True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    So does my walmart just suck? Everything I have gotten from their bakery has been terrible.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sasssy69 wrote: »
    I confess that I dance alone in my classroom during my prep period.

    I also confess that I have been caught doing this by my teaching partner and my principal.

    Everyone deserves to be happy! If I were them I would have just crashed the party.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Sasssy69 wrote: »
    I confess that I dance alone in my classroom during my prep period.

    I also confess that I have been caught doing this by my teaching partner and my principal.

    I do the same in my office. And if its an early morning, or a late night, you might hear the music blaring and catch me working my way down the hall a la Hugh Grant in Love Actually.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    dwrightlaw wrote: »
    I haven't been inside a Wal-Mart in at least 2 yrs

    I had to go into a Wal-Mart the other day. It's been years since I've been in one. I was not disappointed and also remembered why I prefer Target.
  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    edited February 2018
    I confess I even bring my own toilet paper, not a whole roll but I jerk it via the current roll that's hung, 4 arm lengths, then I fold it & place it, into my purse!

    By the way I am the only 1 that uses the bathroom, that I take the toilet paper from! Therefore I know it's clean, otherwise I'd only take via a new roll!
  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    Ic I miss living close to US(North Dakota) cause I do miss the Target there and the Golden Coral.

    ...mostly the golden coral tho.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I confess that I would not go back to day shift if I was given the opportunity to because of the traffic and other reasons... But I really miss the crew
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I love kung fu

    Me too.

  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I confess that I would not go back to day shift if I was given the opportunity to because of the traffic and other reasons... But I really miss the crew

    I would hate to work nights regardless of the circumstances.

    How about cutting an 1hr45min commute down to 30min? Lol

    Did you also ask for a shift differential?

    I get that too... Plus I don't have to do confined space entrys

    It's a sweet shift, just boring af sometimes
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I just figured out why they used to say wrap up your broken rib.

    It's because your *kitten* up rib will poke out...and you need to wrap it back in tightly so that it heals correctly.

    But...BUT...they won't tell you this....a bunch of people started getting pneumonia and dying from this practice because then they didn't take deep breaths. Or couldn't.

    See ya later *kitten* up rib.

    I'm getting a wrap.

    I didnt realize you did a clean break, thought you were just dealing with a fracture. Dang!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I just figured out why they used to say wrap up your broken rib.

    It's because your *kitten* up rib will poke out...and you need to wrap it back in tightly so that it heals correctly.

    But...BUT...they won't tell you this....a bunch of people started getting pneumonia and dying from this practice because then they didn't take deep breaths. Or couldn't.

    See ya later *kitten* up rib.

    I'm getting a wrap.

    Ouch! I sympathize. A few months ago I dislocated 3 ribs. They still hurt and still stick out and I wrapped them regularly. I figure it's going to take a while to heal but wrapping them does help.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I just figured out why they used to say wrap up your broken rib.

    It's because your *kitten* up rib will poke out...and you need to wrap it back in tightly so that it heals correctly.

    But...BUT...they won't tell you this....a bunch of people started getting pneumonia and dying from this practice because then they didn't take deep breaths. Or couldn't.

    See ya later *kitten* up rib.

    I'm getting a wrap.

    I didnt realize you did a clean break, thought you were just dealing with a fracture. Dang!

    I actually have zero clue. I just know it's screwed up, and the GP said he suspected a hairline fracture. I'm not going to gross people out and show the bump, well, to ME anyway and a couple of other peeps I have shown said, yeah that's pretty *kitten* up looking :D

    I have a big KNOT...painful, on the side of my, trace a line down from my left nipple and boom...there it is...something bad.

    I wonder if it has like just flared on out because of something just being ruined or cracked or broken or idk...

    It's been on my mind, and I went to an ortho urgent care yesterday and they turned me away the *kitten* they said they will have nothing to do withing anything related to a car (wtf, really?) I hurt it in a bjj sparring, had a car accident...and then on Sunday was trying to set upright a stone picnic table which fell over which was heavy (bad idea)...and it got all angry, so I was just thinking hmmm...maybe I should actually get an xray of this mofo.

    They told me basically to *kitten* off and I got upset, but I just left...didn't run my mouth as would typically be my habit I guess. Not drinking for some time has helped with this kind of interaction. I just left and went for a walk and walked like 4-5 miles or something.

    I don't really know what I'm dealing with but I have a big bump on my left rip cage...thinking, well, why is because in the middle of that bump is a rib separated from something important and in needs to be wrapped in tight.

    idk if this is true. The issue regarding pneumonia and why they don't recommend wrapping anymore is 100% true, as is why they used to wrap it (try to get all that *kitten* aligned so it heals roughly in the same shape)

    are there another ortho in your area? seems like and odd reason not to see you
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I just figured out why they used to say wrap up your broken rib.

    It's because your *kitten* up rib will poke out...and you need to wrap it back in tightly so that it heals correctly.

    But...BUT...they won't tell you this....a bunch of people started getting pneumonia and dying from this practice because then they didn't take deep breaths. Or couldn't.

    See ya later *kitten* up rib.

    I'm getting a wrap.

    I didnt realize you did a clean break, thought you were just dealing with a fracture. Dang!

    I actually have zero clue. I just know it's screwed up, and the GP said he suspected a hairline fracture. I'm not going to gross people out and show the bump, well, to ME anyway and a couple of other peeps I have shown said, yeah that's pretty *kitten* up looking :D

    I have a big KNOT...painful, on the side of my, trace a line down from my left nipple and boom...there it is...something bad.

    I wonder if it has like just flared on out because of something just being ruined or cracked or broken or idk...

    It's been on my mind, and I went to an ortho urgent care yesterday and they turned me away the *kitten* they said they will have nothing to do withing anything related to a car (wtf, really?) I hurt it in a bjj sparring, had a car accident...and then on Sunday was trying to set upright a stone picnic table which fell over which was heavy (bad idea)...and it got all angry, so I was just thinking hmmm...maybe I should actually get an xray of this mofo.

    They told me basically to *kitten* off and I got upset, but I just left...didn't run my mouth as would typically be my habit I guess. Not drinking for some time has helped with this kind of interaction. I just left and went for a walk and walked like 4-5 miles or something.

    I don't really know what I'm dealing with but I have a big bump on my left rip cage...thinking, well, why is because in the middle of that bump is a rib separated from something important and in needs to be wrapped in tight.

    idk if this is true. The issue regarding pneumonia and why they don't recommend wrapping anymore is 100% true, as is why they used to wrap it (try to get all that *kitten* aligned so it heals roughly in the same shape)

    are there another ortho in your area? seems like and odd reason not to see you

    It was some kind of insurance thing, not to mention the car thing. It seems dumb to me...why have an urgent care who won't see people in a car accident?

    Those are just the people who might have broke ribs or legs or who knows?

    I need to get GP to refer to to somebody else if I do anything. He's a really nice guy...but no xray machine.

    Try to get an x-ray. I waited almost a week after my injury to get it looked at. I thought my ribs were either broken or cracked. X-ray showed dislocation. I have the same bump (but it's on my back). Wrap tight enough to keep them in place but loose enough to take a full breath and you should be fine.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I confess I don't ever read my friends food diary or post my own... feels creepy or like an invasion of privacy. Is that weird?

    I'm the same. It's my business. If I wanted to be all "hey, check out my epic failure!" It'd be public. :lol:
  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    edited February 2018
    I confess I don't ever read my friends food diary or post my own... feels creepy or like an invasion of privacy. Is that weird?

    My diaries, use to be public but then 1 winter, I bought 2 loaves of rye bread but I forgot, to buy salami! So for a few days I ate mostly the bread by itself due to being unable to return to the store to buy the salami, prior to the bread expiring! I even wrote within my diary, why I was oddly consuming bread but that didn't matter, to my viewers! I guess not letting bread, go to waste's an eating disorder! :/
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    The diary honestly hasn't been too much of a help to me... It's such an inexact science imo... Not worth stressing over every single calorie...

    And I refuse to buy a food scale, I told myself once I start weighing my food... I've gone to far...

    The truth is sustainable weight loss (for me at least) wasn't about the numbers battle... It was about the mental battle and learning to make healthy choices for the sake of health...

    I lost all the weight before I ever even heard of mfp by simply staying active, eating lightly and eating healthy... And have kept everything off that I've wanted to

    For me, healthy choices will always Trump CICO
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I confess I don't ever read my friends food diary or post my own... feels creepy or like an invasion of privacy. Is that weird?

    No, it's much weirder to read someones diary you don't know. Good job eating an orange the other day instead of a snickers.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Was honestly disappointed when the above poster unfriended me. :'(