

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Tracie- Thanks for sharing week 2. Getting zzzz's is definitely something I need to work on.

    Carey - A limo ride would have suited Liz and I although I'm sure the driver could have stood us.

    Mia-DH seems to have no problem being around people who drink. I don't think he was worried about it bringing back old habits but it is something I never considered.

    Heather - Your DGC are adorable. They may be like I was and be amazed that their Grandpa is a step grand parent.

    Kim - Thanks for the thought. If you lived closer though you might have needed a driver also.

    Joyce - My brother is having his remicade infusion this Friday. They were giving him benadryl and and another medication along with it. He says he doesn't need that now.
    6 lbs. in 10 days is pretty good. You must be happy with that.

    Work today was....not sure what I would call it. First off I was late, turned off the alarm and finally fell asleep. Leapt out of bed , pulled on clothes and down the hill. The bridge is being strengthened and resurfaced so a zipper merge into one lane. There are so many people who don't seem to know how that works. 1st exit to work blocked off for parade, go to 2nd one and the police check my ID and ask where I was going. I thought the shirt was self explanatory because who would wear it if it weren't a requirement? Try to get to my parking spot through the hodge podge of trucks, trailers, wagons, horses and people. I get out of my car only to realize that I have to dodge horse poo all the way to the door. And then there was the rest of the day.

    DGC were picked up on my way home from work. I didn't do much with them today. Watched Despicable Me 2, raced paper airplanes, invented a whatchamacallit and a doohinkie. Cuddled with DGD. I think she needed a nap but she wouldn't allow herself to be still enough for that to happen.

    Went for late tea out our friend's farm. Banana bread was delicious and I couldn't resist.

    DH is leaving in morning for Merritt. I think Chico is going along for company.

    DD went to set up at EX and discovered that both their tents were trashed. Not sure if it was weather or the Carnies. They had to set up new tents and get some weights. We will see what tomorrow looks like for them.

    Spent an hour and a half chatting on phone with DDIL.

    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning kiddo's~
    well I overslept, didn't get to the gym have to be to work at 7;30 got 10 hrs sleep.. but having my tea , then race around to get my lunch together and a quick shower.. haven't really lost weight but exercising and eating better.. im sure it will follow..
    I checked in last night but didnt type anything I was to tired..
    the Troll was nasty to me in front of my father yesterday and I was so ready to just smack her..
    but I held my head high and walked away.. I am waiting for karma to come and get her, I want to be there to watch...
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Just popping in to say hello and all is well here in WA. My grandsons are going to camp next week thanks to a program called Relatives Raising Children. This will be the 3rd year they've gone. The 10yr old is really excited as he is going to Epic Fishing Camp again. He should bring home a number of salmon this year. I can already taste it! The younger one will be attending Search and Rescue camp - last year it was Survival camp. In the meantime I will be basking in the quiet! No XBox, no arguing, no yelling. My daughters bought me a massage for Mothers Day and I think I will take advantage of it while the boys are gone. I will still have the responsibility of the dog, cat, and guinea pigs. But none of them talk back so I'm OK with that.

    That's it for tonight - going to read some more before I head off to bed. So until we meet again to all who are hurting I wish you mental and/or physical health; to those who are struggling I wish you peace; and to those who have health, peace and love my wish is that you reach out to others.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    Good morning!

    DH and friend have gone off to Portsmouth for the day on the train. I am delighted to have the house go myself. They will be back around 5 pm.
    I did a little bit of fiddling with the layout of my memoir, then a bit of rental emailing. Haven't got over to see it yet. I've bought a timer so I can have a light on in the evenings. Don't want squatters moving in! The management company owes me money which I definitely want back. :sad:

    Going to have 6 gyoza dumplings for lunch. :) I have booked my favourite window table at our local pub for tonight so I have nothing to prepare. :D We were going to walk, taking torches for the dark, but it looks like it's going to rain, so one of us will have to drive.

    I really needed some "down time", so I'm a happy bunny. :bigsmile: Going to wear my new bright pink top tonight. If we drive I can wear heels and a skirt, otherwise it's flats and pants.

    Lots of love, Heather UK, who has done her exercise for the day. :bigsmile:
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    If anyone is having difficulty sleeping, remember no caffeine after 3pm. Also alcohol will NOT help you sleep. It makes you fall asleep, but then you wake up about an hour later and cannot go back to sleep. I find taking Benadryl, the over the counter allergy medicine, works best for me. It is non-addictive and does not interfere with other medications. It is what is used most often in psychiatric hospitals for those reasons. There are some nights I just cannot turn my brain off. For me the only problem with using Benadryl is that it works too well. I have to make sure I take it early enough or I drag all morning.

    Linda, what a joy kitties are. My adult son is having a ball with my cats, most of which I had when he moved away. He remembers my "foster" family of three identical black boys and their solid gray sister from when they were tiny. I was bottle feeding them and had to be away three days for work so he took over the bottle feeding. I could not part with them when they got old enough to find homes for! One of them is the reason I was up before five this morning- he decided to nibble on my fingers. He likes to do that early in the morning. He would rather nibble on my fingers than be pet. Funny kitty!

    I got a letter from Medicare yesterday. They denied the appeal filed by the place I got my new CPAP machine from and are making them pay for the machine, not me, since they did not warn me it might not be covered. I am really ambivalent about this. On the one hand, it was denied for lack of progress notes but I have been using a CPAP for 20 years every single night so there are no progress notes- I just don't even bring it up to my doc. It was way back in about '95 that I got the first one. BUT the tech also ignored me when I told him I did not have an order for the humidifier portion (an added $450), had never been told to use one, or wanted one. So I am tempted to write Medicare and suggest that they pay the claim but deny the humidifier portion. For one thing, in small town Iowa, this is about the only place I can get replacement hoses and masks! Thoughts?
  • sheilaanne48
    sheilaanne48 Posts: 8 Member
    Here I am, Bad Penny - my new name for myself because I keep turning up and starting over! A couple of months ago, I decided it was my final attempt to lose weight - then I had a heart attack! Now I am starting over again! This time, I am forgoing the personal trainer for a while until I feel I can really manage that but have bought a vintage style bike and learned to ride it - never had a bike as a kid - and now setting my goals a week at a time from today...From next week I am intending (and we know the road to hell was paved with good intentions... but...) to go to yogafit, pilates level 1, yoga and tai chi as well as the bike. All gentle exercise compared to the gym but all beneficial, so fingers crossed. Good luck to you all, stay focused (hope I can).
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Not getting enough walking or exercise of any kind. I know that contributes to my depression. Having trouble overcoming my 'laziness'. Off to work.

    Never give up. Never surrender. From Galaxy Quest movie.

    Rita from CT
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    If anyone is having difficulty sleeping, remember no caffeine after 3pm. Also alcohol will NOT help you sleep. It makes you fall asleep, but then you wake up about an hour later and cannot go back to sleep. I find taking Benadryl, the over the counter allergy medicine, works best for me. It is non-addictive and does not interfere with other medications. It is what is used most often in psychiatric hospitals for those reasons. There are some nights I just cannot turn my brain off. For me the only problem with using Benadryl is that it works too well. I have to make sure I take it early enough or I drag all morning.

    I totally agree with Miriam on these points. I will add that taking OTC Benadryl may up your blood pressure. I take the OTC Equate version in the 25mg dose. When I worked in a school the school nurse took my blood pressure on the mornings after I would take some and on the mornings after I didn't take a dose and my blood pressure was higher on the mornings after I had taken a dose. I no longer take it nightly but several times a week as it really does help with my sleep.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Checking in.... I have been really busy. Work is taking me away from home for a couple days. I made an appointment with the accountant for August 28th so I will have to finish the company books by then. 6 months of data entry to go ...eeeekkkkkk!!! I really must stop stressing myself out so much.

    AND DH feels we should take a road trip to the Okanogan to visit relatives!! I had other plans for the long weekend in September!! 5 days away from work and I would have been done company books and I could have had a great time in my yard finishing up some projects before winter.... wahhhhhhh ....

    Oh WELL!!! Going to pack my overnight bag... got my big girl panties on.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • kateraevyn
    kateraevyn Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, even though the month is halfway over I love what you all are doing here and I want to join in.
    I am 54, 2 grown children (although one is special needs and will live with me the rest of my life), 1 delightful 7 y/o grandaughter, 2 chihuahuas and a giant cat. I just got married on April 1st although we have been together for 12 years. Diagnosed with diabetes in February and now eating low carb, high fat. In 18 months I have lost 40 lbs, so slow! I have fibromyalgia, arthritis in my spine and chronic back problems, so some days are better than others. I've just started adding some exercise into my routine so keeping my fingers crossed about that.

    My goals:
    Fasting blood sugar below 140 every day
    Check blood sugar every day
    Exercise 3 times per week, either cardio or stretching
    8 glasses of water every day
    Take meds/vitamins every day

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Mary from Minnesota – I hope I will be able to post a picture of my flamingo t-shirt. It had gotten far too large for me to wear so a Red Hat “sister” offered to alter it for me when I offered to give it to her. So sweet. She knew this was a favorite. It’s in her hands now.

    Penny near the Pole – Hooray for the strawberry patch fence working! Fresh picked strawberries from the garden. Yum

    I’m enjoying my mental image of Rolf and his herd. Rushing up and down mountains to get everyone home safely sounds like an enormous task.

    Pip (and Penny)
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    you may be married but you're not blind

    Or as Mom would say “Just because I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t read the menu.”

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    edited August 2015
    Welcome to all the newbies, you'll find a lot of support here from these wonderful ladies.

    Pip: Your determination to do your ride regardless of the pain you're in astounds me. I hope the pain begins to lessen soon.

    Mary: I've been wanting to try the spinach pie too. Finally found it. skinnytaste.com/2012/03/easy-crust-less-spinach-and-feta-pie.html

    Michele NC:I've been dizzy a lot lately too... I think it's related to my allergies and my ear closing off. I'm so tired of not being able to hear properly or move quickly! A visit to the doc might be in order if its been going on for more than a week.

    Lenora: Congrats on the weight loss...isn't it awesome when the medical personnel are thrilled! WTG!!!

    Chris in MA:Great job on getting the scale to move in the proper direction!

    Sheilaann48: Welcome to this thread...I'm so sorry to hear about your heart attack. It does change your life substantially! I was wondering if there is a cardiac rehab program where you live. The rehab program here recommended tai chi for me and its been wonderful for stress management as well as flexibility and mobility. I love it. There's nothing wrong with gentle exercise - my recommendation would be to pick one activity and start gradually and be consistent.

    Does anyone have a recipe for mulligatawny soup? I saw it on a special board yesterday and it's been years since I've had any.

    Lots on the agenda today so gotta run...Have a healthy day!

    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I found this information this morning. I have night sweats that really mess with my sleep. I thought some of you could benefit from this information as well.

    Common Triggers of Hot Flashes After Menopause

    Avoiding the triggers listed here will enable you to effectively manage your hot flashes.

    Spicy food
    Hot drinks
    Warm environments
    Diet pills

    Rita from CT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    hello peeps and new peeps -

    17761776 - when i was overweight, i knew why i was and there was no excuse, i just plain didn't care. depression and loss of a husband did it to me. that was the truth, no excuse just the reason.

    mtowne - i've never used a fitbit, i have alwaysed used polar watches, until i wore them out, now i use my iphone and hrm called wahoo that is hooked up to my iphone.

    jmkmomm - yeah it was the ER visit in Vegas.

    grandmallie - karma is a mut#$@ f$@#$%

    well... gonna ride home. yesterday when I rode from the train station to home I took a different route. there was a short spot that was very steep so I had to stand. it felt ok when I got to the top. by the time I was in bed and was turning around it reminded me, don't stand up when you ride a hill. but I have no choice, i'm not going to get off of my bike and walk it up, you walk a dog, you DON'T walk a bike, sorry, that's my mantra.

    today, gonna ride home from work. I have my bike messenger bag so I won't have a strap over the injured shoulder at all, so it should feel better.

    type to ya later.

    MS Bike ride is coming up!!! getting excited!!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Grits – My kitchen also makes me crazy because so many appliances are on the same breaker. It’s sometimes hard to remember which items can be used at the same time. But the good news is DS is finally tall enough to reached the circuit breaker, so I don’t have to go to the basement with him to help him climb on the workbench. Plus, it doesn't have elves that clean it. :'( // Congrats on the NSV of the swimsuit being too big !

    Vicki – hugs for you in the passing of your friend.

    Barbie – So glad your hubby understood. I look forward to hearing how your lifting works for you, too.

    Penny – My family sings, too, and it is a lovely bonding time for us. I’m so glad you were able to entertain both yourselves and others in the area.

    Lisag0328 – Hugs. I hope you find the support and strength you deserve. Keep complimenting others, and you will most certainly start getting those compliments back (or keep coming here and asking us).

    Purpleiris (and everyone new) – Welcome. I do better with smaller goals. I focus on trying to lose the weight 1-5 pounds at a time, not the 60 total that I want to lose. I focus on staying at or just under calorie goals 1 day at a time, and give myself a break if I make a mistake, like eating hamburger helper last night (because it was already cooked, and not too painful to chew) instead of something healthy. I also strive to work-out 30 minutes per day, in 10 minute blocks 3 times a day. The thought of doing anything for 30 minutes makes me nervous and bored, but I can usually do it for 10 minutes. I hope you keep coming back for the support you need. I know you can reach all your goals with baby steps. // I still tell my dad “no” when he offers me unhealthy food. Sometimes he gets “that look” on his face, so I take it and give it to DS or DH.

    Kim – I do the same thing. Read . . . read . . . read . . . Oops, I forgot to take notes. lol :D

    No, sadly my tooth is not much better. She removed the old loose filling and found a crack, so she had to drill a little deeper. She said the root is inflamed, but not infected, so no anti-biotics. She gave me some vicoden, but I'm such a lightweight I hate to take it, so I didn't even fill it yet. DH will bring it home tonight. The only thing that really helps is Listerine, so I've been rinsing with it several times per hour. She is really pushing me to have a root canal, but I'm going to give it several more days before I decide, because I don't think I met my deductible yet, and I just don't want to take the time off work if the swelling will go down on it's own. I'm already on 2 different anti-inflamatories, so hopefully I will be fine soon. Plus, since I didn't bring home the pain meds, I paced most of the night and lost that pesky pound that found me last week, so I'm back down to my ticker weight. Plus, I'm just that stubborn.

    Bowling starts tonight for DS and DH, so I'm pumped about walking 0.6 miles each way to Big Lots. I hope I can stock up on water enhancer drops. I also hope to finish the granny-square afghan I am making for my nephew's future daugther. I found some cute pink yarn, and verigated bright baby-color yarn. Everyone else in my family is buying her Green Bay Packers items (poor thing).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (DD is texting with me again, yay)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    I just bought a new Honeywell fan with five settings where the first setting is sleep. If you find white noise helps you I like this one. The light is also blue as opposed to an older fan I have that has red lights. Since we have cooled off here and I don't need the fan on the cooler settings I have used the sleep setting and find I like it.

    I know when I sleep better, so many things go better for me. I notice when I sleep better it is easier to stick to my healthier routines.

    Have a great day!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Rita, someone with depression is NOT lazy! Lack of motivation and energy are symptoms! Do not call yourself lazy and recognize how strong you are when you can overcome those symptoms through will power! And yes, e><ercise is very helpful in fighting depression, along with full spectrum light (sunlight).

    Cheri, good point about the blood pressure! I asked my doctor about it and she said for me the benefits of a good night sleep outweigh the slight increase, but for someone with a big problem with blood pressure, it might not be so. Although not getting enough sleep is a cause of weight gain- you don't metabolize calories efficiently without sleep!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tere in RVA - We have missed you too. I've been wondering where you were and if everything was ok with you. Hurry back.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Shieleanna48 - Welcome (back)? Not sure if you were here before. Sounds like you have have your plate full and a rough road. Hang in there, take one day at a time. We are all here to help support and encourage you. Stop by when you feel like it.

    Kateraevyn - Welcome. Glad you found us, we are a supportive, encouraging, caring group of ladies all on the same quest. Weight control and health for life. Join in when you feel comfortable. Let us know if there is anyway we can help. Remember, one day at a time.

    Janetr OKC