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Food Addiction - A Different Perspective



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    calistizo wrote: »
    davert123 wrote: »
    For any meaningful conversation about addiction I would draw on my (and your) individual experiences and say that my own experience is more valid when it comes to my life than your experience is to my life. Conversely your experience is more valid to your life than my experience is to your life. People that say they believe this or that because of their own experience is cool as long as they don't automatically extrapolate their belief onto other people, especially when their belief about themselves doesn't fit the other person's experience. Its crazy to discount someone else's experience because it is different to my own. The other factor that is often missing in these threads is scientific research. For example there is plenty of research which shows that beta endorphin spikes and drops below a datum when sugar is ingested. This along with the fact Serotonin follows the same course in at least some people coupled with the fact that people's insulin response can become knackered when eating sugar can lead to sugar addiction. Not everyone suffers from this, in fact I guess most people don't. But there is a large minority of people are addicted to sugar to the extent the will get withdrawal symptoms similar to a mild opiate withdrawal between eating sugar and if they stop. For these people the only real safe way is total abidance. This may sound controversial here but there is sufficient science and lived experience to convince me and a load of scientists this is real and it can have serious adverse effects on people (the effects I am talking about are psychological such as depression and anxiety as much as obesity).

    Also an argument against food addiction is that it is natural and we need to eat therefore we can't really get addicted is a strawman argument as the foods that people tend to get addicted to are not natural but man made. I am sure almost no-one can get addicted to fruit and nuts or off the bone meat because we have eaten it for thousands of years. What is addictive to some people is (at least) man made simple carbs such as sucrose and the most up to date research shows that this becomes a serious problem for some people when mixed with a large proportion of fat (bowls of table sugar are far less appealing than tubs of icecream). I'll just add I understand the effect of sugar sensitive both first hand and scientifically but I don't know about other food addictions. There may be some and if people tell me they are addicted I would believe them initially because they are describing something which I have no knowledge of - their lived experience.

    Firstly, but I'm not going to go round and round on this, in the research review posted upthread, it clearly stated that a review of all the literature found absolutely no basis for physical addiction in humans.

    Here's a link to that again. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763414002140

    Secondly, I'll recount my experience again, to walk you through what goes down.

    I was sure I was addicted to carbs, especially sugar. I read The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet and Sugar Busters and boy, did it all resonate with me.

    So I gave them up. And I was sure I experienced withdrawal.

    I will spare you the long, boring story, so the short story is that I ate no starchy carbs and no sugar for almost 10 years.

    You know what eventually happened?

    I started really, really, really overeating avocados, egg salad, chicken legs, cheese, and almonds with whipping cream.

    All of the problems I used to have with carbs and sugar started to manifest themselves with those foods. I could not stop myself. I used to pack up the kids and drive to the store and buy multiple family packs of chicken legs, bake them up and eat my way through them in an afternoon because I had to have them and couldn't stop thinking about them until I got them. Or I'd do the same with the kids but get cartons of eggs and some mayo and celery to make egg salad. And then eat it all.

    So yeah, people do act that way with food that is "natural".


    Well, the reason why is because I had a deeply problematic relationship with food, but a strong determination to avoid a certain group of foods, so I simply substituting one type of food for another. The problem was behavior-based. It had nothing to do with what food I used, it had everything to do with how and why I was using the food.

    After getting to the bottom of all my issues with food, it's really interesting that I can now eat cookies, chocolate, brownies, and egg salad in reasonable portions.

    I'm sure my body still has the same biochemical reactions it always had. I'm positive that I no longer have the emotional/behavioral baggage I used to. That has made all the difference.

    Oh interesting, I didn't see that one. Yes, it says that "food addiction" is a misnomer because there is too much ambiguity with specific "foods" so "eating addiction" is a more accurate term.

    I am much more comfortable embracing the notion of an eating addiction.

    Even though I don't feel that I crossed the line into full-blown addiction, I do feel my personal experience would better fit under the description of a problem with eating rather than a problem with any specific food or food group.

    Of course, that is something I know now in hindsight.

    This has been my experience as well, even though there were many a time when I convinced myself that I was addicted to M & M's, or chocolate, or sugar, and perhaps even bran cereal, but I realized later on that overeating or bingeing on those foods was never about the food itself, but about validating those feelings of self-hatred I had for myself.

    This thread absolutely rocks.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.
  • calistizo
    calistizo Posts: 26 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    calistizo wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    calistizo wrote: »
    Food addiction is a real thing, no matter the term or name you use. The evidence is how certain foods affect the brain in relation to how drugs affect the brain: the dopamine reward centers. When a substance causes a significant increase in these receptors, the person desires it more. Eventually you need more and more in order to feel the same satisfaction and less dopamine increases from "healthier" foods do not satisfy like they used to. If this unbalanced diet started in youth, it's a more deeply rooted addiction. You don't have to be fat to have a food addiction, but just like drugs if there's no interruption in quality of life then it's not typically identified. Here's some sources that review current evidence for it.

    Neurobiology of food addiction
    Summary: First, work presented in this review strongly supports the notion that food addiction is a real phenomenon. Second, although food and drugs of abuse act on the same central networks, food consumption is also regulated by peripheral signaling systems, which adds to the complexity of understanding how the body regulates eating, and of treating pathological eating habits. Third, neurobiological research reviewed here indicates that traditional pharmacological and behavioral interventions for other substance-use disorders may prove useful in treating obesity.

    Food addiction: true or false?

    Summary: Recent findings have strengthened the case for food addiction. These findings may serve to validate the perception of food addiction in patients and inform psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioral, and/or pharmacological treatment for chronic food cravings, compulsive overeating, and binge eating that may represent a phenotype of obesity. Screening for food addiction has the potential to identify people with eating difficulties that seriously compromise weight management efforts. Future research should include a focus on human food addiction research; evaluating the impact of treatment on underlying neurochemistry; and prevention or reversal of food addiction in humans.

    With all due respect, the description in your first paragraph has been addressed repeatedly in this thread.

    Secondly, the two articles you cite are from 2010, and while they represent good research, they're also pretty typical of research in the very early years of investigating the "is food addictive?" question. Subsequent research has been much more nuanced (and interesting).

    Ah, my apologies for being redundant, I just find it interesting how just the existence of a food addiction is still questioned. By definition, an addiction is a condition where performing an activity or ingesting something that can be pleasurable becomes compulsive and/or interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. The dopamine receptor research is simply supplemental information on how it causes a chemical imbalance and has also been reproducible. I just chose the some random scholar.google.com search on food addiction and posted the first couple that had the research I consider most compelling. Here's a more recent one- http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11920-015-0563-3

    In the medical field, I understand that food addiction, or addiction to anything that has a dopamine reaction, is just not questioned in terms of existence. It's existence of a diagnosis tho (especially since it's not a billable diagnosis) is simply to learn how to better treat it.

    Although many people associate the term "addict" with so many negative connotations, that's more of an example of the mental health stigma that is unfortunately pushed on society today. Anyone can call it whatever they want, but the important thing to take away from it is how to address the problem. It can also keep bodybuilders from shaming those who are obese since there's a HUGE difference in how food effects them. Someone who was obese and lost weight will have a harder time keeping it off than someone who has always been fit.

    A. Some drugs like cocaine actually prevent dopamine reuptake, as well as work on multiple neurotransmitters.
    B. Food itself doesn't cause dopamine reaction, food anticipation does. You could addict someone to cocaine or heroin while they are unconscious because of chemical reactivity.
    C. As it appears to be based on actually eating, if one was to label addiction, it would be better to say eating addiction as it is behavioral, not physiological addiction to the substance - for example, I don't see many "sugar addicts" skipping chocolate to mainline packs of dextrose.
    D. Link seems to be a review. I see a lot of references to sugar studies, but to date my understanding is many sugar studies use rats which are faulty for predicting how something with frugivore ancestors deals with sugar.

    A: dopamine reuptake inhibition causes dopamine to activate receptors longer by allowing them to be I the synaptic cleft longer
    B. Food anticipation and food can cause dopamine reactions. Ie: Pavlov dogs and chocolate to some people. The physical addiction which results in withdrawals from heroin is caused by a down regulation of mu receptors and cocaine upregulates some noradrenergic receptors and down regulates others. There's many more biochemical effects aside from the ones i mentioned that together makes those drugs way more addictive than food.
    C. I will let you know when I meet them. So far high schoolers have snorted smarties so I'm waiting to see where that goes, lol
    D. I'm referencing review papers from quick searches, but most of my info is based on what i learned in med school which was usually a review of the latest research.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.

    Great post.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    I think Caitwn's post a couple of pages back is being missed. You don't have to agree on what to call something in order to help.

    I've clicked some urls senecarr posts around addiction. Not all because it becomes exhausting and the thread gets deleted before I get to them. While very interesting reading, science around food addiction hasn't changed anything for me. The white knuckle effect I'm feeling from not stuffing my face with food when not physically hungry is "something". When a discussion is able to sneak in without the back and forth on whether food addiction exists, I've learned a few strategies that help. Just knowing that I'm not the only one has helped. I don't believe I'm unique. There's others that feel the same way.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.

    Very well said, indeed.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    calistizo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    calistizo wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    calistizo wrote: »
    Food addiction is a real thing, no matter the term or name you use. The evidence is how certain foods affect the brain in relation to how drugs affect the brain: the dopamine reward centers. When a substance causes a significant increase in these receptors, the person desires it more. Eventually you need more and more in order to feel the same satisfaction and less dopamine increases from "healthier" foods do not satisfy like they used to. If this unbalanced diet started in youth, it's a more deeply rooted addiction. You don't have to be fat to have a food addiction, but just like drugs if there's no interruption in quality of life then it's not typically identified. Here's some sources that review current evidence for it.

    Neurobiology of food addiction
    Summary: First, work presented in this review strongly supports the notion that food addiction is a real phenomenon. Second, although food and drugs of abuse act on the same central networks, food consumption is also regulated by peripheral signaling systems, which adds to the complexity of understanding how the body regulates eating, and of treating pathological eating habits. Third, neurobiological research reviewed here indicates that traditional pharmacological and behavioral interventions for other substance-use disorders may prove useful in treating obesity.

    Food addiction: true or false?

    Summary: Recent findings have strengthened the case for food addiction. These findings may serve to validate the perception of food addiction in patients and inform psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioral, and/or pharmacological treatment for chronic food cravings, compulsive overeating, and binge eating that may represent a phenotype of obesity. Screening for food addiction has the potential to identify people with eating difficulties that seriously compromise weight management efforts. Future research should include a focus on human food addiction research; evaluating the impact of treatment on underlying neurochemistry; and prevention or reversal of food addiction in humans.

    With all due respect, the description in your first paragraph has been addressed repeatedly in this thread.

    Secondly, the two articles you cite are from 2010, and while they represent good research, they're also pretty typical of research in the very early years of investigating the "is food addictive?" question. Subsequent research has been much more nuanced (and interesting).

    Ah, my apologies for being redundant, I just find it interesting how just the existence of a food addiction is still questioned. By definition, an addiction is a condition where performing an activity or ingesting something that can be pleasurable becomes compulsive and/or interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. The dopamine receptor research is simply supplemental information on how it causes a chemical imbalance and has also been reproducible. I just chose the some random scholar.google.com search on food addiction and posted the first couple that had the research I consider most compelling. Here's a more recent one- http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11920-015-0563-3

    In the medical field, I understand that food addiction, or addiction to anything that has a dopamine reaction, is just not questioned in terms of existence. It's existence of a diagnosis tho (especially since it's not a billable diagnosis) is simply to learn how to better treat it.

    Although many people associate the term "addict" with so many negative connotations, that's more of an example of the mental health stigma that is unfortunately pushed on society today. Anyone can call it whatever they want, but the important thing to take away from it is how to address the problem. It can also keep bodybuilders from shaming those who are obese since there's a HUGE difference in how food effects them. Someone who was obese and lost weight will have a harder time keeping it off than someone who has always been fit.

    A. Some drugs like cocaine actually prevent dopamine reuptake, as well as work on multiple neurotransmitters.
    B. Food itself doesn't cause dopamine reaction, food anticipation does. You could addict someone to cocaine or heroin while they are unconscious because of chemical reactivity.
    C. As it appears to be based on actually eating, if one was to label addiction, it would be better to say eating addiction as it is behavioral, not physiological addiction to the substance - for example, I don't see many "sugar addicts" skipping chocolate to mainline packs of dextrose.
    D. Link seems to be a review. I see a lot of references to sugar studies, but to date my understanding is many sugar studies use rats which are faulty for predicting how something with frugivore ancestors deals with sugar.

    A: dopamine reuptake inhibition causes dopamine to activate receptors longer by allowing them to be I the synaptic cleft longer
    B. Food anticipation and food can cause dopamine reactions. Ie: Pavlov dogs and chocolate to some people. The physical addiction which results in withdrawals from heroin is caused by a down regulation of mu receptors and cocaine upregulates some noradrenergic receptors and down regulates others. There's many more biochemical effects aside from the ones i mentioned that together makes those drugs way more addictive than food.
    C. I will let you know when I meet them. So far high schoolers have snorted smarties so I'm waiting to see where that goes, lol
    D. I'm referencing review papers from quick searches, but most of my info is based on what i learned in med school which was usually a review of the latest research.

    A. Yeah, except you said they actually cause dopamine release. It isn't technically accurate to say a reuptake inhibitor is the same a releasing the neurotransmitter.
    B. No, eating food causes the release of serotonin and leads to a clearance of dopamine. It isn't a Pavlovian response. Dopamine is now often thought of not as the reward neurotransmitter, but the reward anticipation neurotransmitter. In the case of food, it is a system that is balanced towards having animals seek food at greater levels the less recently they've eat, while food at hand leads to settling behavior to sit and actually eat, while lowering the risks associated with finding more food. By comparison cocaine not only causes dopamine reuptake inhibition, it also does so for serotonin and norepinephrine (as you mentioned as noradrenaline). It's a combination of neurotransmitters that wouldn't normally fire together in such a way - both enjoyment, agitation, and anticipation.
    C. It's a contrast. Normal substance addiction tends to lead to take more potent and direct forms of the substance. We don't see this happen in food because it isn't substance based, it is behavioral. Hence eating addiction, not food addiction.
    D. Depending on when you were in med school the latest research might have been the initial rat studies that started the idea of sugar addiction, but later was found to be lacking in humans.
    E. Chemically, we have what are dubbed opiate receptors because we realized they'll accept opiates before we had discovered the opoids in the body that they're actually intended to take, but we don't tend to have issues on MFP of people talking about how much exercise is like heroin. Odd absence, isn't it?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.

    Great post
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Something I see over and over in this thread from people that want to argue for food addiction: "well, you guys are all just jerks who think we're lazy, have no willpower, and don't care about us."
    Think about it for a while. Seriously think about it. You're on a site about weight loss with most of the people here having been in the same boat. A lot of spent a long time writing, and even longer researching these issues, in hopes of having it help people.
    Like if this thread was about depression not be a form of fungal infection, people in here would be arguing how cruel people are for saying fungal infections aren't bad - except no one was saying fungal infections aren't bad, just that they aren't the cause of depression - diflucan isn't going to fix it. Disclaimer: I have depression before I hear anyone complain about the example, but I don't actively have a fungal infection if someone wants to say I don't care about people with them because I mentioned them.

    I feel compelled to say this because I've read a couple posts that say people are saying things like we're saying the people who don't lose weight just don't have willpower, and if anyone wants to say that's what I believe when I say food addiction as a chemical dependency doesn't exist, you've misrepresented me, and I'm honestly offended. I 100% believe that losing weight through willpower is like repairing your car by busting the foot area out and trying to operate it Flintstones style: yeah, you'll get somewhere until you get sick of pushing a car under your own power instead of using an engine! If anyone feels they've lost weight via shear willpower, congratulations, I think you're an inhumanely better than me, let me know if there is a a mere mortal like me can achieve your greatness. Meanwhile, all the weight I've lost with the most ease has come from planning and skill, things a human aren't terribly liable to run out of.
    And so, I post on this board. I don't want people to feel they're stuck struggling with an addiction that steals willpower all day in some Sisyphean exercise. I want people to succeed and have some of the happiness my own success has given me.

    I've said this several times on this board. I'll validate anyone's feeling (you feel addicted, I'm sorry you're struggling), but I don't validate all facts, I hold those to empirical standards.

  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    So, would it then follow that when a non medical person in a non medical environment uses a word that has multiple definitions that we should interpret using the non medical definition?

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm sensing you're trying to be sarcastic, but I don't understand to what you're referring or what triggered the attempt at sarcasm.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    So, would it then follow that when a non medical person in a non medical environment uses a word that has multiple definitions that we should interpret using the non medical definition?


    What is your point exactly?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    So, would it then follow that when a non medical person in a non medical environment uses a word that has multiple definitions that we should interpret using the non medical definition?


    Or would it follow to ask them in what sense they mean it? Or when they say "well there was a study that showed the brain lights happen the same in sugar as the brain lights for heroin", are we supposed to assume they mean a non-medical definition, and ignore their own verbiage?
    Be like Fonzi, and what's Fonzi?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    So, would it then follow that when a non medical person in a non medical environment uses a word that has multiple definitions that we should interpret using the non medical definition?


    OMG! I'm like addicted to shoes!

    Yeah, if that's what people mean, whatever, but when they go on about cocaine or heroin I think it's a reasonable assumption they mean something else.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    So, would it then follow that when a non medical person in a non medical environment uses a word that has multiple definitions that we should interpret using the non medical definition?


    OMG! I'm like addicted to shoes!

    Yeah, if that's what people mean, whatever, but when they go on about cocaine or heroin I think it's a reasonable assumption they mean something else.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Time for a bump
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Time for a bump

    Yup was just thinking that....
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    This thread needs a bump.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Love this!