

  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    lol@tech that's awesome.

    yea I do tech support amongst other things

    I've seen it all, once saw a man who was really happy with his wife apparently and had a video playing on his laptop...I was like Ahem I can see your screen to which he replied "You're Welcome thats my wife"...

    I laughed a lot.

    I had a youtube celebrity call me and apparently she got in on some bad acid and thought we were electrocuting her through the phone and that we raped her and just went off the deep end. I ended up cancelling her warranty and blocking her # but not before I got a lot of good laughs.

    I nearly killed a man once, he was around 70-80 years old and was on his first computer. After spending some time with him trying to get windows to load I asked him for the S/N of the computer. As he leaned down to give me the information he fell and hit his head on his desk. How do I know all this you ask? His wife came in screaming about blood and I could hear him moaning in pain. I sat there for at least 5 minutes thinking I killed him and I'm going to jail for accidental manslaughter or something. Then he gets on the phone while his wife is calling an ambulance and does "now where were we?" .. I explained that all he had to do was hit down on the keyboard and the EULA (law crap) would let him hit next and go away... but yea

    I got tons..can't even think of all of them and some local legends who people swear by

    Person: "My computer won't turn on I've tried everything"
    Tech: "What is the serial number of the computer?
    Person: "Hold on a second I have to get a flash light."
    Tech: "Why do you need a flashlight?"
    Person: "Oh the powers out and I can't see the #" ......
  • busybee507
    busybee507 Posts: 37
    LOL! I have had those moments too! We all do!

    My oldest is a blond so every time she has a "moment" we all tease her a bit about being the only natural blond one in the house!

    For example, when my husband was talking to the kids about fire safety recently, my oldest child (a walking talking barbie doll with athletic skills) says, "I don't understand why they tell you to 'stop drop and roll', wouldn't it just be faster to run??" We all sat there in stunned silence for a few seconds before my husband was able (with a straight face) to explain that 'stop drop and roll' applies only when you're actually ON fire. Otherwise, drop low and crawl out as fast as you can...

    We still tease her and I'm sure we will continue to tease her for some time to come :wink:
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    You are not alone... A few weeks ago my hubs asked me to help him do yard work. I was asked to trim the hedges. I confident I won't be asked again being that I cut the cord.....for the 3rd time!!!!!!