milwaukee -
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Last night’s trip to Big Lots was exactly what I needed. I found new flavors of water enhancers that I didn’t know existed. I bought some coconut chips, a skein of pink yarn at JoAnn’s next door, and thoroughly enjoyed the walk. The only question I have is: What part of the Martian language takes the statement “I am walking to Big Lots” and makes DH keep trying to give me the car keys?

    OK. I now know that a spray of iced tea on my monitor works fairly well to clean the screen off. My co-worker is also giggling madly since she asked me to share why I was laughing.
    terri_mom wrote: »
    My phone registered 8 flights of stairs climbed (only 4 actually, so the rest must have been the slight hills on the walk), with over 10,000 steps equaling more than 5 miles for the day. I know for most of you this is not a big deal, but for me it is a victory.

    It is a HUGE deal to be able to walk for some distance without knee/hip/back pain. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mia – That’s almost exactly what I told my daughter the last time she mentioned being sick and wanting to lose weight. Set-up the account saying you just want to maintain, and don’t worry what the site is telling you, just find the food, log it, and at the end of a week, look to see where your nutrients, vitamins, etc are lacking. Once you get into that habit, you can start working on weight reduction in your healthy eating goal. I also tell her that just a quick walk around the block with her dog is better than sitting on the stoop smoking a cigarette while dog does his business at the other end of his leash, and dog will TOTALLY love you for it. // Thanks for the laugh, and the support of my exercise yesterday.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Miriam - love,love your house. Think you might need this (((hugs)))) <3

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    afternoon chica's~
    Well waiting on the weenies to come put in the new sink and piece of quartz,supposed to be here between 10-12 not here yet... :s
    well I was out mowing the lawn when all of a sudden get this unbelievable pain in my hip/sciatic area... so now I am in mega pain, but did do the push mower so the lawn would be done.. got the 3rd load of laundry out of the dryer(DFIL) and folded it. and took 1/2 a pain pill.. I don't know what will happen overnight. but I HAVE to work tomorrow as there will be 3 dr's there and 2 assistants, other one is a temp...
    I dont know how to describe what Tom is saying.. I guess he doesnt mind going along as we are .. not dealing with any emotional stuff. just the same everyday day to day stuff. not really wanting to deal with future..
    I asked him last night.. what the H$ll do you want me to do? you plan on retiring in 3 yrs and move to florida? where does this leave me? thought I was going to..
    well anyway.. enough about me... made a coffee cake to take to work tomorrow for Keri's last day... and laundry and lawn are done, and DFIL had his breakfast..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member

    Ok, ladies. Slap me out of this funk!

    Slap! I remember feeling that way when my children went to school. You're just being a good Grandma!

    Allison - Maybe you should be the one to go to Florida and maybe it should be now! I still hear you giving all of the control over to Tom. I think you need a Slap as well! We love you and are here for you emotionally!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Chris I have the same problem when I go out to eat. I find often I am up a pound or two even when I try to be careful in what I order.

    DJ love the suggestion of finding out calories of what you like to eat. Culver's ice cream was an eye opener for me. I rarely have one now.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good evening all!

    Have read all, but too tired to comment. HUGS to those who need them. <3

    Our visitor has left. Last minute crisis about train delays and tight connections, but all has worked out, thank goodness! We went for a LONG walk this morning round Manor Farm, a wooded area near the river Hamble. Beautiful. There was a group of schoolchildren catching crabs so we got involved with that. 209 small crabs, which were released back into the estuary.
    It was drizzling near the end, but we got to the pub before it really rained. Our visitor bought us lunch. :D

    Now relaxing. B) My niece has done well in her exams, so we are happy about that. Had a light supper and just chillaxing now in front of the TV. DH is watching cricket upstairs.

    I will be sooooooooo glad to get back to normal. Like Katla, it's wonderful to have visitors, but enough is enough now. Our next batch arrive the weekend after next!

    Love you all. Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs,a beautiful day in IL.
    Hugs jane
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I don't have much time, headed to Physical Therapy in ten minutes, but I want to respond to Sylvia about her grand-daughter. I now have an 11 and 8 year old girls. The 11 year old insists on doing her own hair, and many days it looks messy or she doesn't wash out all the cream rinse and it looks greasy. From looking at her friends, a lot of them also look pretty scruffy at school. Even if moms do their hair, they are so active that it doesn't stay done. I sometimes will put it in pigtails for her, but otherwise, at that age they want to do it themselves but aren't very good. So I don't think you need to worry about her hair. It is too bad she is a bit heavy, since girls that age can be cruel about weight or any other difference. All we can do about that is give them lots of unconditional love, and encourage them to tell if they are being bullied. Then try to get the school to intervene. Help them understand that they don't need to be friends with everyone, and one good friend is enough. Have play dates and encourage a good friend relationship. And listen without trying to find solutions for everything. They need to have space to find some solutions on their own. My school is really good about having the counselors work with girls or groups of girls that are having relationship issues. Hers might be too. Got to go, off to PT.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    pain pill helped a bit... and amazing what a long walk can do to start the day, im darn close to 16,000 steps <3 , Tom called me at 2:30 and had called the owner of the counter top place well someone dropped the ball and didn't call Tom to tell them they were not coming today.. nice , after I waited all day long.. annoying as H E double toothpicks..
    Oh well que sera sera...
    did get the boys around the block, figured better keep moving that will help...
    Sylvia~ I remember being that age and I was dorky as all get out, and I did get picked on, all we can do is do what we can do.. sending you lots of love...
    waiting to hear from my DB as to how my DSIL made out with her surgery.. she had to have stones removed from her salavary glands.. has been in mega pain
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Ok, ladies. Slap me out of this funk!

    Slap! I remember feeling that way when my children went to school. You're just being a good Grandma!

    Allison - Maybe you should be the one to go to Florida and maybe it should be now! I still hear you giving all of the control over to Tom. I think you need a Slap as well! We love you and are here for you emotionally!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Happy Thursday ladies. Well going to be warmer today in the mid 80's and I can take that anyday. I mowed yesterday for 2 hours and got most the yard done. We have a double lots and lots of grass. So today I am working the 7-3 shift so hoping to get home and finish up before DH gets home. I did very well on eating yesterday and planning the same for today.

    So much for short day, another person called in so I am staying till 5. Gotta love the overtime. Got some busy work done that I had planned on the for the weekend. So now planning on doing some cleaning. With all the cut backs housekeeping does not come to our office, so we do our own and some people in here does not think that means them so weekends are a good time to move and clean behind and all over.

    cd_va--When I had my first colonoscopy they removed acouple polyps and I was so scared as family history, but they turned out to be nothing. I have to have one every five years and never had any polyps since. Sending good thoughts and prayers.

    Rita--Sure hope you can figure out and take care of the heahaches. Please be careful driving.

    Sylvia--I know what you mean about different bills for the same procedure. Seems everyone involded does their own billing. I pray all went well with DGD's first day of middle school. Girls can be so mean. I will be waiting to hear also how it went. I do agree with Mia and the advice she gave, pretty smart lady.

    Chris MA--Does sound like a good deal to me, hope you have a great relaxing time.

    Lisa--I agree I hope your vacation is all you want it to be and don't think about back home. You have done so much I hope they know how speical you are and how lucky they are to have you taking care of things.

    Joyce--Hope you find you phone. I know I can drive myself crazy when I can not find my phone.

    DJ--Congrates on your NSV. I know I love getting in the car and can do my seat belt, without the extra piece. And not have to worry if I ride with someone if the belt will fit.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Well not sure why that posted before I was ready, been that kind of day. Have a good evening. I am off tomorrow and have an 800 appointment at Nebraska Heart Clinic, and then meeting Lee to exercise at the grand generation center. DGD wants me to pick her up from school so we can do some garage saling for her baby dolls. Type at you tomorrow.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) My personal solution to all the stuff that makes me crazy is to stay in the moment....it is amazing how crazy I can make myself by mulling over the past or thinking about what the future will hold.

    <3 Barbie
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Barbie - I wish I could learn to do this as you say. Not sure I know how. I'm good at driving myself crazy.

    I just found out last night that a very dear friend, our ex-daughter-in-laws' s mother, has a malignant brain tumor. (glioblastoma). They surgically removed as much of the tumor as possible. Doc told the family all this will do is slow it down. I feel so badly for the family.

    My BiL was able to walk about 20 feet with a walker yesterday, but still unable to feed himself. He's still at the rehab center. The home health care nurse is concerned that my sister's infection is getting worse again. She comes every day and is keeping a close watch on it.

    Went to the YMCA this morning, as usual. I go early on Thursdays and do my own thing. Worked hard. I like the feeling that my muscles are getting a good workout and are slightly sore. Good feeling.

    Janetr OKC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I have had 2 sleep studies done in the past. Both came back with a snoring problem and minor sleep apnea - not enough for a machine. It's been about 5 years since then so maybe it is time again. I will mention it to my doctor when I see him in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I am going to track my sleep with the fitbit and also try going to bed at 9:30 instead of 8:30. Perhaps if I plan on an 8 hour sleep, instead of giving myself more time, I will sleep more solidly. Going to try that next.

    Thanks for all the advice ladies! It is possible I will need another sleep study after all.

    Rita from CT
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I have had 2 sleep studies done in the past. Both came back with a snoring problem and minor sleep apnea - not enough for a machine. It's been about 5 years since then so maybe it is time again. I will mention it to my doctor when I see him in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I am going to track my sleep with the fitbit and also try going to bed at 9:30 instead of 8:30. Perhaps if I plan on an 8 hour sleep, instead of giving myself more time, I will sleep more solidly. Going to try that next.

    Thanks for all the advice ladies! It is possible I will need another sleep study after all.

    Rita from CT

    Good Luck! I hope it works for you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I just texted DH "Ok if I stay to work out or do you want to go for a walk around the neighborhood with me tonight?" He texted back "stay". Yipee ! I get to keep working on improving myself !!! I rock B)