

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - Thanks, but don't get me wrong, I make wrong choices too. I ate an extra protein bar yesterday :( I told the bariatric surgeon last time I was there about wanting a snack and eating another protein bar and he told me better than eating chips or cookies or whatever. I guess that's true, but they are 200 cal. with a lot of carbs, but do have 20g of protein. Oh well, I try to keep on keeping on. Wish I'd get over this hump soon.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hi all - lost that 1lb that I picked up at the beach this weigh-in. Apparently, their scales are more sensitive than my GYN's are because on his it looked like I had lost 4lbs. But, the nurse/MD are 'thrilled' with my weight loss and I have not had to have a Rx for the 'appetite suppressant' either. I take the Lipo B shots every time I go; and then once a month I take my Rx for B12 shot in and she gives it to me and I don't take the Lipo B shot that week. I'm trying to get it so that I alternate and get my B12 on the first Tuesday of each month (if possible). The Lipo B shot has a lot of nutrients and B vitamins in it. Maybe that is why I have been feeling so good and able to work out in the pool as long as I do. Won't be able to do so today, having thunderstorms and it doesn't look like it is going to pass anytime soon. So I am sitting and reading a book. This summer I got into a 'reading jag' and it has kept on and on. I never liked reading for pleasure as a child or young- to middle-aged woman either. So this was something 'new' to me. I did not know that my husband liked to read so much either.

    Question to one that is having issues with the avocado green appliances. Is the half-wall you've done in the dining area a brown or beige paneling??? I think you said it was a big area. Maybe painting the top rail (and if you have a floor board, paint it the avocado green after first painting the wall either white or the pale green you said you had painted the rest of the kitchen and then every other board the avocado green so that it looks like you intended to make all of the area together. Maybe it would look like you are sitting outside on a deck. I can't think of how big a kitchen it might be and don't know if the eat-in area is actually a 'dining room' or attached to a living room. Paint is an easy fix for just about anything.

    The sage green in our MBR and bath doesn't bother me; and I have pictures that were drawn of us on our honeymoon framed and the background paper is just about the same color as the walls; making the pictures sort of 'pop'.

    One of my problems with this house is that the is not an outlet that is not covered by a big heavy piece of furniture. My husband did not listen to me when I told him I wanted all the outlets 4' apart; I remember my mother getting upset when her outlets were not 6' apart. She always had to move some appliance over to plug them in. We have to unplug something to have a toaster or microwave work; and everything in the kitchen and half of my dining room is all on the same breaker. We should have had another electrician wire the house. I had another one come and he found that none of the breakers were even marked. Thankfully, as a favor to us, he and his helper turned off all the lights and outlets one-by-one and then he could mark them. He said, this is crazy; the way he has done this. He moved 2 overhead fans/lights to the middle of the room(s). I still don't know what he was using as a guide to hang them. I wanted them exactly centered over the beds in the bedrooms so that one would not be 'cold' while the other was 'burning up'.

    Welcome to all that are 'new' to this site. It changes every month with a link to go to the 'new' thread; so remember that so you don't get lost. I'm not sure who does the link every month but it is usually on the last day of the month and is pretty easy to find as it is 'blue' like other sites that you find.

    I got a sandwich today for lunch; and I knew I could not eat the whole thing so I put 1/2 of it in the refrigerator and will eat the other 1/2 tomorrow for lunch (or supper). When I looked it up, I was surprised at how low the caloric value of it was for the entire sandwich.

    I have a picture of me at my heaviest (in a bathing suit) . . . imagine that; but, I am not sure that I will post it. The 3 sisters were in the picture and while I am the tallest of the 3 of us; I was also the heaviest, too. My suit this year is a 16; but, it is practically hanging off me; when it is wet, it even is worse. But, I only paid $17 for it at Fred's and it has been just as good as the $100 I paid for my last one (which I hope I will fit in it soon). Better yet, that it will be too big for me next year this time.

    I really need to clean up; but I'm not going to. I'll make my bed and hide my dirty dishes in the dishwasher; it is not full enough to run it. There is only 2 of us living here now. Going to see my DBabyBoy and his new wife and the daughter in less than 2 weeks. I can't wait! But, guess I have to - darn it!

    Take care, everybody!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    @janettr7476 - when I first started my diet which consists of 2 shakes and 1 protein bar; I ate a 2nd bar the first week because I was very 'hungry'; then I cut it out the following week; and surprisingly my first weigh-in I had lost 7lbs. I figure if I stay on task this week and half of next; and then don't kill myself not staying on task while again on vacation and then after vacation starting back - maybe I won't have gained any. If I am on a plateau then we can discuss whether or not I need the appetite suppressant then. So far, I haven't and I have eating a 'little' bit over my caloric intake number; but, I am exercising and I don't eat back the calories; but, I show it on my print-out. I think it only shows up if you are looking at the charts for yourself. I kept wondering why my daily caloric intake was going up and was so much higher than I had been told I would need to cut down to in order to lose the weight I have set as my goal.

    Oh, and I do eat one regular meal each day which is normally in the middle of the day (lunch) so I will have plenty of time to work it off with my exercising.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Well it is Tuesday morning and I am working my long 6-5:30 shift. Weigh in this morning was not good, up a little over a pound. I really thought I was doing better. Have to buck it up. Found out this morning a girl I went to school with and been friends with for over 40 years passed away, it was quick and she had not been sick. Trying not to let myself get depressed and eat, but not easy.

    pip--Good luck with the insurance company. I hate dealing with them and over the phone is worse. I do not understand the statements and I feel for you. It took months last year to get my colonoscopy paid for. Doctor had to rewrite something about a code before they would pay. Glad to see you talked to them and they are paying better. I guess the lesson is not to give up when you know you are right.

    Mary--I have that feeling also. Just want to eat everything and not even think about it. Somedays are better then some. Evenings are my worst time. Lately I have been wanting to do that at work. I know it is stress and I have to get a handle on it. One thing is I have been logging everything that goes in my mouth.

    I am all up to date on reading, just not a lot to say today. Trying to think positvie. Just want to eat comfort food and think about my friend. DGD called and wants us to watch the boys this evening while she goes to a visition for her Aunt that passed away, So she will bring them over when I get home and that should cheer me up. Brent is 4 and Skylar is 1. Told her to bring the stroller as will be taking the furbabies for their walk. Have a great rest of the day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    @pjnva , I remember someone saying that she noticed that I'd lost a lot of weight and wondered if it had been "on purpose"....that's a great point you made about the possibility that someone's weight loss was because of a catastrophic illness....I'm glad to see your ticker on your post..looking at your own ticker and someone else's is very motivating.

    smiley-sport017.giftoday I took steps toward two of my August goals....I did my weight training and I spoke up to my hubby this morning instead of sulking and told him that I needed to take over the house for an hour to do my weights and needed the TV on loud enough to be heard easily in the whole living room/kitchen/office and I needed to be completely undisturbed (no questions about the TV show or comments at the computer) so he went out and did a bunch of errands that he had been putting off so we both accomplished something important. Later, he fixed lunch and now he's taking a nap.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I just wanted to add a comment about people not commenting about a person's weight loss. I know that I myself have not commented about a person's weight loss because I felt they would think that I was thinking that they were fat before! And if I said well you look really good would that mean that I didn't think they looked good before! I think some people just feel uncomfortable saying anything.

    Mary from Minnesota

    I agree...I have often said nothing to someone who has lost weight because no matter how I think I can say it, it seems like it would say they didn't look good before.

    Oh my gosh! I never even thought about it this way, but you are right. If I really think about it, there are many times I haven't commented on a new hairstyle or weight loss because I didn't want them to think I didn't like it before. I take back what I said earlier about it being all about them...(although I do know some people who fall into this category). I think there is probably a much larger percentage of people who just don't know how to say it because they don't want to offend the other person if they don't word it quite right...

    Thanks for bring this up, Mary from Minnesota and barbiecat. I am embarrassed that I assumed the worst right away! So much for looking for the positives today (one of my goals)! LOL! :blush:

    don't worry bout it, I would have thought JUST like you..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2015
    Vicki - I'm sorry for the loss of your friend (((hugs)))

    Tracie - don't be embarrassed, I thought that also when people didn't notice. Then I remembered how I don't always make comments.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Concerning Windows 10, one of the ideas behind this new version that they will eventually change from a flat purchase price to a yearly subscription price. They don't say anything about that in their promotional materials, but people in my circle who read IT industry magazines have known for some time that this is coming. Customers sign up for a gift that keeps on giving — to Microsoft. My tech nerd friends sigh and say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

    Many pages back someone described attempts to make ice cream inedible by putting salt and pepper on it. A woman I know has an even better trick: she squirts dishwashing liquid over any food she's decided she shouldn't eat. I'm sure that works, but I wouldn't be able to do it. Feels too wasteful!

    Heather –
    Delicious dinner. Yummo! All was good until DH poured me the second glass of manzanilla sherry. I complained he had poured himself a tiny bit more. He adjusted it after I stood my ground. :bigsmile: Sulked for a bit, but I talked him round.
    This little scene struck a chord. My husband handles the wine at our table and my impression is that he always pours most into his own glass. I'm not sure that's accurate, though. It may just be the angle I'm viewing from. Once when I felt particularly shortchanged I said "Skål" and got him to clink glasses with me just so I could eyeball the levels. And yes, he had more, but not as much more as I thought. :ohwell: The child in me always feels cheated but I never mention it. I've decided it's all for the best if he gets more. After all, he has 50% more body for the alcohol to spread out in and I'm trying to cut calories. Nonetheless, it niggles. Silly me!
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Penny: I'm glad you made it home safely. Your mother's situation was tough for everyone, but I imagine she was very happy that you were there. It likely wasn't a particularly fun vacation for you, but you were needed and have the satisfaction of knowing you were there for her. :flowerforyou:
    Katla – Actually, I had a great vacation! It could have ended on a more positive note but I did have a good 3½ weeks before Mom's fall, and the accident even gave us some extra quality time together, what with the singing and Scrabble playing and Rummikub. (Yep! Here's another Rummikub fan!) My dad was really glad I was there to help out, but my mom, bless her, kept expressing regret at not living up to her duties as a hostess. :heart:

    Some of you may recall the fence I put up to keep the hares out of my strawberry patch. I'm happy to report that it worked! Most of the strawberries were ripe when we got back so we had fresh strawberries for dessert. The situation wasn't quite as good in the vegetable patch. It's been a cold, dry year so the dill and carrot plants were still just a couple inches high. Ah, well. Next year maybe...

    The sole farmer here in our village had to get rid of his entire herd of goats two years ago and sanitize and rebuild the barn because of some disease. He started a new flock in the spring and in July he started letting them out to forage on the mountainside. The goats aren't fenced in at all; they just wander as they please all day and come home to the barn at night. They have to learn their way around the mountain and in the beginning they sometimes get lost. If some are missing in the evening, our farmer, Rolf, has to climb up the slope on the other side of the valley so he can get a good overview with his binoculars, locate the stragglers, then rush down one mountain and up the other and (hopefully) catch up with the stray goats and lead them home. Rolf has started a herd before, but – as he said with great feeling — he was 40 years younger then. :ohwell: I was really worried he wouldn't have the energy to start up a new herd. But now he has and it's such a joy to see those perky young animals cavorting up and down the slopes!

    /Penny near the Pole
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Hi Penny - yes, it was more the principle of the thing than the reality. We have to fight our corner! ! ! !

    Some good friends of mine didn't comment on my weight loss and I realised they were just shocked and maybe thought it was a recurrence of the cancer I had had before. I could see in their eyes they had registered it, but didn't like to say anything. For a long while people kept saying, can you walk this far, or can you manage uphill? I used to be the slowest and out of breath all the time. Literally limping along. Yesterday I was sprinting up the escalators on the underground! Past all the young folks!
    Went slightly over calories today, mainly because of wine, but still within maintenance. Had the tiniest slice of tart.

    Janetr - I'm not in any danger of flirting, thank goodness. He is happily married and so am I. <3 Given a desert island and no partners things might be different, but I am happy to report no twinges. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    Hi Penny - yes, it was more the principle of the thing than the reality. We have to fight our corner! ! ! !

    Some good friends of mine didn't comment on my weight loss and I realised they were just shocked and maybe thought it was a recurrence of the cancer I had had before. I could see in their eyes they had registered it, but didn't like to say anything. For a long while people kept saying, can you walk this far, or can you manage uphill? I used to be the slowest and out of breath all the time. Literally limping along. Yesterday I was sprinting up the escalators on the underground! Past all the young folks!
    Went slightly over calories today, mainly because of wine, but still within maintenance. Had the tiniest slice of tart.

    Janetr - I'm not in any danger of flirting, thank goodness. He is happily married and so am I. <3 Given a desert island and no partners things might be different, but I am happy to report no twinges. :laugh:

    Heather UK

    you may be married but you're not blind
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope u are having a good tues.More rain here,storms etc.
    hugs jane
  • lisag0328
    lisag0328 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks ladies for a different perspective. I guess the comments about me being overweight that I've heard all my life really dug in and I'm trying to hear positive things to make me feel better about myself. Yes, I know that it's what I think of myself that matters most but "old habits" rear their ugly head and that's what kind of day I was having. I feel like when I compliment someone who looks trimmer, they like it and appear proud of themselves.
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    edited August 2015
    I had to run out and get a new UP band today. My UP24 had not synced since 11:30 this morning. Tried to manually update called tech support... it's dead :'( They will be sending me a new Up 2 to replace it but it won't arrive for 10 days. I cannot go 10 days without my tracker. Funny how I only just started using it again two weeks ago and all ready I am hooked and don't want to be without it. It really does keep me motivated to walk that much more. I'm bummed I have no data from 11:30 am to 7:30 pm. That was the peak of my day. Oh well tomorrow is a new day. I go see my cardiologist tomorrow and hopefully she is still on board with me going on our Alaska cruise departing this Friday.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    janetr and Cheri - I wonder if it isn't the time of the month? I am post menopausal and maybe this is the time I would normally be menstrating. I am going to keep track of this urge to eat everything in sight. I found out by tracking my hot flashes that they were worse during one week out of the month. I no longer have too many of those so Now it might be food urges. It is nice being able to talk about it with someone. I now are controling them or substituting with healthy food like janetr did!
    Mary from Minnesotqa

    Well this certainly is an interesting take on the situation. I am 11 years post-menopausal. I experienced natural early menopause as I was only 45 yo when I finished up. Had to take HRT meds for about 6 years as the hot flashes/night sweats were debilitating and extremely effecting my quality of life. Since going off those I do find that my body temp is higher and I will perspire quicker than most. I have noticed though that some days I do have very light hot flashes. I am going to monitor those and see if there is any correlation as you have mentioned.

    Cheri in thankfully rainy NE Ohio this evening
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Quick hello.
    I am coming down with a col and not at all happy about it. I haven't had a cold in a very long time and having one in the summer to me is tragic. I am fortunate that it didn't start while in Mexico, but I have big plans for the next 2 weekends and this may put a monkey wrench in them. As soon as I felt the cold beginning, I purchased some Zicam to try to head it off. I will take another dose and head to bed soon.
    Lost 5 of the 11 lbs. I gained last week...I still can't wrap my head around that huge gain. That will teach me a valuable lesson.

    Mary in Minnesota, I am preparing to start strong lifts. I get the daily emails and downloaded the app to my phone. They say things happen for a reason...the year before last I was trying to sell my weight bench in anticipation of moving with my then SO out of state to begin a life together. I couldn't give it away and now I am so glad because I have the equipment I need to begin this program. I want to look just like you! The next step is to get my son and DIL to move all their stuff out of my exercise space in the basement. I think I'll be ready by September, I should have hit my goal weight and figured it all out. I like to have everything set ahead of time so I can go full steam ahead.

    Gotta go to bed.
    Hugs to everyone
    Chris in MA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohhhh have been on the phone with my military insurance, and my therapist doctor. So what it comes to, is that I didn't get an authorization from my primary doctor to see this therapist doctor. Of course I have seen other doctors that have done their work and called my primary doctor and gotten all that. Its hard to know what is the patients responsibility and what is the primary doctors responsiblity! Unfortunately my military insurance won't accept authorizations to cover past appointments. Bummer.... The doctors assistant was nice and said that even though there is a balance don't let that deter me from making appointments if I need to. Also that they will accept any payment plans. Another nice thing.
  • purpleiris21
    purpleiris21 Posts: 4 Member
    hello im new here . I walk some at work but not very long. I do have goal but they are hard to keep.
    My goal is to be able to walk 3 miles a day. Right now I walk three blocks .My 2nd goal is to stop eating sugar little by little . Its hard to do since my parents brings home sweets. I wont to loose 100 lbs of weight .
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Today I was just a bit over on calories but I did heavy housework and yard work all day-my day off from work. It's not so bad when I think of it as burning calories. I am shopping for a used mountain bike!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today. The plan for tomorrow is to go to Bi-Lo and then take the deep water class.

    JanetMMc - so glad Larry is doing so much better

    Welcome everyone new. Come back often.

    Julie - you join by posting

    After exercise went to WalMart to pick up a few things, Vince needed more milk. Then home and made one of the spinach/feta quiches. Went to SC to pick up my greenware. From the pic it really looked like the worm was sitting on a log. In actuality, there is a "shelf" so I also got this turtle that sits up. I picked up my fish welcome sign, too. Vince wanted to stop at Wendy's, I had my black bean crunchers that I had in my pocketbook but then he wanted to go to DQ. I had a kids size vanilla cone, but not in the cone but in a dish. That was plenty for me.

    I'll probably make another quiche tomorrow, but take some to both of the gyms I go to and some to the two different guys at the farmers market when I go Thurs.

    Joyce - congrats on the weight loss!

    Lisa - wow! an 18 to a 12, that's fantastic

    pip - dealing with insurance companies is the pits, literally. when Vince was in the hosp in Switzerland, even tho they told him to go, it took us a year to get things straightened out. I'm sure it won't take you that long. We have Aetna, too. I've always found them pretty good to work with (except for when Vince was in the hosp. overseas)

    Sometimes when people lose weight, they look like death warmed over. I know one lady who looked that way. But she was a real sweet person.

    Was a bit dizzy today again, not bad tho

    Mia - fantastic weight loss

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    So glad some of you got my "achy breaky" joke! :smiley:

    Long day, hard PT, and no sleep last night means I am beyond ready for bed. Maybe I'll remember what I wanted to say tomorrow. ROFL


    Carol in NC