Any D.I.N.K.s out there?



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    atleast 50% of my friends have kids and i do not ever feel looked over when going out or asked to do something.

    maybe your friends kids are dolts but i have no problem hanging around with them or them around us, we have fun regardless
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    My hubby and I have slowly watched our list of friends dwindle over the years. I think this is fairly common with everyone, especially in your early 20s-30s, as people tend to pair up, get busy with careers, and start having kids. Add in the semi-awkward nature of being a single person hanging out with married folks, and the list drops again. The people with kids, however, seem to eventually grow a new set of friends due to typical parenting duties such as PTA, sports, childcare, etc.

    And then there's us. Dual-income, No Kids. We're fun too! We have dogs (and parrots!) that we adore and treat as our furry-kids. We're spontaneous....just load those fuzzy beasts in the back of the SUV and we're off! Or we can leave them at home, unattended, and no one will call the cops! But we're kinda, sorta, lonely. There doesn't seem to be many of us. Surely there are others out there!?!

    YES! I didn't know I was called a D.I.N.K lol I have dogs and a parrot too!
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Mainly because I want this in my newsfeed -

    BUT 2 of my best friends are DINKS (and one will TOTALLY read this soon!) we have kids, but we definitely do stuff with our friends that are DINKS (I just like calling them that!)

    as a matter of fact we are going to Hawaii with them in 60+ Days!! - we're still fun - even with those small people sucking life out of us!!

    I guess my point is ask your friends with kids to do stuff - they need to get out more than ya know!!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    And, then when you hit mid-40's, everyone is single again, and the cycle starts all over.

    Early 40s....isn't happening. Lots of people waited to have kids apparently. I am stunned at the number of coworkers I have, within 5 years of age, who have kids in elementary school (I think they're crazy, but to each, their own). Add in the re-married, having kids with the new spouse, well....bummer. Lol.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    And, then when you hit mid-40's, everyone is single again, and the cycle starts all over.

    Early 40s....isn't happening. Lots of people waited to have kids apparently. I am stunned at the number of coworkers I have, within 5 years of age, who have kids in elementary school (I think they're crazy, but to each, their own). Add in the re-married, having kids with the new spouse, well....bummer. Lol.

    I am 42 and and have a 10 year old and 12 year old - so the younger one is still in elementary school - and again most of the trips etc I do, I do with my married friends that dont have kids - they may not be able to be as spontaneous as you would like, but I bet they let loose when they do go out (I know I do!)
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I am 42 and and have a 10 year old and 12 year old - so the younger one is still in elementary school - and again most of the trips etc I do, I do with my married friends that dont have kids - they may not be able to be as spontaneous as you would like, but I bet they let loose when they do go out (I know I do!)

    Lol, yeah, we definitely have some parent friends who know how to party...they can put us to shame, truth be told! And don't get me wrong, I'm NOT knocking the parents out "work hubby" and his partner just fostered/adopted 3 boys and we couldn't be happier for them...although he knows MY version of baby-sitting will be throwing all 3 in the backyard to play with my dogs, lol!.

    My hubby and I were drawn to each other and our joint desire to NOT have kids was one of the things that made us stick. I just never had a maternal instinct and he was fine with that. We're also military, and finding couples, who don't have kids, in the military is a whole 'nuther ballgame, lol.

    Glad to see there are quite of a few of us out there!
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Me and my SO were DINKS until last year. It's harder to have friends with kids. Before our daughter (I have a son, but he is with his dad often) we were the fun couple. Hanging out late, staying over houses til morning. Lots of parties, lots of fun times, since having our daughter our social life has gone down hill. Mine more so then his since I am home ninety percent of the time with our daughter, he works until 4 or 5pm and then stops at his friends after work until 7pm either way that's the extent of our lives. Friday we might go out (or a weekend night) if we have a sitter, but we definitely aren't as much fun since it's always "Well we have to leave at 9pm and we can't stay so we can't drink, but we're happy to play cards... as long as it doesn't take too long" lol
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Yep! Me!

    31, got a hubs, two dogs, one cat. No kiddos! I'm a business traveler and my hubs is in IT.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member

    Well, hubs and I WERE D.I.N.K.s, until I lost my full time job. Now we're S.I.N.K.s (single income, no kids) - also with 2 parrots.
  • ARCuhTEK
    ARCuhTEK Posts: 18
    Look up DINKS in the dictionary and who do you find? My wife and I. Thank you for the post, your description of the situation with other friends and singles is perfect. We get tired of wanting to go out and do things only to find that our friends can only go out for an hour due to kids...etc.
  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    We are DINKS! My husband and I have been together almost six years, married a little over a year. We both have good jobs, a home, very little debt and three adorable dogs. We do want children in the next year or so. Our friends are limited as well, they either have small children or live far away.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Checking in!

    Wife and I have been together 14 year, coming up on our 11th anniversary in Oct.

    Only "kids" of the furry, four legged sort here (by choice). I'm 38, she's 37. The plan is to stay DINK.
  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    My wife and I plan on remaining the fun aunt and uncle lol!
  • jennibear8504
    My wife and I plan on remaining the fun aunt and uncle lol!

    This is so me and my husband! No kids (just critter-babies) but LOTS of nieces and nephews. Im more than happy spoiling someone else child and then sending them home. That way I'm the COOL aunt... :)
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Kids are awesome!

    I have 4 boys. Wife watches kids in our home as her profession. We have friends who have/do not have kids. We plan things with the kids. We plan A LOT without the kids. We go to Vegas. We go to Disney. We take them camping. We get drunk at all day picnics. We take them to amusement parks. We watch their sport practices and games. My kids are so great, and those kids of my buddies are too, that we have everyone's phone numbers. There have been times my best buddies have picked up my kid to take him somewhere, and left me and vice versa with their kids. I wouldn't have it any other way. It has become a family. Life is awesome!

    Life is too short to evaluate friends based on kids/no kids and what you can/cannot do. Embrace the kids. Embrace people. Your world will open very wide.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Not sure if this counts but our youngest (18 1/2) just moved out. Well, he did this with some encouragement from us. It's nice and peaceful! I guess we are indirectly....DINK's. No pets.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    yes! we qualify! lol
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My hubby and I qualify, We are late 20's and have we have fury cat children. I have some single friends, I hang with from time to time. (Like once every few months or longer) I have 1 friend who is married so the the four of us have gone out a few times on "double dates" I guess you would call it? lol