ok ladies, what's a good way to a womens heart???

dave8623 Posts: 61 Member
Just asking :)


  • Ssthrnbby
    Ssthrnbby Posts: 731 Member
    Just be real! Be yourself! And don't lie!
    Smile a lot and listen to what she likes , thinks and needs. :) it's simple
  • Steam_Powered_Awesome
    Depends on the women
    What works on one might/will not on another.
  • dave8623
    dave8623 Posts: 61 Member
    Hmmmm good point,
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Compassion and kindness to others, let her know that you care about her thoughts, always treat her with respect and make her feel beautiful every day! :)
  • priscillam31
    priscillam31 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good morning beautiful texts, or flowers delivered to their job, wine and roses. You know all that mushy stuff but with legit feeling behind it of course. No shady stuff. Show interest in intellect not just body. Some women only have body to offer so they will lead with that but most women want appreciation for the total package.
  • fatgirlclub
    fatgirlclub Posts: 550 Member
    Compassion and kindness to others, let her know that you care about her thoughts, always treat her with respect and make her feel beautiful every day! :)

    100% agree!! I will also add that most ladies want your undivided attention as well. :)
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Good morning beautiful texts, or [/b]flowers delivered to their job, wine and roses[/b]. You know all that mushy stuff but with legit feeling behind it of course. No shady stuff. Show interest in intellect not just body. Some women only have body to offer so they will lead with that but most women want appreciation for the total package.

    I would hate that. It's totally individual.

    Just be yourself, then you'll win over the right person. Don't be something you're not.

  • dave8623
    dave8623 Posts: 61 Member
    Good stuff ladies,
    Keep it coming :)
    "Oh yea don't forget to add me as a friend"
  • kryss247
    kryss247 Posts: 120 Member
    Food :)... and being spoiled
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Be genuine and do thoughtful things.
  • katnroyal1987
    katnroyal1987 Posts: 3,449 Member
    Make me laugh!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Right between the third and fourth rib. A bone saw is best, but a good pair of secateurs will do in a pinch.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    dave8623 wrote: »
    Just asking :)
    1. Be honest with yourself and with her at all times.
    2. Don't play mind games with her head or her heart.
    3. Be emotionally vulnerable. That means not hiding behind walls.
    4. Forget the macho man stereotype drivel that is seen and promoted on t.v. It is crap.
    5. Nothing wrong with a man crying. Nothing wrong with a man expressing his needs and feelings to a lady, without waiting on her to open up first.
    6. Say what you mean and mean what you say to a lady. Don't make her beg you to tell her what you meant all the time.
    7. Never ever tell a lady you love her, unless you truly mean it.
    8. Build a foundation with her. That means grow to be her best friend, confidant, and lover; in that order. Otherwise, you have a house built on sand with no real support or depth.
    9. There is a difference between having sex and making love to a woman. You better be very clear of your intentions, her intentions and heart before proceeding down that path.
    10. Relationships take time to grow and mature. They are a living entity. Take the time to enjoy getting to know each other.
    11. There is no such thing as 'the little things." Everything a man does (or doesn't do) to express how he feels about a lady is big, at least it should be. A lady shouldn't have to wonder how you feel about her and whether or not she can trust you, after you have gotten to know one another. If she does, there is a problem. In showing how you care and how you are committed to her as her best friend, confidant and lover, make sure it comes from the heart, and not because you feel you have to do x,y, and z because it is tradition or because others do so. Otherwise, your big things become empty along with your words.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    Chivalrous men get my heart. Open doors, pull out chairs, pay for dinner, walk on outside of sidewalk, buy flowers.
    Also have a great sense of humour. Humour is the key to my heart for sure along with being easy going. Not too easy going though stand by your values and be assertive with the world.
    Excellent grooming habits a must also. Most of all, be real and consistent.

    I just described my husband ❤️
  • LiveLoveLift48
    LiveLoveLift48 Posts: 379 Member
    Feed her and make sure she always has her supplements....lol
  • EnrgizerBnny
    EnrgizerBnny Posts: 1,081 Member
    First Make her laugh
    Second be a friend let her know how amazing you are by being yourself
    Third Make her smile not just from laughing but compliment her and see how she reacts if she blushes then shes interested

    The end
  • angelxbaby714
    angelxbaby714 Posts: 937 Member
    Pizza <3
  • katnroyal1987
    katnroyal1987 Posts: 3,449 Member
    dave8623 wrote: »
    Just asking :)
    1. Be honest with yourself and with her at all times.
    2. Don't play mind games with her head or her heart.
    3. Be emotionally vulnerable. That means not hiding behind walls.
    4. Forget the macho man stereotype drivel that is seen and promoted on t.v. It is crap.
    5. Nothing wrong with a man crying. Nothing wrong with a man expressing his needs and feelings to a lady, without waiting on her to open up first.
    6. Say what you mean and mean what you say to a lady. Don't make her beg you to tell her what you meant all the time.
    7. Never ever tell a lady you love her, unless you truly mean it.
    8. Build a foundation with her. That means grow to be her best friend, confidant, and lover; in that order. Otherwise, you have a house built on sand with no real support or depth.
    9. There is a difference between having sex and making love to a woman. You better be very clear of your intentions, her intentions and heart before proceeding down that path.
    10. Relationships take time to grow and mature. They are a living entity. Take the time to enjoy getting to know each other.
    11. There is no such thing as 'the little things." Everything a man does (or doesn't do) to express how he feels about a lady is big, at least it should be. A lady shouldn't have to wonder how you feel about her and whether or not she can trust you, after you have gotten to know one another. If she does, there is a problem. In showing how you care and how you are committed to her as her best friend, confidant and lover, make sure it comes from the heart, and not because you feel you have to do x,y, and z because it is tradition or because others do so. Otherwise, your big things become empty along with your words.

    Be my valentine!?!?! :)
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I often hear women claim they want humor but I think they're more specifically looking for word play and someone who's a cunning linguist.