In Need of advice.



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//

    Walk outside, a treadmill moves for you so you use less energy, and thus burn fewer calories.

    Make sure you weigh food before you cook it?

    Drop calories more.

    Weight yourself naked, on an empty stomach, after a bowel movement and emptying of the bladder at the same time each morning. How much do you think a turd weighs? What about a full bladder?

    Try swimming or something or ATLEAST take a day off from walking - it can be quite hard on the knees and ankles if you are overweight - and they need time to recover.

    Your diet should probably consist of low carbs, high fat and high protein. Say:
    15-25% C,
    40-50% F,
    20-30% P.
    (I am not a nutritionist)

    What do you mean by "unprocessed food"?

    That's all I can suggest.

    Those macro percentages are arbitrary. I've lost 60 pounds with 50% of my calories coming from carbs.

    OP, as everyone said, it's been a week and you're likely retaining water from the exercise. Keep with it and if you don't start losing in another 2-3 weeks, then it's time to reevaluate what you're doing.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Make sure you're weighing your food on a digital scale
  • ThomasWright1997
    ThomasWright1997 Posts: 155 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    sw777y wrote: »
    Have you tried eating every two to three hours. It dramatically boosts your metabolism. So have breakfast, then couple hours later snack, couple hours later lunch, then snack, then dinner. Hope it helps.

    This is NOT true. You cannot dramatically boost your metabolism.

    I think the 6 meals a day thing was to prevent hunger cravings and keep you full so you don't snack between meals.

    On the flip side it's also to gain weight because you can eat more in multiple sittings than you can in a few.

    There was also something about hormones or something? I don't know.

    Anyways OP, just eat how many meals you normally do a day.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Exercise is such a small part of weight loss.

    "Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated" A touch contradictory - don't you think? (PS not having a pop at your its just that you suggest investing in a machine, and then say not to trust it.)

    I find my Fit Bit very accurate, however my daily activity differs significantly from what you have described.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    If you have issues with high blood sugars and insulin resistance (T2D), you may benefit from a low carb diet. Eating low carb will help reduce your insulin levels which is helpful for many diabetics in weight loss because insulin helps with fat storage. When insulin levels are high, it is harder for diabetics to lose weight - not impossible but the losses are usually less than those who eat low carb.

    Good luck.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    If you have issues with high blood sugars and insulin resistance (T2D), you may benefit from a low carb diet. Eating low carb will help reduce your insulin levels which is helpful for many diabetics in weight loss because insulin helps with fat storage. When insulin levels are high, it is harder for diabetics to lose weight - not impossible but the losses are usually less than those who eat low carb.

    Good luck.

    Dont make it hard on your self OP
    You can eat everything... as long a syou dont have a medical condition for certain foods

    You just started, it can be water weight because you exercise suddenly so your muscles want to repair
    can be TOM indeed
    Or you weighing of food can be off.
    Open your diary will tell us that too.

    I lost my 101 pounds eating everything. Don't cut food ( groups) out when there is no reason to.

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    And btw...MFP gives you your calorie allowance how much to eat without exercise when you do exercise you burn more your body needs more.
    So most people eat back between 25 to 75% of those calories.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited August 2015
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//

    Are you set at sedentary?

    How many pounds per week do you have it set at?

    If you are set to more active, MFP may be adding calories to your allowable calories, and then you are adding additional calories when you are logging your walks. This may cause you to think you have more calories than you actually have.

    Just guessing.
  • torchita
    torchita Posts: 32 Member
    My goal is set to lose 1.5 lbs per week. and set to seditary due to working a desk job at home. so rarely get any excersize. i also bought a new treadmill so i can walk 2 hours daily since i cant be in the sun or i would walk outside.. i'm going to keep pushing through the next 4 weeks to complete the 5 week goal and hope i see some sort of result.. Alot of the comments said it takes time to show up. i wld like to at least 1 lbs lost from all this walking.. 800 cals a day times by 7 does equal 4000 an that is not even counting the colories i did stop eating to stick withing my daily amount allowed. Im sticking to it for the 5 weeks & hope to see something positive.. at least a pound..
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Open your diary...
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    My goal is set to lose 1.5 lbs per week. and set to seditary due to working a desk job at home. so rarely get any excersize. i also bought a new treadmill so i can walk 2 hours daily since i cant be in the sun or i would walk outside.. i'm going to keep pushing through the next 4 weeks to complete the 5 week goal and hope i see some sort of result.. Alot of the comments said it takes time to show up. i wld like to at least 1 lbs lost from all this walking.. 800 cals a day times by 7 does equal 4000 an that is not even counting the colories i did stop eating to stick withing my daily amount allowed. Im sticking to it for the 5 weeks & hope to see something positive.. at least a pound..

    Excellent plan,and best of luck to you. Stick with it and you'll do well!

  • torchita
    torchita Posts: 32 Member
    How do i open my diary??
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    If you go into your settings, you can choose your diary options, and change it to open.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited August 2015
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Exercise is such a small part of weight loss.

    "Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated" A touch contradictory - don't you think? (PS not having a pop at your its just that you suggest investing in a machine, and then say notmom.

    I'm afraid I wilL have to disagree with the bolded have had my Fitbit flex and I absolutely love it. The calories burned are pretty accurate for me since I can accurately predict how much weight I will likely lose that week and the the math works well
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Not that you need to share this if you are not comfortable, but what are the health reasons why you need to lose weight?

    Someone mentioned losing weight on a 50% carb diet...I would gain several pounds a week doing that. We are all different and some health conditions very much inform how to eating. Keep tracking and see if you can start to spot trends in what does and does not work for you.

    I think that patience is probably going to be the key. One week is not nearly long enough to judge.

    Why so much walking? If nothing else, that sounds like it would be hard to maintain just because it is so boring. What about adding some strength training, some swimming or whatever else you might enjoy?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Not that you need to share this if you are not comfortable, but what are the health reasons why you need to lose weight?

    Someone mentioned losing weight on a 50% carb diet...I would gain several pounds a week doing that. We are all different and some health conditions very much inform how to eating. Keep tracking and see if you can start to spot trends in what does and does not work for you.

    I think that patience is probably going to be the key. One week is not nearly long enough to judge.

    Why so much walking? If nothing else, that sounds like it would be hard to maintain just because it is so boring. What about adding some strength training, some swimming or whatever else you might enjoy?

    you gain weight from eating too much calories!
    not from eating carbs

    Now if you cant eat carbs for a medical reason or life style that is a something else.

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Not if you've got one that clips onto your belt, unless you're a very vigorous masturbator.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Not if you've got one that clips onto your belt, unless you're a very vigorous masturbator.

    if someone sat masturbating all day then I would imagine they WOULD burn 1000 calories - after all, over a 12 hour session, that is only 83 calories an hour......

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Not if you've got one that clips onto your belt, unless you're a very vigorous masturbator.

    if someone sat masturbating all day then I would imagine they WOULD burn 1000 calories - after all, over a 12 hour session, that is only 83 calories an hour......

    I'm impressed you took the time to do the maths :tongue:

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Exercise is such a small part of weight loss.

    "Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated" A touch contradictory - don't you think? (PS not having a pop at your its just that you suggest investing in a machine, and then say not to trust it.)

    A fitbit or other activity tracker is an excellent motivator to moving more. I've worn mine for three years and the calorie burn is highly accurate. I say that because I eat about what it says I burn and I'e been the same weight for all of that time.