Anybody Else Starting Today?

AVT78 Posts: 39 Member
Just wondering if anybody else is starting their journey today? If so I would like to start a check in or something?

I've struggled with being consistent on MFP in the past, but seeing recent photo's has lit a fire under my but to start losing weight. Any else?


  • Janmf63
    Janmf63 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi yes I am re starting again today, tried an few months ago and was rubbish at it,
  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm sort of starting over....been lax the last few weeks due to some life issues, but trying to get back on track today. I figured the first of the month was a good time to recommit!
  • LauraCunningham3
    LauraCunningham3 Posts: 16 Member
    Starting today. taking it day by day.
  • Jaytob
    Jaytob Posts: 2 Member
    I am.....I want to be fit again....1 accident and 12 kg gain in a year.....not OK
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I really want to but don't know where to begin. I don't even have a goal in mind. I just know I want to weigh less and feel better than I do right now.
  • trispark
    trispark Posts: 1 Member
    AVT78 wrote: »
    Just wondering if anybody else is starting their journey today? If so I would like to start a check in or something?

    I've struggled with being consistent on MFP in the past, but seeing recent photo's has lit a fire under my but to start losing weight. Any else?

    Hi I'm new today. Thought I would give this a go but this weather I am more hungry than I am usually plus this is my first winter without cigarettes. I smoked for 40 years and was happy to light one up but now I like to eat something instead.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    AVT78 wrote: »
    Just wondering if anybody else is starting their journey today? If so I would like to start a check in or something?

    I've struggled with being consistent on MFP in the past, but seeing recent photo's has lit a fire under my but to start losing weight. Any else?
    I start daily.
    Keep at it, and good luck to you!

  • lia0821
    lia0821 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all, not new to MFP but new to the forums and since falling off the wagon last week, I'm starting over today. 9 pounds down 26-36 to go!
  • ladyhiker603
    ladyhiker603 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm starting today. Trying to figure out the best way to enter meals, etc.

    Thanks for asking! It's encouraging to see others also at the beginning of their "get healthy" journey.
  • MartinMcAvoy
    MartinMcAvoy Posts: 1 Member
    Starting again today. Want to be healthier, MFP was helping awhile back time to try again. Good luck all!
    CHALLENGE: DO SOMETHING OUT OF YOUR NORM FOR 10 MINUTES TODAY. walk around the neighborhood, do some stretching or low inpact exercise, just something you don't usually do. Post your out of the norm.
  • KittehDoll
    KittehDoll Posts: 12 Member
    I'm coming back after a long break. I got very close to my goal weight but then I fell waaay off the wagon. I topped out at 160, I'm down to 153 and my goal is 130. If anyone wants to send me a friend request I'd really appreciate that.
  • annailtanen
    annailtanen Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting today! I have had the app for a while and occasionally attempted to jog down things but nothing concrete ever came out of it. Now I'm sick off being overweight so will try to change that! Best of luck everybody, would love to hear how people are doing after couple of weeks ☺️
  • benedm
    benedm Posts: 10 Member
    I'm one week and and MFP has quickly become like a religion. My best move was getting a buddy on board so we bust each others chops all day b/c we can see what the other is eating. My best suggestion is to find someone to go along with ya...that way you know someone is always watching :wink:
  • DJeanJean
    DJeanJean Posts: 1 Member
    Starting again today. I'm trying to be more committed to MFP so I will be more dedicated to losing weight. I've never been on the community before so at least I've made one positive change already.
  • ffyrebird
    ffyrebird Posts: 5 Member
    I just started three days ago, does that count? I need to lose 50 pounds, and am doing Intermittent Fasting, walking and want to work my way back to regular resistance and cardio. I need the encouragement, LOL! So feel free to friend me, we are all in this together!
  • Brookerosefinn
    Brookerosefinn Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck everyone! Starting again today too! Ugh!
  • PantherChic19
    PantherChic19 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm starting again today. My Zumba Incredible Results package arrived in the mail on Thursday, just in time to start out the month with something new. This month's goal is a 10# loss.
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    Every day is a "starting today" day for me. Every day when I get up it's a choice to eat reasonable amounts of nourishing food and move more or eat chips and cookies and be a couch potato. It isn't necessarily about weight. It's about feeling good and healthy emotionally, mentally and physically. What is it today? Today I choose healthy me over sloth me.
  • Babykinz
    Babykinz Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting today again after putting a stone in weight on, I've also joined the gym, I'm determined to get back on track this time !!!
  • lorrainecurtis38
    lorrainecurtis38 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm starting it today...getting used to inputting everything into my phone. I wish to lose a stone and then want to maintain. Good luck eveyone