Curves or Slim - what doo you prefer?



  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I completely agree. Love my curves but want the toned and firm. Curves are sexy
  • freak4iron
    freak4iron Posts: 995 Member
    edited August 2015
    freak4iron wrote: »
    All these "what's on the inside comments" make me wanna melt, but I don't think the OP was asking what kind of inner qualities you find sexy... Just saying

    I was addressing what I perceive to be a disconnect; one that seems to be ramping up on the site with all the same or similar nature threads. Seems like rather ironic when people are told (on here and elsewhere) that it is what is on the inside the really matters).

    If the purpose of becoming healthy and fit is to become healthy and fit, asking strangers what they prefer with curves or not seems rather pointless, in my opinion.

    @BasicGreatGuy why it so hard to fathom that majority of people are on here to impress both themselves and the other sex? That's human nature we are attracted to the (usually) other sexes body features, doesn't make us shallow or disconnected. I think most would be lying to you if they said they're not here cause they want to look sexy naked...

    For me sex appeal is probably my biggest motivator, I don't know why, and I don't care why. That's just the truth.....

    Edit* I just read your profile and I was thinking ok maybe this guys different lol then I got to the bottom of you poem and found this:

    Why I want to get in shape:
    BasicGreatGal has to be out there somewhere.

    I rest my case. Thanks for the good laugh though ;)
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Define "curves". Lots of 300lb 5'7" women claim to embrace their "curves" (don't get all bent now; I'm a fat girl so I can say fat things). What draws the line?
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I think embracing your curves (or your body period) is about living yourself as you are. I spent a huge portion of my life abusing myself to be a size 2-4 only to look in the mirror and see a fat girl. Lost a baby. Ended up in bed rest for next two pregnancies and gained 80 pounds. Finally learned to live who I am and now I am working very hard to be healthy. But I believe anyone can be sexy at any weight if they love who they are and have the confidence to show it. Do I want to be thinner. Yes. Because I want to be able to hike for 8 hours and stop because I arrived, not because I can't breath. But I never want to be so thin that I am hurting myself to get there and I now know that those curves I was given are part of who I am. Love my breasts, my *kitten*, my hips. I just want them smooth, strong and sexy.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    edited August 2015
    freak4iron wrote: »
    freak4iron wrote: »
    All these "what's on the inside comments" make me wanna melt, but I don't think the OP was asking what kind of inner qualities you find sexy... Just saying

    I was addressing what I perceive to be a disconnect; one that seems to be ramping up on the site with all the same or similar nature threads. Seems like rather ironic when people are told (on here and elsewhere) that it is what is on the inside the really matters).

    If the purpose of becoming healthy and fit is to become healthy and fit, asking strangers what they prefer with curves or not seems rather pointless, in my opinion.

    @BasicGreatGuy why it so hard to fathom that majority of people are on here to impress both themselves and the other sex? That's human nature we are attracted to the (usually) other sexes body features, doesn't make us shallow or disconnected. I think most would be lying to you if they said they're not here cause they want to look sexy naked...

    For me sex appeal is probably my biggest motivator, I don't know why, and I don't care why. That's just the truth.....

    Edit* I just read your profile and I was thinking ok maybe this guys different lol then I got to the bottom of you poem and found this:

    Why I want to get in shape:
    BasicGreatGal has to be out there somewhere.

    I rest my case. Thanks for the good laugh though ;)

    You missed the point entirely.

    And the statement on my profile is not contradictory to what I have said. Not even remotely.

    I get that physical attraction part. I haven't denied that is being part of the equation. However, when it starts becoming the focal point, which seems to be the case lately, I don't think that is good, especially when people are also told that it is what is on the inside that truly counts. It sends the wrong message, as the message that appears to be honestly conveyed, is a shallow skin deep one.

    I have made my point and I am not going to belabor it by continuing on.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    Basic Great Guy. I jumped in the middle of a conversation so I apologize. Do you like curves or thin or just whatever a person feels sexy as?
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    As far as who I am attracted to...the origional question...I love both as long as the body in question belongs to someone who is confident in that body and embracing health and activity. I find a really active person sexy regardless of their size. There is something about someone who is pushing to exceed a previous accomplishment that really turns me on. Much rather be with someone who is going down that path that someone who has the perfect body and just sits around and admires it all day. Totally turned off by people who have to look perfect all the time. Girls who go to the beach with hair and make up done, guys who want to sit on the sidelines so they won't get wet or sweaty. I want playful people in my life!!
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    jul_ohare wrote: »
    Basic Great Guy. I jumped in the middle of a conversation so I apologize. Do you like curves or thin or just whatever a person feels sexy as?

    I have no preference, as I believe "sexy" encompasses the totality of a lady.
  • jsmigz
    jsmigz Posts: 7 Member
    I do not care....I want the person I'm with to be able to keep up and be active like me. I want to cook healthy meals for her and enjoy eating clean and well together. As long as she's adventurous and active like myself...lets have a great time! Though I do enjoy a great pair of legs and booty....if we're going for simple I guess toned, but truthfully eh...non-factor
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    Interesting. Can you be turned on by a single feature or does the "totality of a lady" refer to the whole package. I find myself getting sucked in by a beautiful mouth or eyes or mind and the rest just fades away for a bit.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    I don't have a choice. My body decided to have curvy bust and hips and a smaller waist. So I shall choose to embrace them and continue to work to look supa sexy with them.

    ^^ 100% this
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I like both, but I will say it is not the body as much as how I feel when I talk to them. I get what I call "the buzz" , where it is like your whole body is humming with excitement; they can be tall, short, curvy, ripped, skinny, but if there's no "Buzz" there's no attraction
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    jul_ohare wrote: »
    Interesting. Can you be turned on by a single feature or does the "totality of a lady" refer to the whole package. I find myself getting sucked in by a beautiful mouth or eyes or mind and the rest just fades away for a bit.

    More times than not, a lady's mind is what is the real drawing point for me, even more so than the physical.

    The "totality of a lady" is her mind, heart, and body. Everything that makes her the unique, wonderful woman that she is.

    In my opinion, we need to do our best to take care of our body and our health.

    If a man believes that the only way he can get a lady's attention is to focus on the physical, I believe he is selling himself short, as well as ladies in general.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I completely agree with you Great Guy. I think anyone that concentrates only on the physical is letting so much go to waste. I believe that there is so much pressure for both men and women to present that perfect package. I love that with age comes wisdom and, for me, self love and the awareness that there is so much beauty in the world around me...and a great deal of it is in the small details. I have also found, in general, that those I have been with who were "perfect" were crappy lovers!!
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    jul_ohare wrote: »
    I completely agree with you Great Guy. I think anyone that concentrates only on the physical is letting so much go to waste. I believe that there is so much pressure for both men and women to present that perfect package. I love that with age comes wisdom and, for me, self love and the awareness that there is so much beauty in the world around me...and a great deal of it is in the small details. I have also found, in general, that those I have been with who were "perfect" were crappy lovers!!
    And all those "small details," which are really inner soulful choruses, are the things that, when experienced together, leave one short of breath and longing for more at the same time. Souls dancing and exercising together.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    absolutely agree. best feeling in the world when that all comes together.
  • SuzyQAzureblue
    SuzyQAzureblue Posts: 4,256 Member
    I believe that both are good! A man can look hot both ways and a woman has to have a little curve. But whats inside the mind and heart is what matters :)