Bikini/Bodybuilding Competitions



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    I haven't competed yet but that's what I'm training for. So while I don't have actual experience to offer, I have friends that compete and a year's worth of endless research for you :smile:

    It's a process. A VERY long process. One of the most crucial pieces of advice I've received is not to rush into it. People that rush tend to do intense cardio and low calories leading up to a show and rebound in a really awful way after. I've ready posts from way too many girls struggle with high weight gain after competing because they wrecked their bodies. A year of training prior to competing is a good route to go. A lot of people end up getting down to a lower body fat percentage and realize they're lacking in muscle. I'm starting a bulk right now. I lean out up top MUCH quicker than my lower body so I know what I'm working with there and don't have that much I need to build on for bikini. But my lower body is a mystery and I'm not convince I have good glute size so I definitely feel a good bulk is needed for me to be competitive. I'd rather spend the extra time that go through a 4 months prep and look under-muscle. I know a few girls that happened to and it was really hard for them mentally to feel like they didn't belong on stage after working so hard during prep. If you've been lean enough (18% would give you a good gauge) to know what you're true quad and glute size is and feel it's good enough, then I'd say cutting to compete would be fine. But if not, a bulk would be a safe bet. So many people think they've got more size than they do.

    Exploring forums will give you a lot of insight. Under the women's section, you'll see a ton of posts by aspiring amateurs. That'll serve as your "what NOT to do." There are some experience competitors on there that give a lot of insight on correct prep within these posts. For me, they're advice has been invaluable because there are so many prep coaches out there that don't know what they're doing and will have you doing 2-a-day 2 hour cardio sessions the whole week on 1200 calories. Definitely get a coach for the actual prep (12 weeks minimum before a show) but make sure it's the right fit and don't blindly follow advice that doesn't sound right.

    You'll definitely find yourself feeling like you never reach your ideal body. I don't mean that in a negative way. But you'll just be looking for continuous improvement if you keep competing. One girl I knew before she started training. She always had a nice body but it's been crazy to see her transform over the years from a standard "thin" body to a pro.

    So much of this. Like every single word.

    I competed in figure a few years ago. I went from overweight to competition in a relatively short period of time (my before and after are in my pics). I really wasn't ready to compete, I didn't do all the well but I learned a lot.
    I loved the prep but it was hard. I was lucky to have an amazingly supportive husband who helped with meal prep and moral support every step of the way.
    I learned how much will power I had, how to power through and just what my limits were. I was amazed at the transformation I made. But I dedicated every minute to it for months on end. It was my life. There were ups but there were definitely downs. It was very expensive too.
    I also struggled a lot afterwards. It was very hard to go from being that lean to "normal" again. I definitely had body image issues from it. I probably didn't go about it the right way either but I didn't know until after. I know a lot of women who have ended up worse off for getting into this sport.

    It was one of the biggest learning experiences of my life, both good and bad. I don't regret it but I would have done things different.

    I agree with other suggestions of hiring a coach.
    And practice, practice, practice posing. I thought I was ready. Nerves took over when I got on stage and I bombed. LOL.