True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • Find_Me_Again
    Find_Me_Again Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    No one is smelling me anyway :lol:

    I'm smelling and judging.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    I’m almost never serious on here.

    Yup. Few people have me on Instagram and know my life, fer realz.

    Lots of tennis
  • Find_Me_Again
    Find_Me_Again Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    Switch to vaping

    I've thought about it but it kind of scares me. It's too new to know what's going to happen to our lungs. Then again, I KNOW what will happen with cigarettes and I do it anyways :expressionless:

    But, you can smoke inside, without smelling...



    I'm not even going to Google that because I have enough fears as it is. I'll just stay away from vaping :D
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    IC I've been increasingly feeling like a tourist here on MFP forums. I get to read about the struggles and hardships everyone has (and sometimes overcome) in not only their health but also their personal lives and then here I am, just sitting here like "Meh. I can't complain."

    Lowkey humble brag... ;)

    Really though that's awesome! Love to hear it
  • Find_Me_Again
    Find_Me_Again Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    Switch to vaping

    I've thought about it but it kind of scares me. It's too new to know what's going to happen to our lungs. Then again, I KNOW what will happen with cigarettes and I do it anyways :expressionless:

    But, you can smoke inside, without smelling...



    ETA: there's a substance they used to put in the butter flavoring for microwave popcorn and the factory workers got lung disease from breathing it and they banned it from popcorn.

    They use that exact substance in flavoring vape juice.

  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this week works out.

    You got this boo
  • Whybelesswhenyoucanbmore
    Whybelesswhenyoucanbmore Posts: 492 Member
    edited January 2018
    IC I'm considering breaking a "date" with a guy from my gym because I'm a low key pessimist and if (when) something goes awry I don't wanna deal with the awkwardness.
    I LOVE my gym. The guys just okay.
    Why couldn't he keep it to football and beers in a group and occasional hook ups without the group?
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    Switch to vaping

    I've thought about it but it kind of scares me. It's too new to know what's going to happen to our lungs. Then again, I KNOW what will happen with cigarettes and I do it anyways :expressionless:

    Same boat Missy. UGH

    I quit cold turkey when I got pregnant with both of my kids with no issues. Idk why it's so hard now :/

    Different stakes
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    No one is smelling me anyway :lol:

    Maybe you just need to give someone a chance to smell you
  • Find_Me_Again
    Find_Me_Again Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    This is so true! I think when you smoke you don't always notice it but I have a coworker who I cannot sit by, even though I love her to bits, because as soon as she steps into the office I can smell cigarette smoke and it bothers my asthma.

    I always notice :( Not at home, but if I'm in public and take off my jacket I feel like I'm draping an ashtray over the chair. Or when I hand cash to the cashier, I feel like I'm giving it to her with a lit one in my hand. I ALWAYS have gum, hand sanitizer, and body spray in my car but it never gets rid of the scent at all. I honestly feel like a scum bag and wish I never thought it was cool back at 17...
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    eccomi_qui wrote: »
    The vine where the girl vapes and the camera pans to the guy and he turns and gives a nasally “wow”

    Ayyyyyy love vine
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member

    This book was a game changer for three people I know. All successfully quit over three years ago (one ten years ago) and never picked it up again.

    You can buy the book but the fact that it’s on YouTube for free as an audiobook is pretty awesome.
  • Whybelesswhenyoucanbmore
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    Switch to vaping

    I've thought about it but it kind of scares me. It's too new to know what's going to happen to our lungs. Then again, I KNOW what will happen with cigarettes and I do it anyways :expressionless:

    But, you can smoke inside, without smelling...



    ETA: there's a substance they used to put in the butter flavoring for microwave popcorn and the factory workers got lung disease from breathing it and they banned it from popcorn.

    They use that exact substance in flavoring vape juice.

    Whaaaaat.... This should be more heavily advertised.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    My son just text to let me know he has strep. I had felt my throat was scratchy this morning but assumed it was just leftovers from the last 3 weeks of being sick. IC, I *SHOULD* go home to make sure I don't get anyone sick, but I don't wanna use anymore of my sick time.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    IC I'm considering breaking a "date" with a guy from my gym because I'm a low key pessimist and if (when) something goes awry I don't wanna deal with the awkwardness.
    I LOVE my gym. The guys just okay.
    Why couldn't he keep it to football and beers in a group and occasional hook ups without the group?

    Or keep the date and IF it goes south you keep the gym
  • Find_Me_Again
    Find_Me_Again Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a disgusting cigarette smoker. I gross myself out. Hopefully my plan to quit this spring works out.

    I quit and I have been wanting to start up again sooooo bad

    Don't do it! It makes us smell terrible :tired_face:

    This is so true! I think when you smoke you don't always notice it but I have a coworker who I cannot sit by, even though I love her to bits, because as soon as she steps into the office I can smell cigarette smoke and it bothers my asthma.

    I always notice :( Not at home, but if I'm in public and take off my jacket I feel like I'm draping an ashtray over the chair. Or when I hand cash to the cashier, I feel like I'm giving it to her with a lit one in my hand. I ALWAYS have gum, hand sanitizer, and body spray in my car but it never gets rid of the scent at all. I honestly feel like a scum bag and wish I never thought it was cool back at 17...

    The fact that you are concerned about this at all proves you're NOT a scumbag <3

    Thanks love. I really try to be a considerate smoker. I don't stand in the doorway of places for people to walk through it. I stand away from non smokers if they are outside with me. I apologize profusely if they smell it on me. It's quite embarrassing for me. Last year we went to my cousins wedding and I literally hid behind the bush to smoke because I was dressed too pretty to be seen :D