True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Just_J_Now wrote: »
    I’m sad

    Hugs J :*
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    I confess I haven't made as big of strides this year in regards to health/wellness as I would have liked.. but it's probably 100% my fault. At least I finally got a handle on depression/anxiety. About time!

    I also confess that I really, really dislike snow/ice/cold. White Christmas be damned.

    I can relate to this massively.

    Getting a handle on your mental health is a fantastic and huge stride though and maybe it'll help with the physical health/fitness next year.

    That's the hope, anyway! I can't use excuses anymore.. my father informed me a couple of weeks ago that he is also going to a gym and exercising several times a week. This is a man that I have never ONCE seen exercise and he's in his mid-60s now. So.. if he can do it to get a hold on his long term medical issues, I can, too. Can't let him show me up (although I'm really proud of him, honestly). :)

    I am also so proud of my dad! He has hip problems and atrial fibrulation and palpations. He totally beats me at the Parkrun on Saturdays and ice skated for the first time in his life (66 years) the other day! Fell three times and kept going. He did really well!
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    I confess I'd rather snuggle under the blankets than exercise in cold weather; and hot weather makes me too lethargic to workout. There is only a small weather profile that is "just right" for gym
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I confess I haven't made as big of strides this year in regards to health/wellness as I would have liked.. but it's probably 100% my fault. At least I finally got a handle on depression/anxiety. About time!

    I also confess that I really, really dislike snow/ice/cold. White Christmas be damned.

    I can relate to this massively.

    Getting a handle on your mental health is a fantastic and huge stride though and maybe it'll help with the physical health/fitness next year.

    That's the hope, anyway! I can't use excuses anymore.. my father informed me a couple of weeks ago that he is also going to a gym and exercising several times a week. This is a man that I have never ONCE seen exercise and he's in his mid-60s now. So.. if he can do it to get a hold on his long term medical issues, I can, too. Can't let him show me up (although I'm really proud of him, honestly). :)

    I am also so proud of my dad! He has hip problems and atrial fibrulation and palpations. He totally beats me at the Parkrun on Saturdays and ice skated for the first time in his life (66 years) the other day! Fell three times and kept going. He did really well!

    My dad still bowls regularly every Tuesday evening at 67. Complains (because of his artificial hip) that he's not as good, but the man seriously just had surgery earlier this year and pretty much just immediately started exercise as soon as he was able and readily retired from his very labor intensive job. Told me he has been running two miles daily.. which I think is pretty impressive for someone his age who also has an artificial hip, has had knee surgery and is overweight. He's making me look bad, but I couldn't be more proud of him.

    Also, that is awesome your dad went ice skating! Not sure if I could convince mine to do that, lol.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    MrSith wrote: »
    This has to be the most complied amount of ignorant individuals I have ever come in contact with.

    Internet access should have a test before you are allowed to venture on the www by yourself.

    oh yeaaah ?

    well..... potato.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    I confess that i slept in my bed for the second time in two months last night
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    MrSith wrote: »
    This has to be the most complied amount of ignorant individuals I have ever come in contact with.

    Internet access should have a test before you are allowed to venture on the www by yourself.

    Excuse me, I passed the "Are you a robot" captcha thankyouverymuch

    How many times did you screw up and not click all the pictures that had store fronts before you passed though?
  • 123liveoak
    123liveoak Posts: 2,239 Member
    I lied ...i don't like hill billies...too wishy washy for me
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    IC: I probably overreacted yesterday. I did some things that I am not proud of. Maybe I didn't know all the facts surrounding said situation. If I could do it differently, maybe I would. For all I know the woman who cut me off was on her way to pick up a kidney. Maybe blaring my horn at her and then flipping her off was uncalled for.
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    Just_J_Now wrote: »
    MrSith wrote: »
    This has to be the most complied amount of ignorant individuals I have ever come in contact with.

    Internet access should have a test before you are allowed to venture on the www by yourself.

    Are you referring to MFP chit chat? The forum that you frequent quite often?

    The entire site but one does get bored, how about yaself?
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    IC: I probably overreacted yesterday. I did some things that I am not proud of. Maybe I didn't know all the facts surrounding said situation. If I could do it differently, maybe I would. For all I know the woman who cut me off was on her way to pick up a kidney. Maybe blaring my horn at her and then flipping her off was uncalled for.
    Nah you did the right thing....
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member

    "My first step in world domination"
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member

    I can't help but notice it didn't have to pick all the pictures with a street sign in them. Also, DOES THE SIGN POST COUNT????